[Vui Vui] Gia nhập đội ngũ Dominion

Thảo luận trong 'Starcraft' bắt đầu bởi badboy91, 18/6/10.

  1. chocoboXX

    chocoboXX C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bất kỳ ai chơi Terran, không có mặt ta thì ...

    Tuy nhiên có vài câu rất hay :)) ai trả lời câu này và chọn cái gì nào :
    Trả lời : Target :))
    Trả lời : Irritated. They're interrupting my "me" time. End the fight quickly and return to my seat.
  2. thich_la_bem

    thich_la_bem Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    :">.Mấy anh Merine với firebat mà không có mình thì đi đầu xuống đất :">.
  3. creativealtair

    creativealtair snake, snake, snaaaake

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    You Have Been Chosen To Become a Medic

    Your compassion for your fellow citizen is truly touching. Fortunately for you, our great empire needs a few softies to brave the field of battle -- not for engaging in combat, but for tending to the wounded meatheads we’re expecting to protect our way of life. It turns out the medivacs are eating into our treasury anyway; and your loyalty to the empire and love for humanity prove to be valuable sources of energy for rescuing the cannon fodder we send into harm's way. Don't worry. You'll be perfectly safe. Trust us. We're shipping you off to the barracks at 0600 tomorrow morning. You are hereby recruited to serve in the Dominion's combat medic program!

    Sao mềnh giống đại ca bem thế. Có ai có bệnh hay bị thương không:)
  4. plumbbob_twist

    plumbbob_twist Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Tuy là scv quan trọng thiệt nhưng chả thích ngồi lái cái này tí nào.Muốn làm ghost...
  5. __Fire_Silver__

    __Fire_Silver__ C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Thor Pilot

    The Dominion military is always in search of brilliant individuals capable of formulating complex battle strategies. You are not one of these people. But if there's one thing we've learned over the years, it's that sometimes you just need someone who likes to smash things. From your test results, you're a perfect fit for this role. What better way to satisfy your borderline psychotic thirst for destruction than in the comfy pilot seat of one of the Dominion's most powerful weapons to date: the Thor! With this neosteel behemoth at your command, you'll be given free rein to obliterate as many of our enemies' air and ground forces as your uncaring little heart desires. Leave any notions of finesse behind you -- if you had any in the first place -- and report to the nearest recruitment center on Korhal IV immediately.
  6. FiretrUCK

    FiretrUCK Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN Sorcerer

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Làng ven đô
    Mình là lính thợ SCV pilot =))=))=))

    ---------- Post added at 08:40 ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 ----------

    Have you ever dreamt of exploring distant planets and then working overtime there for minimum wage? Well, your dreams have been answered, pardner! It just so happens that the Dominion has a use for your undying loyalty and pathetic fear of the battlefield frontlines. You're ordered to report to the command center on Mar Sara at 0600 tomorrow morning, as we're strapping you into one of our T-280 Space Construction Vehicles! The only exotic planets you'll be seeing are the ones we need to establish a stronghold on and wipe the enemy from. You'll serve your emperor well by becoming a glorified construction worker. You are hereby recruited as an SCV pilot to maintain the infrastructure of our military outposts, supply trains, and support buildings. Now go get 'em
  7. optimus23

    optimus23 Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    You Have Been Chosen To Become

    a Marine

    Pack your bags, citizen! We are ready to save you from your bleak and irrelevant existence. You've proven that you have a tough-as-neosteel attitude, possess the guts to complete an assignment no matter the cost, and are about as smart as the creep I scraped off my boot this morning. A package from Augustgrad will be arriving shortly with your first set of stimpacks. Give 'em a try. But go easy, they've got a kick. We're shipping you off to the barracks for brain-panning at 0600 tomorrow morning. It's mostly harmless, and you will… well… we will prevail. Prepare for the infantry, maggot! You are hereby recruited to become a marine, the ballistic alloy shield of the emperor's expansive colonies!

    ---------- Post added at 21:54 ---------- Previous post was at 21:33 ----------

    P/s vừa phát hiện ra 1 cái là
    "http://us.starcraft2.com/dominion/entrance-personality-marine.xml?rhtml=yes" thay từ marine = các từ như thor, ghost, viking,...v.v >>> bạn sẽ đc NV theo ý muốn hè hè
  8. Ryan_ManUtd

    Ryan_ManUtd Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    You Have Been Chosen To Become a Viking Pilot

    From your answers, it's clear that living life to its fullest has never been a problem for you. While you pride yourself on having survived over a dozen high-speed hoverbike crashes, the Dominion has taken note of the threat that your wild antics pose to the population at large. Fortunately, we've been looking for an adventurous individual just like you to pilot our newest anti-air and ground-support weapon system. We call it the viking, a modern marvel capable of reconfiguring between an air-superiority fighter and an assault walker. You are hereby summoned to the nearest starport to begin flight school. Make no mistake: only the most skilled pilots will ever master the viking. But if you do, fame and glory await!
    Làm Viking Pilot chắc chết sớm quá. Nêu nhớ không lầm thì hầu hết Viking bị giết trong trận đánh đầu tiên
    hình như là trong campaign vẫn có Firebat mà. Chỉ có online mới không có Firebat thôi
  9. coldblood95

    coldblood95 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    viking boyS

    You Have Been Chosen To Become a Viking Pilot

    From your answers, it's clear that living life to its fullest has never been a problem for you. While you pride yourself on having survived over a dozen high-speed hoverbike crashes, the Dominion has taken note of the threat that your wild antics pose to the population at large. Fortunately, we've been looking for an adventurous individual just like you to pilot our newest anti-air and ground-support weapon system. We call it the viking, a modern marvel capable of reconfiguring between an air-superiority fighter and an assault walker. You are hereby summoned to the nearest starport to begin flight school. Make no mistake: only the most skilled pilots will ever master the viking. But if you do, fame and glory await!
  10. pip8184

    pip8184 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    chưa thấy ai có con battlecruiser nhỉ :(
  11. Ryan_ManUtd

    Ryan_ManUtd Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    chắc chưa có ai đủ trính độ lái battlecruiser
  12. ntlam121

    ntlam121 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Lội
    You Have Been Chosen To Become a Firebat

    Well, look who has an appetite for destruction… or self-destruction. We'd just as soon incarcerate your kind for recklessly endangering our way of life, but we trust your insatiable desire to incinerate living things will prove valuable on the battlefield after a bit of "resoc" on Korhal IV. Never heard of it? It's like a vacation for the mind. Report to the nearest barracks at 0600 tomorrow morning, as we want you to don the CMC-660 Heavy Combat Suit and go light up some bad guys. So long as you go where you're told, you'll have your chance to quench that carnal, destructive thirst of yours. Go wild. Show the enemy what happens when they denounce the emperor's authority. Your questionable ethics and lust for destruction make you the ideal candidate for the Dominion's firebats!

    Chết cười mấy cái kiểu

    The others won't need water. They "died in the accident." *wink*

    Credits? What credits? *wink*


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