It’s useless, there’s no point… That’s straight from Team GEN. Development has indeed begun on custom firmware 6.XX; however, Team GEN was struck with the realization, “is it really worth it right now? 5.50 GEN / 5.03 HEN already provides the necessities.” Real recognize real. So the current game plan: continue releasing 5.50 GEN (for PSP-1000/2000) and 5.03 HEN (for PSP-3000/2000 TA-088v3) updates. And with that said we can expect 5.50 GEN-D3 and 5.03 HEN-C in a few hours. What about CFW 6.XX? Is it happening or what? What’s the deal? It’s simple really… Sony has structurally changed the firmware in a number of ways prohibiting current homebrew in its current state. If custom firmware 6.xx were to happen right this day then developers would need to adapt their homebrew to the 6.xx kernel. Not to mention other functions would remain broken too. In the end it would be somewhat similar to the 1.50 to 3.xx transition we experienced way back when. So lets stick to the game plan and these regular 5.50 GEN / 5.03 HEN patches are likely to accommodate what’s needed; i.e. compatibility for games requiring 6.20 or higher. Lets just hope we’re back on PSN with GEN-D3/HEN-C, and then we can save Custom Firmware 6.xx for another day. nguồ anh em bay vào comment nào
Haizzz mấy tin kỉu này nên lên pspgen - tin nó sẽ chính xác hơn cậu ạ. Với cả phần Hay Nhất + hay Hơn nó ở đây cơ: Lý do vì sao chưa/ không có Custume Firmware 6.xx GEN-A