Dissidia 012 Duodecim Final Fantasy [EUR]

Thảo luận trong 'Sony' bắt đầu bởi myangel!!!, 17/3/11.

  1. LongStrife

    LongStrife Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mình 5.03 pro 3 xài US được nè???
  2. squall9588

    squall9588 Marcus Fenix, savior of Sera Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Gen C khác với pro-3 :-<
  3. LongStrife

    LongStrife Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Vậy thì bỏ Gen C up pro là Ok nhưng chắc corrup save
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 14/4/11
  4. squall9588

    squall9588 Marcus Fenix, savior of Sera Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Gen C pro ????????
  5. Flunky1412

    Flunky1412 Donkey Kong Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    thì đã bảo là chỉ xài được với eu thôi...:-w
    Nếu 2 máy adhoc với nhau mà 1 máy có aerith máy kia ko thì lúc bên này xài aerith bên kia có nhìn thấy ko nhỉ :-?
  6. LongStrife

    LongStrife Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bỏ Gen C up pro ạ...................
  7. warriosbest

    warriosbest SPARTAN John-117

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    dùng Gen-C làm cái giè 0_0 - trước mình cũng thik gen-c nhưng ko có t/g mà ngồi chờ patch or tự patch nên up lên prom 4 - chơi đỡ phải patch

    confirm lại là gen 5.03 prom 4 bem DLC ngon lành - bản EUR :))
  8. mrjaychou

    mrjaychou Sith Lord Revan Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    có Aerith, trong ISO đã có sẵn rồi, DLC chỉ là kích hoạt nó thôi nên bên kia vẫn nhìn thấy Aerith như bt dù ko có DLC

    5.03 thì chỉ xài được DLC ở bản EU, muốn xài ở US cách duy nhất là update FW lên 6.20 or 6.35

    đọc hướng dẫn 1 lượt, sau đó cứ làm từng bước cẩn thận, sẽ ko có chuyện gì đâu, mình up 1 lần là xong luôn h xài Seph suốt, cánh thiên thần quá đẹp
  9. Anakin0302

    Anakin0302 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    Anh Jay có thể up giúp bản DLC đc ko? Làm thử đủ thứ như bên PSPISO rồi chả đc :-<
  10. Bubble Head

    Bubble Head Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    a jay down y hệt như bên đấy.Chắc chắn là do bạn làm sai.Tất cả mọi ng ở 6. trở lên đều có DLC như thg
  11. mrjaychou

    mrjaychou Sith Lord Revan Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    mình còn đang phải đi xin xỏ đây :| DLC mình thiếu mấy bộ :|
  12. Anakin0302

    Anakin0302 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    Hmmm. Ko biết cái plugin Game Catagories với những DLC của game khác có gây trục trặc gì đến cái này ko.
  13. Mr.Mèo Đen

    Mr.Mèo Đen Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ha Nội
    Mình cũng baka 6.35 mà dùng DLC vẫn bị đen xì này :-<, đã làm đầy đủ các bước r nhé :
    1. Sở hữu 1 cái máy và có game =)
    2.Cop file prx vào seplugins và add text cho game.txt để enable r
    3.Cop folder DLC vào PSP/GAME
    4.Chuyển sang sony driver và còn cẩn thận đổi luôn tên game cho giống folder

    Vậy mà vào game vẫn bị treo đen xì, ngắm nó 5' r ngậm ngùi rút pin....ai giúp với =((, thích quả sep DLC quá, đang cbi add bộ nhạc KH2 vào cho có không khí =))))))
  14. CristicaBlade

    CristicaBlade Zero Time Dilemma Σ Winner Game Award 2024 Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Velvet Room
    5.50 Prome-4 xài được DLC cho US chưa nhỉ ?
  15. Kobo86

    Kobo86 Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    Gen D3 chén được DLc chưa các bác ? Thấy bảo đổi tên iso là chén được , Aerith here i come !
  16. mrjaychou

    mrjaychou Sith Lord Revan Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    mệt nhờ, còn thiếu bước reset VSH nữa
  17. hhaohmaru

    hhaohmaru T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    RELEASE - Dissidia Duodecim Dual Next Mod - MULTI-Region USA/EUR/JAP
    Fast As I think Spending More than 2 Months of Daily Development isn't easy work so please respect my work I will really apprecciate all who
    say thanks and give some rep---

    The day I waited for so long has come.

    Yes it is.

    This is the so called "VIP" release of my Duodecim Mod which thanks to some of my friends I decided to be Public so no VIP.

    However all people from the Vip list will not be forgotten and the Next And Final Mod for Duodecim Which I described as a "Secret" and donators only accessible will be strictly reserved for them as well.

    Here is what you folks expected so long.

    The Manikins Are there to Fight as Their Master Chaos is now fully playable why not for them to join him.... yeah and no need to go to the Codes Menu and search for an option to enable in order to use them.

    Just read the IN-GAME Cheats.txt found in the rar.

    Here is what Dual Next Mod feature:


    -Ability to Equip to Feral/Desperado Chaos his oroginal summon for Move Set A
    -Play as Chaos in All his 3 Forms in 1on1, Party Mode (JAP version only) Labirynth, Quest Mode
    -Adds 2500 CP Limit for Customization of the Characters
    -The Manikins Are Now Playable using In-Game Cheat
    -Patches and fixes.



    Please read the Following instructions to understand how to use this
    Mod their are also available in the archive as well.

    For the IN-GAME Cheats Scroll Down.


    For Cheat Codes and His EX Mode Reffer
    to the "IN-GAME Cheat Codes" txt found in the rar.


    Welcome to the New Improved Gameplay of Duodecim International
    and Japanese Version.

    Consider this as a gift from me as I decided all of you to
    have the Dual Next Mod of Dissidia Duodecim.

    Here are the basics.

    Installation of the Mod:

    For Free Cheat Users You have to install the prx onto your MMS
    or if you have it installed just drag the TXT files from the
    CODE folder found in the archive under Free Cheat and paste them in
    your CODE folder stored in mso:/FreeCheat/

    For instructions How to Install Free Cheat just search google.
    I have no time to explain sorry.

    For CW Cheat Users Lucky You you have a CWCheat Version of my mod
    this time....

    Just copy the code lines from "CWCheat DFFD Dual NEXT Mod"txt found in
    the Archive into your CHEAT.DB

    Make sure you have no old code lines pasted or created in your DB
    otherwise remove the ULES/ULUS line as well as _G line hope you know how to
    paste new codes into your db if not use google and learn the basics.

    Instructions of Use:

    Free Cheat USA/EUR:

    Just activate Free Cheat by using the key combination
    (mine is Select+Volume - minus )

    Exit and Enjoy. However for the Chaos Quick Accessories
    you have to mannually activate
    them by highlighting the option "Chaos Quic Accessories A/B/C"
    press Circle
    and select "Lock All" in the popup menu.

    This is the only manual option I include as you may decide
    to customize him with a different acessories.

    JAPANESE Version Free Cheat Only:

    Make Sure you don't touch the Already Activated Options.
    These are "Activate Duodecim Golden Mod"
    "Equip Desperado Orig.S" ("Shinrayu Vs" Summon)

    USE the other options if somethings doesnot work!


    USA/EUR International Version:

    If you followed all the instructions then here is
    how to use the new Game Engine.

    When you are in the Character Selection Screen you
    will notice that Chaos is on the place of
    the "?" icon (random select) or sometimes on the "Free" icon
    if in Quest Mode.

    After the "?" is the real Random Select right after Chaos.
    It's invincible due to the code locking interval setting
    as It may cause the game to lag if codes locking interval is
    too short.

    So please explore detaily the Character Selection Screen
    in all modes to understand where the new features are.

    You Can't Switch Chaos Move Set while in the Character Select Screen.
    For that when in the Screen where you can select
    stage press traingle to go to his
    customization screen.
    Then use Select and select one of the corresponding options to
    play as

    - A -- Chaos First Form
    - B -- Chaos 2nd Form
    - C -- Chaos 3rd Ultimate Form.

    If you try to select D/E you will be returned to A as
    these move sets have no attacks.

    You can't change the form of Chaos he has no Alternative Form Trust Me!

    You can equip Chaos with Accessories up to 10 slots.
    I have made a Quick Accessories Option (Found in the Codes Menu)
    these are "Chaos Quick Acessories A" "Chaos Quick Accessories B"
    "Chaos Quick Accessories C"
    Where A/B/C/ is for Move Set A/B/C. Mean 1/2/3rd Form.

    Use of Chaos in Quest Mode.

    You can use him. Just don't set his move set to be Locked Set it Free.
    Chaos will use temporrally move set means
    his Temporal Setting for Move Set
    A/B/C eventually 1st,2nd or 3rd Form.

    You can save the quest but
    The Mod is required for Chaos to be Playable with Moves.

    In the International Version Chaos is Unplayable in Party Mode.

    Also his settings like accessories and others will not be saved
    that's why I made this
    "quick equip" options to save you time customizing him.

    This however doesn't occur in the japanese version as the devs
    were not removed the area where my mod took place.


    Just activate the Mod by using the Free Cheat Menu
    combination (Select+Volume - Minus)
    You can change his set while in the Character Selection Screen
    (means his Form).
    His settings - Accessories Can be saved.
    Just don't go to his Abilities Screen you will stuck
    there. In Party Mode he is playable.

    All of The International Instructions apply to him here as well.
    - Play as Chaos in "?" Form

    When you are in his Customize Screen just switch his move set

    to to switch to the coressponding form.

    A - 1st Form
    B - 2nd Form
    C - 3rd Form

    Chaos EX Mode!

    His Ex mode can be toggled always no matter his EX Bar Charge.
    Just when not moving (air ground) press And Hold R Trigger and then
    Square to Change to his EX Mode.

    While in EX Mode his attacks are more powerful some can be
    done mutliple times like (Flame Wall) Down+Circle by default if in
    1st/2nd Form EX Mode.

    Some of his Attacks "Scarlet Rain" "Utter Chaos" Can only be done
    when he is in EX Mode.

    The "Demonsdance" HP Attacks is only available in his 2nd Form while
    "Scarlet Rain" or "Utter Chaos" are only available in his 3rd Form.

    Switch a Character to His Manikin Form.
    Play as the Manikins (International Version Exclusive)

    When in the Customization Screen of a Character switch to his Alt 2nd
    Attire and Press both L+R Triggers then exit.
    His/her form will be Displayed as a "Normal" but he/she will be in
    his Manikin Form.


    The Manikins have no EX Burst Attacks.

    Have A 2500 CP Limit:

    By default the CP Limit is incresed to 2500 when you use the mod.
    Here take a look of these Fun Pictures.

    Left Chaos:
    -Aren't we the same ?!!! Yeah,Yeaah, rock and roll baby let's dance
    Right Chaos:
    -That's right...You are CPU Controlled and I am Human Playable. We can Dance in our 2nd Form.
    It's "Demonsdance" wasn't it.... Nah I have to return my memories.
    Right Chaos:
    - I told you I am going to be included in the Dual Mod and Dual Next Mod so I will Crush all of the Light Warriors...
    Left Chaos:
    - So Is the Desire of The "Great" Developer?....
    Right Chaos:
    -He will Unleash me Soon... Just wait and see....
    -NOW he Unleashed You and You kick them like a Football.
    -Yes if only football players could use the "Demonsdance".
    -And your Manikins?!
    -They are with me as well. Now Discord Should Reign!!!
    -And our "Divine Developer"?
    -He worked hard to bring me playable...Now let's use our Dragon
    Friend...He will crush them....

    [/QUOTE]2250 CP Limit Proof:


    ---------- Post added at 19:33 ---------- Previous post was at 19:30 ----------

    RELEASE - Dissidia Duodecim Dual Next Mod - MULTI-Region USA/EUR/JAP
    Fast As I think Spending More than 2 Months of Daily Development isn't easy work so please respect my work I will really apprecciate all who
    say thanks and give some rep---

    The day I waited for so long has come.

    Yes it is.

    This is the so called "VIP" release of my Duodecim Mod which thanks to some of my friends I decided to be Public so no VIP.

    However all people from the Vip list will not be forgotten and the Next And Final Mod for Duodecim Which I described as a "Secret" and donators only accessible will be strictly reserved for them as well.

    Here is what you folks expected so long.

    The Manikins Are there to Fight as Their Master Chaos is now fully playable why not for them to join him.... yeah and no need to go to the Codes Menu and search for an option to enable in order to use them.

    Just read the IN-GAME Cheats.txt found in the rar.

    Here is what Dual Next Mod feature:


    -Ability to Equip to Feral/Desperado Chaos his oroginal summon for Move Set A
    -Play as Chaos in All his 3 Forms in 1on1, Party Mode (JAP version only) Labirynth, Quest Mode
    -Adds 2500 CP Limit for Customization of the Characters
    -The Manikins Are Now Playable using In-Game Cheat
    -Patches and fixes.



    Please read the Following instructions to understand how to use this
    Mod their are also available in the archive as well.

    For the IN-GAME Cheats Scroll Down.


    For Cheat Codes and His EX Mode Reffer
    to the "IN-GAME Cheat Codes" txt found in the rar.


    Welcome to the New Improved Gameplay of Duodecim International
    and Japanese Version.

    Consider this as a gift from me as I decided all of you to
    have the Dual Next Mod of Dissidia Duodecim.

    Here are the basics.

    Installation of the Mod:

    For Free Cheat Users You have to install the prx onto your MMS
    or if you have it installed just drag the TXT files from the
    CODE folder found in the archive under Free Cheat and paste them in
    your CODE folder stored in mso:/FreeCheat/

    For instructions How to Install Free Cheat just search google.
    I have no time to explain sorry.

    For CW Cheat Users Lucky You you have a CWCheat Version of my mod
    this time....

    Just copy the code lines from "CWCheat DFFD Dual NEXT Mod"txt found in
    the Archive into your CHEAT.DB

    Make sure you have no old code lines pasted or created in your DB
    otherwise remove the ULES/ULUS line as well as _G line hope you know how to
    paste new codes into your db if not use google and learn the basics.

    Instructions of Use:

    Free Cheat USA/EUR:

    Just activate Free Cheat by using the key combination
    (mine is Select+Volume - minus )

    Exit and Enjoy. However for the Chaos Quick Accessories
    you have to mannually activate
    them by highlighting the option "Chaos Quic Accessories A/B/C"
    press Circle
    and select "Lock All" in the popup menu.

    This is the only manual option I include as you may decide
    to customize him with a different acessories.

    JAPANESE Version Free Cheat Only:

    Make Sure you don't touch the Already Activated Options.
    These are "Activate Duodecim Golden Mod"
    "Equip Desperado Orig.S" ("Shinrayu Vs" Summon)

    USE the other options if somethings doesnot work!


    USA/EUR International Version:

    If you followed all the instructions then here is
    how to use the new Game Engine.

    When you are in the Character Selection Screen you
    will notice that Chaos is on the place of
    the "?" icon (random select) or sometimes on the "Free" icon
    if in Quest Mode.

    After the "?" is the real Random Select right after Chaos.
    It's invincible due to the code locking interval setting
    as It may cause the game to lag if codes locking interval is
    too short.

    So please explore detaily the Character Selection Screen
    in all modes to understand where the new features are.

    You Can't Switch Chaos Move Set while in the Character Select Screen.
    For that when in the Screen where you can select
    stage press traingle to go to his
    customization screen.
    Then use Select and select one of the corresponding options to
    play as

    - A -- Chaos First Form
    - B -- Chaos 2nd Form
    - C -- Chaos 3rd Ultimate Form.

    If you try to select D/E you will be returned to A as
    these move sets have no attacks.

    You can't change the form of Chaos he has no Alternative Form Trust Me!

    You can equip Chaos with Accessories up to 10 slots.
    I have made a Quick Accessories Option (Found in the Codes Menu)
    these are "Chaos Quick Acessories A" "Chaos Quick Accessories B"
    "Chaos Quick Accessories C"
    Where A/B/C/ is for Move Set A/B/C. Mean 1/2/3rd Form.

    Use of Chaos in Quest Mode.

    You can use him. Just don't set his move set to be Locked Set it Free.
    Chaos will use temporrally move set means
    his Temporal Setting for Move Set
    A/B/C eventually 1st,2nd or 3rd Form.

    You can save the quest but
    The Mod is required for Chaos to be Playable with Moves.

    In the International Version Chaos is Unplayable in Party Mode.

    Also his settings like accessories and others will not be saved
    that's why I made this
    "quick equip" options to save you time customizing him.

    This however doesn't occur in the japanese version as the devs
    were not removed the area where my mod took place.


    Just activate the Mod by using the Free Cheat Menu
    combination (Select+Volume - Minus)
    You can change his set while in the Character Selection Screen
    (means his Form).
    His settings - Accessories Can be saved.
    Just don't go to his Abilities Screen you will stuck
    there. In Party Mode he is playable.

    All of The International Instructions apply to him here as well.
    - Play as Chaos in "?" Form

    When you are in his Customize Screen just switch his move set

    to to switch to the coressponding form.

    A - 1st Form
    B - 2nd Form
    C - 3rd Form

    Chaos EX Mode!

    His Ex mode can be toggled always no matter his EX Bar Charge.
    Just when not moving (air ground) press And Hold R Trigger and then
    Square to Change to his EX Mode.

    While in EX Mode his attacks are more powerful some can be
    done mutliple times like (Flame Wall) Down+Circle by default if in
    1st/2nd Form EX Mode.

    Some of his Attacks "Scarlet Rain" "Utter Chaos" Can only be done
    when he is in EX Mode.

    The "Demonsdance" HP Attacks is only available in his 2nd Form while
    "Scarlet Rain" or "Utter Chaos" are only available in his 3rd Form.

    Switch a Character to His Manikin Form.
    Play as the Manikins (International Version Exclusive)

    When in the Customization Screen of a Character switch to his Alt 2nd
    Attire and Press both L+R Triggers then exit.
    His/her form will be Displayed as a "Normal" but he/she will be in
    his Manikin Form.


    The Manikins have no EX Burst Attacks.

    Have A 2500 CP Limit:

    By default the CP Limit is incresed to 2500 when you use the mod.
    Here take a look of these Fun Pictures.

    Left Chaos:
    -Aren't we the same ?!!! Yeah,Yeaah, rock and roll baby let's dance
    Right Chaos:
    -That's right...You are CPU Controlled and I am Human Playable. We can Dance in our 2nd Form.
    It's "Demonsdance" wasn't it.... Nah I have to return my memories.
    Right Chaos:
    - I told you I am going to be included in the Dual Mod and Dual Next Mod so I will Crush all of the Light Warriors...
    Left Chaos:
    - So Is the Desire of The "Great" Developer?....
    Right Chaos:
    -He will Unleash me Soon... Just wait and see....
    -NOW he Unleashed You and You kick them like a Football.
    -Yes if only football players could use the "Demonsdance".
    -And your Manikins?!
    -They are with me as well. Now Discord Should Reign!!!
    -And our "Divine Developer"?
    -He worked hard to bring me playable...Now let's use our Dragon
    Friend...He will crush them....

    [/QUOTE]2250 CP Limit Proof:


    => có bản mod game này rồi nè
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 14/4/11
  18. CristicaBlade

    CristicaBlade Zero Time Dilemma Σ Winner Game Award 2024 Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Velvet Room
    ^ ặc bác post cái gì thế X_X
  19. Anakin0302

    Anakin0302 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    Mợ, cái đấy tôi post từ page trước rồi, nếu cần thì chỉ đưa link dl thôi cần gì phải copy and paste y nguyên bên PSPISO :|
  20. mrjaychou

    mrjaychou Sith Lord Revan Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    post cho nó qua trang đi các bác, thằng này nó nặng quá rồi

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