Thảo luận mọi thứ về Atlantica ver 2.0

Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi Tetsusaiga, 20/7/11.

  1. RohanGame

    RohanGame The Dragonborn Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cái tiên sư #$%$#^@#$ nó :((, bà mịe nó tuần trước coupon dưới 2.5m k thèm mua h` thì....:((:((:((
    muốn đập thằng NX này thiệt zzzzzz.
  2. babylion1989

    babylion1989 Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Atlantica Sikyon
    Dis mẹ cái vụ WP+bless 30days cho gần sát ngày déo đỡ được gì cả.Mà ngày mai với mốt mà ra mount+wing nữa thì bó tay:-ss.Atlas lên 15m không chừng:-ss
    Con mwindo confirm chính thức là merc A staff đầu tiên và 4 skill cực ki khủng bố:-ss.
    1st skll: "Test of Sun"

    -Passive attack skill like Vampiric Thirst/Storm Blast
    -Deals bonus damage, silence the target and cause -MDEF.
    -Also seal physical attack if the target is under effect of "Test of Punishment"

    2nd skill: "Test of Rain"

    -AoE skill that targets all enemies.
    -Use 4 skill cool-down, but only cost 150 AP to cast. Deals very high damage
    -Also deal additional damage if the target is under effect of "Test of Punishment"
    2 skill còn lại sẽ bổ sung vào tuần sau ở korea.
    Tình hình developer muốn chơi cái chiến thuật trừ -mdef toàn diện rùi sau đó chơi AOE:-ss.
    Đây là hình ảnh skill+em nó đây.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 18/8/11
  3. Tetsusaiga

    Tetsusaiga ✯A Sword Unbreakable✯ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Eternal Sky
    Merc A mà lị, ko imba sao đc >:), kì này team aoe lên ngôi =)).
  4. GuardianSaint

    GuardianSaint Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cái này mới gọi là khó đỡ:

    On August 17th, 2011 at 11AM PDT, we will be stocking the pond, and players will now be able to spend their Coupons on:

    1x Blessing License (30 Days) – 280 Coupons
    1x Warrior Pack (30 Days) – 280 Coupons

    Also, for a 1 Day Fishing Event, from August 18th, 2011 at 11AM PDT until August 19th, 2011 at 3PM PDT, players will be able to spend their Coupons on:

    1x Alishan’s Devastation – 199 Coupons
    1x Bamboo Barricade – 199 Coupons

    Bảo sao mà giá coupon không lên vù vù.
  5. cothichchat1

    cothichchat1 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Vừa mua Sheriff hôm qua = 800 coupon, công nhận số mình hên thật, mua coupon toàn 2m5 :D
  6. NVQuangVN

    NVQuangVN Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ngươi nói như đùa ấy team main canon , sher với vampire thì tỉa mấy con ranger trên hàng cuối = niềm tin à , chưa kể con vampire thì heal rõ khủng từ ngày nó buff heal vampire , sheriff xuống sắc rõ lại ra thêm guan nữa nên cũng chả dám chơi nhiều tầm xa =.=
  7. Tetsusaiga

    Tetsusaiga ✯A Sword Unbreakable✯ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Eternal Sky
    Vừa up RAM máy từ 4GB lên 12 GB, log 5 acc éo biết giật là gì 8-} 8-} 8-}.
  8. lovesim

    lovesim C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    @_@ ghê vậy.. cho xin cấu hình máy của em và hdh lun
  9. Tetsusaiga

    Tetsusaiga ✯A Sword Unbreakable✯ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Eternal Sky
    CPU Core i5 Sandy Bridge 2500 3.30Ghz
    RAM: 12GB
    VGA: GTS450 (sắp up GTX560Ti)
    Win7 Ultimate 64 bits

    Lướt game như gió :">.
  10. cothichchat1

    cothichchat1 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Chạy game = lap nhiều lúc muốn bỏng tay :(
  11. lovesim

    lovesim C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    uh cũng phải .. tính ra thằng AO nhiều khi ngốn gần 2G, RAM 12G thì chạy được 5 thằng ... :D quan trọng cái card đồ họa nữa
    mà sao em ko lên lun 16G?
  12. Tetsusaiga

    Tetsusaiga ✯A Sword Unbreakable✯ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Eternal Sky
    Đáng lẽ up lên 8GB thôi mà nó hết hàng 4GB rồi nên mua 8GB luôn thành ra 4+8=12 :">.
  13. dark_slayer_83

    dark_slayer_83 Long Phụng Hòa Minh Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    vẫn chạy 4acc trên lap đây này,chủ yếu là thêm cái đế tản nhiệt nhưng nên mod lại 1 tý cho nó chạy hoành tráng hơn
    DDR3 thì hắn chạy triple channel (3x4GB) k phải tốt hơn sao'grr

    Dạo này ăn nhằm cái giống gì mà xui tận mạng thế k biết,hôm trc treo 200div box thì gõ nhầm 1.1m thay vì 11m,hôm qua tiếp tục cơn điên tập 2 treo 1k coupon với giá 400k thay vì 4m:cry:
  14. Tetsusaiga

    Tetsusaiga ✯A Sword Unbreakable✯ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Eternal Sky
    À chạy song song 2x2GB và 4x2GB chứ ko phải 4x3GB, cũng định xài 4x2GB thôi rồi bán 2 cây 2x2GB đi mà nghĩ lại thấy giờ bán cũng rẻ bèo nên thôi giữ lại xài luôn :)).

    Số ông dark đúng xui rồi =)).
  15. RohanGame

    RohanGame The Dragonborn Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    anh em nào wa titan pvp chơi k \m/.
  16. babylion1989

    babylion1989 Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Atlantica Sikyon
    Patch note tới của global đây:D
    KHông có main học skill của merc:(.
    Three Kingdoms additional TBS battles have been added:

    1) First Naval Battle (Level Required 102, Level Recommended 112)
    2) Black Forest Depot (Level Required 112, Level Recommended 122)
    3) Scourge (Level Required 122, Level Recommended 132)
    4) False Surrender (Level Required 132, Level Recommended 140)

    Normal Dungeons have been added:

    ·In Troy area, [Dungeon: Hercules' Adventure] is added.
    -You can enter through the gate in Hissarlik Hill.
    -Level required is 125, Level recommended is 133.
    ·A quest has been added in [Hercules' Adventure] area.
    -NPC [Hercules] will give the quest, Level required is 133.

    Furniture Store:

    ·Furniture Store is added.
    ·Fixed price of selected furniture is added.
    -Can be accessed through NPC [Georgio] in Rome.
    -Furniture can be viewed and bought directly.
    -Furniture quest can be received from NPC [Domovikha].
    -EXP is given to every player who are in Furniture Store everyday at 10AM.

    Combining Items:

    ·Some Mineral, Wood, Fabric, Misc., Energy items have been combined.
    -Can be exchanged to combined items through NPC [King of Steel Andrew] in Bazaar in Rome.
    -Combined items will either be excluded or have changed fixed price for craft, dismantle, monster drop, fixed price, mercenary independence, box contents, and jackpot loot items.
    -With the introduction of combined items, some items in quests have been changed.
    -Some quest craft items have different materials or names have been changed.
    -Embroidery Thread, Silver thread and Gold thread have been changed to allow crafting.

    Combined Item Details (Old Items → New Items):

    Clay, Copper Flakes → Coral
    Magnesium → Iron Sand
    Silver Dust → Copper Ore
    Gold Dust, Copper Ingot, Platinum Ore, Sulfur → Pearl
    Silver Ore, Coal, Iron Ore, Crystal, Gold Ore → Silver Ingot
    Platinum, Nickel, Mithril Ore, Topaz → Gold Ingot

    Small Tree Branch → Maple
    Bamboo, Charcoal → Pine

    Power of Night → Energy of Atmosphere
    Power of Dark → Energy of Wind
    Power of Midnight → Energy of Hail

    Small Feather → Weak Gunpowder
    Normal Feather, Small Animal Bone → Common Gunpowder

    Rough Leather, Rough Silk → Thread
    Common Leather, Common Silk → Embroidery Thread
    Quality Leather, Quality Silk → Silver Thread
    Perfect Leather, Perfect Silk → Gold Thread

    TBS Convenience Improvements:

    ·Troy, Three Kingdoms TBS battles can now be cleared more quickly.
    -All players in a squad must click? ← I have no idea :S
    ·Training Halls are no longer used.
    -Sight and range are changed to 1 Level upgrades from the base instead of the existing 2 level upgrades.
    ·In a TBS battle, a marking effect that appears before any movement is made, to determine the monsters in attack range, has been modified to be more noticeable.
    ·In a TBS battle, when a Melee character ends the turn without attacking, changes have been made to automatically put that character in guard mode.
    ·In a TBS battle, the problem of vehicles not being created in certain situations has been fixed.
    ·The problem of upgrades not being applied to revived characters who died during TBS battles has been fixed.
    ·The problem of characters getting stuck in certain parts of the map in the TBS battle "Saving Helen" has been fixed.
    ·The problem of the sight upgrade not being applied properly has been fixed.

    TBS Balance Improvement:

    ·The guard effect for Melee characters in TBS battles has been improved.
    -Previously, damage was only reduced from Melee and ranged character's physical attacks.
    -Now, all magic and explosive damage will also be reduced while guarded.
    ·Nearby monsters will now attack melee characters in guard mode during TBS battles.
    -The higher the level of the guarded character, the more likely the monster will attack them.
    ·Damage and defense has been modified in TBS battles.
    -For ranged types, damage has been reduced in TBS battles.
    -For ranged types, defense against melee and magic types has been increased in TBS battles.
    -For melee types, defense against ranged and magic types has been increased in TBS battles.
    ·The range for magic has been increased from a 3x3 area to a 5x5 area in TBS battles.
    -Applies to characters with 120 and 130 upgrades.
    -List of affected spells: Arrow Cascade, Multi Arrow, Chainsaw Blade, Chaos Wind, Break Down, Evanescent Scud, Destructive Wind (Combo), Bursting Beam (Combo), Beast Summon, Mana Trap, Mind Breaker, Summon Machine, Power Saw Raid, Revolver Rush, Green Dragon Glaive, Bomb Attack (Combo)
    ·The area needed to continue to the next battle in the "No Safe Harbor" TBS mission has been enlarged.
    ·Monsters in all Troy and Three Kingdoms TBS battles have been weakened.

    Dungeon Difficulty Lowered:

    ·The monsters in Ancient Aztec City, Lijiang Women's Village, and Jiuzhaigou Ghost Town Dungeons are no longer under the effects of Madness of Tlaltecuhtli, Madness of Nature, and Ghost's Curse.
    -Grace of Onteoti, Secret Vial of Stability, and Jiuyodian are no longer needed in each dungeon as a result.
    -Unused Grace of Onteoti, Secret Vial of Stability, and Jiuyodian can be exchanged for Scroll of Enchantment (No Trade) through NPC [King of Steel Andrew] at the Bazaar in Rome.
    -The Grace of Onteoti, Secret Vial of Stability, and Jiuyodian quest rewards have been changed to Water of Life (No Trade) in some quests.
    -Origin of Darkness, a material item required for Jiuyodian, can no longer be crafted. Any unused Origin of Darkness can be traded for Mysterious Vial: Death from NPC [King of Steel Andrew] in the Rome Bazaar.

    Atlas Ore Function Added:

    ·Various licenses can be extended by using Atlas Ore.
    ·Mercenaries can now also be upgraded with Atlas Ore.

    License Functions Added:

    ·When Blessing License is activated, the death penalty is nullified.
    ·When Hero's Spirit is activated, the death penalty is nullified.

    Gameplay Convenience Improved:

    ·The Quest List window size can now be adjusted depending on the screen resolution.
    ·The Quest List window size button has been added depending on the screen resolution.
    ·When searching for specific equipment in the market, a new drop down menu shows the material needed to craft that piece of equipment.
    ·Auto Move can now be used to go to a town that has never been visited before.
    ·The market price confirmation function has been improved.
    -When the button to confirm the market price for the desired item is clicked, items registered in the personal store are displayed along with items registered in the market.


    ·Guild level is expanded to level 120.
    -In order to increase a guild level from 111-120, guild points in addition with experience is needed.
    -Starting from level 111, the maximum amount of guild members will be increased by one. (Max 60)
    -Starting from level 111, an additional defensive buff will be added.
    ·When a guild is created, reserved, or registered, the search function can be used.
    ·The Travel Agency related help section has been modified. (Will consumption per level changed to 20)
    ·Errors occurring in the whisper window between characters in Titan server and the Main server have been fixed.
    ·The Guild Office-Guild Quest button is now inactive on Titan server.
  17. RohanGame

    RohanGame The Dragonborn Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ai có thông tin box reward của mấy cái tbs mới k :(, chưa gì thấy trước mắt atlas lại lên giá, haizzzz=((.
  18. Tetsusaiga

    Tetsusaiga ✯A Sword Unbreakable✯ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Eternal Sky

    Theo như hình trên thì atlas giá 10m vẫn còn rẻ chán nếu up merc bằng Atlas :)). Lo xúc từ giờ là vừa >:).

    Các file đính kèm:

  19. @@@_@@@

    @@@_@@@ Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hải PhòngCity
    wtf ... atlas h đã đội giá gần 8 9m ... h mà ra vậy chắc 20 m quá 'bang ...
    Cái này bây h đã có rùi @@ ... mấy bữa nay chết hoài mà chả bị gì hết :'>
  20. RohanGame

    RohanGame The Dragonborn Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    @ tet: từ hồi atlas 9m+ mình đã k mua atlas = gold nữa rồi =)).

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