Unreal tournament 3: TITAN PACK

Thảo luận trong 'Tin tức - Giới thiệu - Thảo luận chung về game' bắt đầu bởi satthuphancung, 6/3/09.

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  1. satthuphancung

    satthuphancung C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    sao mấy bạn khoái nhìn góc nhìn thứ 3 nhỉ ;;) ...
    bạn hacker bình tĩnh, trò này AI của bot ko đến nỗi tồi, bắn với máy cũng điên cuồng lắm :)) . Vả lại do cấu hình trò chơi khá cao nên nếu có thể bạn kiếm 1 phòng máy nào đó chơi LAN sẽ tốt hơn :D

    ps: tớ cũng chưa bao giờ connect vào sv nào dc hết :p
  2. gta-nh

    gta-nh Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Tình hình là ở nhà có 3 máy, cả 3 máy đêu chơi được UT3, vậy liệu 3 máy có thể chơi qua LAN, cùng nhau bắn bot được không ạ? Thanks all::)
  3. satthuphancung

    satthuphancung C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    vậy hoàn hảo quá còn gì :D ....... quan trọng là kiếm ra 3 game thủ có khả năng chơi UT :))
  4. Hacker1618

    Hacker1618 The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    hỏi câu thừa quá,tất nhiên là được >.<
  5. gta-nh

    gta-nh Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Tình hình là ở nhà có 3 máy, cả 3 máy đêu chơi được UT3, vậy liệu 3 máy có thể chơi qua LAN, cùng nhau bắn bot được không ạ? Thanks all::). Mod ơi, em bị double post. Đừng chém tội em, nếu được thì del dùm. Huhu
  6. zindara

    zindara Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Có ai biết ngoài virtual LAN Wippien và Hamachi (hiện đã ban ip VN)
    thì còn loại nào khác dùng chơi UT3 được không?
  7. Hacker1618

    Hacker1618 The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hamachi het ban ip vietnam roi :|
  8. zindara

    zindara Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ủa vậy hả :|, trước giờ dùng wip riết quen, vì gần đây có thằng em tạo acc mới mà không cách nào connect với nó qua wip để chơi UT3 nên phải tìm cái khác. Để test hamachi lại. Cám ơn về tin này.
  9. Tommy_VC

    Tommy_VC Battlefield Veteran

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ai không connect được thì cài UT 2004 vào rồi cài patch, crack chơi online là chơi được hết. Mỗi tội server xa nên hơi lag, nhưng chơi cũng khá vui :D
  10. Hacker1618

    Hacker1618 The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    rốt cục phải chơi UT 2004 mới bắn online được à = =,thế thì chơi làm gì cho mệt::(
  11. Tommy_VC

    Tommy_VC Battlefield Veteran

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    UT 2004 chơi cũng hay không kém gì đâu, chỉ kém về mặt hình thôi :D Bắn nhau với bọn nước ngoài cũng vui chán :))
  12. satthuphancung

    satthuphancung C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    quan trọng là đĩa ut2007 và tất cả dữ liệu về ut 2007 đã bị del sau khi chơi tốt UT3 =((
  13. zindara

    zindara Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Sao ông kia bảo hamachi ngưng ban IP VN mà tui cài vào mở lên nó vẫn bị tình trạng connect không được vậy? Thử đi thử lại cũng chục lần = =

    Có ai confirm là hamachi đã ngưng ban IP VN không?
  14. vaan0011


    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Có.Nhưng nó điên điên lúc dc lúc ko
  15. Mysmind

    Mysmind Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cái link crysis_nanosuit die rồi, Seifer có thể share lại được ko?
  16. seifer819

    seifer819 101st Airborne GVN CHAMPION Moderator ♞ Blade Knight ♞

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
  17. Mysmind

    Mysmind Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    tìm cái mod crysis này mệt ghê, thank Seifer. :D
  18. duabemoiyeu

    duabemoiyeu The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Bergen, Norway
    sory vì đã đào mộ nha mod, nhưng mà mình có ý định down cái này về. Nhiều bác nói chơi online sever bình thường free...thật hay giả thế :-s
  19. vaan0011


    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nhưng hình như chỉ có bản 1.0 thì dc chứ xài bản Titan thì ko dc nữa thì phải
  20. seifer819

    seifer819 101st Airborne GVN CHAMPION Moderator ♞ Blade Knight ♞

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Lúc trước mình có giới thiệu khẩu custom shotgun với do nhóm RuneStorm làm, hôm nay mình giới thiệu thêm 1 weapon pack của nhóm Runestorm mới release, tất cả đều custom hết, hoàn toàn ko dựa trên model của UT3.

    Chất lượng thì khỏi phải nói rồi: "trên cả tuyệt vời" ;)) ;))

    The Crucible Weapon Pack















    The Crucible Weapon Pack: v1.0
    By RuneStorm
    (c) 2009, RuneStorm. All Rights Reserved
    (c) 2009 Nolan Richert, Arn Richert. All Rights Reserved
    Thank you for downloading our mod! We hope you have as much fun playing it as we did developing it!
    This is part of a larger RuneStorm project called 'The Crucible', for which there are also several characters available.
    This mod should give you a taste of the weapons and some of the gameplay features.
    If you enjoy this mod, be sure to watch out for further updates and developments. :)
    1) Requirements:
    You will need Unreal Tournament 3, and have it patched to the latest version (v1.4 at the time of this release).
    2) Installation:
    To install this mod, simply extract it from the .zip file to your "My Documents" folder, making sure that the "Use Folder Names" option is enabled. 
    Alternatively, you can extract each file to it's correct location, which is shown below.
    Once installed, the mutator "Crucible Weapons" will be available. Simply add this to the list of active mutators and play the game!
    The Crucible Weapons replace most of UT's default set.
    3) Files:
    All files should be extracted to the location "My Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\....".
    This will be the case if you unzippd the package correctly.
    Name				Location						Desciption
    UTCrucible.u			(UTGame\Published\CookedPC\RuneStorm\UTCrucible\Script)	Primary script file.
    UI_Cx_Scenes.upk		(UTGame\Published\CookedPC\RuneStorm\UTCrucible)	User-Interface content package.
    WP_Cx_Effects.upk		(UTGame\Published\CookedPC\RuneStorm\UTCrucible)	Effects content package.
    WP_Cx_All.upk			(UTGame\Published\CookedPC\RuneStorm\UTCrucible)	General content package.
    WP_Cx_Hammer.upk		(UTGame\Published\CookedPC\RuneStorm\UTCrucible)	Hammer content package.
    WP_Cx_Sidearm.upk		(UTGame\Published\CookedPC\RuneStorm\UTCrucible)	Pistol content package.
    WP_Cx_Shotgun.upk		(UTGame\Published\CookedPC\RuneStorm\UTCrucible)	Shotgun content package.
    WP_Cx_Assault.upk		(UTGame\Published\CookedPC\RuneStorm\UTCrucible)	Assault Rifle content package.
    WP_Cx_Machinegun.upk		(UTGame\Published\CookedPC\RuneStorm\UTCrucible)	Machinegun content package.
    WP_Cx_Sniper.upk		(UTGame\Published\CookedPC\RuneStorm\UTCrucible)	Sniper content package.
    WP_Cx_RocketLauncher.upk	(UTGame\Published\CookedPC\RuneStorm\UTCrucible)	Rocket Launcher content package.
    WP_Cx_Grenade.upk		(UTGame\Published\CookedPC\RuneStorm\UTCrucible)	Grenade content package.
    UTGameUI.int			(UTGame\Published\CookedPC\RuneStorm\UTCrucible)	English extra localization file.
    UTCrucible.int			(UTGame\Published\CookedPC\RuneStorm\UTCrucible)	English localization file.
    UTCrucible.ini			(UTGame\Config)						Weapons settings file.
    Readme-CrucibleWeaponPackV1.txt	(Help-RuneStorm\CrucibleWeaponPack)			This Readme file.
    x-Profile.jpg			(Help-RuneStorm\CrucibleWeaponPack)			Weapon profile pictures.
    4) Features:
    This mod includes many features and was initially intended to be implemented in gametypes, but we were able to cram all the features into a mutator, making it much more versatile.
    The Crucible Weapon pack, includes 8 entirely new weapons:
    Hammer of Retribution
    Raven Sidearm
    Basilisk Shotgun
    Reaper Assault-Rifle
    Trident Machinegun
    Gryphon Sniper-Rifle
    Hydra Rocket-Launcher
    Scarab Grenade, aka "Pineapple"
    Many features have been added, including:
    Reloading System
    Weapon Recoil
    New Effects
    New Sounds
    Standard Crucible Weapons Mutator
    Melee only Mutator
    Hammers vs Pistols Mutator
    Health Regen with varying levels
    Armor Regen
    Bonus health for frags
    Botlist Randomizing
    Hints System
    Un-Desaturation Feature
    Melee Swipes
    Hammer Combos
    Hammer Skill System
    3rd Person Melee Animations
    AI Support
    Multiplayer Support
    Enemy Name Tag Remover
    Weapon Brass
    Fancy Grenades
    Player Movement Speed tweaks
    Options Menu
    Low ammo sounds
    Crouching improves recoil
    Pain knocks aim off
    Improved Scopes
    Guided rockets
    Splash Screen shows active components
    Randomized kill messages
    These can be set using the mutator 'Configure' option
    -Disable Hints
    	Disable the hints for the Crucible Weapons.
    -Eject Brass (Shell Casings)
    	Toggle weapon brass spawning.
    -Saturation Scale
    	Adjust overall saturation in the game. Higher values mean more color.
    	0 = Default, 1 = Average saturation, -1 = Double grey
    -Use Crucible Weapons
    	You can use this if you want the other features of the mod without the weapons or
    	you are using another method to spawn the weapons.
    -Enable Health Regeneration
    	Enables regenerating health. Health starts to recharge shortly after being injured.
    -Enable Kill Health Bonus
    	Gain a small health bonus for frags.
    -Randomize Bot List Order
    	Improves the bot-list by randomly sorting your chasen bots per match.
    -Tweak AI (Reduce Jumpiness)
    	Forces bots to be less jumpy.
    -Hide Enemy Name Tags
    	Hides the name tags that follow enemies/players around.
    -Don't Replace LinkGun
    	Useful for Warfare for charging nodes and vehicles.
    -Melee Required Kills Scale
    	Scale the amount of kills required to gain level-ups for the Hammer:
    	1=Default. 0=Levelup every kill. 0.5=halve the kills required. 2=Double hard to get levelups
    -Players Move Speed Scale
    	Tweak the movement speed of players. 1 = Default, 2 = faster, 0.5 = half-slow, 0.9=slightly slower
    	Player speed is capped so setting this to very high values won't have much effect
    5) Descriptions:
    Hammer of Retribution:
    Chaos, Demons and Unrelenting Evil. These are the forces with which the mighty warriors of Heaven have contended for millenia. In this battle, many holy tools of retribution have been brought against the hateful enitities of Hell, but no other is as iconic as the legendary Hammer of Light. Forged by Heaven's holy craftsmen, the Hammer has crushed, smashed and obliterated countless demonic minions, leaving a river of divine vengeance in it's wake.
    Raven Sidearm:
    The long trusted sidearm, forever at the warriors side, has proven itself worthy through countless battles. While the Raven is weaker than most of the larger armaments, fighters know that it will always be there should other weapons fail in their task. The Raven is quick, accurate, reliable and a skilled warrior will be able to easily dispatch over-confident enemies with some good aiming.
    Basilisk Shotgun:
    Few weapons can compare to the dreaded close range power of the legendary Basilisk shotgun. While it is capable of obliterating opponents in furious melee battles, it suffers at longer ranges, it's scattered pellets either missing or inflicting minimal damage. Warriors so inclined, use the great force and stopping power of the Basilisk in confined combat or for suprise ambushes. The shotgun does however require a lengthy reloading should the weilder empty the weapon.
    Reaper Assault-Rifle:
    Remaining amongst the favourite all purpose weapons, the iconic Reaper Assault Rifle is foremost. Capable of firing further and with greater power than the smaller arms, the Reaper is also effective in closer range fire-fights. Thus the Reaper is the perfect all-round weapon. Characterised by superior accuracy and versatility, the Assault Rifle functions better in it's all purpose role rather than a specific position, being less efficient than the Basilisk in melee fights and less proficient than the Gryphon at long ranges.
    Trident Machinegun:
    Enduring the trials of time and the Crucible itself, the almighty Trident has stood through it all. A weapon of unrestrained force and might, the Trident Machinegun can fire numerous rounds faster than most other weapons, annihilating any who would oppose it. A weapon for the bolder, and often more wreckless warrior, the Machinegun remains a far less accurate tool, making it largely suited for tighter battles. The high amount of ammunition carried by the Trident means that reload times are inevitably longer than any other.
    Gryphon Sniper-Rifle:
    Provided for the warriors skilled in marksmanship, the Sniper Rifle grants the wielder tremendous ranged firepower. Capable of incredible damages at very long ranges, the Gryphon is perfectly suited to those who prefer to stay out of melee battles and pick off heathens from afar. The weapon is also equipped with a high-powered scope for honing in on distant targets. The Gryphon does however, have a slow rate of fire and carries only a small quantity of ammunition, thus the bearer will need to be cautious.
    Hydra Rocket-Launcher:
    One of the most feared weapons encountered, is the grisly Hydra Rocket Launcher. A devastating and powerful device, the Hydra can launch up to six deadly missiles using it's efficient multi-barreled design. Multiple rockets cover a large area, but are not very accurate, often twisting along drunken paths, while single missiles are considerably more accurate. Along with that, the extremely useful laser-guidance system aboard the Rocket Launcher allows for numerous tactical operations, especially when combined with multiple rockets.
    Scarab Grenade:
    After trial upon trial, the grenade remains one of the most versatile devices in the warriors arsenal. Capable of being lobbed over obstacles, bounced around corners and slid into perilous areas to flush out enemies or destroy them altogether. The true power of the Scarab however, resides in the warriors ability to time the speed and fuse according to the distance of the target.
    6) Credits:
    Crucible Weapons: Designed and developed by RuneStorm©
    RuneStorm is:
    Nolan Richert: Programming, Modelling, Art
    Arn Richert: Art, Animation, Sound Design
    Special Thanks to:
    Alan Richert: Web design, maintenance and support
    Beta Testers: A special thanks to our team of beta testers
    Casey 'Xavious' Johnson
    Bjorn 'Bjossi' Alfredsson
    Marc "Sergeant Kelly" Moylan
    Jeff 'Mr UglyPants' Zingeler
    Copyright© RuneStorm 2009, All Rights Reserved
    Visit our forums for any support questions and general discussion, or e-mail us directly;
    E-Mail:   [email protected]
    Website:  www.runestorm.com
    By installing and using this mod, you agree to the following terms and agreements:
    You may not under any circumstances distribute this weapon mod for profit.
    You may not decompile, modify, disassemble, or reuse any of the included files.
    You acknowledge and understand that this weapon mod or the RuneStorm team or it’s individual members are in no way responsible for any damages or problems caused (directly or indirectly) by installing this mod.
    This weapon mod is not in any way guaranteed nor warranted.
    You may distribute the "Crucible Weapon Pack" mod freely provided all files in the official release are included and remain intact, unmodified and unaltered.
    All content included in this release is © Nolan Richert, Arn Richert 2009, All rights reserved.
    "The Crucible" is © Nolan Richert, Arn Richert 2009, All rights reserved.
    All elements and content included in this file are © Nolan Richert, Arn Richert 2009, All rights reserved. 
    “Unreal Tournament III" is Copyright© 1998/2009 Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.
    All other trademarks and trade names are property of their respective owners.

    Link download:

    http://www.unreal.fr/fichiers.php?fichier=598    [I](click vào[/I] [B]télécharger[/B][I])[/I]

    Cài đặt thì chỉ cần copy paste là xong.

    Đánh giá:

    -Trừ cây búa với khẩu pistol ra thì Perfect. :x :x

    -Chế độ reload rất hay.

    -Hầu như weapon nào cũng có RDS hoặc scope nhưng ko aim dc, tất nhiên là trừ khẩu sniper ra.

    -Mặc định của tác giả gán fuction Reload vào function Horn (còi xe), nên nút L (horn) là reload, bạn vào option -> input -> keys -> đổi nút L thành nút R cho thuận tay.

    -Mutator này còn đi kèm thêm 1 số chức năng rất hay nữa, có thể xem thêm ở readme.

    P/S: Runestorm mới release thêm 1 vài bản mod nữa, nhưng mình chưa có điều kiện thử, có gì mình sẽ giới thiệu sau.

    Ai muốn test thì tham khảo thêm ở đây: http://www.runestorm.com/news.php

    Cũng như bài biết trước của mình, bạn nào copy đi chỗ khác thì vui lòng ghi nguồn dùm mình. Thanks.
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