SW Brigandine: Legend of runersia

Thảo luận trong 'Tin tức - Giới thiệu - Thảo luận chung về game' bắt đầu bởi Kronpas1997, 28/6/20.

  1. The_Angel

    The_Angel Lão Làng GameVN Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Down bảng PS1 Grand Edition patch E chơi đi bạn, chất gây nghiện đấy :4cool_beauty:
    My Final Heaven thích bài này.
  2. My Final Heaven

    My Final Heaven Thông @$$ tao đi, một lần thôi màaaa Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    Để tối nay về thử xem sao:))
  3. nướcđá7A3

    nướcđá7A3 ◥▶◀◤ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    úi dời tải tạm file bri GE hôm qua đúng là bản mod thật bảo sao có mấy đứa nó mạnh cả mình lẫn máy :1cool_byebye:
  4. Hoursea

    Hoursea Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Bản mới này hay không các bạn để down chơi?
  5. phamtuanduy212

    phamtuanduy212 Persian Prince Knight Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hay cậu ạ, các loại monster rất cân bằng, monster yếu nếu biết dùng và có cách chơi hợp lí cũng rất mạnh, các quốc gia cũng cân bằng, game thiết kế hợp lí, một game rất underrated vì quá ít người chơi số với độ hay của nó, mình thuộc loại chóng chán mà chơi một lèo 6 lần đủ cả 6 nước mà không ngán
    hunken45 and Frederic Chopin like this.
  6. Hoursea

    Hoursea Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Tốt tốt. Vì trước mắt là mình kết hệ thống lục giác của game này. :cuteonion46:
    Frederic Chopin thích bài này.
  7. mashimuro

    mashimuro Goodbye Rosemary Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ko lẽ làm con switch chỉ để chơi game này :-s
  8. Scuderia_Ferrari

    Scuderia_Ferrari Tears of the Kingdom Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ta làm con switch chỉ để chơi FE nè :))
    giờ có thêm con này nữa quá tuyệt :(fight)
    mashimuro thích bài này.
  9. Kronpas1997

    Kronpas1997 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nên mua, switch trông thế chơi được nhiều hơn console khác vì ko bị hạnc chế không gian chơi.
    jackradian, alucardme87 and mashimuro like this.
  10. alucardme87

    alucardme87 Crash Bandicoot ♞ Blade Knight ♞ Tàu ngầm GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    The Castle
    Chuẩn cmnr, giờ mình chơi switch nhiều nhất vì là tiện nhất.
  11. katt1234

    katt1234 Glory to Mankind

    Tham gia ngày:
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    trò này vô battle model unit nhìn nhỏ nhỏ mờ mờ , bên fire emblem làm tốt hơn nhiều

    Mắt đã cận chơi khó chịu vl :|
  12. The_Angel

    The_Angel Lão Làng GameVN Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    ^ Ủa bản này ko có chỉnh chỉ xem bem nhau ở ngoài map hả?
  13. phamtuanduy212

    phamtuanduy212 Persian Prince Knight Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Không có bác ơi, nhưng một phần là vì chất lượng đồ hoạ đã tốt hơn, bác có thể zoom vào mặc dù không khuyến khích
  14. DaivyPhuong

    DaivyPhuong Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bác nào upload em cái rơm game đc không? Link google driver kia hình như bị khóa rồi. Sáng down nhầm đuôi .NSZ không chạy đc. Thanks
  15. taditest

    taditest Leave Luck to Heaven ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ‘Titans and the Iron Front’ update now available:

    Patch Notes (Switch: Version 1.1.2)
    • Added Custom Difficulty.
      • You can now customize up to 8 settings to enjoy a wider range of game difficulty.
    • Added high-level monsters Titan and Shadow Goblin.
    • Note: While in combat, you can now turn Auto Mode ON by pressing the L Stick (left stick), and OFF by pressing either the L Stick (left stick) again, the A Button, or the B Button.
      • Toggle Auto Mode ON / OFF whenever you like, such as when you come into contact with an enemy unit or only during monsters’ turns
    • Combat AI: Custom Difficulty – Guard Castle Hex added.
      • If you set the CPU Defensive AI to “Guard Castle Hex” in the Custom difficulty settings, the CPU will deploy and keep troops around their castle (base) hex.
    • Combat AI: Hard Difficulty – Healing selection algorithm is now more effective.
    • Combat AI: Hard Difficulty – Made it easier to target and attack knights.
    • Combat AI: All Difficulties – Fixed timing and target of certain buffing spells.
    • Added Manage Items function.
      • Players are able to use of items or changing of equipment across all bases.
    • Added function to discard multiple equipment at once.
    • Added function to release multiple monsters at once.
    • Added Repeat command in Quests to repeat a particular quest every season.
    • Display details when collecting items during quest results.
    • Added detailed stats page for knights and monsters in Info panel.
    • Sort function in Info panel will now remember last sort order.
    • Added info for knights in each base on Main Map.
    • Added Info and Power Relationship to System Menu.
    • Added option for number of front line knights confirmation dialog (can be toggled ON / OFF).
    • Game version at start of game and selected difficulty now displayed when replaying battles.
    • Increased monster limit from 100 to 200.
    • Combat: Increased changeable camera angles (height) from two to three tiers.
    • Combat: Added option for army color-coding (switch between two types).
    • Combat: Attacks on fainted units will always hit.
    • Combat: Added option for a slower battle fast-forward (select from three tiers).
    • Combat: Shortened display time of healing or poison damage at start of turn.
    • Added option for faster cursor speed (select from four tiers).
    • Adjusted menu behavior to prevent players from accidentally ending their turn.
    • Removed level-ups from random events in Challenge Mode.
    • Adjusted summoning/organization algorithm to favor monsters with higher costs.
    • Fixed a rare GPU-related bug.
    • Lowered volume for level-up sound effect.
    • Combat: Fixed bug where retreating knights occasionally could not be found in any base.
    • Fixed issues related to the recruiting conditions of certain knights.
    • Tutorial: Fixed rare bug that occurred during screen transitions.
    • Minor text fixes.
    • Other minor bug fixes.
    Known Bugs (Switch: Version 1.1.2)
    • When a unit with a Lapis Exilis accessory is defeated, they sometimes turn transparent upon revival.
    • After inputting certain controls, incorrect numbers are sometimes shown in commands to knights on the main map (quests, movements).
    • After inputting certain controls, incorrect colors for total combat power are sometimes shown on the main map.
    • When there are knights on the move in Katchana, the display will overlap with the adjacent base of Koaloopa.
    • After an event, the next phase sometimes begin with the event BGM still playing.
    Scheduled to be fixed in a future patch.

    Letter from the Producer
    Hello everyone! I’m Igarashi, the producer of Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia.

    We’re very happy to announce that the “Titans and the Iron Front” update for the Nintendo Switch version of Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia is now available. This producer letter is to express our gratitude toward our fans who have played the Switch version or are considering the PlayStation 4 version. We’ll also be sharing some details about this exciting new update.

    To begin with, I’d like to give a big thank you to everyone who has already bought and played the game! The objective of this update was to offer those who have already played through the game extensively something new to tinker with as the year comes to an end. Please update the game to rediscover a fresh new Runersia!

    If you’re thinking about buying the PlayStation 4 version that will be launching next week on December 10, rest assured that “Titans and Iron Front” will be available as a day one update for your enjoyment.

    There are around 30 new updates for the game this time. You can check the full details [above], but there are a few in particular I’d like to explain in a bit more detail in this letter.

    ■ New Difficulty: Custom

    This new difficulty allows you to customize up to eight settings. You can now make the game easier than Easy or harder than Hard if you like! For example, if you found the Demo too hard, try these settings on your next playthrough:
    • Base Difficulty: Easy
    • Time Limit: None
    • Mana Acquisition: Player: 2x
    • EXP Acquisition: Player 2x
    • Revival Stone: Per Season
    I think you’ll find that the game becomes much easier to handle this way! On the other hand, players looking for the ultimate challenge can adjust the settings to favor enemy countries so as to test your skills to the max!

    Many players have also told us they want to play the highest difficulty without any time limit, and this custom difficulty feature was created partly to meet those requests as well.

    ■ CPU Combat AI Update

    One of the eight settings of the custom difficulty is CPU Defensive AI. This is a new AI algorithm that determines the CPU’s defensive play style.

    Select “Guard Castle Hex” and the CPU will deploy and keep troops around their castle (base) hex. This makes it more difficult to lure knights from their formation, forcing you to come up with new tactics!

    Skirmishes around the base will become more intense, making it harder to clinch victory. Camping at the base and waiting for enemies during defensive battles is a strategy often used by human players, so we’ve implemented this tactic for the CPU AI as well.

    Do also note that the “Guard Castle Hex” AI is only available in Custom Difficulty.

    As long as there are no custom settings configured, enemies on all difficulties on the Main and Challenge Modes will be using the same AI as always. (However, enemy AI has been tweaked to be slightly more difficult to tackle in Hard.)

    If you set CPU Defensive AI to “Random”, you won’t know which AI the enemy is on until you get to the battle. You’ll have to change tactics on the fly depending on enemy behavior, which may make battles more thrilling!

    ■ New Monsters: Titan and Shadow Goblin

    Adding new knights, classes, and monsters has been on the table since the start, as we knew that would delight the player base.

    We have added two new monsters to the game in time for this year-end update. Once you try these unique new monsters out, you’ll see that they have well-developed merits as well as a few lovable flaws at the same time. They’re likely to be very useful when you’re trying out strategies against the new Guard Castle Hex AI!

    ■ Auto Mode Button

    Each battle tends to take quite a bit of time to complete, and we’d been wanting to improve on this aspect of the game. So for this update, we’ve implemented a function that turns Auto Mode on or off with a single button click.

    You can take the following steps right after a battle starts until your troops make contact with the enemies:
    1. Move only the knight during player turn.
    2. Standby knight and turn Auto Mode on with the Left Stick.
    3. Monsters start moving automatically.
    4. While the last monster is still moving, turn Auto Mode off.
    5. Repeat these steps for troop B, moving just the knight.
    6. Move monsters using Auto Mode.
    ■ New Functions Improving Playability

    We’ve also added a number of quality of life functions that improve playability, such as a Manage Items UI, Info panels, Options settings, and others. You can check the details in the list that was linked above. These improvements were made with the feedback of many players in mind, so thank you for the suggestions!

    ■ Closing Remarks

    That’s all from us for the update this time. There are still a lot of other things we want to add in future updates as well. We’ve received so much good feedback, requests, and wonderful ideas from all of you that we agree with. I really feel like the player base sees this game heading in the same direction as I’d like it to go!

    This is a brand new entry to the series after 20 long years, and country conquest simulation games like Brigandine are not really mainstream these days. Despite that, you took a leap of faith and purchased the game, although it wasn’t exactly the cheapest, and some of you even bought a new console just to play it! That’s why we wanted with all our hearts to make this free update available by the end of the year.

    In that sense, I guess you could say that we’ve moved one step ahead with our goals as well!

    Although we do not have details to share about any potential future updates quite yet, we assure you that we won’t stop trying to bring something new to everyone who has supported us. The launch of the PlayStation 4 version next week will be yet another milestone in our goal to allow as many people as possible to enjoy this game!

    As always, thank you for reading!
    katt1234 and SyIvian like this.
  16. DaivyPhuong

    DaivyPhuong Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    chơi giả lập yuzu ngon lành. Nghe tiếng nhạc trận đánh bat đầu ký ức xưa trở lại.
  17. minhhiệp

    minhhiệp Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    hix, ko có máy, ham mê trò này hồi nhỏ lắm :(
    TS bố thằng nintendo mua bản quyền, ko có trên PC hay mobile nhé
  18. SyIvian

    SyIvian C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    PC giả lập được đó bác
  19. taditest

    taditest Leave Luck to Heaven ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Trailer update bản tiếng Anh:

    baby_fatcat thích bài này.

    SOZUOKA シェンムー Ryo Hazuki Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Uả Switch giờ cũng có giả lập playable rồi hả, trước giờ tưởng là hàng WiiU chứ :6cool_surrender:

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