Resident evil2

Thảo luận trong 'Fighting Game Club' bắt đầu bởi thai son, 5/10/03.

  1. thai son

    thai son Youtube Master Race

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    The Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

    Claire, the resourceful but reckless younger sister of Chris Redfield, road down the highway on her Harley on the twilight hour. She was tired physically and emotionally, and the fact that her butt hurt wasn’t helping at all. She’d been riding for what seemed like forever thinking about her big bro, Chris.

    Chris was usually crazy about calling from Raccoon to her college dorm every few days, but recently his calls stopped. Claire was worried; she tried calling him but got no where. She was really worried; she began calling all the places he told her to incase of an emergency. The only response was a bunch of over loaded answering machines. Her friend was borrowing her biker equipment but she still had a spare helmet, with out a second thought she sped off.

    As she flew down the highway, her thoughts drifted to the loads of road grime making a second skin on her bare legs. She cursed herself for not remembering to bring her leathers. She thought of what Chris would say when he found out she was riding this late and without proper protection. *Oh, please be there to yell at me, tell me how stupid it was to rush out without thinking. Then . . . then we could get some burgers and laugh at how silly it was for me to be so paranoid* “He’ll be fine, no worries.” She told herself only wishing she could believe it.

    Claire passed a sign welcoming her to Raccoon City. She was riding through an urban area made up mostly of flat fields, probably farms. Her legs were getting hot now from the steady engine of the bike. Her ponytail whipped madly at the wind after getting loose from her helmet. She was beginning to wonder were everyone was. She pasted a few semis, but the last had been well over an hour ago.

    Finally, coming up on a real street, Claire was relived to find that some street lights were still on, but still saw no one. She continued toward Emmy's diner. Chris couldn’t cook worth a damn; he lived off cereal, cold sandwiches, and Emmy’s about four times a week.

    She saw cars everywhere but still no people, then saw a couple on the corner, they were staggering around like drunks, *wouldn’t be surprising if they were, it is a Friday night after all.* The dim city lights only gave her the barest glimpse of the couple, still it eased her to know that someone was out.

    She reached Emmy’s searching for her brother's jeep. It was no where to be found but that didn’t mean much, he knew several of the waitresses there, one was bound to know of his whereabouts. She parked the Softtail right up front and peered in through the window. The whole place was messy but what worried her more is that it was empty. Emmy’s was an all night diner which always *always* had someone in it, reading the paper or just resting up drinking coffee.

    Claire entered slowly as the bell atop the door rang. Her only greeting was a powerful gust of the foulest smell she’d ever experienced. Her head recoiled as she began to breath through her mouth to avoid the worst of it. She carefully walked around the L shaped diner, "Hello, is anyone here?" At the far corner she saw a man stooped over something. She smiled a little, walking at a brisk pace to meet him. When she got closer the smell amplified to almost unbearable, *Maybe he has a bowel problem* her mind whispered.

    She got to the point where she saw he was stooped over a waitress. The waitress’s name tag read Jenny, Claire knew her a little. The man, stooped at the fallen waitress’s side, made no acknowledgment of Claire’s being. She looked closer at the waitress seeing something was just out of place but couldn’t figure out what. She saw blood patted in small stains on the pink uniform, then the head, it wasn’t there. She stumbled back gasping at the realization. Only a mound of unidentifiable dark matter remained above the severed neck.

    “Jesus, what happened?!” At this the man turned ever slowly, turned to reveal the blood and gore all over his deathly pail face. The man, he was . . . eating the young girl. “Listen, I’m sorry for bothering you, but I think I’m going to be going now,” more of a plea then a statement. She walked backwards unable to turn away from the gruesome sight. The man turned with a hungry moan and started after her. “Don’t come any closer!” she cried “Do you hear me!?” She stumbled on an over turned table, regaining her balance before falling, tearing her eyes away from the man. She turned to see something even more awful, two or three other men rubbing on the glass, their bodies cut with skin pealing off. She yelped looking back at the first man as he crept closer.

    Claire knew the layout of the small diner and ran for the back door. Panic flew freely in her mind, praying this couldn’t be happening. She didn’t know what to expect when she barreled out the door, but a gun pointed in her face was the last thing. The man holding it gave the order to “Get down!” Her legs suddenly boneless she fell, arms rose as if to ward off the blow. She heard a huge BANG and closed her eyes tight, then heard a groan like air being let out of a beach ball. She turned to see the gored man crumple to the ground, a dark whole just over his right temple.

    The man was offering a hand talking fast; too fast for Claire’s panicky mind too understand. She only understood the phrase “not safe.” She took the hand offered and was pulled up by a strong arm. Before being able to ask anything, the man turned and ran.

    Claire followed totally freaked and forgetting her motorcycle. She saw his uniform immediately taking to heart that he was a cop. She followed through the ally onto a nearly empty street. He pointed to a squad car continuing to run, Claire very much relieved to be coming to an enclosed space rather then out in the open. The young cop searched for the key through the open door, then turned over the visor smiling as gleaming metal hit his hand. He started the car as Claire entered the passenger seat. He told her to buckle up, but she was already strapped in. The car lurched forward and then backed out into the street.

    Finally able to breath again Claire managed to say “What’s going on in this town?” The cop oblivious to the question exclaimed, “Great, the radio’s out,” slapping the communication device on the dashboard. She got a better look at him leaning forward in her seat, noticing how young he was, *can’t be much older then me* she thought to herself. “You’re a cop right?” she said with a little sarcasm in her tone. He noticed her “Yup, first day on the job, great huh, names Leon Kennedy, nice to meet you.” At that he turned putting full concentration on the road. Claire voiced a little shaky, “Mines Claire. I’m looking for my brother, Chris.”

    She sat in a tense position explaining, when he told her to look in the glove box. “There’s a gun inside.” She said picking it up making sure it was loaded and sighted. “Better take it with you." Leon said.

    They made a sharp turn heading for the police station, hopefully a safer place then outside. They continued in silence, Claire didn’t want to interrupt Leon’s focus. There was a rustle from the back seat. Claire turned and screamed as a decaying mess lunged at her. Leon turned down the street wildly with one hand as he got his Desert Eagle loose from its holster. Claire was still screaming slapping at the creature, trying not to let the thing touch her. Leon had a firm grip on the barrel and came down hard with the butt on the creatures face, satisfied with the loud crunch. The creature hit the back seat, coming again toward Leon this time.

    “No!” he yelled as he desperately tried to take control of the vehicle now scrapping a brick wall sending sparks everywhere. Once off the wall the car spun a full 360, finally coming to an abrupt stop after slamming into a parking meter, the impact so great the stowaway was flung clear out of the windshield, making a fantastic splat. Mercifully most of the carnage was out of sight.

    “You ok?” he said over to Claire who had a wide look of fear on her teenage face. At his calm tone Claire was able to blink out of her near hysteria, smiling awkwardly, “Still in on piece.” Leon smiled back as his mouth opened as if about to say something, his eyes locked onto the rearview mirror. Claire looked at the wide eyed expression and turned in her seat to look at what had caused Leon’s silence. A semi, a tanker, totally out of control came crashing down the street ramming cars causing great plumes of sparks to spring up, judging from the way the backend veered left to right, it was full.

    Leon broke the silence first stating the obvious, “That maniacs gonna ram us!” Panic struck Claire as she fumbled with her safety belt, Leon doing much the same. They both got out running at full speed in different directions. Claire heard as much as felt the crash, she jumped as if to fly, then she was flying for a few seconds as a massive wave of heat and pressure filled the air around her. She curled into a ball tucking her legs in tight; hitting the gravel hard but managed to take most of it on her shoulder. She was on her feet in a flash as a chunk of flaming debris hit right in front of her shocked eyes. She turned and stared at the magnificent wreck wondering if Leon was ok, then as if to answer her thought Leon yelled over the leaping flames, “Claire!”

    “Leon!” she yelled back. “I’m fine, head for the station I’ll met you there.” She waited tensely for more but after a moment she realized Leon was gone. She looked at herself, coming out with only a few scratches after all that had been a blessing all in itself. She looked at the pink denim vest and matching shorts noting that they were tough enough to handle all the action, but as for her black shirt and tight shorts, they didn’t fair as well, she noticed small cuts all over showing bits of pink skin underneath. She was suddenly very glad Leon couldn’t see as she noticed the shirt had a wide tear down the front revealing parts of petite but well formed breast incased in a thankfully undamaged white bra.

    She headed down the street in a jog; she had been to the R.P.D. with Chris on a number of occasions but never at night and never under such dire circumstances. She only hoped her mental map and sense of direction where still working. Claire turned and looked back at the wreck, seeing bodies begin to move out into the streets, many walking toward her with hair and clothes ablaze. She signed at the sight that in her right hand she’d somehow managed to hold onto the gun, she didn’t know a whole lot about weapons but she did go to shooting ranges with Chris a couple of times. *He’s good* she thought *hope it runs in the family*

    Claire's gloomy trek to the station had been the most frightening thing ever, she pasted through a gun shop but someone had already raided it. She saw what must have been the owner lying on the floor, blood and bite marks covered his back, he was face down. She pasted out the back door running down an alley, not wanting to think about the innocent people that died here, and hoping she wouldn’t become one of them. She pasted through an empty basketball court and down another alley.

    She reached a 4-way intersection but it was blocked on most sides by several damaged squad cars. Then she heard it, the sound of multiple mouths biting and tearing into meat. The noise told her what was coming up ahead. She turned a corner and gasped as a feast was taking place, four or five people were eating a downed policeman. Claire carefully walked along the farthest wall, making as little sound as possible. Her heart pounded in her ears so loud she thought for sure the cannibals would hear.

    There was a bus that was lodged into an accidental barricade. She quietly opened the doors, trying very hard not to step on the shattered glass scattered all about. Once on the bus she closed the door behind her and turned as a fresh wave an acrid odor flung her nostrils into a frenzy. Claire put her left hand to her nose and the right on her gun. She saw the source, a distorted woman crawling weakly toward her, she aimed the handgun and fired. Two shots one going wide, the other hitting the creature’s spine. With a withered groan the creature settled to the floor. Claire hurried to the other door and ran out to get away from the smell.

    She exited only to be attacked by an even more powerful odor; she peered around looking at the destroyed street littered with vehicles, and a large group of creatures, all cops from the tattered uniforms. She had only the one clip and didn’t want to shoot at cops . . . or what used to be cops. She hurried past the moaning creatures to the gate leading into a small court yard, if memory served. The gate opened on hinges in need of oil. Before she could be through her arm actually touched one of the shambling corpses, with a gasp of surprise and disgust she thrust her knee into the man’s genitals, and was even more disgusted as she felt something give under his clothes. After she slammed the gate hard on the closest creature Claire ran in pushing it closed with her back.

    She leaned on the gate only for a moment when a hand reached through and grabbed her shoulder, she screamed kicking away. Breathing very hard from the surprise she looked back to see the group pushing into one another reaching into the closed gate. Unnerved she walked to the steps of the R.P.D. building.

    The tears in her cloths had gotten larger by now from all the movement. The tears in her black shorts showed even more skin, as did the larger rip in her shirt. Her beautiful breasts bounced almost free of there bindings as she jogged up the stairs. She blushed a little at the reflection in the window then thought of what she would do if Leon . . . or others were waiting just inside.

    She put her left arm across her chest as she entered wanting to see if Leon had made it, while keeping her modesty. She crept in slowly and carefully, the heavy door made no sound as she entered. Relieved and grieved by the emptiness of the large hall, she walked in slightly faster. There was a reception desk behind a rather unfitting and dry fountain. Two doors to her left, one on the right, she tried the door to the right first but it was locked. She tried the first door on the left with the same outcome. The third door, however, opened . . . into a disaster area. The large tables taking up most of the room had random papers thrown every which way and blood splotched the floor and walls, *the station isn't safe*.

    Claire looked left quickly scanning the area with her weapon after hearing a low moan. She sighted her handgun on a slumped body of a cop propped up next to a wall of lockers, he was clutching his side. The cop raised his head weakly and asked “Who . . . who are you?” in a wavy half-conscious voice. She rushed over to him surprisingly happy to see another human being. She knelt beside him, her bra showing and not caring, and told him in a stronger voice “I’m Claire Redfield, I’m looking for my brother, Chris Redfield, he’s with S.T.A.R.S.” At that the man lifted his head to look at her. His voice came raspy, “We lost contact with the S.T.A.R.S. over, ah, weeks ago.” Claire noticed his face was pointed at hers but his eyes were a little below. She glared at him, and then said “So, he isn’t here then,” more of an annoyed statement then a question. He looked up into her gray eyes saying, weakly “Afraid not, but there might be some people, civilians, still somewhere in the building, you have to find them.” A half hidden smile ran across his tired face, “There’s a keycard in my back pocket, it’ll open the hall doors,” trying to sound a little more weakly then necessary. Claire put both arms around him searching for the card. A smile crept along his face which quickly changed into a mask of despair as the girl looked up at him with a raised eye brow. She retrieved the elusive keycard and backed toward the door she entered from. He actually had a smile on his face as he seemed to doze off. She entered the hall whispering under her breath, “Men.”

    She didn’t see any card readers on the doors, so she walked over to the receptions desk, on the only monitor it was already asking for the card. She slid it through what looked like a portable credit card scanner. The card was cleared and with a click the doors' mechanical locks were released. Claire stepped toward the second door she checked, when the front door flew open and Leon stepped in with an alert expression on his youthful face.

    At the sight of one another, both ran called out. Almost in each others arms until Claire halted and tried to cover up. Leon looked confused then for the first time saw why she stood there so awkwardly. His jaw dropped as he peaked at the young cleavage present. He tried to look away only managing for a second before again staring gawk eyed. He desperately wanted to say something like “Are you hurt?” or maybe “Sorry,” but all that came out was a “buhhh.” He gave himself a mental kick in the ass.

    Claire turned a furious red, her eyes darting at Leon then at what he was looking at. She turned away from him and pouted as she heard the dumb “buhhh,” noise. “Stop! Stop looking at me like that!” she scolded but at this point Leon was far off in La La Land. She stomped to the first left door and slammed it on his pervert eyes, without once looking back. She was angry at Leon, at all men, *Gosh, why can’t these idiots take this situation seriously*

    Leon finally brought back in to reality by the slammed door, ran up to it knocking and calling "Claire," there was no answer. He began pleading with his “sorrys” and “I don’t know what I was thinking.” After a moment of silence, he leaned on the door and started mentally undressing Claire, drool leaking out the corner of his ear-to-ear smile as his eyes went blank.

    Claire ran down the long hall, all the while hoping there weren’t any more male survivors or she’d have to hurt them. She pumped her arms for speed as she rounded the corner . . . coming to a dead stop. Her eyes widened as she looked at another cop . . . torn to pieces. His head was missing, limbs scattered around the mangled torso. The insides pulled out and lay haphazardly around a pool of drying blood.

    Then she heard it, a dripping on the pool. She slowly looked up as she backed away. “Click-click . . . click-click.” “Heeeaaggghhhhhhhhhh.” Her mind couldn’t put together what she was looking at, only pieces of the monstrosity were fed to her. It looked humanoid with four limbs but the resemblance ended there, dark squished wholes for eyes, a wide permanent grin on its toothy maw, the claws . . . huge viciously curved claws, its skin resembled something of an inside-out carcass. It crawled on the ceiling just as an infant would crawl on the ground, and its impossibly long tongue easily four feet in length was whipping around. *Oh god, its brain is sticking out . . .*

    The creature let out another hoarse cry then dropped from its ceiling perch, doing the cats-always-land-on-their-feet trick, landing only a few feet from Claire’s quivering body. The creature immediately began toward her.

    She backed up and then stumbled still in total disbelief at what she saw. In the second that it took Claire to remember she had a gun the creature was right in front of her. She raised it trying to steady herself for a shot. SLAP! The whip like tongue flashed out batting the gun down the hall. Now in a trance of total terror Claire only watched as the thing got closer and closer, she could smell it now, it’s hot breath the same as the zombies.

    She was flat on her butt still trying to back away into the wall. The creature reached her slashing at her bare legs. She screamed as her own warm blood poured out of the three long gashes on her right thigh. She hadn’t noticed, too awestruck with fear, that her denim was ripped as were her shorts. She didn’t feel any blood but the bottom half of her attire was nothing but tatters. Her white panties were still intact but she made no reaction, only blinking at every swift movement the creature made.

    By now the creature was on top of her, its long alien tongue slid down her face. She felt tears and an overwhelming feeling of self-pity. *I’m so sorry Chris* The creature seemed to stop its advance, still hissing but not moving. She opened her tightly closed eyes just a little and gasped at what she saw. The creature was almost straddling her when a growth was taking place between its hindquarters. Another long hiss, then something grew out, *oh no, please this can’t, no* She whispered these things as the creatures growth continued, she couldn’t see it before from the way it was crawling but the monster was getting horny. She made no mistake about it, the thing’s thing was at least a foot and still pulsing . . . growing, it looked like a huge sausage with a straw through it.

    The monster began to move again, positioning itself. Claire closed her eyes tightly, knowing what was coming next. “Oh, please someone.” “LEON!!!!” As she screamed the last of her breath away the monster plunged into Claire’s virginity tearing her panties as well as everything inside. She cried, she moaned, she groaned, the monster having no easy time shoving itself into her tight sheath. After much effort, the monster finally understood that Claire couldn’t possible stretch any farther, still it continued, single mindedly wanting nothing more then to get at least half of its length inside her quivering form. Claire gritted her teeth and cried out again. Blood pooling under her as the monster continued, unhindered, rubbing her raw. Finally it began pulling out, the pointed tip was almost out, to Claire’s sobbing relief. Then right before pulling its considerable length out, it plunged back in with such force that it actually got deeper into its victim. It was too much for Claire to handle she screamed again then blacked out.

    The creature totally oblivious continued on its mission pumping into the unconscious girl. Finally, after several deep plunges it didn’t pull out again. Purplish thick liquid began leaking out of Claire’s full inners. The creature withdrew at last, its **** beginning to shrink back still shooting off small spurts all over Claire's body, then it began licking Claire’s and its own body fluids.

    Leon, brought out of his dazed walk, on the other side of the R.P.D. building, went running toward the screaming, cursing himself for what happened earlier and leaving her alone. The R.P.D was full of the undead. He was sweating from fending off the monsters in the meeting room. He ran, huffing hard. *Man am I stupid, how could I leave a girl on her own in this place* Then remembering why, he quickly shook the image from his head.

    Claire had locked the door after storming out but after a few kicks Leon was threw. Alert and scanning the area, Claire’s screams ended a few minutes ago. *What if, what if I’m too late* No, she was alive, she had to be. Leon continued down the hall coming to a right turn, and stopped. He fell to his knees at the sight of Claire’s mutilated body.

    She was lying on her side, her cloths gone, only tattered rags remained. She seemed so helpless so dead. It looked like she was breathing but that must have been his imagination. There was too much blood all over the place. “NO!!!! DAMNIT!!!!!!!” he went on a yelling spree with virtually ever curse he could think of.

    She groaned, Leon whipped out of his madness, rushing to crouch in front of her, very angry with himself for not checking her pulse. Her eyes opened a little.

    She felt warm strong hands shaking her bare shoulders. She knew it was happening but she felt so far away s weak. She heard a zipper, and then felt something warm between her thighs before passed out again.
    For now . . .

    And BAM, the second story is done. As always, I enjoyed writing this and am looking forward to what all you people out there think. Please send your opinion to [email protected] or to Minatek on the Otaku Board (I CARE). I’ll probably write a couple more unless no one likes them. Thanks.
    By: KJB
    Date: 7-7-03t
  2. nghia_acqui

    nghia_acqui Mario & Luigi

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    Trời ơi !!! Re là thể loại kinh dị mà . Ông Thái sơn à...Ông nên đưa bài này vào box Re clup chứ . Ông ko hiểu à , ở đây là box đối kháng chỉ dành cho những game đánh lộn giữa 2 người thui . Kenji đâu rùi chuyển bài này wa kia đi . Mà đây là cốt truyện mà , họ dịch cả rùi ông ơi .

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