Psp firmware update v6.10!

Thảo luận trong 'Sony' bắt đầu bởi wwwdantewww, 1/10/09.

  1. wwwdantewww

    wwwdantewww Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

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    PSP® System Software Update 6.10​

    The PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system software update may include security patches, new or revised settings and features and other items, which will change your current operating system. We encourage you to check this page from time to time for software updates and to always maintain your system to use the latest version of the system software.

    An update to the PSP® system software was released on October 1, 2009. You can use this update to upgrade your system software to version 6.10.

    View update history


    * This update is for customers who own PSP® systems with model numbers PSP-1001, PSP-2001 , PSP-3001 or PSP-N1001, sold in North America. DO NOT update your PSP® system through this website if you purchased your system outside North America. There is no guarantee of proper operation with models sold outside North America.
    * Do not perform updates using any data other than the official update data provided by Sony Computer Entertainment over a network or on disc media, and do not perform updates by methods other than those described in the product documentation or in this site. If an update is performed using data from another source, by another method, or with a PSP® system that has been altered or modified in any way, the PSP® system may not operate properly and may not be able to install the official update data. Any of these actions may void the PSP® system warranty and affect your ability to obtain warranty services and repair services from Sony Computer Entertainment.
    * For customers using PSP® system software version 2.80 or earlier:
    PSP® systems with system software version 2.80 or earlier do not correctly recognize high-capacity Memory Stick PRO Duo™ with more than 4 GB of free (recordable) memory space. For further details, select here.
    * The system software included within this product is subject to a limited license from Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Refer to for further details.
    * If your PSP® system software version is 6.10 (or later), you do not need to perform this update. To check the version of your system software, go to [​IMG] (Settings) > [System Settings] > [System Information]. The information is shown in the [System Software] field.
    * Depending on the software title, you may not be able to play without first updating the system software.
    * This system software update includes all features contained in previous versions.
    * To connect to the Internet using your system, you must be within range of a wireless access point (or hotspot) that allows connections to the Internet.
    * Depending on your PSP® system software version, the screen images and icons appearing on this website may differ from the actual product.
    * Some of the features and functions described in this website are applicable only to specific PSP-1000/2000/3000 series systems, as indicated by the [​IMG], [​IMG], and [​IMG] icons.
    * Some of the features and functions described in this website are applicable only to PSP-N1000 series (PSP®go) systems, as indicated by the [​IMG] icon.
    * Unless specifically identified by a PSP series icon, listed features are applicable to all models.

    The PSP® system software version 6.10 update includes the following:

    [​IMG] Music

    * [​IMG] (SensMe™ channels) has been added as a new feature.


    The SensMe™ channels application uses Sony's proprietary 12 Tone Analysis technology to evaluate music tracks that have been imported from the Media Go application to the PSP® system. The application automatically categorizes the tracks into 12 channels such as “Relax” and “Dance”. You can select a music channel to match the time of day or to match your mood.

    To use the SensMe™ channels application on your PSP® system, you must first download the application to your system. > See details

    * You can now import playlists that are created using the Media Go application.


    You can import Media Go music playlists directly to your PSP® system so that you can enjoy the music wherever you go.
    o Media Go version 1.2 or later is required to use this feature. (Media Go 1.2 released on Oct. 1, 2009.)
    o For details about installing Media Go on your PC, visit
    o For details about using Media Go, refer to Media Go help.

    Other new or revised features in version 6.10
    [​IMG] Settings

    * PSP®go (N1001) [​IMG] In [Display Panel Close Options] under [​IMG] (System Settings), the design for the [Standard] theme has been changed.

    [​IMG] Game

    * [Update] has been added to the options menu for games.
    By selecting this option, you can connect your system to the Internet and check whether update data is available for the game in use. If update data is available, you can use this option to download and install the update data.

    [​IMG] PlayStation®Network

    * PSP®go (N1001) [​IMG] [Memory Stick™] has been added as a save destination for content that is downloaded from PlayStation®Store.
    * A new category for ‘minigames’ called [minis] was added under [​IMG] (PlayStation®Store). You can go to this category [​IMG] (PlayStation®Store) to download (purchase) minigames that can be played simply and easily on your system.


    * PSP®go (N1001) [​IMG] The Dial-up Networking (DUN) profile has been added as one of the supported Bluetooth® profiles. > See details
    You can update your system software by any of the following methods:

    * System Update »
    Use the PSP® system's wireless LAN feature to connect to the Internet and to perform the update. Select the link above for update instructions. Refer also to the instructions for the PSP® system.
    * Update using a PC »
    Download the update data to a PC, and then save on Memory Stick™ media or system storage. Start the saved update data on your PSP® system to perform the update. Select the link above for update instructions.
    * Update using a UMD™ »
    1000 series [​IMG] 2000 series [​IMG] 3000 series [​IMG] Use the update data included on a UMD™ to perform the update. Select the link above for update instructions.




    1. Nối PSP™ với PC bằng cáp USB.
    2. Tạo folder trên PSP™ như hướng dẫn dưới đây:
    * Dành cho PSP-1000/2000/3000:
    * Dành cho PSP-N1000 (PSP®go):
    3. Tiếp tục tải 2 file này về, đừng rename.
    4. Copy cả 2 thư mục vào cái folder NPIA00013
  2. canchigiaonhieu

    canchigiaonhieu One-winged Angel Lão Làng GVN

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    Ko xem topic của k3n à, anh yoshihiro fang đc fw 6.0 rồi \:D/
  3. sasuke1212

    sasuke1212 Samus Aran the Bounty Hunter

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    Bãi rác phố
    Mình đã post bài này bên Hot game rồi mà,bác sang xem lại nhé :D

    Nhưng mà nó ra 6.10 cơ mà =.=
  4. wwwdantewww

    wwwdantewww Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

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    :| Tin này hơi hot nên lập topic :D.
    cái này là 6.1 mà ........
  5. NhocX89

    NhocX89 T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Nó ra nhanh như vậy là có ý đồ, chắc em MGS dễ dính chưởng. Còn một vài game đỉnh sắp ra. Trong tình trạng phát triển hết rùi, cầu mong không bị dính:((
  6. latinoheat48

    latinoheat48 Space Marine Doomguy

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    Sì Gồn
    trời ơi, thấy mấy vụ này giống Sơn Tinh VS Thuỷ Tinh wa vậy :)) trong đó Sony là Sơn Tinh :))
    kì này phải ủng hộ Thuỷ Tinh roi :-<
  7. cyberbrain

    cyberbrain C O N T R A GameOver

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    FW này có cái trình nghe nhạc Sense Me hay có trong đt Sony Ericsson.Nhìn đẹp kinh khủng.
  8. kitephuc

    kitephuc T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    giống có spy quá ;)) . Cứ hacker có bước mới là Sony lại đi 1 bước ;)) .
  9. wwwdantewww

    wwwdantewww Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

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    Spy rì.... Bạn không thấy cái Decryter mới ra 1 ngày mà người ta làm rầm rộ thế này à. (Mình spam được cả dống post đây) ;))
  10. harryvucao

    harryvucao Dragon Quest

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    Sunnyvale, Calif
    sao ko chờ nó ra rồi lập topic luôn bạn, chưa có gì hết mà...
  11. nh0cs0ul

    nh0cs0ul T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Bellingham, Wash
    Máy hôm nay có phong tráo lập 2pic mới.Cái vụ patch máy game 5.55 & 6.0 là có tới 2->3 2pics rồi.
  12. Mad Mike

    Mad Mike T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Drum Shop
    Vào box PSP mà loạn cả mắt @-)@-). Mà cái trình nghe nhạc mới của PSP đẹp thật, nhìn giống giống trong itunes hay itouch ấy.
  13. wwwdantewww

    wwwdantewww Legend of Zelda Lão Làng GVN

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    Hôm sau ra thì post vô đây luôn :D. Edit post 1 là ok :D.
  14. bione

    bione Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Quá đẹp XMB e thấy đẹp thật
    P/S thằng DA bảo Sony ra FW mà không có gì mới thì nó ko làm CFW thế giờ có cái mới ko bik nó nói chối j` nữa =))
  15. nh0cs0ul

    nh0cs0ul T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Bellingham, Wash
  16. KhanhPro1406

    KhanhPro1406 T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

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    BHC-Bệnh hoạn Club
    Tầm này chờ FF13 với Kingdom Heart ra thì ko hiểu nó sẽ là đời Fw gì.
    Bọn Sony này ác quá.Up Fw liên tục thế này thì File save của Dis FF sao theo kịp được :((
  17. HT_OneinOne

    HT_OneinOne Youtube Master Race

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    thế này thì khảon nghe nhạc của PSP ăn đứt ipod còn gì:)):)):))
  18. KhanhPro1406

    KhanhPro1406 T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

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    BHC-Bệnh hoạn Club
    Ăn đứt gì.???
    Theo tôi thì nge nhạc bằng máy Mp3,mp4,Ipod hay Psp cáo nào chẳng thế.
    Có cái loa thùng đặt cạnh tai thì may ra nge có khác chút chút.:))
  19. bongbongbong

    bongbongbong Persian Prince

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    có cái kinh hơn là từ nay trở đi là 1 tuần ra mấy game psp lận( mong các bác hacker giúp anh em và 3k sớm thoát kiếp nạn này):)):)):((:((:)):((:)):((
  20. ltminh6793

    ltminh6793 Mario & Luigi

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    Anfield Stadium
    Nếu kể 3k thì phải kể cả 2000 v3 nữa chứ,chung số phận mà :))

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