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Thảo luận trong 'Nhóm Update' bắt đầu bởi Gervie, 1/3/03.

  1. FFVII_Cloud

    FFVII_Cloud C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

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    2.38 patch

    This patch won't affect any mods/maps you have installed, BUT if you do have a
    mod installed that changes one of the files the patcher needs to patch it may
    not install correctly or it may even revert the file back to its original form.

    If in doubt, uninstall the game, delete the leftover directory, then reinstall
    the game then the 2.20 to 2.38 patch. That will mean you have a "clean" 2.38
    version that you can mod to your heart's content.

    Changes since 2.35:

    - in coop and mission mode if you respawn you respawn near the highest
    objective complete
    - better syncronized allies
    - map voting works reliably now
    - for coop and mission mode games, the maps go in order of the file list, not
    the natural map order from single player
    - in coop you can join the game at any time even if lives are being counted
    - fixed problem where the time before a map started in mp was some huge number
    - fixed starting in the same place every time when using ctf maps in dm
    - fixed a few crashes and a few problems with people not able to join a game in
    - changed a few error messages to be more clear
    - added med kits and some items to a few missions
    - in mission mode, defenders can no longer pull the alarm on mission 6 to make
    the attackers immediately lose

    Changes since 2.20:

    - Fixed many multiplayer crashes
    - Optimized bandwidth usage
    - Made squad follow better in Deathmatch and CTF multiplayer modes
    - Small map tweaks (exit zones on several maps made larger)
    - Sound fixes (bazooka now plays reload sound)
  2. FFVII_Cloud

    FFVII_Cloud C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

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    Deadly Dozen 2 v2.35-v2.38 Unofficial Patch
    Filename:ddozen2patch-235to238.exeAuthor:n-FusionSize:4.8 MBN/AReader Rating:Date:4/18/2003(Not rated)Downloads:19
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    This is an unoffical patch from n-Fusion addressing a few issues. This release is unsupported "because multiplayer save/load never worked very well".
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    This patch won't affect any mods/maps you have installed, BUT if you do have a
    mod installed that changes one of the files the patcher needs to patch it may
    not install correctly or it may even revert the file back to its original form.

    If in doubt, uninstall the game, delete the leftover directory, then reinstall
    the game then the 2.20 to 2.38 patch. That will mean you have a "clean" 2.38
    version that you can mod to your heart's content.

    Changes since 2.35:

    - in coop and mission mode if you respawn you respawn near the highest
    objective complete
    - better syncronized allies
    - map voting works reliably now
    - for coop and mission mode games, the maps go in order of the file list, not
    the natural map order from single player
    - in coop you can join the game at any time even if lives are being counted
    - fixed problem where the time before a map started in mp was some huge number
    - fixed starting in the same place every time when using ctf maps in dm
    - fixed a few crashes and a few problems with people not able to join a game in
    - changed a few error messages to be more clear
    - added med kits and some items to a few missions
    - in mission mode, defenders can no longer pull the alarm on mission 6 to make
    the attackers immediately lose
  3. FFVII_Cloud

    FFVII_Cloud C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

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    Half-Life Client (Full Client)
    Essential File
    Filename:hl1110.exeAuthor:Valve SoftwareSize:82 MBReader Rating:Date:7/25/2002(3.3/5.0 - 1974 votes)Downloads:2,744,887
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    The file will update your version of Half-Life to version, regardless of what version you currently have installed. Also within the update is the Ricochet Mod for Half-Life that changes the standard first-person style to a third-person game with TRON deadly disc-like game play.
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    Half-Life Version


    - Ricochet included in this release.
    - Added logging of the anti-cheat system catching and kicking detected cheats.
    - Added logging of "kick" commands.
    - Added logging of "banid" commands.
    - Changed error message if clients try to download missing resources to be more

    - Changed 'exec' command now only works on .cfg and .rc files.
    - Changed 'exec' command no longer allows ".." or "\\" or ":" in the filename.
    - Added new debug message for mod makers if a packet couldn't be parsed

    - Linux: hlds_run now does auto-restart by default (to disable: define

    "-norestart" on the command line)
    - Linux: hlds_run uses "exec" when you define the "-norestart" option.
    - Linux: Added -pingboost command line parameter. Currently supports three

    different methods ('-pingboost 1', '-pingboost 2', and 'pingboost 3'). These

    may not work well (or at all) on some OS environments.
    - Linux: Added "-debug" flag to hlds_run to automatically run gdb and pull out

    useful info.

    New CVARS:
    - Added "serverversion", can be set to '1108' to view/re-record old demos.
    - Added "sv_logbans" to turn the logging of player bans on and off. Default is

    0 (off).

    Bug Fixes:
    - Fixed incorrect WonID logging.
    - Fixed sv_allowdownload being required to be set to 1 for clients to connect to

    secure servers.
    - Fixed 'bad address type' fatal error on servers that attempt to run in secure

    mode but have no DNS resolution.
    - Fixed DropClient messages for Steam clients who were banned or have a

    duplicate Steam ID to properly show the SteamID of the client.
    - Fixed HLTV reporting wrong spectator numbers if connection to server was

    - Fixed "multicast 1" not working if it was issued before HLTV connected to game

    - Fixed relay proxies reporting wrong spectator/slots numbers in multiplayer/LAN

    - Fixed DMC powerup bug where the invisibility ring would make people glow red.
    - Fixed rcon bug in HLTV.
    - Fixed delay being reset to default value during changelevel.
    - Fixed a problem with propagating HLTV banners.
    - Fixed client freeze on exit.
    - Fixed framerate problem on some ATI video cards.
    - Fixed MaxPing filter not being saved correctly.
    - Fixed sky box bug.
    - Fixed TFC spy disguise menu bug.
    - Fixed DMC view model animation bug.
    - Fixed bug using "exec " on large files (e.g. banned.cfg).
    - Linux: Fixed server using 64 MB more memory than it needed to.
    - Linux: Fixed 'undefined symbol: __strtouq_internal' on some Linux systems.
    - Linux: Fixed segmentation fault on some Linux systems when attempting to run in secure mode.
  4. FFVII_Cloud

    FFVII_Cloud C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

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    Day of Defeat 1.0
    Filename:dod_v10.exeAuthor:Day of Defeat TeamSize:173.1 MBReader Rating:Date:5/1/2003(3.7/5.0 - 1087 votes)Downloads:489,178
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    Day of Defeat is a World War II multiplayer total conversion of "Half-life." DoD attempts to recreate WWII battles in both fictional and non-fictional environments. DoD puts you in the shoes (rather, combat boots!) of either an Allied or Axis soldier circa 1944, Western Europe.

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    v3.1 fixes:

    - added anti-cheat protection
    - fixed textures problem in basic.wad
    - fixed para round timer not ending round on 0:00
    - fixed +Use exploit
    - added garand\carbine selection to light inf. in normal dod gameplay
    - added thompson\grease gun selection to assault inf. in normal dod
    - added k43\kar selection to light inf. in normal dod gameplay
    - took away 1 grenade from axis light inf.
    - fixed switching classes while dying sets reinforcements to 0:00
    - added K43 normal gameplay sleeve texture in coding
    - added\Edited Vgui class menus and pics
    - new Bar model tweak
  5. FFVII_Cloud

    FFVII_Cloud C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

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    Battlefield: 1942 v1.31 Patch
    Essential File
    Filename:battlefield_1942_patch_v1.31.exeAuthor:EA GamesSize:46.9 MBReader Rating:Date:3/7/2003(3.1/5.0 - 1052 votes)Downloads:400,565
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    Version 1.31 of Battlefield: 1942 fixes a number of bugs patch, including sound and co-op fixes. See more information for full details.
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    Network/Server Fixes

    -We fixed a crash in co-op mode when restarting the map - this crash was known to occur right after a map switch

    -We removed the default Remote Admin Password for servers - there was a default password in place that could be used as an exploit

    -We changed the object collision system to prevent exploits involving players hiding inside of objects - more widely known as the "Coral Sea" bug

    Client Fixes
    -We locked out an exploit to prevent users from seeing through walls.

    Sound Fixes
    -We modified several attributes of the sound system to provide better sound performance. If you still experience problems, be sure to consult our guide below
  6. FFVII_Cloud

    FFVII_Cloud C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

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    Rise of Nations v1.01 Patch
    Filename:ronpatch.exeAuthor:MicrosoftSize:6.5 MBReader Rating:Date:5/30/2003(2.4/5.0 - 5 votes)Downloads:564
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    The Rise of Nations update v1.01 improves the multiplayer GameSpy user interface. This manual patch is only necessary if you are having trouble autopatching the game.

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