Heroes of Might & Magic III: Horn of the Abyss ( New Eng 1.3.2 version )

Thảo luận trong 'Heroes of Might and Magic' bắt đầu bởi Supreme Archangel, 29/8/08.

  1. Supreme Archangel

    Supreme Archangel You Must Construct Additional Pylons Lão Làng GVN

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    Portal Of Splendor
    Update tí hình :D, chắc sắp có rồi

    [FONT=Verdana, Arial]Heroes of Might & Magic III: Horn of the Abyss


    Briefly about the Horn of the Abyss add-on project:

    1. The aim of the project is to create an add-on for Heroes of Might & Magic III SoD\WoG (it can be installed over every version) with lots of new features. We make the main accent on the quality of all new HotA features. Under the term quality we understand the maintenance of original game balance, and of course we are going to make all new graphic materials in the original heroes style.

    We understand that many people would like to know how our add-on is connected to the WoG. So we can answer this question now. HotA IS NOT a new version or sequel or new branch of the WoG add-on. Our add-on is absolutely independent and is created by different people. The HotA team has no connections with the WoG team at all. As for the technical aspect we do use the ERM script language from WoG in our add-on, and also the full compatibility with WoG is saved. Our players will be able to play WoG maps and campaigns and even to switch on the WoG options panel in HotA (if they want of course =)) )

    2. Our main direction is to create the classical add-on. In the point 1 weve explained what we understand by the term quality, but what do we understand by the term classical? Let us give you an example the original Heroes III add-on The Armageddons Blade - included new monsters, new landscapes, new artifacts and as the main dish - the new town. But the original Heroes style and gameplay remained the same in the add-on. The same we can say about the HotA. The main tendency for it is the development and improvement of traditional game elements instead of making something absolutely new and sometimes out of style. Also we work on the technical progress of the game we are going to improve some graphics and the interface.

    3. About the versions of the HotA:
    We plan to create three global versions of our add-on (But theese plans are only for the nearest future. Later we plan to release more versions):
    1.0 will include new Cove Town, the first part of the add-on campaign, some new artifacts, monsters, objects etc.
    2.0 New Kronverk Town, the second part of the campaign (and also new missions connected with alternative town creatures besides the main campaign), new arts, monsters, spells and objects.
    3.0 New Cathedral town, the third part of the campaign and some new stuff.
    4.0 and later - We didnt already formed the list of new features and new town for these versions. Its likely to be the roman style town.

    4. The list of the main new features of three global versions:
    1) New towns
    The Pirates Cove. The main part of its population is pirates, brigands, marine creatures und different deep-sea monsters. The general alignment is neutral. The strategy and tactics are oriented on the fast unit speed and sudden attack. As for the weak sides of the town we can mention 4-level magic guild, rather weak defense and that some town features become useless on maps without water landscape. The general architecture style of the Cove is medieval and a bit rough. Most buildings are wooden except the stone Fort. The Cove will be released in HotA 1.0 beta-version 0.1
    The Kronverk(germ.) the alliance of the northern nations dwarves, highlanders and nordlings. The town consists of these races and other northern mythical creatures. The Kronwerk tactical style will depend on maximal defense and to the magical potential of the town NEW magic spells (Rune magic) will be added. As for the weak sides rather slow unit speed and no flying units. Architecture roman style and some Eskimo-styled (igloo, buildings made from ice and snow). The town will be released in HotA 2.0.
    The Cathedral - inquisition, religious fanatics practicing torture and magic. Neutral alignment (for their objectives tend to be good, but their methods are certainly evil). Strategy and tactics attack oriented, powerful attack spells. Weak sides rather slow speed, medium defense. Classic Gothic architecture high buildings, narrow windows, faint lightning. The town screen will have bleak and sombre autumn atmosphere. This town will be released in HotA 3.0
    2) Alternative creatures
    In every original town and every new town we are going to add three alternative creatures. What will they be? For example in the Rampart you will have to choose what to build the Pegasus dwelling or the dwelling for new alternative monster Satyr.
    Satyrs will be 4th level creatures as well as Pegasus.
    What is the reason of including alternative monsters in the game you may ask. To add loads of new tactic schemes and to improve the game balance we may answer.
    Be sure not to confuse alternative monsters with alternative upgrades. Alternative units will be absolutely new without any connections with the former ones.
    When creating appearance for our alternative units we tend to preserve the original unit style of the town. For example the alternative unit of the Castle Squire and his upgrade Royal Guard.

    3) New map objects
    Its all plain with this point new objects will extend players abilities and make the game more interesting. For example:
    Beholder's Sanctum (water object)
    Temple of Loyalty

    4) New artifacts
    In the first three versions we are going to have up to 150 new artifacts with unique qualities and appearance. To every artifact class (Treasure, Relic etc) we will add the same number of new ones. Some artifacts will be part of new artifact combinations.
    You can see most of new artifacts on HotA screenshots.
    5) New spells - There will be 12 new spells in the first version.
    6) New terrain types - We will add three new terrain types in the first versions. Do not confuse them with terrain map objects (like the Cursed Land and Clouds etc)
    7) Commanders - For those people who played the WoG add-on the idea of commanders is familiar. But unfortunately the creators of WoG could not carry out this interesting and promising concept in a proper way. And so the idea of commanders will be one of the few WoG features remade and changed to the core in our add-on. Except new graphics we are going to revise their general role in battle, their characteristics and their development. This innovation will be included in the 1.5 version.
    Cove commander:
    8) The unit (stack) experience - All we have to do is to improve this idea (from WoG) considering the terms of balance and gamplay. It will be included in the 2.0 version.
    9) Town Keepers - The player will be able to hire a new unique unit to protect his town. This unit will be only one for the player and will be used only while the siege of the towns. Included in the 1.0
    10) Ammunition - Each type of monsters will have the ammunition some analogue for creatures artifacts. We cant tell you anything more about this because this feature will appear only in the 3.0 version.
    11) New siege machines - Each and every town both original and new ones will have their own siege machines. Now this machines are the ballista, the first aid tent and the ammo cart. This innovation will be optional and will appear in the 2.0 version.
    Concept-art of Stronghold siege machine:
    12) And lots of other new features wait for the further information.
    For the complete list of new features (points 3-11) look up to the feature document which will be included to every new version of the add-on. Some info you will be able to find on our website.
    5. The team and support
    We do not have any bosses, coordinators and other useless gradations and divisions in our team. All our members have equal rights duties.
    Our project was organized by the group of friends and accomplices and has no commercial interest. The idea of the add-on was established in the 2007 but its active development started in 2008.
    If you want to help our team please write. Now we need experienced 3d-modellers, artists, programmers, coders and professional Heroes III mapmakers (for further maps and campaigns for the HotA).

    HotA screenshots:





























  2. ti_tan_hp

    ti_tan_hp Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

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    Trại chủ trại [Rep]
    Ôi thèm quá. :-*
  3. TatCaViGames

    TatCaViGames Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    xí, cho xọt dưa cái :D, vậy bản hình như này ko có commander như WOG hử:| vì trình độ tiếng anh của em còn bèo bọt, đọc sao nghĩ vậy :D
  4. HellBaron

    HellBaron Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Mấy cái hình này hình như nhìn hết rồi mà. Anh SA đừng làm hồi hộp nữa làm j`, kẻo có thằng chết vì bệnh tim đấy :D
  5. hardy

    hardy Great Hero Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Tp HCM
    Quả thật là bản này ko có Commander =(( những nhóm cũng khẳng định là có thể chơi đc WOG map và kèm WOG option :) chắc là ko bị đụng nếu cài chung với WOG :D


    Hình này lại có menu của commander :|
  6. TatCaViGames

    TatCaViGames Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    vậy WOG option này do nhóm khác làm hay HOTA làm?;;)
  7. HellBaron

    HellBaron Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Lại có 1 tin đồn thổi bên heroescommunity: 21 tháng 7 ra bản này :D
  8. hardy

    hardy Great Hero Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Chờ riết nản, tin đồn lại càng ko nên hi vọng :)) cứ thư thả nó ra thì hay, chứ chờ thì lại thấy lâu :))
  9. Supreme Archangel

    Supreme Archangel You Must Construct Additional Pylons Lão Làng GVN

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    thôi lại lock topic vậy hardy ơi :D
  10. fantasygvn

    fantasygvn Youtube Master Race

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    Lỗ hổng không gian
    Dự án phát triển hero bản này có khả thi không vậy, nhìn hình thì cũng đẹp và mới lạ (thích mỗi cái lạ, cái gì lạ cũng thích ;))), vẫn chưa đến mùa đông 2009 tức là vẫn phải chờ đợi (kế hoạch đến tận mùa đông 2009 cơ mà :D)
  11. hardy

    hardy Great Hero Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Thui mình lock lại, chừng nào có thông tin mới thì mở ra :)
  12. hardy

    hardy Great Hero Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Tp HCM
    Quote lại từ topic 3.59 :D có tí hình ảnh ngắm cho đỡ thèm :))
  13. LightAngels

    LightAngels Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Cedar Park Texas
    Vậy bao h mới có cái này đây thèm quá :( .........
  14. BKUS2003

    BKUS2003 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ТулГУ, РФ
    Yên tâm, mấy thằng phát triển gặp trục trặc nhỏ, cho nên năm nay ko có bản HotA mới này đâu, nhanh nhất cũng phải sang năm. Các bác chở thêm 1 quý nữa nhé :P.

    (Trích từ 1 nguồn chỉ "hơi" đáng tin cậy, vì bọn chúng nó đang thảo luận về đề tài này, ko phải tin chính thức từ nhóm phát triển đâu, sai thì anh em đừng ném nồi niêu xoong chảo dzô mình nhé :P)
  15. Supreme Archangel

    Supreme Archangel You Must Construct Additional Pylons Lão Làng GVN

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    Portal Of Splendor
    tóm lại ko nên chờ bản này nữa, chờ 3.59 có hi vọng hơn :D
  16. Yuibo

    Yuibo Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cái bản HotA này chờ lâu dài cổ ra rồi. Bản 3.59 thì khoảng bao giờ có hả bác SA? Liệu cuối tháng 10 đã có chưa nhỉ? Ke ke vì FM10 cũng ra vào cuối tháng 10. Cùng lúc có 2 game để chơi thì hơi quá :))
  17. darkdragoon

    darkdragoon Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    hic, bac nao cho cai link down di.
    e cho cai ban nay mai , them ko chiu dc
  18. hardy

    hardy Great Hero Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Sặc mùi spam :-w đâu đã có mà đòi link down :-w

    Post tiếng Việt có dấu giùm cái, tái phạm chiếu theo nội quy chém :-w
  19. punk_86

    punk_86 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    hy vọng là item của bản mod này sẽ vẫn mang dáng dấp của h3 , ko quá khủng , mà tốt nhất , theo em là nên giữ nguyên item , làm lại hình cho đẹp , thế thôi.
    quái mới của bản này nhìn nhiều con ngầu quá :-*
  20. amen012

    amen012 Mr & Ms Pac-Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sợ cái bản này quá kêu có từ cuối năm ngoái và gần cuối năm nay vẫn chưa có =))

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