EliteCabal New Season

Thảo luận trong 'Cabal' bắt đầu bởi queensryche, 10/7/09.

  1. queensryche

    queensryche Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    New client - new update: THE LOST WORLD: anti-cheat, chaos arena, FT b2f 125, Forbidden Island, pet training skill, new costumes :)

    Elitecabal giờ mở server mới hoàn toàn, rate x100, update tới bản The Lost World, ai thích chơi thì vô với tụi mình nhá :P

    LƯU Ý: AI CHƠI ELITECABAL LẦN NÀY THÌ VÔ SERVER x100 NHÉ, ĐỪNG VÔ x500 - TUY RATE CAO MÀ NHIỀU CÁI SAU NÀY BẠN SẼ RẤT KHÔNG VUI ĐÂU (Vd;shop tiền mặt cho tụi nước ngoài làm trùm, drop FC 2slot, reset.. ......)

    HOTBOY_HN Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    - Ặc, quả thật vô đối rồi, nếu có Lost hay ko Lost mà update New Server thì tui sẽ chơi bởi vì Elite từ trc đến nay vẫn là hay nhất, chẳng qua lúc trước có dupe đồ nên thôi

    - Down thôi, yên tâm có 1 server chơi lâu dài rồi :D

    - Ai chơi Elite thì để lại nick yahoo nhé, có j còn liên lạc, buôn dưa lê: [email protected]

    HOTBOY_HN Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    - Trang chủ :

    - Link Client, ko có link Patch:

    - Direct Link: http://dll.elitekingdoms.com/cabal/EliteCabalep3.exe
    - Rapidshare Links:
    - Megaupload:
    - Gigasize:

    - Diễn đàn, trong đó có thông tin Event, Event trong forum và topic mua bán, rất quan trọng:

    ....Các bạn nhớ down bản Client mà cài và đăng kí acc mới nhé, thông tin sẽ luôn được cập nhật tại đây. :D

    Dear Community,

    Due to the problems we had with the SQL Server, the update must be delayed to wednesday of next week, approximately.

    Unfortunately, this update requires a new client and new servers, because it's imposible to run the new system in the actual servers.

    So, we will open 2 new servers:
    x100: a "normal" server, with normal store. But we will include in all the accounts the "premium service" (GPS , addicional inventory and warehouse slots).

    x500: this server will be dedicated to those who want some fast action. Besides of the free premium service, we will offer a FULL STORE and a Reborn System.

    We will keep the old servers too, but as I said, we can't update them.

    This will be a new begining for all of us. We know that is difficult to start all over again, but think that we will have 2 new servers, with lot of new exciting experiences, totally clean of duped items and with a security system against cheaters.

    We hope that you could understand. You all wanted a server update, well.. this is the only way that could be done.

    Thank you for your patience and your continuous support. We are constantly working to offer you the best service.

    In the following posts, I will detail the update.

    ----- Post Automerged -----

    Chaos Arena
    Built in the Era of Honorable Age by “The Clan of Perfect Protectors", the Chaos Arena is a mysterious land, full of evil, danger and great rewards. Accessed through a warp in Bloody Ice, many believe that the chaos arena will provide the key to victory in the war of the nations, with victorious individuals leaving with both fame and fortune.

    Basic Information
    * The Chaos Arena is an instant map that will run on some channels
    * The arena will open six times per day.
    * There are 5 different difficulty levels for the Chaos Arena, (Listed below).
    * Maximum number of players to enter each level of the Chaos Arena: 21 players
    * When a chaos arena is opened on one difficulty all 5 levels on that channel are opened and a total of 105 players can join the combined levels (21 per arena x 5 different arenas). That means 525 players can enjoy chaos arena every time it is open
    * Each level difficulty is restricted to character level and players must also possess an entry item which is relevant for their level (miracle key 1~5).
    * Players can either craft or purchase from the Item shop, the miracle key. All necessary materials can be found in the game and should drop in regions relevant to the player’s level.
    * The success rate of crafting miracle key is 100%.

    Inside the Arena
    * Play time in Chaos Arena: total 25 minutes
    * It is not possible to enter Chaos Arena after 5 minutes of opening
    * Monsters will appear as soon as the gate of Chaos Arena is destroyed.
    * If players do not destroy the gate, it will be automatically destroyed after 5 minutes of opening (the gate must be attacked for this five minute countdown to be activated)
    * As time goes by, higher level monsters will appear in Chaos Arena in consecutive spawns.
    * Towards the end of the chaos arena boss class monsters will spawn, eventually the final boss will spawn which you must defeat to complete the dungeon.
    * Items will drop from monsters
    * The final boss of the Chaos Arena will drop the rarest items.
    * If players are killed in Chaos Arena, they can use one odd circle only, if they do not possess an odd circle they will be moved to Bloody Ice and they have failed the Chaos Arena

    Craft of entrance item – miracle key:
    All of the items below will drop in a variety of hunting grounds around the game. This should correspond to the level of the chaos arena, i.e. the materials for a level 125 chaos arena will be found in high level maps.
    * LV1 LV 30 ~ 60 Miracle Key LV1 Royal Fixer LV1 + Raw Platinum + Formula Card LV1
    * LV2 LV 61 ~ 80 Miracle Key LV2 Royal Fixer LV2 + Raw Platinum + Formula Card LV2 + Upgrade Core (Low)
    * LV3 LV 81 ~ 94 Miracle Key LV3 Royal Fixer LV3 + Raw Platinum + Formula Card LV3 + Upgrade Core (Mid)
    * LV4 LV 95 ~ 124 Miracle Key LV4 Royal Fixer LV4 + Raw Platinum + Formula Card LV4 + Upgrade Core (High)
    * LV5 LV 125 ~ 170 Miracle Key LV5 Royal Fixer LV5 + Raw Platinum + Formula Card LV5 + Upgrade Core (High)

    Forgotten Temple B2F
    The word challenging doesn't even begin to describe the tasks and dangers that await those who attempt to conquer this dungeon. With over twenty encounters, each more difficult than the last, not even the strongest warriors will succeed without a plan. A maze of adventure, fun and exploration, this new raiding dungeon provides a host of new quests, rare items and ugly foes to face, providing hours of excitement and entertainment.

    Basic Information
    • Requirement to enter : Lv 125, Battle style rank 11
    • Location: Forgotten Temple entrance in Forgotten Ruin
    • Entry Item : Muster Card : Forgotten Temple B2F
    • Time limit : 1 Hour
    • Added introduction quest for Forgotten Temple B2F

    New Items Dropped inside the new Forgotten Temple B2F

    Pets Training
    Pets are a store house of abilities to augment their masters powers.

    Starting off their training at level 1 they gain experience with you as you level until they reach level 10. The can have 1 skill per level and at level 10 they gain a special appearence.


    Each level of a pets life they have a slot like an item which you can augment with astral force abilities. This in essence makes a pet an accessory to house special skills for your character.

    Basic Information
    • Training by NPC- Core Alchemist
    • Pet will earn EXP while character is using Skill in condition of summoning Pet
    • Unable to earn Pet EXP by Dummy Training
    • Slot will be open for option training each time Pet levels up
    -Basic Level : Lv.1 (for Lv.1 Pet will have 1 Slot)
    -1 Slot will be open by Level up
    -Max. Level : Lv.10 (Appearance of Pet will be changed in Lv. 10)
    • Option Training : Force Core(Highest)
    -Success Rate : 100%
    -Option will be applied to the pet by random
    • Pet Training type
    • Appearance of pet will change at level 10

    New items for Pets
    • Pet Name Card - IAvailable at the Port Lux Grocer this card costs 100,000,000 alz. A renamed pet cannot be seen by the apposing nation on war channel/map they will only see the pet type name for example "Dire Boar" instead of your pets real name be it "Fluffy" or "Ralph".
    • Pet Sleeping Kit
    - To seal the Pet item
    - Able to trade/use Personal Store the sealed Pet
    - Sleeping Kit will be differentiated by Pet level
    • Pet Untrain item
    Item to reset all options which are belonging to Pet

    Skill table:

    Skill addition is performed at the Core Alchemist NPC and costs alz determined by the level and a single Force Core Highest.

    * Levels 1~5 = 1,000,000 alz
    * Levels 6~8 = 2,000,000 alz
    * Level 9 = 3,000,000 alz
    * Level 10 = 4,000,000 alz

    Upgrade Window:

    Upon success a random skill from the table above is applied the outcome cannot be pre determined.

    Extension to the item upgrading system
    The upgrade system now includes the ability to upgrade to +9. This is done at the core alchemists NPC. However new pitfalls await.

    NPC Upgrade window:

    Stat Increase example:
    Example of upgrade success (Increase rate of Defense/Defense rate for item grade upgrade of “Battle Glove of Proof”)

    * Battle Glove of Proof +1 -> Battle Glove of Proof +2 : Increase Defense +3 / Defense Rate +3
    * Battle Glove of Proof +5 -> Battle Glove of Proof +6: Increase Defense +6 / Defense Rate +6
    * Battle Glove of Proof +6 -> Battle Glove of Proof +7 : Increase Defense +12 / Defense Rate +12
    * Battle Glove of Proof +7 -> Battle Glove of Proof +8 : Increase Defense +3 / Defense Rate +3
    * Battle Glove of Proof +8 -> Battle Glove of Proof +9 : Increase Defense +3 / Defense Rate +3

    Item Success rate:

    The maximum success rate can be acheived by combining different types of upgrade cores and extenders, the perfect cores giving the maximum value of 50%.

    No matter how many cores you combine the maximum chance of success is 50% and the minimum fail rate is 25%.


    The amount of rate that can be given depens on the cores quality:
    Upgrade Core High = 2% rate
    Upgrade Core Highest = 3% rate
    Perfect core = Capped at 50%

    The fail rate determins if you get an "Item failure" if you do not pass to upgrade the % chance given determins if you receive a penalty or not.

    Item failure:
    If you fail to upgrade an item there is a chance you can break it or destroy it depending on the item properties.

    Unextended items either remain +7 or become destroyed:

    Non extended item:
    [​IMG]. > Fail > Destroyed

    Extended items do not get destroyed totally but they do loose their extra abilities and become +0 again, they do however retain their original slots:

    Extended item special enchant in 3rd slot:

    [​IMG] > [​IMG].

    Extended item special enchant in 2nd slot:
    [​IMG]. > [​IMG]

    Creadit EliteCabal

    HOTBOY_HN Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Lord of War System

    Ever wanted to lead your nation to victory? Now is your chance! The Lord of War system will reward the top fighters from each server every single week, giving you the opportunity to win fame, fortune and distinction. At the end of each week the strongest fighters will be awarded one of two titles:

    Guardian: 10 characters for each Battle style per World (Total 60 characters per World)
    Bringer: 1 character for each Battle style among 60 Guardians (Total 6 characters per World)

    These ranks will be awarded based on the scores from the week (Score for 1 week + Total number of kills for one week) and will be ranked from highest to lowest. A maximum of seven wars will be counted, with the best seven performances taken into consideration.

    You can see your personal score by pressing C. The color of your score depends on the amount of wars you took part in (more than 7 wars is marked with yellow).

    Advantages of Lord of War

    1. Title:
    Capella - Luminosity Bringer and Luminosity Guardian
    Procyon - Storm Bringer and Storm Guardian

    2. Special powers with the Title (applied ONLY in Mission War)

    HP UP +500
    Resist Unmovable UP +60%
    Resist Down UP +60%
    Resist Knock Back UP +60%
    Resist Stun UP +60%

    HP UP +500
    Resist Critical Rate UP +20%
    Resist Critical Damage UP +60%
    Sword Skill AMP UP +10%
    Magic Skill AMP UP +10%
    Critical Rate UP +5%

    3. Distinction among fellow citizens

    Unique Effects for Leaders:
    Storm Bringer and Luminosity Bringer
    Storm Guardian and Luminosity Guardian

    Lead your nation - Authorization for Broadcasting:
    • Broadcast is function to show message in the middle of screen to same nation users
    • Use in normal channels: Show to all channels excludes Mission War channels
    • Use in Mission War channels: Shows to same Nation in Mission War channels
    • Broadcasting is able to use with ‘Shout’ (/L) function and not allowed to use normal ‘Shout’ function for Leaders.
    • ‘Shout’ function after releasing Bringer title
    Shout function will be broadcasted in Mission War
    Normal Shout function is able to use in normal field (not the broadcasting)
    Broadcasting can be disabled by disabling the Title
    • Able to give authority of broadcasting function to 1 more character in Mission War.

    4. As the leaders of the movement, Bringers & Guardians will have their Character & Guild names will be shown to the opposing Nations at the Mission War. Can you handle the pressure?

    Tierra del Bruto

    The war is expanding and the age of enrolment is now lower than ever before. Introducing the brand new “Tierra del Bruto” a war map designed for lower level characters. Available for players between level 52 and 94, the system will introduce lower levels to the realities of life in Nevareth.

    I. In order to participate in the new lower level wars you will need to do the following quest:
    Quest: Able to get from Officer Morison in Port Lux

    Quest condition
    Requires Lv 52 / Battle Style level 6 or above
    Must have Completed “Sacrifice” quest in The Sword of Guardian quest group

    Nation Select quest: completes “What Are You Fighting For?” quest in Prelude quest group

    Able to select Nation again at Lv 95 (through the “The Tower of Sages, Divide” quest)

    II. Tierra del Bruto Rules
    1. Requirement: Lv 52 ~ Lv 94 characters with Nation
    2. Open method: Open 2 channels of Tierra del Bruto by level range per World
    Lv 61-94 - Novice-Completer
    Lv 52-60 - Novice - A.Expret

    *Mission War is not allowed if Skill Rank is exceeded compares to level range*
    3. Number of participants: Maximum 60 characters (Capella 30 : Procyon 30)
    Able to check the number of participants by Tab key
    4. Duration: 30 minutes (Lobby opens for 10 minutes)
    5. Battle field: Same map as Chaos Arena (Open 2 Lobbies and 1 Battle field per channel)
    6. How to participate: Able to enter by pressing ‘Entrance’ button during the game play (No entry item & cost)
    7. Participant Condition
    Automatically transfer to Lobby if character is dead during the war
    Allowed use of one Odd Circle
    Early victory is possible
    8. Winning Condition & Rewards
    - Condition: called game or the Nation with the most men alive at the end of the war
    - Reward: WExp, Core Cube B(Able to gain Upgrade Core(Medium) or Upgrade Core(High)
    - Core Cube (B) will be rewarded to all characters who survive
    - Basic Score: Provide 5 points for starting the war(Maximum 20 points)
    - Gain 0.5 point if one enemy character is withdrawn
    - WExp Calculation formula: (5(Basic Score)+(Number of Withdrawal enemy character *0.5)* Winning/Lose rate(Win 2, Lose 1)*Nation ratio (2)
    - Maximum 120 points
    - Winning /Losing rate will be fixed to 1 for character who dies before the result
    - WExp point will be limited for death character
    9. Reference
    - Gain 5 times more HP than current status
    - Not allowed to use HP Potion/Capsule/Vital Gear if time is remained less than 10 minutes
    - Grocer & Warehouse NPC in Lobby – Allow to use for all characters
    - Lobby: Potion & Vital Gear are on sales (Vital Gear(SP)& Portable FT Panel are not included)

    Auction House

    Located in the village of Bloody Ice, the Auction house feature will allow you to buy, sell and trade your items even when not online.

    Main Features:

    Features of the Auction House

    * I. Each item registered through the Auction House will be charged a sales tax (Sales Fee: 5% of total item sales price)

    * II. Items can be cancelled and removed from the Auction House at any point prior to the final sale.

    * III. A sales tax will not be charged if the item is cancelled or not sold.

    * IV.
    Premium members can register a maximum of five items in the Auction House. Non-premium members can register a maximum of three items in the Auction House.

    * V. The registered item can be purchased at any time, even when the seller is not online.

    * VI. Item status will be changed to expired item if registered item is not sold within certain period

    * VII. You are not able to use the item, weapon/pet equipment, move, drop, loot, PvP, trade, invite party, open Warehouse/NPC store while interacting with the Auction House staff.

    * VIII. Duration for Agent shop registration: 24 hours (same to Premium service/ Free trial)

    * IX. Event items can be registered in the Event category (excluding Periodical items)

    * X. Able to register event item in Event category (Periodical item is not included)

    * XI.
    o Able to change registered item price and quantity any time
    o Period is automatically extended if item is re-registered
    o No Sales Fee for re-registration after expiration.

    * XII. Shortcut key for Refresh : F5

    * XIII. Quick registration: Ctrl + Mouse Left click. Item is promptly registered to the empty slot.

    New Skill Rank system (main features)

    1. Skill Rank Logic / Limitation Change
    - Both the Sword/Magic Skill EXP can be earned upon the skill use regardless of sword or magic skills (faster rank up)
    - To use dummies you will need to achieve level 90 or above (BSLV 10 or above).

    Requirements to rank up
    You will be required to meet a minimum criteria of skill experience, level and battle style level (see below)

     Rank        Char Lv  Battle Style Lv
          Novice      0 ~ 19      2
          Apprentice  20 ~ 29     3
          Regular     30 ~ 39     4
          Expert      40 ~ 49     5
          A.Expert    50 ~ 59     6
          Master      60 ~ 69     7
          A.Master    70 ~ 79     8
          G.Master    80 ~ 89     9
          Completer   90 ~ 99     10
          Transcender 11
    For example, a character who has achieved level 49/ battle style 5 is able to rank up to a maximum of expert status. In order to achieve A.expert the character will need to level to level 50 and battle style level 6.

    Warning messages will be provided to inform you of the situation. For example you will receive a warning message such as “Class Rank xx, Character Level xx cannot increase any more of Skill Rank above xxxx” and will not be able to rank up to next skill rank even if you gained all skill experience for the current rank.
    2. Removed Change Force Skill
    I. Sword to Magic
    II. Magic to Sword
    3. Lv. 20 Promotion Goal Stat change (lowered by 1)
    A. Reason: Requirement for the Rank up (Beginner to Novice) is Lv. 20 or BSLV 20, but promotional quest sometimes cannot be processed because of the lack of stat (1) point.
    B. Change: Lowered the stat requirement
    4. Show rank up status: This limit for skill rank up is also shown on the skill window.

    Red means that you cannot rank up higher than the current rank

    White means you can get higher rank than you currently have

    Show messages for rank up bonus:
    If the user complete level up quest, user will have messages in game as below:

    * Message for rank requirement and bonus of battle style level up

    If the user complete level up quest and rank up, user will have messages in game as below:

    * Message for level up bonus and skill rank up bonus

    Extended Title System

    Additional benefits will now be awarded for achieving honour ranks of eleven (11) and above.

    Honor Rank and option


    Resist Critical Damage+5%

    Resist Critical Damage+5%,
    Resist Rate Damage+3%

    Resist Critical Damage+15%,
    Resist Rate Damage+3%

    Resist Critical Damage+15%,
    Resist Rate Damage+5%,
    Resist Unmovable+10%

    Resist Critical Damage+15%,
    Resist Rate Damage+5%,
    Resist Unmovable+10%,
    Resist Stun+10%

    Resist Critical Damage+20%,
    Resist Rate Damage+7%,
    Resist Unmovable+10%,
    Resist Stun+10%,
    Resist Knock Back+10%

    Resist Critical Damage+20%,
    Resist Rate Damage+7%,
    Resist Unmovable+10%,
    Resist Stun+10%,
    Resist Knock Back+10%,
    Resist Down+10%

    Resist Critical Damage+30%,
    Resist Rate Damage+10%,
    Resist Unmovable+15%,
    Resist Stun+15%,
    Resist Knock Back+15%,
    Resist Down+15%

    A brand new ‘Select Title Information’ page in the Character Information Window(Shortcut Key:C) has also been added with the update. This page will allow you to preview potential titles and will inform you if you are close to meeting the criteria for future titles. It will also enable you to turn off titles if you so wish to do so. This feature is primarily for future updates.

    Party Search Function

    Ever fancied an adventure or raid but have been unable to find enough of your friends interested? With the party search function such issues are a thing of the past!

    1. Max. Number that can be found through this system : 7 users
    2. Party Search window opens when opening up a party window (P) is not in the party mode. The special window will show all information about party and character (amount of people in party, maximum amount, character class and level)
    3. To register a party press P, choose map and max amount of people you want to be in party with.
    4. To search for a party press P and choose a party to join
    5. When trying to join a party both sides will get a notification
    6. Main Functions of the Party Search
    - Desired dungeon/world map can be selected; Party Register/Search/Request can be made
    - Registration is possible for Solo players and party leaders.
    - Party Registration is not available from Mission War and Dungeons
    - Party search can only be done up to reachable dungeons/world

    Item Recovery from NPC

    Ever accidently sold one of your rarest items to the NPC? Believe it or not it is more common mistake than one might think!. With this feature you no longer have to worry about such an “accident” ever occuring.


    * To provide a way for you to recover an item when sold by mistake
    * To provide additional convenience when shopping with the NPCs


    * Item(s) can be recovered after sold to the NPC
    * Max of 9 latest items are listed
    * Stored for 3 hours regardless of login based on its last selling point.
    * Recovery is possible from the other NPCs.
    * The money paid by the vendor must be returned!
    * Character bind item(s) can be recovered only from that specific character

    NPCs part of scheme:

    * All Grocers / Alchemists / Weapons Shop / Armor Shop
    * Strange Shop in the Mutant Forest / Black Market in the Forgotten Temple B1F
    * Remote Shop
  5. queensryche

    queensryche Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    vừa add bạn, mai mở server mới toàn bộ VN tụi mình vô x100 nhé, ^^ đừng ai chơi x500.
    Home Channel dự kiến: Desert Scream - 4 - mai ai bắt đầu chơi thì vô DS nha
    Guild dự kiến: [None](chưa có)

    HOTBOY_HN Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Forbidden Island
    An island discovered in the Sea of Fracia, off the coast of Port Lux, shrouded in a mysterious magnetic field and guarded by malevolent powers. Only the bravest heroes dare to step onto its haunted ground to face the challenges that will be pitted against them, and only the true heroes will return from that forsaken shore.

    Entry Requirement:

    * Lvl. 125 or above
    * Class rank 11 or above
    * Entry item: Lost Island Compass (found in Lakeside, Mutant Forest, Pontus Ferrum)

    Dungeon Details:
    * Dungeon time limit: Time Limit: 60 Min.
    * Entry Location: Port Lux (X:236, Y:6) (Near the Dark Blader Spawning Area)

    New Introductory dungeon quest “Forbidden Island”
    * Receive it from the Officer from Port Lux
    * Reward 1 Lost Island Compass


    New Weapons - Sig Metal
    Weapons that are masterfully forged from the newly discovered Sig-Metal. Truly beautiful to behold, these weapons offer a new level of power to those who have attained the level and skill needed to wield them in battle. Deadlier than the red osmium grade of weapons, sig-metal offers the fighters of Nevareth an even bigger selection of equipment choices to use in combat - but obtaining sig-metal is something, that only the bravest of all will be able to do...

    Additional Details:

    * The new Weapons are Drop only and are not going to be added to the crafting system.
    * The Sig Metal weapons are considered High Grade ( players can upgrade and enchant them using upgrade core, force core and slot extender (high))
    * The Stat Increase after Upgrading is equal to that of lower grade weapons

    Attack     Magic           Requirements           Requirements 
                                          Str    Int   Dex         Str   Int   Dex 
    Orb          +2          +3     (WI)   +1    +8     +2   (FB)  +3    +4     +4 
    Crystal      +2          +3     (FA)   +2    +6     +3   (FS)  +4    +4     +3
    Katana       +3          +2     (BL)   +4    +1     +6   (FB)  +4    +3     +4 
    Blade        +3          +2     (BL)   +6    +1     +4   (FS)  +5    +4     +2 
    Daikatana    +6          +3     (WA)   +7    +1     +3          -     -      - 
    GreatSword   +6          +3     (WA)   +9    +1     +1          -     -      -

    Over 800 New Titles

    Show what you are, show your title – Master Hunter? Genius Crafter? Legend of the Tierra Gloriosa Battlefield? Let your friends and enemies see who you are...

    Details of the new titles
    * Addition of new titles when Boss Monsters are killed ( on maps above Forgotten ruin)
    * The First title has no bonus but is achievable after 1 kill only
    * List of monsters that you can kill for titles:
    o Distichous Mongrel
    o Virulent Cauda
    o Ancient Cockatrice
    o Monakus Karion
    o Berderk Faello
    o FP-01 Magnus Penna
    o TA-01 Gravis Rota
    o MA-06 Quadra
    o UMD-03 Lautus Pluma
    * Addition of New Mission War Titles
    o New titles will be given in War map for defeating Legacy Guardians, destroying Sage
    Ensign and killing opposing nation members.
    * Addition of Crafting related Title
    o Title is given when Lv.4 of Rare Epic weapons/Armors item is crafted and succeeded.
    o Title is also given for every level of the crafting.
    * Addition of Chaos Arena Title
    o Earned upon clearing Chaos Arena (Option: Party EXP Bonus UP)
    * Addition of Dungeon related Title - Title is given upon finishing the following dungeons:
    o Lake In the Dusk
    o Ruina Station
    o Frozen Tower of Undead B1F
    o Volcanic Citadel
    o Frozen Tower of Undead B2F
    o Forgotten Temple B1F
    o Forgotten Temple B2F
    o Forbidden Island
    * Addition of Quest Group Completion Title - Title is given when a certain group of quests is completed:
    o Tutorial Quest groups
    o Scenario Quest groups
    o “The Fighter Who Leads the Stars” quest
    * Addition of Hidden Helper T related Title - Title is given when the Hidden Helper T quests from 1 thru 82 are completed
    * Addition of BSLV 100 Promotion Quest Title
    * When promotion quest of LV. 100 is completed, the title is given (Option: Honor Point Bonus UP)
    * Addition of PK/PvP Title
    o For killing GMs
    * LVL. 170 Title - Title is given when LV. 170 is reached (Note: When the Max. level is changed to a higher level, the title is taken away and the requirement changes as well.)
    * Addition of Alz related Title - Title is given when 1 billion / 10 billion / 500 billon Alz is in possession in the inventory. (When the amount changes, the title changes as well)

    Changes to the Basic Crafting system
    New recipes and new drop locations of materials increase the opportunities for every crafter, giving new challenges and new rewards to all the carpenters out there.

    New Formula Cards added:


    Changes to old Formula Cards:


    Normal Crafting items are sold from the Port Lux Grocer:

    Name of item                    unit                    Price
    Blue Feather                    10                      300,000
    Shining Tooth                   10                      300,000
    Strange Stem                    10                      300,000
    Blue Feather                    127                     3,810,000
    Shining Tooth                   127                     3,810,000
    Strange Stem                    127                     3,810,000
    Force Booster                   1                       100,000,000
    New Force Shielder Skills
    * Might Wish(Buff skill that strengthens one’s attack) (Sword Buff Skill)
    Type: Strenghten Body
    Effect: Attack +60(Lv. 20)
    Learn from instructors of Bloody Ice, Green Despair, Desert Scream, Port Lux
    * Field of Provocation(Explanation: Debuff skill that attracts monsters to attack oneself)
    Type: A wide range Debuff skill
    Effect: Fix the target of the monsters to oneself
    Learn from instructors of Bloody Ice, Green Despair, Desert Scream, Port Lux
    Cool Time: 90sec
    Time required: 15sec
    Attack range: 5
    Max Target Number :7

    Changes to Old Force Shielder Skills
    * Added “Stun” effect on the Shield Splinter Skill
    * Provocation Train Rank Downgraded
    o Before: Trainable at Master Rank
    o After: Trainable at A. Expert Rank

    Changes to Force Blader Battle Mode 2
    Force Blader’s Battle Mode 2(Blader Shooter) attack skill changed
    * Before: Beam attack with Magic Skill after Sword Skill
    * Change: Normal Attack (4 Consecutive attacks), Beam attack removed.
    * The Following skills are not allowed if Blader shooter Battle Mode is being used
    o Execration
    o Mana Freeze
    o Field of Execration

    Changes to the GPS system
    * The name of a party member is now visible on the GPS window ( both small map and full GPS window) if the mouse is over the sign showing his location (blue dot). The name is shown only if the players are on the same map.

    * Agent Shop location is added in the GPS window
  7. BuomXinh01

    BuomXinh01 Mr & Ms Pac-Man GameOver Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    dow cai mini pacth cho nhanh:D, moi người chơi chanel nào tập chung 1 chỗ
    YH của tui nè : [email protected]

    HOTBOY_HN Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    Improved Game Security:
    All players will now be required to log into their account using a new security keyboard. Easy to use, the security keyboard provides extra protection to your account, assisting in the battle against account thieves and hackers.
    How to use security keyboard

    1. Input ID/PW by clicking security keyboard.
    2. You may click “caps” key to use capital letters.
    3. You may use the back space key to delete any mistakes that are made.

    Channel Broadcasting upon rare item or upper enchant success

    * Special message will pop up if some user in this channel has succeeded to:

    * Message Location : Upper Middle or Lower Right of the screen
    * Broadcasting Rule
    1. Grade +8 and up for basic crafting
    2. Weapons, Armor : Craft Level 5 and up / Epic Items
    * Upon success broadcasting, details of the items are broadcasted too.
    One Button Combo Function

    * Pressing Combo Start button once more after combo has been activated will allow the skills in the quick slots can be used.

    Quick Unarm Function

    * Alt + Right mouse click from the inventory window will let you unarm your equipments

    Quest Deletion Function

    * Required quests for game story process cannot be deleted

    1. Scenario Quest(BSLV Quests included), Dungeon/Craft/Honor Quests
    2. Map/Warp Code Reward Quests
    3. Astral Board License Quest
    4. Other Repetitive Quests (Nation Change/Event Quests)

    * Cannot recover once deleted quests
    * Added new delete quest button

    Force Shielder’s New Skill

    * Name: Provocation
    * Effect: Lures monster into oneself for 6 sec.
    * Train Condition: Master Rank(6) or above
    * Duration: 5 sec. / Cool Time: 15 sec. (decreases 0.4 sec per Lv.) / ex) Lv.9 - 8.7 sec.
    * Skill Train: From Instructors of Bloody Ice / Desert Scream / Green Despair

    Changes to the Nation War System (TG)

    * Added warning message to near by characters of Force Tower build
    * Added function to check the number of characters entering the channel on channel select window
    * Added function of automatic targeting the enemy within 8 cells if character push ‘Z’ key in Mission War channel
    * Add reward for victory of mission war
    a. Warp code of Volcanic Citadel/Forgotten Temple Entrance
    b. Exiting mission war reward (entrance of Mutant Forest/Pontus Ferrum) will be deleted -> Add to premium service
    * Added character disconnection function for character, which is not take, an any action but connect to mission war
    * Show warning message (System message, warning page) to character which is not get personal ranking point in 5 minutes in the mission war
    * If character doesn’t get personal ranking point in 5 minutes after character receive a warning message, character will be disconnected automatically
    * Personal ranking point of disconnected character will be initialised
    * Added war point in mission war GPS map
    * Added function that can control strategy symbol through check box of GPS in the lobby


    * Changed to reward winning nation for Alz and Core cube per one mail
    * Changed nation rate value to 2.0 for WExp calculation regardless of nation
    * Changed transparency of text for base on GPS
    * Changed so that the war point can be appear in GPS page by pressing Tab key
    * Changed to mark all the area including base if character opens GPS by pressing Tab key
    * Changed not to overlap legacy barrier and legacy box
    * Changed to apply level requirement for each mission war channel(details at the start of this post)
    * Changed to select Force Tower by clicking penal when there is completed Force Tower
    * Changed to allow users to enter to changed position if user re-enters mission war channel
    * Changed to remove Vital Gear cool time
    * Nation War Reward Icon
    – showing you the benefits you are receiving from your nation’s success
    * Remote Shop added in the Battle Field
    Use by pressing “N” key from the Mini Map
    * Vital Gear(SP) Added:

    * Recover 5,000 SP
    * No Cool Time
    * Can be used only in Mission War
    * Can only be used when it is not in battle mode
    * Only characters Lv. 95 and above can use the item
    * Location: Mission War Lobby / Remote Shop in the Mission War
    * Price: 100,000 Alz each

    * New Mission War Entry Method Added

    Move to the Mission War lobby by accepting the Mission War invitation pop up
    * Mission War Entry Selection Change


    Max. up to 5% can enter the channel based on the lower side of the camp
    Same number of users join the battle
    Capella – 50 : Procyon – 70 in the Lobby. 50:50 War is held.
    As the users in the lobby increases, additional players can join the battle if both sides meet the numbers

    * Force Tower Location Changed (moved to the corner)

    * Mission War’s Fast Targeting:
    Z key or Mouse wheel
    * Mission War Auto Targeting improvement
    Nearest target is selected within the range
    * Increased rate of WExp to EXP. More EXP earned by WExp exchange.
    * Pet EXP can now be gained in the Mission War
    * Cannot use “Dance” while in the battle field
    * Mission War Ranking Reward change
    All base including the neutral base has to be occupied in order to make called game
    * Cool Down Time changed for the Battle Mode 1 and 2 in the battle field

    Battle Mode 1, 2 has been changed from 30 sec. to 5minutes.
    Battle Aura cool time remains the same
    Only in the mission War
    Cool Time remains the same even after when a player dies

    * Tierra Gloriosa duration change from 60 minutes to 50 minutes
    * Possible to use chat while waiting to resurrect after death
    * Personal Score Calculation Change
    Force Tower built by points is excluded from the personal score, only the tower build with Alz applies to the personal score.
    * Called Game Rule Change

    Before: 5% decrease in player entry on winning side
    Change: Apply the 5% rule by the same time frame of War based on the war result the day before ex) When Capella won the 6pm war the day before, the rule applies only on 6pm war.

    * If the personal score is in top 30% range, 10% of WExp is applied additionally.

    Character must have least 30 points

    * Buff Potion is dropped in the Mission War
    * 10% tax when Mission War reward money was distributed.
    * Corrected so that the characters would not overlap when moving to the lobby after the war
    * Changed the Mission War entry number indication
    * Changed so that the characters can move to the lobby right away if there is no additional reward
    * Mission War Ranking Reward change

    - All base including the neutral base has to be occupied in order to make called game

    * Changed so that PvP request/accept cannot be done when lobby time is under 60 sec. in the Mission War Channel.

    If characters are in the middle of the PvP, it will automatically be stopped and all the characters will be revived.

    * Corrected error of Resurrection Tower time being incorrect.
    * Corrected error that when characters resurrect w/o any base in possession, they are revived from the main base.
    * Corrected party chat error that it is sometimes used like normal chat.

    ----- Post Automerged -----

    Other Additions and Changes

    * Added a new GM PK event
    * Added warning message for periodical item sales except Blessing Bead item
    * Added in-game Image Authentication to prevent BOT user
    * Enhancement on game frame speed
    * Add warning message when user goes back from the world to another world through the gateway
    * Add quick slot key (shift + left click) to move to the next tab of inventory/ warehouse
    * Open high level world maps on GPS (Undead ground and above level)
    * Add icon to show debuff used on monster (see image below)
    * Change to Party system
    * Add function to give party invitation authority to all party members
    * Change colour of party members names
    * Shows All Buffs on players
    * Adjustments to the core items
    Perfect Core:
    * Change the Perfect Core to Perfect Core (Highest)
    * add Perfect Core (Low/ Medium/ High)
    Force Core
    * Force Core upgrade is changed as types changed
    * Force Core upgrade Alz cost is decreased for Bluestin and lower level items
    * Message color changed when guildmembers login/logout
    * Green- Guildmember chat and Notices
    * Dark Green- Guildmember Login/Logout notice
    * Increased drop rate in higher level hunting grounds
    * Changed not to show UI for gateway dungeon complete
    * When putting items in the warehouse and there is not enough Alz in the inventory, reserved Alz are spent
    * Changed quest reward skill of Wizard quest (Burning Hand → Freeze)
    * Normal Attack can be used when skills that cannot be used in Battle Mode2 is used.
    * Changed not to show system message when Scroll Lock key is used
    * Changed the system message for using dummy
    * Changed to Promotion Quest type 4(Internal change, users won't be able to notice)
    * Changed item drop rate of Tower of Undead B2F
    * Changed to limit use of shout
    * Remove the option of Screen Ratio (Auto setting for resolution)
    * Changed the color of character names as party chat color for the party members
    * Change the cost for Force Core enchant
    * Change level up quest (quest id: 548, Prometheus in Pursuit)
    * Change the action for class level up

    * Change the duplication of showing permanent item on INSTANT ITEM UI

    * Added Item Upgrade system (from NPC Core Alchemist)
    * Add Songkran item
    * Added gift box - Songkran dress
    * Added new property to trade channel (Monsters will no longer spawn in the trade channels)
    * Added item (Force Core (Highest) to extract item list of Core Cube
    * Add insuperable time when user resurrect on battle field/channel
    * Add OK button for disconnection window of abnormal log out
    * Added message for using 1 slot item of weapon and armour as material
    * Added WEXP 25% increase to Platinum service and Diamond Platinum service
    * Added countdown display for PvP. It will pop up 5 seconds before actions begin.
    * Added loading image for World transfer
    * Added staff image for orb/Crystal of Wizard
    * Added new Helper T quest
    * Added game message filtering function
    * Added message for using 1 slot item of weapon and armour as material
    * Changed to remove chat commands
    * Changed to show error message when user has abnormal Aura code
    * Changed auto attack to be used on quick slot
    * Changed to show 0 level when adding/ removing buddy
    * Changed packet for moving to reduce the client overload
    * Changed not to allow return stone use during the battle on battle field/ channel
    * Changed to maintain the current quest list after the moving world or complete dungeon
    * Changed to learn "Force to change" skill on Bloody Ice, Green Despair and Desert Scream
    * Changed to set puzzle piece of Helper T quest as bind to character
    * Changed NPC for Formula Card sales:NPC Core Alchemist in Fort. -> NPC Core Alchemist in Port Lux
    * Changed that character is not allowed to invite or accept Party/Trade/PVP during item upgrade (Force Core/Pet/Item)
    * Changed the dungeon entry levels
    o a. Lake in Dusk (Lv 75 -> Lv 65)
    b. Ruina Station (Lv 85 -> Lv 75)
    c. Frozen Tower of Undead B1F (Lv 95 -> Lv 85)
    d. Volcanic Citadel (Lv 105 -> Lv 95)
    * Changed introduction quest of dungeon due to the dungeon entry level changes
    a. The Lake that Dwells in the Dusk - Lv 65
    b. Ruina Station - Lv 75
    c. Frozen Tower of Undead B1F - Lv 85
    d. Volcanic Citadel - Lv 95
    e. Mission: Ruina Station - Lv 76
    f. Mission: Frozen Tower of Undead - Lv 86
    g. Mission: Volcanic Citadel - Lv 96
    * Changed the quest reward for Frozen Tower of Undead B2F
    a. Changed the quest reward for 'The Beholder of the Darkness' (2M Alz -> 3200 Honour Points)
    b. Changed the quest reward for 'The Hidden Treasure' (5M Alz -> 4700 Honour Points)
    c. Changed dungeon complete reward (3000 Honour Points -> 5000 Honour Points + Core Cube)
    * Changed quest for Nation Transfer
    a. Quest item: Black Transmuter
    b. Receive quest from officer (Morison) in Port Lux with quest item
    c. Limitation of Nation Transfer: Limitation to 3 times -> unlimited
    d. Character will spend 10M Alz for each Nation Transfer
    * Earring/Bracelet/+2~+6Epaulet (Guardian/Sage/Fighter) items are now able to be destroyed by A.C Transmuter
    * Changed the descriptions for Cores and Extender items
    * Changed the Upgrade UI of NPC Core Alchemist
    a. Added UI for Item Upgrade & Pet Training
    b. Changed Upgrade UI for Force Core
    * Able to input directly the Image Authentication after failures
    * Update Item Upgrade level (up to Lv 9)
    * Changed Epic Option Limitation of Material items for crafting items of Proof
    a. Accessory/Normal Craft is not included
    b. Able to use as materials for craft if item has same level of Epic Option or above
    * Changed to have [Gift Box] item will be earned when player uses Chaos Box- Avatar item
    * Changed that player is able to input the maximum number is matched to item price in Personal Store
    * Changed to earn Map Code and Warp Code if character completes quest ‘Mission: Mutant Forest'
    * Changed to earn Mao Code and Warp Code if character completes quest 'Pontus Ferrum'
    * Changed to show craft item information in extracted item window
    * Changed the introductions of entry and quest progress for quests '26 Sacrifice' and '27 The Restless Companion Star'
    * Changed the option mark of craft material item (Current: Unknown option +?, Change : “Attribute + Value + Condition”)
    * Changed the group of quest 'Helper T' to 'Hidden Helper T' group from general quest group
    * Changed the arrangement of quest 'Helper T' in order
    * Changed not to change progressing quest list even character transfers World
    * Changed not to change selected Professional Craft list even character transfers World
    * Changed that Pet is spawned beside player if Pet is located farther than 10 cells from player
    * Changed to show “, " every 1000 Alz unit in system message
    * Changed not to close GPS even player clicks 'TAB' key with open fixed GPS window
    * Changed to allow to use de-buff to "Chakris"
    * Set the price of Epaulette of Undead B2F on NPC shop as 3,000,000 Alz
    * Changed so that the Blessing Bead – Plus users can enter the Premium Channels
    * Changed to see Battle Style and the level of a character on the party acceptance window
    * NPC shop merchandizing change
    A. Shape Cartridge(Lv. 1) sale from Core Alchemist to Grocer
    B. Port Lux Grocer: Shape Cartridge(Lv. 1) sale added
    C. Port Lux Alchemist: 1ea/127ea (before: 1ea/10ea)
    D. Port Lux Grocer: Crafting item- empty bottle 1ea/127ea (before: 1ea/50ea)
    * Force Blader can now receive other’s buff while in the Force Enchanter mode
    * Additional Damage
    A. Added damage on Infernal Impact, Assasinate, Shield Break, Whirlwind, Blade Scud, lightening Slash skills by Item or Buff
    B. No added damage applied by item or buff on PK/PvP
    * Skill damage lowered for Wizard on Double Caster mode while in PK/PvP
    * HP increased for Force Shielder Battle Style level up
    * Giant Snake and Black Snake in the Desert Scream is now changed to unaggressive status.
    * Quest item drop rate increased for “Attack of the zombies” quest.
    * Decreased the number of traps upon the advent of Red Tyrant in the Forgotten Temple B2F
    * “FP-00 Penna” spawn location change in the Pontus Ferrum
    * NPC Change in the appearance and animations
    * Limit of 99.9 billion Alz on personal trading.
    * Changed so that the stat requirement remains the same when upgrading the item from +7 to +8
    * When buying/selling from personal shop or looting a Formula Card, it will show craft number and craft items.
    * After crafting stackable items, it will automatically stacked with the same item in the inventory.
    * Inventory item will now moved to the empty spot of active inventory slot, not the first empty slot of the inventory.
    * Ctrl + Left click will allow skills to be registered to the quick slot
    * "Changed EXP reward of low level quest to reward EXP more including ""Basic Fighting"",""New Skills"",""Core Upgrade Part 2"",""Investigation of the Cottage"",""The Giant Beetle Lair"" and ""Search for a Trace"""
    * "Changed monster attack type for some monsters including Scorlug, Red Garlie and Troglo Warrior"
    * Changed to increase the price of NPC shop items
    * "Changed skill FX of some skills including lightening slash, Shield Splinter, Assassinate and Provocation"
    * Changed the item array of agen shop to array by item name
    * Changed the font color for Pet name
    * Changed to show skill EXP that can be received when exchanged WExp
    * Changed to enter mission war automatically if client is updated
    * Deleted 'Chage Force' Skill
    * Changed the animattion of each NPC & guards
    * Changed to get crafted item prior to activated Inventory tab during the Craft
    * Changed the item drop rate as 100% for Mission Dungeon quest
    * Changed to show Pet information if character is selling the Pet item from Agent Shop
    * Changed NPC to sell Shape Cartridge (Low)from Core Alchemist to Grocer
    * Changed to increase drop rate for 'Attack from Zombie' quest
    * Change to show with color on system message if character is receiving Alz
    * Changed the drop rate mark for slot item
    * Changed to receive item into current tab of inventory
    * Changed not to call 'Option' in main menu before server response
    * Changed to register item quantity from 1 to the number of the item that can be received
    * Changed to correct item price and quantity even the item register time is not over on agent shop
    * Changed the description of Upgrade Core item
    * Changed item grade that can be broad casted by craft succeed
    * Changed the Tool Tip icon for Nation reward
    * Changed not to attck GM character/users except war channels or maps
    * Changed to color the Alz in Alz input window
    * Changed to reject trade automatically while using agent shop
    * Changed the message for item purchase from agent shop
    * Changed to show same system message at the right bottom which shows on agent shop
    * "Changed to show seller field as ""function"" on purchase tab of agent shop"
    * Changed to broad cast for item option that was successfully crafted as professional craft
    * Changed so that the items will go into active Inventory
    * "Changed so that when registering the skill to Skill Quick Slot, it will go into the active quick slot."
    * Changed to show Formula Card craft number and item in personal store
    * Changed not to increase the limited option if character wears more than +8 item
    * Changed the item list and drop rate of chaos lamp the purple
    * Reduced the Buff Cool Time for self-advantage Buff types Blade Force (Blade Aura/Soul Blade/Concentration/Iron skin /Aura Barrier/Mirage Step/Natural Hiding/Down Breaker/Morale Shout/Art of Shout/Resist intension /Regeneration/Spirit Intension/Eagle Eye/Crushing Blade/Shield Harden/Enchant/Earth Guard/Aqua Vitality/Wind Movement/Fire Blade/Lightning Blade /Ice Blade/Thrusting Arrow)
    * "Changed the monster respawn time in Pontus Ferrum (Current: 100 seconds,Change: 60 seconds)"
    * Changed that server is controlled Alz limitaion in Inventory/Warehouse/Trade (Game will be disconnected if user has more Alz than limitation)
    * Changed the Quest script of Core Alchemist (Current: Open Magic Shop -> Use Alchemist function)
    * "Changed the "","" unit for gaining Party EXP point"
    * Changed to allow free users to gain skill EXP from training dummy
    * Changed to spend Alz in Warehouse if character does not have enough Alz to deposit item from Inventory
    * Changed to Force Core (Highest) from Upgrade Core(High) for certain Hidden Helper quests
    * Changed font size from 13 to 11 for text length
    * Changed not to disconnect user although the user could not gain any point in 10 minutes
    * Changed not to allow long cool time skill use after the re-connection
    * Changed the method of making channel for Party leader
    * Changed to have same number of entrance characters in Mission War
    * Changed the location of Production Tower
    * Changed the cool time for Battle Mode 1&2 in Mission War channel
    * Changed the method of Mission War penalty
    * Changed called game method
    * Changed not to use 'Dance' mode in Mission War channel
    * Improved function for Targeting
    * Changed the function that character is able to transfer to Lobby without reward check if character gets only 1 reward item
    * Changed the message of Mission War entrance
    * Changed to distribute the character location after finishing Mission War
    * Changed to get Pet EXP in Mission War channel
    * Changed to charge 10% tax for Mission War bonus
    * Changed the method of gaining personal score
    * Changed to have chat even character is wating for warp after death in Mission War channel
    * Changed to allow mission war entrance even after the mission war start
    * Changed that character is automatically resurrected if lobby time is less than 60 seconds left in Mission War
    * Changed that PvP is finished by force if Lobby time is remained less than 60 seconds in Mission War channel
    * Changed not to PvP if Lobby time is remained less than 60 seconds in Mission War channel
    * Changed to show the number of characters in GPS
    * "Changed that winning message of Mission War by level as ""[Nation Name]won scored $ : $ on Mission War channel (X~Y Lv)"""
    * "Changed the Mission War channel name from ""Tierra Gloriosa"" to Mission War (X~Y Lv)"
    * Changed that instant Potion item is not able to keep Warehouse if item is gained from Mission War
    * Changed that character is able to use Buff & Heal skills even he/she gets penalty to use Vital Gear/Return stone for Mission War
    * Changed to drop instant buff in Mission War
    * "Changed the Legacy Weapon condition (Current: Unable to drop, Change: Able to drop)"
    * Changed the calculation formula for winning bonus/number of entrance
    * Changed the calculation of gained personal score to reduce 50% of gained score if character attacks Force Tower / Guardian / War Gate
    ___________Auto Merge________________

    - Mọi người tập trung chơi X100 nhé, vì mình đã từng chơi Elite và bít x100 nhiều Event hơn và ít bảo trì hơn

    - Ai chơi xin để lại nick ID game và nick yahoo nhá

    @Buom: trời ạ, down Client đi Bướm, ko là ko chơi được bản Update Lost Word mới đâu, cái Patch kia của nó là bản cũ mà ;))
  9. BuomXinh01

    BuomXinh01 Mr & Ms Pac-Man GameOver Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    vậy ah:(, thx BB nhá đâu bít, dow cái full client cung nhanh hơn 900M mà có 1h;))
  10. yukikyou

    yukikyou Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    sẻ tham gia cùng ^ ^
    NickGame : zYukikyouz
    Y!M: oanhchitbigio

    ^ ^
  11. Akjra

    Akjra Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ^^! THE LOST WORLD này là chỉ có acc mới tạo hay là kể cả những acc lúc trước đến giờ !! Bọn nó chơi lau òy ! Mình vào sao chiến lại tụi nó !
  12. auto2k49

    auto2k49 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    thấy cái x500 có rs.mình thấy có rs mới có cơ hội đc khám phá hêt cai 125 B2F chứ chới x100 liệu có đc ko?:D
    ___________Auto Merge________________

    ;))Mà 1 sv có up thì chắc 1 time nữa cũng có hàng tá SV up như nó thôi.
  13. Akjra

    Akjra Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Vậy anh em suy nghĩ thật kĩ nhé ! Chơi ở SV nào ? Để thông báo cho anh em tút !!!!!1
  14. legiabao2912

    legiabao2912 The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    thế bay h mọi người chơi sv nào , đang down cilent :|

    HOTBOY_HN Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    - New Client, New Acc mà, lập acc mới và chơi lại từ đầu, ai cũng vậy cả, ông ko phải lo nghĩ nhiều :-?

    - Ok, bạn cứ chơi x500 vì mình cũng đã bít sẽ có 1 số bạn chơi mà nhưng mình cũng ko chơi. Nói trước x500 sẽ ntn rồi nhé :D

    - Hiện tại server nào ai cũng muốn chơi, vì vậy tùy sự chọn lựa của bạn.

    - Bạn nào chơi x100 thì nói ra nhé, để lại ID game và nick yahoo :D

  16. legiabao2912

    legiabao2912 The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    ok vậy chơi x100
    ID : titan2912
    Y!M : legiabao2912
    Rất mong dc làm quen với bà con , bỏ cabal vn từ lv 100 nên mấy cái sau ko biết gì hết , nói chung là gà :-*
  17. queensryche

    queensryche Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    x500 thực ra chỉ có RS 5 lần, và stat của bạn sau Retset - như GM đã nói - là chỉ bằng x300 lv 200 ngày xưa -tương đương lv170 của x100 mới - như vậy khả năng đi vào B2f và clear dun vẫn là rất khó.

    Đừng nhầm rằng x500 + reset là bạn có thể 1-hit lên tất cả cac loại quái.
  18. Tình Là Niềm Đau

    Tình Là Niềm Đau Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    vừa vào xtremetop100 sáng này thấy Update mà nghĩ lại nếu Etile có thì chả bao lâu nữa nhiều sv khác cũng có thôi ;)) (hi vọng là thế :D)
  19. auto2k49

    auto2k49 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nói cái j mà nghe mơ hồ wa vậy.RS ma starts chỉ = lv 170 của x100.Thế hóa ra rs ko có điểm hay cái start của x500 = 0 =)).Nói chung ai chơi sv nào tùy thôi,đấy là mình phân tích thử thế.

    HOTBOY_HN Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    - Ông này chắc chưa chơi Elite bao h, Elite là khủng nhất mới có 2 Server vì số lượng người chơi cực kì đông, Mỗi server đã gần 20 Chanel rồi

    - Ko Lag và pvp thoải mái

    - Là server giàu nhất mới đi đầu trong việc update.

    - Vote cho nó sẽ được tiền trong CashShop

    - Uh thì về sau các server khác sẽ có bản update tương tự và Fam nhanh, train nhanh, reset, drop items khủng, nhưng chắc cũng đi lang thang khắp nơi và chơi ko lâu dài được :D

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