Only Scrip TrueBot + Legn@

Thảo luận trong 'Hộp lưu trữ' bắt đầu bởi nmt_l, 7/3/06.

Trạng thái chủ đề:
Không mở trả lời sau này.
  1. chimcu

    chimcu Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ai help mình cái agi bot 2 ton trong và 1 gà ko? mình để mọi agi rồi mà ko tài nào lên điểm được, 1 gà 1 tt là 400+ mà 1 gà 2 tt vẫn là 400+ chẳng hơn được điểm exp j cả. ai chỉ rùm với nha
  2. Nuub

    Nuub Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    double DisconnectFlag = 0.3;     // Disconnect when current HP is below 30% 
    double hpFractionEat = 0.8;    //Eat HP when current HP<= 80% 
    double spFractionEat = 0.8; 
    double hpFraction = 0.95;        //Eat until current HP >= 95 % 
    double spFraction = 0.95; 
    byte DisconFai = 00;        //    Faith of warrior to disconnect 
    byte battle_count = 0; 
    byte NS_count = 0; 
    byte myturn = 0; 
    byte peturn = 0; 
    byte pt1 = 0; 
    byte pt2 = 0; 
    byte pt3 = 0; 
    byte pt4 = 0; 
    double mapid1 = 12421;   
    double mapid2 = 12815;  
    byte warpid1 = 2;  
    byte warpid2 = 1;
    /***** Chinh sua ID Member o day *****/ 
    uint idmem1 = 1825092; 
    uint idmem2 = 1596006; 
    uint idmem3 =02206175 ;
     uint idmem4_sena =1282311; 
    /*********************** My Attack *************************/ 
    public override void MyAttack() 
    if (myturn == 1) 
    CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character;  
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();     
    ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 3, 17001);     
    if (myturn ==2) 
    CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character;  
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();     
    ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 4, 17001); 
    if (myturn >=3) 
    CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character;  
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();     
    ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 3, 10000); 
    /******************* My Partner Attack *********************/ 
    public override void MyPartnerAttack() 
    if (peturn == 1) 
    CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner;  
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();     
    ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 1, 12003); 
    if (peturn >= 2) 
    CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner;  
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();     
    ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 4, 17001); 
    /********************* Battle Started **********************/ 
    public override void BattleStarted() 
    myturn = 0; 
    peturn = 0; 
    /********************* Battle Stoped ***********************/ 
    public override void BattleStoped() 
    /******************* Receive Question *********************/ 
    public override void doRecvQuestion() 
    /******************** Response Answer **********************/ 
    public override void ResponseAnswer() 
    string tmp=ts.LastQuestion.Replace("=?",""); 
    int ans=ts.Eval(tmp); 
    byte ans_index=Convert.ToByte(ts.LastAnswers[ans.ToString()]);     
    /******************** NPC Dialog Menu **********************/ 
    public override void NpcDialogMenu(ushort DialogId) 
    debug("Dialog Menu ID = "+DialogId.ToString()); 
    /********************* NPC Dialog ID ***********************/ 
    public override void NpcDialog(ushort DialogId) 
    debug("Dialog ID = "+DialogId.ToString()); 
    /********************* On NPC Appear ***********************/ 
    public override void onNPCAppear(ushort npcmapid, int x, int y) 
    /************************ On Timer *************************/ 
    public override void OnTimer() 
    if (pt1 == 0) {ts.AcceptParty(idmem1);} 
    if (pt2 == 0) {ts.AcceptParty(idmem2);} 
    if (pt3 == 0) {ts.AcceptParty(idmem3);} 
    if (pt4 == 0) {ts.AcceptParty(idmem4_sena);} 
    /********************* Accepted Party **********************/ 
    public override void AcceptedParty(uint playerid) 
    if (playerid == idmem1)       {debug(playerid + "  Gia nh?p d?i ngu");pt1 = 1;} 
    if (playerid == idmem2)       {debug(playerid + "  Gia nh?p d?i ngu");pt2 = 1;} 
    if (playerid == idmem3)       {debug(playerid + "  Gia nh?p d?i ngu");pt3 = 1;} 
    if (playerid == idmem4_sena)  {debug(playerid + "  Gia nh?p d?i ngu");pt4 = 1; 
                                   ts.Sena(idmem4_sena);debug(playerid + "  Làm Quân Su");} 
    if (pt1 ==1 && pt2 == 1 && pt3 == 1 && pt4 == 1) {ts.SetTimerOnOff(false);ts.delay(1000);debug("Ð?i ngu dã d?y -> Start");Start();} 
    /*********************** Party Stop ************************/ 
    public override void PartyStop(uint playerid) 
    if (playerid == idmem1)      {debug(playerid+"  R?i kh?i d?i ng? -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();} 
    if (playerid == idmem2)      {debug(playerid+"  R?i kh?i d?i ng? -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();} 
    if (playerid == idmem3)      {debug(playerid+"  R?i kh?i d?i ng? -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();} 
    if (playerid == idmem4_sena) {debug(playerid+"  R?i kh?i d?i ng? -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();} 
    /********************** Warp Finish ************************/ 
    public override void warpFinish() 
    /************************* Start ***************************/ 
    public override void Start() 
    if (ts.Character.mapid == mapid1) {  
    } else 
    if (ts.Character.mapid == mapid2) {  
    /************************** Stop ***************************/ 
    public override void Stop() 
     for(byte i=0;i<25;i++){  
    Slot oSlot = (Slot)ts.MyItems[i];  
    Item oItem = (Item)ts.ITEMS[oSlot.itemid.ToString()];  
    if(oSlot.itemid == 0){ continue; }  
    debug(oItem.itemname + " at slot " + oSlot.slot.ToString() + " with ID " + oSlot.itemid.ToString(),0);  
    /*********************** View State ************************/ 
    void ViewState() 
    debug("**************************************************    **********************",255) ;  
    debug(" S? tr?n dánh : " + battle_count ,255) ; 
    debug(" HP c?a "+ts.Character.CharName+" = " + ts.Character.HP +" "+ "/" +" "+ ts.Character.MAXHP,255); 
    debug(" HP c?a "+ts.CurrentPartner.CharName +" = " + ts.CurrentPartner.HP + " "+"/" +" "+ ts.CurrentPartner.MAXHP +"   "+" FAI = " + ts.CurrentPartner.fai,255);  
    debug(" S? l?n g?p BTQ : "+ NS_count +"  S? con ma : " + ts.Character.ghost ,255) ; 
    debug("======= Script by TiêuPhong - Ð?ng_K?ng_S?n =======",255) ; 
    /********************* Fishish Answer **********************/ 
    public override void FinishAnswer() 
    /************************ Init Bot *************************/ 
    public override void InitBot() 
    AddDropItemList("Dâu đỏ");   
    AddDropItemList("Táo nhỏ");   
    AddDropItemList("Bành Bột Mì");  
    AddDropItemList("tựđ uốngthuốc");   
    AddDropItemList("viên công kích"); 
    đây là cái hàm tui ghi thêm để nó dò id của đồ nhưng nó báo lỗi
    invald token "for" in class, struct, or interface member declaration
    Type expected
    invald token "25" in class, struct, or interface member declaration
    invald token "++" in class, struct, or interface member declaration
    invald token "if" in class, struct, or interface member declaration
    invald token "==" in class, struct, or interface member declaration
    class, stucrt, or interface method must have a return type
    identifier expected
    invald token "(" in class, struct, or interface member declaration
    a name space does not directly contain members such as fields or methods
    Ai chỉ giùm cái

    KEN_BALAMO Máy Chém La Mã -

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    HCM_City in my H
    nếu 1 gà 2 tôn trọng thì max là 500 + , tính sao cho các mage bán cung sao cho sắp die triệu hoành còn 40 giọt đổi xuống thì con mage cuối cùng agi thấp nhất sẻ dứt điểm ( con mage kết thúc này inter sao củng dc ) ăn thua set damage mấy con mage kia sao cho phù hợp bán cung sắp die triệu hoành ! Set như thế thì 1 trận sẽ 480 - 500 EXP :>
  4. 00Satyr00

    00Satyr00 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    forum TS
    Cho mình hỏi xíu sao cai scrit cắm chuột này của mình báo lỗi tùm lum ko hà Mấy anh em làm ơn xem dùm cái nghen :D Mod cho vao code giùm cái vì em ko bít cho vào như thế nào
    Xin lỗi mod trước

    double DisconnectFlag = 0.3; // Disconnect when current HP is below 30%

    double hpFractionEat = 0.8; //Eat HP when current HP<= 80%
    double spFractionEat = 0.8;
    double hpFraction = 0.95; //Eat until current HP >= 95 %
    double spFraction = 0.95;

    byte DisconFai = 00; // Faith of warrior to disconnect

    byte pt1 = 0;
    byte pt2 = 0;
    byte pt3 = 0;

    /***** Chinh sua ID chu Party o day *****/

    uint idchupt = 74887;


    /***** Chinh sua ID Member o day *****/

    uint idmem1_sena = 885791;


    public override void MyAttack()

    CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character;
    NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();
    ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, Monster.Row, 2, 12003);

    public override void MyPartnerAttack()
    CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner;
    NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();
    ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, Monster.Row, 2, 12003);

    /********************* Battle Started **********************/
    public override void BattleStarted()

    /********************* Battle Stoped ***********************/
    public override void BattleStoped()
    debug(" FAI c?a d? : " + ts.CurrentPartner.CharName +" : " + ts.CurrentPartner.fai,0xFF0000) ;

    /******************* Receive Question *********************/
    public override void doRecvQuestion()

    /******************** Response Answer **********************/
    public override void ResponseAnswer()
    string tmp=ts.LastQuestion.Replace("=?","");
    int ans=ts.Eval(tmp);
    byte ans_index=Convert.ToByte(ts.LastAnswers[ans.ToString()]);

    public override void onNPCAppear(ushort npcmapid, int x, int y)
    if(npcmapid == npcmapid){


    /************************ On Timer *************************/
    public override void OnTimer()

    /************************* Start ***************************/
    public override void Start()
    ts.Walk(942, 475);

    /************************** Stop ***************************/
    public override void Stop()

    public override void NpcDialogMenu(ushort DialogId)
    debug("Dialog Menu ID="+DialogId.ToString());
    public override void NpcDialog(ushort DialogId)
    debug("Dialog ID="+DialogId.ToString());

    /**************** Request Party Accept From ****************/

    public override void RequestPartyAcceptFrom(uint playerid)
    if (playerid == idmem1_sena) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid);debug(play erid + " Gia nh?p d?i ngu");
    ts.Sena(idmem1_sena);pt1 = 1; debug(playerid + " Làm Quân Su");}
    if ( pt3 == 1) {ts.delay(1000);debug("Ð?i ngu dã d?y -> Thi hành l?nh Start");Start();}

    public override void PartyStop(uint playerid)

    if (playerid == idmem1_sena) {debug(playerid+" R?i Kh?i Ð?i Ngu !!!");ts.Disconnect();}

    /************************ Init Bot *************************/
    public override void InitBot()
    AddDropItemList("t?d u?ngthu?c");
    AddDropItemList("viên công kích");
  5. badboyad5891

    badboyad5891 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cai nay` bi loi
    double DisconnectFlag = 0.3; // Disconnect when current HP is below 30%

    double hpFractionEat = 0.8; //Eat HP when current HP<= 80%
    double spFractionEat = 0.8;
    double hpFraction = 0.95; //Eat until current HP >= 95 %
    double spFraction = 0.95;

    byte DisconFai = 00; // Faith of warrior to disconnect

    byte battle_count = 0;
    byte NS_count = 0;
    byte myturn = 0;
    byte peturn = 0;

    byte pt1 = 0;
    byte pt2 = 0;
    byte pt3 = 0;
    byte pt4 = 0;

    double mapid1 = 12421;
    double mapid2 = 12815;
    byte warpid1 = 2;
    byte warpid2 = 1;

    /***** Chinh sua ID Member o day *****/

    uint idmem1 = 1825092;
    uint idmem2 = 1596006;
    uint idmem3 =02206175 ;
    uint idmem4_sena =1282311;


    /*********************** My Attack *************************/
    public override void MyAttack()
    if (myturn == 1)
    CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character;
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();
    ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 3, 17001);
    if (myturn ==2)
    CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character;
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();
    ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 4, 17001);
    if (myturn >=3)
    CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character;
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();
    ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 3, 10000);

    /******************* My Partner Attack *********************/
    public override void MyPartnerAttack()
    if (peturn == 1)
    CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner;
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();
    ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 1, 12003);
    if (peturn >= 2)
    CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner;
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();
    ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 4, 17001);

    /********************* Battle Started **********************/
    public override void BattleStarted()
    myturn = 0;
    peturn = 0;

    /********************* Battle Stoped ***********************/
    public override void BattleStoped()

    /******************* Receive Question *********************/
    public override void doRecvQuestion()

    /******************** Response Answer **********************/
    public override void ResponseAnswer()
    string tmp=ts.LastQuestion.Replace("=?","");
    int ans=ts.Eval(tmp);
    byte ans_index=Convert.ToByte(ts.LastAnswers[ans.ToString()]);

    /******************** NPC Dialog Menu **********************/
    public override void NpcDialogMenu(ushort DialogId)
    debug("Dialog Menu ID = "+DialogId.ToString());

    /********************* NPC Dialog ID ***********************/
    public override void NpcDialog(ushort DialogId)
    debug("Dialog ID = "+DialogId.ToString());

    /********************* On NPC Appear ***********************/
    public override void onNPCAppear(ushort npcmapid, int x, int y)

    /************************ On Timer *************************/
    public override void OnTimer()
    if (pt1 == 0) {ts.AcceptParty(idmem1);}
    if (pt2 == 0) {ts.AcceptParty(idmem2);}
    if (pt3 == 0) {ts.AcceptParty(idmem3);}
    if (pt4 == 0) {ts.AcceptParty(idmem4_sena);}

    /********************* Accepted Party **********************/
    public override void AcceptedParty(uint playerid)
    if (playerid == idmem1) {debug(playerid + " Gia nh?p d?i ngu");pt1 = 1;}
    if (playerid == idmem2) {debug(playerid + " Gia nh?p d?i ngu");pt2 = 1;}
    if (playerid == idmem3) {debug(playerid + " Gia nh?p d?i ngu");pt3 = 1;}
    if (playerid == idmem4_sena) {debug(playerid + " Gia nh?p d?i ngu");pt4 = 1;
    ts.Sena(idmem4_sena);debug(playerid + " Làm Quân Su");}
    if (pt1 ==1 && pt2 == 1 && pt3 == 1 && pt4 == 1) {ts.SetTimerOnOff(false);ts.delay(1000);debug("Ð?i ngu dã d?y -> Start");Start();}

    /*********************** Party Stop ************************/
    public override void PartyStop(uint playerid)
    if (playerid == idmem1) {debug(playerid+" R?i kh?i d?i ng? -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();}
    if (playerid == idmem2) {debug(playerid+" R?i kh?i d?i ng? -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();}
    if (playerid == idmem3) {debug(playerid+" R?i kh?i d?i ng? -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();}
    if (playerid == idmem4_sena) {debug(playerid+" R?i kh?i d?i ng? -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();}

    /********************** Warp Finish ************************/
    public override void warpFinish()

    /************************* Start ***************************/
    public override void Start()
    if (ts.Character.mapid == mapid1) {
    } else
    if (ts.Character.mapid == mapid2) {

    /************************** Stop ***************************/
    public override void Stop()
    for(byte i=0;i<25;i++){
    Slot oSlot = (Slot)ts.MyItems;
    Item oItem = (Item)ts.ITEMS[oSlot.itemid.ToString()];
    if(oSlot.itemid == 0){ continue; }
    debug(oItem.itemname + " at slot " + oSlot.slot.ToString() + " with ID " + oSlot.itemid.ToString(),0);


    /*********************** View State ************************/
    void ViewState()
    debug("************************************************** **********************",255) ;
    debug(" S? tr?n dánh : " + battle_count ,255) ;
    debug(" HP c?a "+ts.Character.CharName+" = " + ts.Character.HP +" "+ "/" +" "+ ts.Character.MAXHP,255);
    debug(" HP c?a "+ts.CurrentPartner.CharName +" = " + ts.CurrentPartner.HP + " "+"/" +" "+ ts.CurrentPartner.MAXHP +" "+" FAI = " + ts.CurrentPartner.fai,255);
    debug(" S? l?n g?p BTQ : "+ NS_count +" S? con ma : " + ts.Character.ghost ,255) ;
    debug("======= Script by TiêuPhong - Ð?ng_K?ng_S?n =======",255) ;

    /********************* Fishish Answer **********************/
    public override void FinishAnswer()

    /************************ Init Bot *************************/
    public override void InitBot()
    AddDropItemList("Dâu đỏ");
    AddDropItemList("Táo nhỏ");
    AddDropItemList("Bành Bột Mì");
    AddDropItemList("tựđ uốngthuốc");
    AddDropItemList("viên công kích");
  6. badboyad5891

    badboyad5891 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cho ban cai scrip cua minh bot thanh tuyet ne

    double DisconnectFlag = 0.3; // Disconnect when current HP is below 30%

    double hpFractionEat = 0.8; //Eat HP when current HP<= 80%
    double spFractionEat = 0.8;
    double hpFraction = 0.95; //Eat until current HP >= 95 %
    double spFraction = 0.95;

    byte DisconFai = 00; // Faith of warrior to disconnect

    byte turna = 0;
    byte turnb = 0;

    byte pt1 = 0;
    byte pt2 = 0;
    byte pt3 = 0;
    byte pt4 = 0;

    double mapid1 = 12421;
    double mapid2 = 12815;
    byte warpid1 = 2;
    byte warpid2 = 1;

    uint idchupt = 01364987;

    /***** Chinh sua ID Member o day *****/

    uint idmem1 = 01459105;
    uint idmem2 = 01750854;
    uint idmem3 = 02088782;
    uint idmem4_sena = 01686800;

    public override void MyAttack()
    if (turna == 1)
    CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character;
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();
    ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 1, 12003);
    if (turna >=2)
    CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character;
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();
    ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 4, 17001);
    public override void MyPartnerAttack()
    if (turnb == 1)
    CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner;
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();
    ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 1, 17001);
    if (turnb >= 2)
    CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner;
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();
    ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 4, 17001);

    /********************* Battle Started **********************/
    public override void BattleStarted()

    public override void PreBattleStopped()

    /********************* Battle Stoped ***********************/
    public override void BattleStoped()

    /******************* Receive Question *********************/
    public override void doRecvQuestion()

    /******************** Response Answer **********************/
    public override void ResponseAnswer()
    string tmp=ts.LastQuestion.Replace("=?","");
    int ans=ts.Eval(tmp);
    byte ans_index=Convert.ToByte(ts.LastAnswers[ans.ToString()]);

    /******************** NPC Dialog Menu **********************/
    public override void NpcDialogMenu(ushort DialogId)
    debug("Dialog Menu ID = "+DialogId.ToString());

    /********************* NPC Dialog ID ***********************/
    public override void NpcDialog(ushort DialogId)
    debug("Dialog ID = "+DialogId.ToString());

    /********************* On NPC Appear ***********************/
    public override void onNPCAppear(ushort npcmapid, int x, int y)

    /************************ On Timer *************************/
    public override void OnTimer()

    /********************** Warp Finish ************************/
    public override void warpFinish()

    /************************* Start ***************************/
    public override void Start()
    if (ts.Character.mapid == mapid1) {
    } else
    if (ts.Character.mapid == mapid2) {

    /************************** Stop ***************************/
    public override void Stop()

    /********************* Fishish Answer **********************/
    public override void FinishAnswer()

    /**************** Request Party Accept From ****************/

    public override void RequestPartyAcceptFrom(uint playerid)
    if (playerid == idmem1) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid); pt1 = 1;debug(playerid + " Johned team");}
    if (playerid == idmem2) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid); pt2 = 1;debug(playerid + " Johned team");}
    if (playerid == idmem3) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid); pt3 = 1;debug(playerid + " Johned team");}
    if (playerid == idmem4_sena) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid);ts.delay(5 00);ts.Sena(playerid); pt4 = 1;debug(playerid + " Johned team, Qua^n Su = "+playerid);}
    if (pt1 == 1 && pt2 == 1 && pt3 == 1 && pt4 == 1) {ts.delay(1500);debug("Party Full -> Start ");Start();}

    /*********************** Party Stop ************************/
    public override void PartyStop(uint playerid)
    if (playerid == idmem1) {debug("Dis by "+playerid+" dis");ts.Disconnect();}
    if (playerid == idmem2) {debug("Dis by "+playerid+" dis");ts.Disconnect();}
    if (playerid == idmem3) {debug("Dis by "+playerid+" dis");ts.Disconnect();}
    if (playerid == idmem4_sena) {debug("Dis by "+playerid+" dis");ts.Disconnect();}

    /************************ Init Bot *************************/
    public override void InitBot()
    AddDropItemList("Dâu đỏ");
    AddDropItemList("Táo nhỏ");
    AddDropItemList("Mật Ý Nhân");
    AddDropItemList("Nhị Quoa đầu");
    AddDropItemList("tựđ uốngthuốc");
    AddDropItemList("Táo nhỏ");
    AddDropItemList("Bành Bột Mì");
    AddDropItemList("viên công kích");
  7. badboyad5891

    badboyad5891 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ah` nham day moi la cai dung nhat

    double DisconnectFlag = 0.3; // Disconnect when current HP is below 30%

    double hpFractionEat = 0.8; //Eat HP when current HP<= 80%
    double spFractionEat = 0.8;
    double hpFraction = 0.95; //Eat until current HP >= 95 %
    double spFraction = 0.95;

    byte DisconFai = 00; // Faith of warrior to disconnect

    byte turna = 0;
    byte turnb = 0;

    byte pt1 = 0;
    byte pt2 = 0;
    byte pt3 = 0;
    byte pt4 = 0;

    double mapid1 = 12421;
    double mapid2 = 12815;
    byte warpid1 = 2;
    byte warpid2 = 1;

    uint idchupt = 01364987;

    /***** Chinh sua ID Member o day *****/

    uint idmem1 = 01459105;
    uint idmem2 = 01750854;
    uint idmem3 = 02088782;
    uint idmem4_sena = 01686800;

    public override void MyAttack()
    if (turna == 1)
    CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character;
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();
    ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 1, 12003);
    if (turna >=2)
    CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character;
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();
    ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 4, 17001);
    public override void MyPartnerAttack()
    if (turnb == 1)
    CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner;
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();
    ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 1, 17001);
    if (turnb >= 2)
    CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner;
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();
    ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 4, 17001);

    /********************* Battle Started **********************/
    public override void BattleStarted()

    public override void PreBattleStopped()

    /********************* Battle Stoped ***********************/
    public override void BattleStoped()

    /******************* Receive Question *********************/
    public override void doRecvQuestion()

    /******************** Response Answer **********************/
    public override void ResponseAnswer()
    string tmp=ts.LastQuestion.Replace("=?","");
    int ans=ts.Eval(tmp);
    byte ans_index=Convert.ToByte(ts.LastAnswers[ans.ToString()]);

    /******************** NPC Dialog Menu **********************/
    public override void NpcDialogMenu(ushort DialogId)
    debug("Dialog Menu ID = "+DialogId.ToString());

    /********************* NPC Dialog ID ***********************/
    public override void NpcDialog(ushort DialogId)
    debug("Dialog ID = "+DialogId.ToString());

    /********************* On NPC Appear ***********************/
    public override void onNPCAppear(ushort npcmapid, int x, int y)

    /************************ On Timer *************************/
    public override void OnTimer()

    /********************** Warp Finish ************************/
    public override void warpFinish()

    /************************* Start ***************************/
    public override void Start()
    if (ts.Character.mapid == mapid1) {
    } else
    if (ts.Character.mapid == mapid2) {

    /************************** Stop ***************************/
    public override void Stop()

    /********************* Fishish Answer **********************/
    public override void FinishAnswer()

    /**************** Request Party Accept From ****************/

    public override void RequestPartyAcceptFrom(uint playerid)
    if (playerid == idmem1) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid); pt1 = 1;debug(playerid + " Johned team");}
    if (playerid == idmem2) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid); pt2 = 1;debug(playerid + " Johned team");}
    if (playerid == idmem3) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid); pt3 = 1;debug(playerid + " Johned team");}
    if (playerid == idmem4_sena) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid);ts.delay(5 00);ts.Sena(playerid); pt4 = 1;debug(playerid + " Johned team, Qua^n Su = "+playerid);}
    if (pt1 == 1 && pt2 == 1 && pt3 == 1 && pt4 == 1) {ts.delay(1500);debug("Party Full -> Start ");Start();}

    /*********************** Party Stop ************************/
    public override void PartyStop(uint playerid)
    if (playerid == idmem1) {debug("Dis by "+playerid+" dis");ts.Disconnect();}
    if (playerid == idmem2) {debug("Dis by "+playerid+" dis");ts.Disconnect();}
    if (playerid == idmem3) {debug("Dis by "+playerid+" dis");ts.Disconnect();}
    if (playerid == idmem4_sena) {debug("Dis by "+playerid+" dis");ts.Disconnect();}

    /************************ Init Bot *************************/
    public override void InitBot()
    AddDropItemList("Dâu đỏ");
    AddDropItemList("Táo nhỏ");
    AddDropItemList("Mật Ý Nhân");
    AddDropItemList("Nhị Quoa đầu");
    AddDropItemList("tựđ uốngthuốc");
    AddDropItemList("Táo nhỏ");
    AddDropItemList("Bành Bột Mì");
    AddDropItemList("viên công kích");
  8. badboyad5891

    badboyad5891 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cac ban co gi` thac mac hoi minh nhe

    cho xin MP di cho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP di cho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP di cho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP di cho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP di cho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP di cho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP di cho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP di cho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP di cho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP di cho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP di cho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP di cho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP dicho xin MP di
  9. Nuub

    Nuub Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nghĩa là con mage cuối cùng ko combo hả ban????
  10. Nuub

    Nuub Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ai giúp tui với
    tui cần rất gấp á
  11. Mip

    Mip Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chỗ "Stop" thiếu dấu "{".
    (lại 30 char)
  12. yugioh!

    yugioh! L0v3

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Việt Nam
    ai giúp em nó dùm cái đi :D, nàm ơn nàm ơn nàm nàm ơn -,-"
  13. zenkychi

    zenkychi Sờ phát (bị) ra ⚜ Duel Master ⚜ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    double DisconnectFlag = 0.3; // Disconnect when current HP is below 30% 
    double hpFractionEat = 0.8; //Eat HP when current HP<= 80% 
    double spFractionEat = 0.8; 
    double hpFraction = 0.95; //Eat until current HP >= 95 % 
    double spFraction = 0.95; 
    byte DisconFai = 00; // Faith of warrior to disconnect 
    byte battle_count = 0; 
    byte NS_count = 0; 
    byte myturn = 0; 
    byte peturn = 0; 
    byte pt1 = 0; 
    byte pt4 = 0; 
    double mapid1 = 12000;  
    double mapid2 = 11000; 
    byte warpid1 = 30; 
    byte warpid2 = 1; 
    /***** Chinh sua ID Member o day *****/ 
    uint idmem1 = 2205226; 
    uint idmem4_sena = 2097059;
    /*********************** My Attack *************************/ 
    public override void MyAttack() 
    if (myturn == 1) 
    CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; 
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); 
    ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 0, 2, 12003); 
    if (myturn >=2) 
    CharacterInfo MyChar = ts.Character; 
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); 
    ts.SendAttack(MyChar.Row, MyChar.Col, 2, 2, 12003); 
    public override void MyPartnerAttack() 
    if (peturn == 1) 
    CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner; 
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); 
    ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 0, 2, 10000); 
    if (peturn >= 2) 
    CharacterInfo MyWarrior = ts.CurrentPartner; 
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster(); 
    ts.SendAttack(MyWarrior.Row, MyWarrior.Col, 2, 2, 17001); 
    /********************* Battle Started **********************/ 
    public override void BattleStarted() 
    myturn = 0; 
    peturn = 0; 
    /********************* Battle Stoped ***********************/ 
    public override void BattleStoped()
    /******************* Receive Question *********************/ 
    public override void doRecvQuestion()
    /******************** Response Answer **********************/ 
    public override void ResponseAnswer() 
    string tmp=ts.LastQuestion.Replace("=?",""); 
    int ans=ts.Eval(tmp); 
    byte ans_index=Convert.ToByte(ts.LastAnswers[ans.ToString()]); 
    /******************** NPC Dialog Menu **********************/ 
    public override void NpcDialogMenu(ushort DialogId)
    /********************* NPC Dialog ID ***********************/ 
    public override void NpcDialog(ushort DialogId) 
    debug("Dialog ID = "+DialogId.ToString()); 
    /********************* On NPC Appear ***********************/ 
    public override void onNPCAppear(ushort npcmapid, int x, int y)
    /************************ On Timer *************************/ 
    public override void OnTimer() 
    if (pt1 == 0) {ts.AcceptParty(idmem1);} 
    if (pt4 == 0) {ts.AcceptParty(idmem4_sena);} 
    /********************* Accepted Party **********************/ 
    public override void AcceptedParty(uint playerid) 
    if (playerid == idmem1) {debug(playerid + " Gia nh?p d?i ngu");pt1 = 1;} 
    if (playerid == idmem4_sena) {debug(playerid + " Gia nh?p d?i ngu");pt4 = 1; 
    ts.Sena(idmem4_sena);debug(playerid + " Làm Quân Su");} 
    if (pt1 ==1 && pt4 == 1) {ts.SetTimerOnOff(false);ts.delay(1000);debug("Ð?i ngu dã d?y -> Start");Start();} 
    /*********************** Party Stop ************************/ 
    public override void PartyStop(uint playerid) 
    if (playerid == idmem1) {debug(playerid+" R?i kh?i d?i ng? -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();} 
    if (playerid == idmem4_sena) {debug(playerid+" R?i kh?i d?i ng? -> Disconnect !!!");ts.Disconnect();} 
    /********************** Warp Finish ************************/ 
    public override void warpFinish() 
    /************************* Start ***************************/ 
    public override void Start()
    if (ts.Character.mapid == 12000) {  
    } else
    if (ts.Character.mapid == 11000) { 
    /************************** Stop ***************************/ 
    public override void Stop() 
    /*********************** View State ************************/ 
    void ViewState() 
    debug("**************************************************   **********************",255) ; 
    debug(" S? tr?n dánh : " + battle_count ,255) ; 
    debug(" HP c?a "+ts.Character.CharName+" = " + ts.Character.HP +" "+ "/" +" "+ ts.Character.MAXHP,255); 
    debug(" HP c?a "+ts.CurrentPartner.CharName +" = " + ts.CurrentPartner.HP + " "+"/" +" "+ ts.CurrentPartner.MAXHP +" "+" FAI = " + ts.CurrentPartner.fai,255); 
    debug(" S? l?n g?p BTQ : "+ NS_count +" S? con ma : " + ts.Character.ghost ,255) ; 
    debug("======= Script by Jet007 - Copy Right GameVN–™ =======",255) ; 
    /********************* Fishish Answer **********************/ 
    public override void FinishAnswer() 
    /**************** Request Party Accept From ****************/ 
    //public override void RequestPartyAcceptFrom(uint playerid) 
    //if (playerid == idmem1) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid); pt1 = 1;debug(playerid + " Johned team");} 
    //if (playerid == idmem4_sena) {ts.delay(500);ts.AcceptParty(playerid);ts.delay(5   00);ts.Sena(playerid); pt4 = 1;debug(playerid + " Johned team, Quân Su = "+playerid);} 
    //if (pt1 == 1 && pt4 == 1) {debug("Party Full -> Start ");Start();} 
    /************************ Init Bot *************************/ 
    public override void InitBot() 
    if (ts.Character.mapid == mapid2) {ts.Warp(warpid2);} 
    AddDropItemList("t?d u?ngthu?c"); 
    AddDropItemList("viên công kích"); 
    coi giúp cái script của chủ party ( bot triệu chi )
    nó bị lỗi không trả lời câu hỏi BtQ ai coi với
  14. vipvip

    vipvip Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    các bác oi ! giúp em voi'
    cho xin em cái Map ID dánh cầu TriệuChỉ gần giới kiều với .Làm ơn giúp em với
  15. zenkychi

    zenkychi Sờ phát (bị) ra ⚜ Duel Master ⚜ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    đưa nó lên để có người trả lời nào lên con kẻo hết mp
  16. XxlongthầnxX

    XxlongthầnxX Mega Man ♞ Blade Knight ♞ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    các bạn ơi mình dùng cript này đễ bot thành tuyết mà sao mem ko chịu skill vậy cái cần chình lại cái gì trong commomd ko vậy hichic
    public override void MyAttack() 
    if (
    turna == 1
    CharacterInfo MyChar ts.Character;  
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();     
    if (
    turna >=2
    CharacterInfo MyChar ts.Character;  
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();     

    override void MyPartnerAttack() 

    if (
    turnb == 1
    CharacterInfo MyWarrior ts.CurrentPartner;  
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();     
    if (
    turnb >= 2
    CharacterInfo MyWarrior ts.CurrentPartner;  
    //NPCCombatObject Monster = findMonster();     
  17. Nuub

    Nuub Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    NPCCombatObject findMonster()
    	int maxhp = 0;
    	string mi = "";
    	foreach (NPCCombatObject onpc in ts.oNPCCombat.Values)
         	if (onpc.HP > 0)
            	if (onpc.MAXHP > maxhp)
                	maxhp = onpc.MAXHP;
                    mi = onpc.Row.ToString() + onpc.Col.ToString();
    	return ts.oNPCCombat[mi] as NPCCombatObject;
    void doEatSP(ushort order,int difSp){ 
    	for(byte i = 0;i< 25 ;i++){ 
    		Slot oSlot = (Slot)ts.MyItems[i];				
    		if (oSlot.itemid == 0) { continue; } 
    		Item oItem = (Item)ts.ITEMS[oSlot.itemid.ToString()];
    			int itemvalue=oItem.getSPValue();
    			if (itemvalue > difSp){ continue; } 
    			byte eatSpAmt = (byte)((difSp - (difSp % itemvalue)) / itemvalue);
    			if (eatSpAmt> 0){ 
    				if (eatSpAmt > oSlot.num){ 
    					eatSpAmt = oSlot.num; 
    				ts.EatItem((byte)(i+1),eatSpAmt,order) ;
    				debug(oItem.itemname+"  SP "+itemvalue+" at slot "+((byte)(i+1)).ToString()+" decrease"+eatSpAmt ,0xC08008 );
    				difSp = difSp - eatSpAmt * itemvalue ;
    void doEatHP(ushort order,int difHp){ 
    	for(byte i = 0;i< 25 ;i++){ 
    		Slot oSlot = (Slot)ts.MyItems[i];				
    		if (oSlot.itemid == 0) { continue; } 
    		Item oItem = (Item)ts.ITEMS[oSlot.itemid.ToString()];
    			int itemvalue=oItem.getHPValue();
    			if (itemvalue > difHp){ continue; } 
    			byte eatHpAmt = (byte)((difHp - (difHp % itemvalue)) / itemvalue );
    			if (eatHpAmt> 0){ 
    				if (eatHpAmt > oSlot.num){ 
    					eatHpAmt = oSlot.num; 
    				debug(oItem.itemname + "  HP  " + itemvalue.ToString() + " at slot " + ((byte)(i+1)).ToString() + "  decrease " + eatHpAmt.ToString() ,0xC08008 );
    				difHp = difHp - eatHpAmt * itemvalue ;
    void FindItemContribute(string ItemName){
    	Slot s = FindItemInSlot(ItemName);
    	if(s != null){
    void FindItemDrop(string ItemName){
    	Slot s = FindItemInSlot(ItemName);
    	if(s != null){
    Slot FindItemInSlot(string ItemName){
    	for(byte i=0;i<25;i++){
    		Slot oSlot = (Slot)ts.MyItems[i];
    		if( oSlot.itemid == 0){ continue; } 
    		Item oItem = (Item)ts.ITEMS[oSlot.itemid.ToString()];
    			if(oItem.itemname == ItemName){
    				return oSlot;
    	return null;
    void AutoEatFood(){		
    	if (ts.Character.HP < (ts.Character.MAXHP * hpFractionEat)){ 
           		doEatHP(0,(int)((ts.Character.MAXHP * hpFraction)-ts.Character.HP));       		
      	if (ts.Character.SP < (ts.Character.MAXSP * spFractionEat)){ 	
             		doEatSP(0,(int)((ts.Character.MAXSP * spFraction)-ts.Character.SP));
        if (ts.CurrentPartner.HP < (ts.CurrentPartner.MAXHP * hpFractionEat)){ 
           		doEatHP((ushort)ts.CurrentPartner.Order,(int)((ts.CurrentPartner.MAXHP * hpFraction)-ts.CurrentPartner.HP));
        if (ts.CurrentPartner.SP < (ts.CurrentPartner.MAXSP * spFractionEat)){ 
           		doEatSP((ushort)ts.CurrentPartner.Order,(int)((ts.CurrentPartner.MAXSP * spFraction)-ts.CurrentPartner.SP));
    int get_random(int min,int max)
    	System.Random rd=new System.Random();
    	int ranNum= rd.Next(min,max);
    	return ranNum;
    void Disconnect(string msg) {
    void CheckDisconnect(){     
    	if(ts.Character.HP< (DisconnectFlag * ts.Character.MAXHP)){   		
    		Disconnect("Disconnected : Character HP is low !!");
    	if(ts.CurrentPartner.HP< (DisconnectFlag * ts.CurrentPartner.MAXHP)){   		
    		Disconnect("Disconnected : Warrior HP is low !!");
    	if(ts.CurrentPartner.fai < DisconFai){   
    		Disconnect("Disconnected : Warrior faith is below faith flag !!");
    System.Collections.ArrayList DropItemList  = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); 
    System.Collections.ArrayList ContributeItemList  = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); 
    void AddDropItemList(string itemname) {	
    	if (!DropItemList.Contains(itemname)) {
    bool InDropItemList(string itemname) {
    	if (DropItemList.Contains(itemname))
    		return true;
    		return false;
    void AddContributeItemList(string itemname) {	
    	if (!ContributeItemList.Contains(itemname)) {
    bool InContributeItemList(string itemname) {
    	if (ContributeItemList.Contains(itemname))
    		return true;
    		return false;
    void ProcessInventoryAction(){ 
        for(byte i=0;i<25;i++){ 
            Slot oSlot = (Slot)ts.MyItems[i]; 
            if( oSlot.itemid == 0){ continue; }  
            Item oItem = (Item)ts.ITEMS[oSlot.itemid.ToString()]; 
            if (InDropItemList(oItem.itemname)) ts.DropItem(oSlot.slot,oSlot.num); 
            if (InContributeItemList(oItem.itemname)) ts.Contribute(oSlot.slot); 
            oSlot.itemid == 26168 ||   
            oSlot.itemid == 27066 ||  
            oSlot.itemid == 27032 ||           
            oSlot.itemid == 46013 ||  
            oSlot.itemid == 46041 ||   
            oSlot.itemid == 46033 ||   
            oSlot.itemid == 26169 ||   
            oSlot.itemid == 27035 )&& oSlot.num >= 1) {ts.DropItem(oSlot.slot,oSlot.num);}  // Day la Drop 
            if((oSlot.itemid == 27005 )&& oSlot.num == 50) {ts.DropItem(oSlot.slot,oSlot.num);} 
    mấy bác coi dùm cái common vứt đồ sao lại sai thế khiên tui ko log zoo được
  18. ..::Se7ven::..

    ..::Se7ven::.. Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    NPCCombatObject findMonster()
    int maxhp = 0;
    string mi = "";
    foreach (NPCCombatObject onpc in ts.oNPCCombat.Values)
    if (onpc.HP > 0)
    if (onpc.MAXHP > maxhp)
    maxhp = onpc.MAXHP;
    mi = onpc.Row.ToString() + onpc.Col.ToString();
    return ts.oNPCCombat[mi] as NPCCombatObject;
    void doEatSP(ushort order,int difSp){
    for(byte i = 0;i< 25 ;i++){
    Slot oSlot = (Slot)ts.MyItems;
    if (oSlot.itemid == 0) { continue; }
    Item oItem = (Item)ts.ITEMS[oSlot.itemid.ToString()];

    int itemvalue=oItem.getSPValue();
    if (itemvalue > difSp){ continue; }
    byte eatSpAmt = (byte)((difSp - (difSp % itemvalue)) / itemvalue);
    if (eatSpAmt> 0){
    if (eatSpAmt > oSlot.num){
    eatSpAmt = oSlot.num;
    ts.EatItem((byte)(i+1),eatSpAmt,order) ;
    debug(oItem.itemname+" SP "+itemvalue+" at slot "+((byte)(i+1)).ToString()+" decrease"+eatSpAmt ,0xC08008 );
    difSp = difSp - eatSpAmt * itemvalue ;
    void doEatHP(ushort order,int difHp){
    for(byte i = 0;i< 25 ;i++){
    Slot oSlot = (Slot)ts.MyItems;
    if (oSlot.itemid == 0) { continue; }
    Item oItem = (Item)ts.ITEMS[oSlot.itemid.ToString()];

    int itemvalue=oItem.getHPValue();
    if (itemvalue > difHp){ continue; }
    byte eatHpAmt = (byte)((difHp - (difHp % itemvalue)) / itemvalue );
    if (eatHpAmt> 0){
    if (eatHpAmt > oSlot.num){
    eatHpAmt = oSlot.num;
    debug(oItem.itemname + " HP " + itemvalue.ToString() + " at slot " + ((byte)(i+1)).ToString() + " decrease " + eatHpAmt.ToString() ,0xC08008 );
    difHp = difHp - eatHpAmt * itemvalue ;

    void FindItemContribute(string ItemName){
    Slot s = FindItemInSlot(ItemName);
    if(s != null){

    void FindItemDrop(string ItemName){
    Slot s = FindItemInSlot(ItemName);
    if(s != null){

    Slot FindItemInSlot(string ItemName){
    for(byte i=0;i<25;i++){
    Slot oSlot = (Slot)ts.MyItems;
    if( oSlot.itemid == 0){ continue; }
    Item oItem = (Item)ts.ITEMS[oSlot.itemid.ToString()];
    if(oItem.itemname == ItemName){
    return oSlot;
    return null;

    void AutoEatFood(){
    if (ts.Character.HP < (ts.Character.MAXHP * hpFractionEat)){
    doEatHP(0,(int)((ts.Character.MAXHP * hpFraction)-ts.Character.HP));
    if (ts.Character.SP < (ts.Character.MAXSP * spFractionEat)){
    doEatSP(0,(int)((ts.Character.MAXSP * spFraction)-ts.Character.SP));
    if (ts.CurrentPartner.HP < (ts.CurrentPartner.MAXHP * hpFractionEat)){
    doEatHP((ushort)ts.CurrentPartner.Order,(int)((ts. CurrentPartner.MAXHP * hpFraction)-ts.CurrentPartner.HP));
    if (ts.CurrentPartner.SP < (ts.CurrentPartner.MAXSP * spFractionEat)){
    doEatSP((ushort)ts.CurrentPartner.Order,(int)((ts. CurrentPartner.MAXSP * spFraction)-ts.CurrentPartner.SP));

    int get_random(int min,int max)
    System.Random rd=new System.Random();
    int ranNum= rd.Next(min,max);
    return ranNum;

    void Disconnect(string msg) {

    void CheckDisconnect(){
    if(ts.Character.HP< (DisconnectFlag * ts.Character.MAXHP)){
    Disconnect("Disconnected : Character HP is low !!");

    if(ts.CurrentPartner.HP< (DisconnectFlag * ts.CurrentPartner.MAXHP)){
    Disconnect("Disconnected : Warrior HP is low !!");

    if(ts.CurrentPartner.fai < DisconFai){
    Disconnect("Disconnected : Warrior faith is below faith flag !!");

    System.Collections.ArrayList DropItemList = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
    System.Collections.ArrayList ContributeItemList = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

    void AddDropItemList(string itemname) {
    if (!DropItemList.Contains(itemname)) {

    bool InDropItemList(string itemname) {
    if (DropItemList.Contains(itemname))
    return true;
    return false;

    void AddContributeItemList(string itemname) {
    if (!ContributeItemList.Contains(itemname)) {

    bool InContributeItemList(string itemname) {
    if (ContributeItemList.Contains(itemname))
    return true;
    return false;

    void ProcessInventoryAction(){
    for(byte i=0;i<25;i++){
    Slot oSlot = (Slot)ts.MyItems;
    if( oSlot.itemid == 0){ continue; }
    Item oItem = (Item)ts.ITEMS[oSlot.itemid.ToString()];
    if (InDropItemList(oItem.itemname)) ts.DropItem(oSlot.slot,oSlot.num);
    if (InContributeItemList(oItem.itemname)) ts.Contribute(oSlot.slot);
    oSlot.itemid == 26168 ||
    oSlot.itemid == 27066 ||
    oSlot.itemid == 27032 ||
    oSlot.itemid == 46013 ||
    oSlot.itemid == 46041 ||
    oSlot.itemid == 46033 ||
    oSlot.itemid == 26169 ||
    oSlot.itemid == 27035 )&& oSlot.num >= 1) {ts.DropItem(oSlot.slot,oSlot.num);} // Day la Drop
    if((oSlot.itemid == 27005 )&& oSlot.num == 50) {ts.DropItem(oSlot.slot,oSlot.num);}
    cai nay bi sai roi hay sao y
  19. badboyad5891

    badboyad5891 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    NPCCombatObject findMonster()
    int maxhp = 0;
    string mi = "";
    foreach (NPCCombatObject onpc in ts.oNPCCombat.Values)
    if (onpc.HP > 0)
    if (onpc.MAXHP > maxhp)
    maxhp = onpc.MAXHP;
    mi = onpc.Row.ToString() + onpc.Col.ToString();
    return ts.oNPCCombat[mi] as NPCCombatObject;
    void doEatSP(ushort order,int difSp){
    for(byte i = 0;i< 25 ;i++){
    Slot oSlot = (Slot)ts.MyItems;
    if (oSlot.itemid == 0) { continue; }
    Item oItem = (Item)ts.ITEMS[oSlot.itemid.ToString()];

    int itemvalue=oItem.getSPValue();
    if (itemvalue > difSp){ continue; }
    byte eatSpAmt = (byte)((difSp - (difSp % itemvalue)) / itemvalue);
    if (eatSpAmt> 0){
    if (eatSpAmt > oSlot.num){
    eatSpAmt = oSlot.num;
    ts.EatItem((byte)(i+1),eatSpAmt,order) ;
    debug(oItem.itemname+" SP "+itemvalue+" at slot "+((byte)(i+1)).ToString()+" decrease"+eatSpAmt ,0xC08008 );
    difSp = difSp - eatSpAmt * itemvalue ;
    void doEatHP(ushort order,int difHp){
    for(byte i = 0;i< 25 ;i++){
    Slot oSlot = (Slot)ts.MyItems;
    if (oSlot.itemid == 0) { continue; }
    Item oItem = (Item)ts.ITEMS[oSlot.itemid.ToString()];

    int itemvalue=oItem.getHPValue();
    if (itemvalue > difHp){ continue; }
    byte eatHpAmt = (byte)((difHp - (difHp % itemvalue)) / itemvalue );
    if (eatHpAmt> 0){
    if (eatHpAmt > oSlot.num){
    eatHpAmt = oSlot.num;
    debug(oItem.itemname + " HP " + itemvalue.ToString() + " at slot " + ((byte)(i+1)).ToString() + " decrease " + eatHpAmt.ToString() ,0xC08008 );
    difHp = difHp - eatHpAmt * itemvalue ;

    void FindItemContribute(string ItemName){
    Slot s = FindItemInSlot(ItemName);
    if(s != null){

    void FindItemDrop(string ItemName){
    Slot s = FindItemInSlot(ItemName);
    if(s != null){

    Slot FindItemInSlot(string ItemName){
    for(byte i=0;i<25;i++){
    Slot oSlot = (Slot)ts.MyItems;
    if( oSlot.itemid == 0){ continue; }
    Item oItem = (Item)ts.ITEMS[oSlot.itemid.ToString()];
    if(oItem.itemname == ItemName){
    return oSlot;
    return null;

    void AutoEatFood(){
    if (ts.Character.HP < (ts.Character.MAXHP * hpFractionEat)){
    doEatHP(0,(int)((ts.Character.MAXHP * hpFraction)-ts.Character.HP));
    if (ts.Character.SP < (ts.Character.MAXSP * spFractionEat)){
    doEatSP(0,(int)((ts.Character.MAXSP * spFraction)-ts.Character.SP));
    if (ts.CurrentPartner.HP < (ts.CurrentPartner.MAXHP * hpFractionEat)){
    doEatHP((ushort)ts.CurrentPartner.Order,(int)((ts. CurrentPartner.MAXHP * hpFraction)-ts.CurrentPartner.HP));
    if (ts.CurrentPartner.SP < (ts.CurrentPartner.MAXSP * spFractionEat)){
    doEatSP((ushort)ts.CurrentPartner.Order,(int)((ts. CurrentPartner.MAXSP * spFraction)-ts.CurrentPartner.SP));

    int get_random(int min,int max)
    System.Random rd=new System.Random();
    int ranNum= rd.Next(min,max);
    return ranNum;

    void Disconnect(string msg) {

    void CheckDisconnect(){
    if(ts.Character.HP< (DisconnectFlag * ts.Character.MAXHP)){
    Disconnect("Disconnected : Character HP is low !!");

    if(ts.CurrentPartner.HP< (DisconnectFlag * ts.CurrentPartner.MAXHP)){
    Disconnect("Disconnected : Warrior HP is low !!");

    if(ts.CurrentPartner.fai < DisconFai){
    Disconnect("Disconnected : Warrior faith is below faith flag !!");

    System.Collections.ArrayList DropItemList = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
    System.Collections.ArrayList ContributeItemList = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

    void AddDropItemList(string itemname) {
    if (!DropItemList.Contains(itemname)) {

    bool InDropItemList(string itemname) {
    if (DropItemList.Contains(itemname))
    return true;
    return false;

    void AddContributeItemList(string itemname) {
    if (!ContributeItemList.Contains(itemname)) {

    bool InContributeItemList(string itemname) {
    if (ContributeItemList.Contains(itemname))
    return true;
    return false;

    void ProcessInventoryAction(){
    for(byte i=0;i<25;i++){
    Slot oSlot = (Slot)ts.MyItems;
    if( oSlot.itemid == 0){ continue; }
    Item oItem = (Item)ts.ITEMS[oSlot.itemid.ToString()];
    if (InDropItemList(oItem.itemname)) ts.DropItem(oSlot.slot,oSlot.num);
    if (InContributeItemList(oItem.itemname)) ts.Contribute(oSlot.slot);
    oSlot.itemid == 26168 ||
    oSlot.itemid == 27066 ||
    oSlot.itemid == 27032 ||
    oSlot.itemid == 46013 ||
    oSlot.itemid == 46041 ||
    oSlot.itemid == 46033 ||
    oSlot.itemid == 26169 ||
    oSlot.itemid == 27035 )&& oSlot.num >= 1) {ts.DropItem(oSlot.slot,oSlot.num);} // Day la Drop
    if((oSlot.itemid == 27005 )&& oSlot.num == 50) {ts.DropItem(oSlot.slot,oSlot.num);}

    bi sai 100%
  20. ironfang

    ironfang Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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