Cards Discussions

Thảo luận trong 'Yu-Gi-Oh!! FanClub' bắt đầu bởi lanhdiendiemla, 2/2/06.

  1. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
    Strength: Warrior/Effect Level 5 ATK/2000 DEF/1500
    Card #: CMC-EN003
    Found In: Playstation 2 Capsule Monster Coliseum
    Description: If this card is successfully Tribute Summoned, on your opponent's next turn, your opponent Skips his/her Battle Phase.
    Kon này thường thôi ...nhưng trước đây khi kiếm được 1 kon tiếng nhật có 1 thằng đần dịch cho tôi là
    If this card is successfully Tribute Summoned, on your opponent's next turn, destroy all opponent's monster
    tởm vãi...thế mà nó dùng để đấu với tôi suốt đấy :hug:
  2. công_tử@

    công_tử@ Guest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Có Chúa mới biết
    huynh nào có 3 lá God cards của bộ GX xin post lên dùm. Em cần hình lớn của 3 lá đó. Mua 3 lá đó mắc quá, cả 200 đô, nên không có tiền
  3. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
    Tìm meeeeetj thở mà không có hình cỡ lớn...sorry vậy
    kon bài sau không lạ nhưng ghê quá
    Strength: Magic Card
    Card #: LE7-JP004
    Found In: Limited Edition 7 Curse of Vampire Pack
    Translation: Select 1 face-up monster on your side of the field to activate this card. During this Battle Phase, the attack of the selected monster is increased by the total attack points of all other monsters on your side of the field field in face-up attack position. All Battle Damage by your opponent is reduced to 0, and only the selected monster can attack this turn.
    thử tưởng tưởng mataza zapper + ATK của cyber dragon hoặc goblin thì sao nhỉ
  4. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
    Strength: Trap Card
    Card #: LE5-008
    Found In: Limited Edition 5 Kaiba
    Translation: This card is activated when your opponent successfully performs a summon or reserve summon. This card will become a clone of that monster with the exact monster type/element/level/attk/def. and placed on your field. When that monster is destroyed, so will this clone.
    khá đấy chứ ...những kon clone khác chỉ tồn tại trong turn đó thôi...token chứ
  5. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
    Strength: Trap Card
    Card #: L3-02
    Found In: Limited Edition 3 Yugi
    Translation: Magic effect used against a player is reversed and applied to the other player.
    Kon này hay chứ...có lẽ mình phải mang nó ra xài thôi
  6. G_Julius_Caesar

    G_Julius_Caesar Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Con này không hiểu lắm , con trên tôi cũng có nhưng không nghĩ là sẽ dùng
  7. Lâm-9p

    Lâm-9p Chình Tái Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    huynh nào có 3 lá God cards của bộ GX xin post lên dùm

    Caesar có đó,anh pót lên cho bạn ấy xem giùm đi
  8. xauso_forever

    xauso_forever Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Để thỏa mãn yêu cầu của các u ..... xin cáo lỗi vì không có cái English version...
    Divine Flame Emperor - Uria
    This card cannot be Normal Summon. This card cannot be special summon other than sending 3 face-up Trap cards from your field to Graveyard. This card's attack strength would be increase by 1000 for each Continuous Trap cards in your Graveyard. Once per turn, you may destroy a Magic/Trap card that is set on opponent's field. The effect of that Magic/Trap card cannot be activate.


    Descending Thunder Emperor - Hamon
    This card cannot be Normal Summon. This card cannot be special summon other than sending 3 face-up Continuous Magic cards from your field to Graveyard. When this card destroy an opponent's monster and it's send to Graveyard, do 1000 damages to opponent's lifepoints. When this card is on your field in face-up defense mode, opponent cannot choose other monsters as target of attack.


    Phantom Emperor - Ravel
    This card cannot be Normal Summon. This card cannot be special summon other than by sacrifice 3 Demon sub-type monsters on your field. Whenever opponent summons a monster, special summon a "Phantom Token" (Dark/Demon/1/1000/1000) to your field. The tokens cannot declare attack. Once during your turn, you may sacrifice a monster on your field, this card's attack strength would be increase by the original attack of that monster until the End Phase of the turn.

  9. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
    Strength: Trap Card
    Card #: RDS-EN049
    Found In: Rise of Destiny 1st Edition
    Description: You can only activate this card when a monster on your opponent's side of the field in face-up Attack position is changed to face-up Defense Position. Destroy all Defense Position monsters on your opponent's side of the field.
    Cái kon này thì đương nhiên không có gì lạ cả nhưng ở VN thì cái hình là bài NHật nhưng cái chữ là tiêng s Anh nên cứ tưởng in sai
  10. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
    Giới thiệu PP9
    Stats: Warrior-Fusion/Effect Level 10 ATK/2900 DEF/2600
    Card #: PP9-JP001
    Found In: Premium Pack 9
    Translation: "Elemental Hero Avian"+"Elemental Hero Burstinatrix"+"Elemental Hero Clayman"+"Elemental Bubbleman"
    This monster can only be special summoned. This card counted as a Wind, Water, Fire, Earth-Type monster. When this card is successfully fusion summoned, return all discarded cards to the deck and shuffle. For every monster on the opponent's field with the same Main Type as this card, increase this card's attack by 300 points.
    Stats: Magic Card
    Card #: PP9-JP002
    Found In: Premium Pack 9
    Translation: Special summon to your field or add to your hand 1 "Kuriboh" or "Winged Kuriboh" from your deck.
    Stats: Machine/Effect Level 4 ATK/1000 DEF/600
    Card #: PP9-JP003
    Found In: Premium Pack 9
    Translation: By sending 1 of each "Machiner's Soldier", "Machiner's Sniper", "Machiner's Defender" from your field to the graveyard, special summon 1 "Machiner's Force" from your hand.
    Stats: Machine/Effect Level 4 ATK/1600 DEF/1500
    Card #: PP9-JP004
    Found In: Premium Pack 9
    Translation: When you successfully summon this monster with no other monsters on your field, you may special summon 1 monster with "Machiner's" in it's name except "Machiner's Soldier" from your hand to the field.
  11. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
    Tiếp theo và hết
    Stats: Machine/Effect Level 4 ATK/1800 DEF/800
    Card #: PP9-JP005
    Found In: Premium Pack 9
    Translation: While this card is faced up on the field, all monsters with "Machiner's" in their name (except "Machiner's Sniper") cannot be targeted.
    Stats: Machine/Effect Level 4 ATK/1200 DEF/1800
    Card #: PP9-JP006
    Found In: Premium Pack 9
    Translation: Reverse: From your deck add 1 "General Commander Covinton" to your hand.
    Stats: Machine/Effect Level 10 ATK/4600 DEF/4100
    Card #: PP9-JP007
    Found In: Premium Pack 9
    Translation: This card cannot be normal summoned. This card can only be special summoned by the effect of "General Commander Covinton". You must pay 1000 life points to attack with this card. By sending a card from the field to the graveyard, special summon 1 of each "Machiner's Soldier", "Machiner's Sniper", and "Machiner's Defender" from the graveyard.
    Stats: Dragon/Effect Level 4 ATK/1500 DEF/1800
    Card #: PP9-JP008
    Found In: Premium Pack 9
    Translation: When this monster attacks a defense positioned monster, if that monsters defense points is higher than this cards attacks points then apply only the difference as battle damage to your opponent's life points.
    có con này là thấy khá 1 chút
    Stats: Dragon/Effect Level 4 ATK/2000 DEF/1200
    Card #: PP9-JP009
    Found In: Premium Pack 9
    Translation: When this card attacks, change to defense position at the end of the damage step.
    Tuy chưa hay bằng spear dragon nhưng công mạnh hơn...đáng lẽ chỉ cần giới hạn nó không tấn công trong nước sau là đủ...như kiểu mệt quá ấy
    Stats: Magic Card
    Card #: PP9-JP010
    Found In: Premium Pack 9
    Translation: While this card is being equipped, the equipped monster cannot be destroyed as a result of battle. (Damage Calculation is done as normal.)
    Em này dùng cho Phượng hoàng là hay nhất
  12. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
    Tin mới nhất về SD8-Conqueror of Gale
    New cards:
    Divine Bird - Shimurug
    This card cannot be Special Summon. You must sacrifice Wind main-type monsters to summon this card. When this card is on the field, at the end of turn do 1000 damages to both players. This damages done by this effect done to player would decrease by 500 for each Magic/Trap card he/she control.

    Sonic Shooter
    This card can direct attack opponent if there's no Magic/Trap cards on oponent's field. The battle damages done this way is equal to this card's original attack strength.

    Hysteric Party
    Trap - Continuous
    Discard a card from your hand. Special Summon as much [Harpy Lady] in your Graveyard as possible. When this card leaves the field destroy all monsters special summon by this card's effect.
    ngoài ra hình như còn có 1 kon bài nữa là "God Bird Attack" nhưng chưa rõ effect
  13. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
    God Bird Attack
    Normal Trap
    Tribute 1 Winged Beast-Type monster on your side of the field. Destroy 2 cards on the field.
    Kon này hình như có mã là EOJ
  14. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
    thêm 1 kon bài mới nghe nói sẽ có trong SD-8
    Birdman of Gale - Joe
    When this card is successfully sacrificed summon by sacrifing a Wind main-type monster, return all Magic/Trap cards on the field to owner's hand.
    xem ra tương lai sẽ có sự trỗi dậy của bọn Wind ...tiếc thật nếu không dính vụ mấy kon harpy lady thì bộ này sẽ hung lắm
  15. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
    Tin mới nhất nề EOJ
    Official Spoiler! From Spikes and Barons
    D-Hero Devilguy
    When this card is in face-up attack mode, once per turn you can remove an opponent's monster from
    the game. The player that use this effect cannot battle during that turn. The monster removed
    by this effect, at your second Standby Phase, would return onto opponent's field in the
    same mode.

    D-Hero Diehardguy
    When this card is face-up on the field, if a monster with [D-Hero] in its name other than this card
    would be destroy as result of battle and sent to Graveyard, special summon that monster onto your
    field during your next Standby Phase. This effect can only be used once per turn.

    D-Hero Diamondguy
    When this card is face-up on the field, you can look at the top card on your deck. If that
    card is a Normal Magic sends it to Graveyard, and you can activate the effect of that Normal
    Magic at the Main Phase of your next turn. If outside of Normal Magic card put it to bottom
    of the deck. This effect can only be activate once per turn.

    D-Hero Dreadguy
    When special summon by effect of [Clocktower of Seclusion], destroy all monsters on your field
    except cards with [D-Hero] in its name. Afterward, you can special summon up to 2 monsters with
    [D-Hero] in its name from your Graveyard. During the turn this card is special summon, when monster with
    [D-Hero] in its name on your field would be destroy, and the battle damages done
    to controller would become 0. This card's attack and defense strength is equal to the total
    original attack strength of all monsters with [D-Hero] in its name except this card.
    Ultra/Ultimate Rare

    Cyber Tutu
    When all monsters on opponent's field have their attack strength higher than this card's attack
    strength, this card can attack opponent directly.

    Cyber Gymnetics
    Discard a card from hand. Destroy a monster in face-up attack mode on opponent's field. This
    effect can only be use once per turn.

    Cyber Prima
    When this card is successfully sacrificed summon, destroy all face-up Magic cards on the field.
    Super/Ultimate Rare

    Cyber Giraffe
    Sacrifice this card. Until End Phase of that turn, all damages done to this card's controller by
    effect of cards would become 0.

    Cyber Phoenix
    When this card is face-up on the field, negate all effects of Magic/Trap cards that target a Machine
    sub-type monster on your field. When this card is destroy and sent to Graveyard as result of battle
    when it's face-up, draw a card from your deck.
    Super/Ultimate Rare

    Reverse: Opponent cannot set card(s) this turn.

    Victory Viper XX03
    When this card sucessfully destroy an opponent's monster, choose one of the following effects and
    - Increase this card's attack strength by 400.
    - Destroy a face-up Magic/Trap card on the field
    - Special Summon a [Option Token] onto your field that have the same Main-Type, sub-type, level,
    attack, and defense strength as this card.
    Super/Ultimate Rare

    Birdman of Gale - Joe
    When this card is successfully sacrificed summon by sacrifing a Wind main-type monster, return all
    Magic/Trap cards on the field to owner's hand.

    Harpy Pet Baby Dragon
    This card gains effect text equal to number of monster with [Harpy] in its name on your field other
    than [Harpy Pet Baby Dragon].
    1 - When this card is face-up on the field, opponent cannot choose monsters with [Harpy] in its
    name on your field as target of attack other than [Harpy Pet Baby Dragon]
    2 - Doubled this card's attack and defense strength
    3 - Once per turn, you may destroy a card on opponent's field.

    Lightning Gear - Skyflash (Lightning Gear - Senkuu)
    When this card attack opponent's lifepoints directly, draw a card from your deck. Send this card
    to Graveyard during the End Phase of the turn this card is successfully Normal Summoned, Reversed
    Summon, or Special Summon.

    Lightning Gear - Ouka
    This card can be Summoned without sacrifice. If summon by this way, send this card to Graveyard at
    End Phase.

    Lightning Gear - Rumbling Dragon (Lightning Gear - Gouryuu)
    This card can be Summoned by sacrificing 1 monster. If summoned by this way, send this card to
    Graveyard at End Phase. When this card attack a monster in defense mode, and the attack strength
    exceed that defense strength, do battle damages to opponent equal to the difference.
    Super/Ultimate Rare

    Royal Knights
    When this card destroy a monster as result of battle and send to Graveyard, increase your lifepoints
    equal to that monster's defense strength.

    Green Declarer
    Discard this card and another Angel sub-type monsters from your hand to Graveyard to activate.
    Negate an activation of an opponent's Magic card and destroy it. This effect can only be use in
    opponent's turn.

    Purple Declarer
    Discard this card and another Angel sub-type monsters from your hand to Graveyard to activate.
    Negate an activation of an opponent's Trap card and destroy it. This effect cannot be use in
    opponent's turn.

    Artemis of Harvest
    When this card is face-up on the field, draw a card everytime a Counter Trap would be activate.

    Reiyad of Relief
    When this card is face-up on the field, whenever a Counter Trap would be activate return 2 Angel
    sub-type monsters that are removed from game into your hand.

    Bringer of Sparking Light
    When this card is face-up on the field, all cards that would send to Graveyard would be removed
    from the game instead.

    Giver of Judgment - Boltenis
    When you successfully activate a Counter Trap, this card may be special summon by sacrificing
    all monsters on your field. When this card is successfully special summon this way, you may
    destroy number of cards on opponent's field equal to number of Angel sub-type monsters sacrificed.
    Ultra/Ultimate Rare

    Guard Dog
    Reverse: Opponent player cannot special summon during this turn.

    Vacuum Itachi ("Vacuum Weasel")
    Reverse: Opponent cannot activate Magic/Trap during this turn.

    Beating Aos
    Sacrifice an Earth main-type monster outside of this card from your field, special summon an Earth
    main-type monster from your hand. This effect can only be activate once per turn. The monsters
    special summon by this effect would be destroy when [Beating Aos] leaves field.

    Raging Eria
    Sacrifice a Water main-type monster outside of this card from your field, special summon a Water
    main-type monster from your hand. This effect can only be activate once per turn. The monsters
    special summon by this effect would be destroy when [Raging Eria] leaves field.

    Blazing Hiita
    Sacrifice a Fire main-type monster outside of this card from your field, special summon a Fire
    main-type monster from your hand. This effect can only be activate once per turn. The monsters
    special summon by this effect would be destroy when [Blazing Hiita] leaves field.

    Devastating Wynn
    Sacrifice a Wind main-type monster outside of this card from your field, special summon a Wind
    main-type monster from your hand. This effect can only be activate once per turn. The monsters
    special summon by this effect would be destroy when [Devastating Wynn] leaves field.

    Battery Man D
    When this card is face-up on the field, opponent cannot choose a Thunder sub-type monster as target
    of attack other than [Battery Man D].

    Super Electromagnetic Operating Voltic Dragon
    When you successfully sacrificed summon by using one of following monsters, this card gain respective
    - Battery Man D: Negate the Magic/Trap effect that target this card.
    - Battery Man C: When this card attacks a monster in defense mode, and the attack strength is
    higher than the defense strength, do battle damages to opponent equal to the differece.
    - Battery Man AA: Increase this card's attack strength by 1000.
    Super/Ultimate Rare

    E-Hero Phoenix Guy
    Fire/Warrior - Fusion/6/2100/1200
    [E-Hero Featherman] + [E-Hero Burst Lady]
    This card can only be Special summon by Fusion Summon. This card cannot be destroy as
    result of battle.
    Ultra/Ultimate Rare

    E-Hero Shining Phoenixguy
    Fire/Warrior - Fusion/8/2500/2100
    [E-Hero Sparkman] + [E-Hero Phoenixguy]
    This card can only be special summon by Fusion Summon. Increase this card's attack strength by 300
    for each monsters with [E-Hero] in its name in your Graveyard. This card cannot be destroy as
    result of battle.
    Ultra/Ultimate Rare

    E-Hero Sailorman
    Water/Warrior - Fusion/5/1400/1000
    [E-Hero Bubbleman] + [E-Hero Featherman]
    This card can only be special summon by Fusion Summon. When you have set Magic/Trap card,
    this card can attack opponent directly.

    E-Hero Wild Wingman
    Earth/Warrior - Fusion/8/1900/2300
    [E-Hero Wildman] + [E-Hero Featherman]
    This card can only be Special summon by Fusion Summon. Discard a card from your hand, destroy a
    Magic/Trap card on the field.
    Super/Ultimate Rare

    E-Hero Necroid Shaman
    Dark/Warrior - Fusion/6/1900/1800
    [E-Hero Wildman] + [E-Hero Necrodarkman]
    This card can only be Special summon by Fusion Summon. When this card is successfully special
    summon, destroy a monster on opponent's field. Afterward, choose a monster in opponent's Graveyard
    and special summon it to opponent's field.

    Magic - Normal
    Choose a face-up monster on opponent's field to activate. Do damage to opponent equal to halved
    of the original attack strength of the chosen monster. Your monster cannot attack during this

    H - Heat Heart
    Magic - Normal
    Choose a face-up monster on your field to activate. Increase the chosen monster's attack strength
    by 500. When that monster attack a monster in defense mode, and the attack strength is higher than
    the defense strength, do battle damages to opponent equal to the difference. This card's effect
    would lasted until end of turn.

    E - Emergency Call
    Magic - Normal
    Choose a monster with [E-Hero] in its name from your deck and add it into your hand.

    R - Right Justice
    Mgaic - Normal
    For each monster with [E-Hero] in its name on your field, destroy a Magic/Trap card.

    O - Over Soul
    Magic - Normal
    Choose a monster with [E-Hero] in its name from your Graveyard, special summon it to the field.

    Hero Flash!!
    This card can only be activate when you remove [H - Heat Heart], [E - Emergency Call], [R - Right
    Justice], and [O - Over Soul] from your Graveyard from the game. Special Summon a Normal Monster
    with [E-Hero] in its name from your deck. During this turn all Normal Monsters with [E-Hero] in
    its name can attack opponent directly.

    Power Capsule
    Magic - Normal
    Choose one of the effects of a [Victory Viper XX03] face-up on your field. This card's
    effect would become that effect.

    Deification of Light
    Magic - Quickplay
    Special Summon an Angel sub-type monster from your hand. That monster's attack strength would be
    halved, and destroy it at the end of turn.

    Guard Penalty
    Magic - Quickplay
    Choose a monster on the field. When the chosen monster would switch to defense mode during this
    turn, draw a card from your deck.

    Grand Cross
    Magic - Quickplay
    This card can only be activate when [Macrocosmo] is on your field. Do 300 lifepoint damages to
    opponent, and destroy all monsters on the field.

    Dimensional Rip
    Magic - Continuous
    All monsters that would send to Graveyard would be removed from game instead.

    Clocktower of Seclusion
    Magic - Field
    During each Standby Phase of opponent's turn, put a Time Counter onto this card. When this card
    have four or more Time Counters on it, battle damages would not be done to this card's controller.
    When this card is destroy and send to Graveyard while it have 4 or more Time Counters, special
    summon a [D-Hero Dreadguy] from your hand or deck.
    Super/Ultimate Rare

    Trap - Normal
    This card can only be activate when your lifepoints is 8000 or more less than opponent. Both
    player's lifepoints become 3000.

    Elemental Charge
    Trap - Normal
    For each monsters on your field with [E-Hero] in its name, increase your lifepoints by 1000.

    Destiny Destroy
    Trap - Normal
    Send the top 3 cards on your deck to Graveyard. For each Magic/Trap card send to Graveyard by
    this effect, you take 1000 lifepoints damages.

    Destiny Signal
    Trap - Normal
    This card can only be activate when one of your monster on the field is destroyed as a result of
    battle. Special summon a monster with [D-Hero] in its name that is Level 4 or lower from your hand
    or deck.

    Trap - Normal
    This card can only be activate when a monster with [E-Hero] in its name on your field leaves the
    field. Add a monster with [D-Hero] in its name with level lower than that monster into your hand
    from your deck.

    Trap - Normal
    This card can only be activate when a monster in attack mode with [D-Hero] in its name on your
    field would be target of attack. This card would become an equipment card, and equipped on the
    attacked monster and strength it to defense mode. The equipped monster cannot be destroy as result
    of battle.

    God Bird Attack
    Trap - Normal
    Sacrifice a Bird sub-type monsters fron your field. Destroy 2 cards on the field.

    Elemental Absorber
    Trap - Continuous
    Remove a monster card from your hand from the game. All opponent's monsters with the same main-type
    as that card, as long as this card is on the field, cannot declare attack.

    Trap - Continuous
    You may special summon a [Primerval Sun - Helios] from your hand or deck. When this card is face-up
    on the field, all cards that would send to Graveyard would be removed from game instead.

    Miracle Arrival
    Trap - Continuous
    Special Summon one of your Angel sub-type monster that is removed from game. When this card leaves
    the field, destroy that monster. When that monster is destroy this card is destroy.

    Cracking Hatchet
    Trap - Continuous
    Choose a face-up monster on the field to activate. When this card is face-up on the field, the
    attack strength of the chosen monster is decrease by 500 during each of your Standby Phase. When
    that monster is destroy, destroy this card.

    Trap - Counter
    Negate the Normal or Reverse Summon of a monster, and return that monster to owner's hand.

    Ra ngày 20 tháng 3
  16. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
    Một người anh em nữa của bọn Monarch...wind Monarch sắp ra đời...effect sẽ là When this card tribute summon successful return all Magic/Trap cards on the field to owner's hand...giống giant trunade rồi
    Vậy là chỉ còn thiếu Dark monarch là đủ họ không hiểu eff kon đó rồi sẽ thế nào
  17. Shindo Hikaru

    Shindo Hikaru Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    eff chắc là take control 1 con face up trên bàn đối phương 1 turn :D bọn dark toàn dân trộm cắp :D
  18. darknessReturn

    darknessReturn Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cái này quá đúng, VD brain jacker, dark necrofear, nhưng mà dark không ăn cắp dã man như là earth VD: dummy golem
  19. lanhdiendiemla

    lanhdiendiemla Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
    Dummy golem là trao đổi ' công bằng' chứ có trộm cắp gì đâu ...nói chúng eff take control face up cũng được đấy có vẻ hợp lý
  20. darknessReturn

    darknessReturn Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    công bằng????, nghĩ kĩ chư, con golem flip lên ròi thì còn làm gì nưã, trừ khi ông muốn dùng book of moon để flip 1 lần nữa

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