Yeah, you know the poem "Trung thu là tết thiếu nhi" :( Yeah, thanks :D I... actually indirectly heard a lot about you 2 y'know. Hope you...
Hey it's not like she forced me to marry her. We really do want to get married even before having the child. And I'm pretty sure I'll have a good...
I... You... Your metaphor... is... really... strikingly well used but I find something really... wrong in that point of view...
Maybe it's just my case but I'm still quite unconvinced about the natural-ness of tieing (or tying? goddamn my English is so broken) your...
... I don't mind (un)tie my gf bras, but shoes? Does that really have anything to do with a gentleman's status? Oh wait nvm, my gf don't even...
You can play Catherine to know how guys feel about "marriage" :(
I think life is full of ups and downs, if you're too stuck in the past you won't be able to see ahead into the future :D
Sorry to hear about your marriage SC sis o_0 It must be rough for a woman to balance between work and childbirth. My girlfriend made a fuss about...
Mm she might, or she might not. But either way I'm not one who would lose his freedom of speech in exchange for a bride.
O hai guys just randomly came back and read IE's ancient post (somewhere near the post where Xeno show off his epeen which I will cut off slowly...
eeee 30 chars my a**!!!!!!!
Revive is like, 1000 gil right
I didn't know you guys are still alive. Though y'all should be dead by now, old age or too much weed or something :))
Glasses girls are always charming, it's fact. My heart skips a step whenever I see a cute girl with glasses laughing. Radiant light flashes...
Wassup? :) I'm just testing some forum features pls ignore me :(
Muốn đi raid: - Guild không có raid: tự form raid. - Guild không cho raid vì đã có group core chuyên nghiệp hơn mình: chuyển guild phù hợp với khả...
Cùng đợt với cái clip này có cả clip hướng dẫn đi bg bằng frost mage đấy anh, hot không kém =) Edit:
Mới ở trên núi xuống à? :-? Edit:
Lên ảnh đẹp vl =)
nub question book là cái gì? :D
Dãn cách tên bằng dấu phẩy(,).