PSVita NEWS | Never Stop Playing

Thảo luận trong 'Sony' bắt đầu bởi gamecosmetic, 10/2/12.

  1. trabbmaster1

    trabbmaster1 Donkey Kong

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    Tin đồn Mh sẽ có phiên bản cho vita trong năm nay đã bị bác nhé . Hic
    Recently Capcom announced that Monster Hunter 4 release has been delayed from March 2013 into Summer. No reason was revealed by Capcom for this delay, however according to rumors doing around on the internet, Capcom delay Monster Hunter 4 so that development work on PS VITA port could be started.Capcom Senior Vice President Christian Svensson has squashed this rumor and hinted that there's hardly any chance Monster Hunter 4 will leave 3DS.On Capcom Unity, Svensson said, "I would not believe everything you read on the internet. It will set you up for disappointment or misdirected frustration."Select ratingPoorOkayGoodGreatAwesomePoorOkayGoodGreatAwesome
  2. nota179

    nota179 Legend of Zelda

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    giờ chờ cái fishing hook và harvest moon lên vita thôi hix
    tuần này vita có game mới Escapevektor (puzzle) và demo sonic racing nhé
    cái gameplay The Cave của PS3 nhìn hấp dẫn mà không có trên Vita nhỉ :2cool_sad:
  3. ~Scarless~


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    Chú ý: Phải biết tôn trọng luật, không được chat chit bàn luận trong topic này.
  4. nota179

    nota179 Legend of Zelda

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    PS Vita Reels in Let’s Fish! Hooked on January 29th (19.99$)
    Anticipation is a great thing, and through design or necessity, we’ve kept you all on tenterhooks regarding the release date of the PS Vita’s first full-scale fishing game. And so it is with a great sense of relief, and excitement, that we are finally able to announce today that Let’s Fish! Hooked On will be making a splash on PSN, for PS Vita, on January 29th.

    Combining realistic fishing action with fast arcade style game play using the PS Vita touchscreen, Let’s Fish! Hooked On comes with a full story mode and aims to make fishing fun for everyone. Choosing between four different anime-styled characters, each with their own story line and unique abilities, players are challenged to improve their skills by competing in a host of progressively difficult tournaments in their bid to win the World Tour.
    The game, which has been developed by the team behind SEGA Bass Fishing and Ape Escape (PSP), is split into four different game modes, World Tour, with its character-driven story line; Challenge, for quick short-bursts of fishing action; Training, to help develop your skills; and Underwater Mode, which lets you view your prized catches. All modes are designed to make use of PS Vita‘s fantastic features. There are also online rankings and Trophies to collect, including the prestigious Platinum Trophy.
    We hope you’ll enjoy this fun, quirky PS Vita game and are all set to tackle Let’s Fish! Hooked On when it launches on PSN for $19.99.

    Vậy là tuần sau có game câu cá, phát hành sớm hơn 1 tuần so với lịch ban đầu nha anh em
  5. Yukira88

    Yukira88 Mega Man

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    Bears Holy Land
    More Phantasy Star 2 Online Invite Codes to be sent today.


    As of today, we had two beta tests, one on the 15th, and another on the 17th. The beta didn’t suffer from any major problems and was for the most part stable. Despite 3G connections having some lag, there weren’t any major problems along that way either.

    Compared to previous beta tests, the Vita Beta test went along smoothly. Because of this, they will examine whether they will add more players to the test starting next week. If it continues to be stable during the weekend, they’ll even consider extending the playtime for the Beta Test.

    After examining posts around twitter (and forums) Sakai wants to address the following points:

    If you want to chat, you have to long press the chat icon at the lower right corner of the screen.

    操作設定 Control Settings Screen

    If you want your controls to be similar to the PC Gamepad, follow this tip. In the options screen, the first entry “操作設定” lets you change your control type.

    通常視点操作 Normal POV

    Below this entry you’ll see タイプ1 Type 1 and タイプ2 Type 2. By default Type 1 has similar controls to the Portable Series. Type 2 is more in line with the PC Gamepad. Type 2 could come in handy for those who are annoyed with dodge rolling and picking up items.

    You can enter TPS style by pressing the right arrow key, and again to disable it. You can press the left key to activate/deactivate autorun.

  6. Yukira88

    Yukira88 Mega Man

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    Bears Holy Land
  7. zaizai_88

    zaizai_88 C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

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    cái Dead or live va` takken, bọn DW nó đang gia công đấy.
  8. nota179

    nota179 Legend of Zelda

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    Divekick Coming to PSN and PSVita this Spring!
  9. ~Scarless~


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    Persona 4 Golden dành cho khu vực EU sẽ đến sớm hơn 2 ngày

    [JUSTIFY]NIS America đã công bố sẽ ra mắt Person 4 sớm hơn 2 ngày cho người chơi ở EU trên hệ Vita.[/JUSTIFY]

    Game thủ EU sẽ được chạm tay vào Persona 4 Golden sớm hơn 2 ngày

    [JUSTIFY]Ngày phát hành Persona 4 Golden vừa được công bố vào đầu tuần này, Persona 4 Golden sẽ chính thức lên kệ vào ngày 22/2 ở EU và trên hệ Vita. Nhưng hôm nay NIS America đã khẳng định trò chơi sẽ ra mắt sớm hơn 2 ngày thông qua PlayStation Store và 2 ngày sau đó sẽ có mặt tại các cửa hàng bán lẻ.[/JUSTIFY]


    [JUSTIFY]Persona 4 Golden là 1 bản remake từ Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 trên hệ PS2. Megami Tensei: Persona 4 ra mắt tháng 6/2011 tại Nhật và 11/2011 tại Mỹ, tựa game được đánh giá cao trong giới chuyên môn và cũng đạt được thành công về doanh thu ở cả 2 khu vực. Tại Nhật 137,076 bản đã được bán ra ngay trong tuần đầu ra mắt.

    Phần cứng mạnh mẽ của Vita đã giúp cho Atlus ít gặp khó khăn hơn trong việc mở rộng trò chơi. Persona 4 Golden sẽ được bổ sung thêm nhiều tính năng, các tình tiết mới trong cốt truyện. Trò chơi sẽ có thêm một nhân vật mới tên là Marie, Thêm persona, trang phục, các đoạn hội thoại, anime cắt cảnh nhờ việc bổ sung thêm 2 Social Links của Marie và Tohru Adachi. Phiên bản Vita cũng sẽ có mục chơi mạng, cho phép kêu gọi hỗ trợ từ người chơi khác nếu gặp khó khăn trong Dungeon.[/JUSTIFY]


  10. Yukira88

    Yukira88 Mega Man

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    Bears Holy Land
  11. Yukira88

    Yukira88 Mega Man

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    Bears Holy Land



    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 26/1/13
  12. Yukira88

    Yukira88 Mega Man

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    Bears Holy Land
    Killzone Mercenary details from Polish magazine, showing back up this week



    - Engine is nearly 1:1 from PS3 version
    - They added a few new gimmicks to the engine, so they can utilize more PS Vita
    - Game is gorgeous, clear and crispy textures, big draw distances
    - Character models are awesome, the same with animation
    - Stable FPS even with gigantic action inside levels
    - Literally - game is like portable Killzone 3, looking better than Uncharted.
    - Killzone is made for handheld, fast paced missions, not too long. Just enough to jump in the bus, play one merc mission, pause game, put Vita to stand-by mode and finish later.

    Bonus Tearaway
    [spoil][​IMG] [/spoil]
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 28/1/13
  13. Yukira88

    Yukira88 Mega Man

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    Bears Holy Land
  14. Yukira88

    Yukira88 Mega Man

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    Bears Holy Land
  15. huuphuoc999

    huuphuoc999 Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

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    Ho Chi Minh City
    Bản SIGMA2 + này có lẽ là sự kết hợp giữa bản Xbox với ps3 bao gồm là chặt rớt tay rớt chân trên xbox và những màn chơi ps3 với Linh tinh mới thêm cho vita.

    Xét cho cùng thì ... Phải mua thôi :)). Bản US
  16. VenoSama

    VenoSama Mario & Luigi

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    hy vọng độ khó vẫn giữ nguyên như bản 1 thì tốt , chứ làm khó hơn nữa đến đập cái máy Vita quá =))
  17. Yukira88

    Yukira88 Mega Man

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    đề nghị ko chat chit ở topic news
  18. Yukira88

    Yukira88 Mega Man

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    Bears Holy Land

    KillZone Vita


    Sony has released new information for Killzone: Mercenary, first-person shooter Killzone series, developed specifically for PlayStation Vita using the wonderful graphics engine Killzone 3.

    The history of the title begins immediately after the end of the first Killzone, and follows many of the events of the trilogy in the saga. The game puts you in the combat boots worn by a mercenary called ArranDanner. Darren is an ex-soldier UCA which has no problem accepting commissioned works by the ISA and Helghast.
    When a simple rescue mission Vektan Ambassador and his family goes the wrong, Danner understands that exist of the war depends on the fate of the young son of the Ambassador. While the two sides are trying in every way to seize the boy, Darren starts to wonder if the price of victory really worth his pay.

    Consists of nine single-player missions - lasting about one hour each - Killzone: Mercenary offers all in a portable gaming experience that made famous the Killzone franchise. Completed missions are replayable, enriched with new challenges and special objectives. In addition, the title boasts a multiplayer mode, with six maps tailored to accommodate eight players and three different game modes, including the famous Warzone mode.

    To stay in line with the theme of "mercenary", every action done in Killzone: Mercenary is rewarded. The better your performance, the higher your pay - not only in the single-player campaign, but also in multiplayer mode. The wages you receive are stored in a single bank account and the money accumulated can be used to buy weapons and equipment for use in multiplayer matches, and vice versa.

    Killzone: Mercenary uses the possibilities of control offered by PlayStation Vita and its graphics capabilities. The dual stick controls, the classic first-person shooter, are accompanied by the touch screen to unleash brutal attacks short-range and motion sensor that allows you to take better aim when you need maximum precision. The game uses the graphics engine of Killzone 3 in order to create huge environments with an impressive amount of detail. But do not just believe our own words, look at the trailer above and look at the screenshot below: The release of Killzone: Mercenary is scheduled for September 2013.

    In the next weeks we'll have an exclusive interview with Piers Jackson, Game Director, and we'll have a better look at the multiplayer mode.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 31/1/13
  19. transyphu

    transyphu Legend of Zelda

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    Đất là nhà
    Killzone Mercenary - Exclusive Gameplay Reveal - A Guide to Weaponry
  20. Hoursea

    Hoursea Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

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    Killzone Mercenary - "War is our Business" Trailer


    Killzone Mercenary - Exclusive Gameplay Reveal - A Guide to Weaponry


    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 31/1/13

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