Cheat Gothic III vào đây mà xem

Thảo luận trong 'Cheat Code - Hints - Secrets' bắt đầu bởi WhiteoO, 21/1/07.

  1. WhiteoO

    WhiteoO Youtube Master Race

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    Spam tí cho zui! [​IMG]

    - Cheat nè : bước thứ nhất vào file ge3.ini trong Gothic3/Ini folder .Mở note pad ra rùi tìm mục [Game]TestMode=false . Sửa nó thành :
    TestMode=true .
    - Ấn vào Gothic III rùi play [ em chưa chơi gothic III bao giờ hu hu hu ].
    - khi vào chơi ấn nút này " ~ " giống như half life ấy.Rùi gõ các lệnh sau :
    + God : never die.
    + Invisibility : tàng hình mà chém nhau,
    + Teach all : Học tất cả những skill trong gothic III muốn xóa thì lặp lại rùi thêm =0 là xong.
    + Kill : này thì NPC bất tử cũng chết nhá .
    + Give : ấn give rùi gõ các chữ sau để nhận item theo ý muốn:


    It_1H_AncestorSword_01 --> Sword of the ancestors
    It_1H_AssSword_01 --> Assassinenschwert
    It_1H_BarbarianSword_01 --> Barbarian sword
    It_1H_Bastardsword_01 --> Hybrid sword
    It_1H_Broadsword_01 --> Broad sword
    It_1H_Club_01 --> Club
    It_1H_Crescent_01 --> Mondsichel
    It_1H_ElBastardo_01 --> El Bastardo
    It_1H_Epee_01 --> Sword
    It_1H_FlameSword_01 --> Flame sword
    It_1H_GreatSword_01 --> Large sword
    It_1H_Iceblade_01 --> Ice blade
    It_1H_Ingvar_Sword --> North march value
    It_1H_Inquisitor_01 --> Inquisitor
    It_1H_Katana_01 --> Katana
    It_1H_Longsword_01 --> Long sword
    It_1H_MasterSword_01 --> Master sword
    It_1H_MiloksFirst_Sword_01--> Krush Milok
    It_1H_Moonblade_01 --> Moon blade
    It_1H_OrcSlayer_01 --> Orkschlächter
    It_1H_PaladinSword_01 --> Paladinschwert
    It_1H_Rubyblade_01 --> Ruby blade
    It_1H_Runesword_01 --> Rune sword
    It_1H_Scimitar_01 --> Bent sword
    It_1H_Sword_01 --> Sword
    It_1H_Sword_01_OLD --> Barbarian sword
    It_1H_Sword_02 --> Sword
    It_1H_Sword_Broad_01 --> Broad sword
    It_1H_Sword_Long_01 --> Long sword
    It_1H_Sword_Long_02 --> Long sword
    It_1H_Sword_Rhobar_01 --> King sword
    It_1H_Sword_Rust_01 --> Rusty sword
    It_1H_Wenzel_Sword_01 --> Wenzels sword
    It_2H_AncestorMight_01 --> Power of the ancestors
    It_2H_Axe_01 --> Controversy axe
    It_2H_Axe_Double_01 --> Controversy axe
    It_2H_Axe_Double_02 --> Doppelaxt
    It_2H_Axe_Lumberjack --> Holzfälleraxt
    It_2H_Axe_Normal_01 --> Axe
    It_2H_Axe_Rust_01 --> Rusty controversy axe
    It_2H_Bak-Arash_Staff --> Schamanenstab
    It_2H_BarbarianAxe_01 --> Barbarian controversy axe
    It_2H_Bardiche_01 --> Beard axe
    It_2H_BerserkerAxe_01 --> Berserker axe
    It_2H_DemonSword_01 --> Demon Sword
    It_2H_Executioner_01 --> Arranging sword
    It_2H_GreatInquisitor_01--> Grossinquisitor
    It_2H_Halberd --> Hellebarde
    It_2H_Halberd_01 --> Hellebarde
    It_2H_HeavyClub_01 --> Heavy branch
    It_2H_InnosWrath_01 --> Innos anger
    It_2H_NailedClub_01 --> Nail club
    It_2H_OgreMorningStar_01--> Oger Morgenstern
    It_2H_OrcAxe_01 --> Krush Pach
    It_2H_OrcHalberd_01 --> Krush Tarach
    It_2H_OrcSword_01 --> Krush Varok
    It_2H_OrcWaraxe_01 --> Krush Agash
    It_2H_OrderSword_01 --> Medal sword
    It_2H_SpikedClub_01 --> Prick club
    It_2H_Sword_01 --> Zweihänder
    It_2H_Sword_Bastard_01 --> Hybrid sword
    It_2H_Sword_Old --> Rusty Zweihänder
    It_2H_Sword_Ore_01 --> Ore Zweihänder
    It_2H_Sword_Rust_01 --> Rusty Zweihänder
    It_2H_Waraxe_01 --> Battle hatchet
    It_2H_Warhammer_01 --> War hammer
    It_Axe_01 --> Controversy axe
    It_Axe_BarbarianAxe_01 --> Barbarian controversy axe
    It_Axe_Bardiche_01 --> Beard axe
    It_Axe_BattleAxe_01 --> Controversy axe
    It_Axe_BerserkerAxe_01 --> Berserker axe
    It_Axe_BerserkerRageAxe_01 --> Berserkerzorn
    It_Axe_HeavyClub_01 --> Heavy branch
    It_Axe_NailedClub_01 --> Nail club
    It_Axe_OgreMorningStar_01 --> Oger Morgenstern
    It_Axe_OrcSword_01 --> Krush Varok
    It_Axe_OrcSword_02 --> Krush Morok
    It_Axe_OrcWaraxe_01 --> Krush Agash
    It_Axe_Orc_01 --> Krush Pach
    It_Axe_Rust_01 --> Rusty controversy axe
    It_Axe_SpikedClub_01 --> Prick club
    It_Axe_Waraxe_01 --> Battle hatchet
    It_Axe_Warhammer_01 --> War hammer
    It_BattleAxe_01 --> Controversy axe
    It_Bow_01 --> bow
    It_Bow_Army --> Army bow
    It_Bow_Ass --> Assassinens Bow
    It_Bow_Bone --> Bone bow
    It_Bow_Composite --> Composite bow
    It_Bow_Deathbringer --> Todbringer
    It_Bow_Demon --> Demon Bow
    It_Bow_Dragon --> Kite bow
    It_Bow_Fight --> Combat bow
    It_Bow_Horn --> Horn bow
    It_Bow_Hunting --> Hunting bow
    It_Bow_Long --> Long bow
    It_Bow_Nimroder --> Nimroder
    It_Bow_Oak --> Oak bow
    It_Bow_OrcRipper --> Orkreisser
    It_Bow_Ork --> Ork bow
    It_Bow_Ranger --> Forest runner bow
    It_Bow_Rune --> Rune bow
    It_Bow_SilentDeath --> Quiet death
    It_Bow_War --> War bow
    It_Bow_WolfRipper --> Wolf bow
    It_Crossbow_01 --> crossbow
    It_Crossbow_BloodHarvest --> Blood harvest
    It_Crossbow_Bounty --> Head hunter crossbow
    It_Crossbow_Heavy --> Heavy crossbow
    It_Crossbow_KrashMorra --> Krash Morra
    It_Crossbow_Merc --> Mercenary crossbow
    It_Crossbow_Nrd --> Nordmar crossbow
    It_Crossbow_Orc --> Ork crossbow
    It_Crossbow_Rhino --> Rhino crossbow
    It_Crossbow_SlaveKiller --> Slave death
    It_Crossbow_War --> War crossbow
    It_Halberd_01 --> Hellebarde
    It_Halberd_Orc_01 --> Krush Tarach
    It_Irmak_2H_Halberd --> Krush Irmak
    It_Staff --> Staff of the Eternal Wonderer
    It_Staff_BladeStaff_01 --> Blade staff
    It_Staff_Darkmage_01 --> Staff of darkness
    It_Staff_Darkmage_02 --> Staff of Schwarzmagiers
    It_Staff_Darkmage_03 --> Staff of death
    It_Staff_Dominion_01 --> Staff of fire protection
    It_Staff_Druid_01 --> Staff of nature
    It_Staff_Fire --> Staff heat wave
    It_Staff_Firemage_01 --> Staff of fire
    It_Staff_Firemage_02 --> Staff of the FireMages
    It_Staff_Firemage_03 --> Staff of the rule
    It_Staff_FireProt_01 --> Staff of fire protection
    It_Staff_Fire_01 --> Staff of the rule
    It_Staff_Healing_01 --> Staff of the healing
    It_Staff_Ice --> Staff frost wave
    It_Staff_IceProt_01 --> Staff of the ice protection
    It_Staff_JudgementStaff_01 --> Arranging staff
    It_Staff_Lightning --> Staff shock wave
    It_Staff_Magic --> Staff of the magic
    It_Staff_MagicProt_01 --> Staff of the energy protection
    It_Staff_Mana_01 --> Staff of the Zauberei
    It_Staff_Mana_02 --> Staff of the magic
    It_Staff_Mana_03 --> Staff of power
    It_Staff_OrcShaman_01 --> Schamanenstab
    It_Staff_Power --> Staff of power
    It_Staff_Prot_01 --> Staff of the defense
    It_Staff_Prot_02 --> Staff of the protection
    It_Staff_Prot_03 --> Staff of invulnerability
    It_Staff_Quarterstaff_01 --> Combat staff
    It_Staff_Scythe_01 --> Scythe
    It_Staff_Sorcery --> Staff of the Zauberei
    It_Staff_Spear_01 --> Spear
    It_Staff_Watermage_01 --> Staff of the water
    It_Staff_Watermage_02 --> Staff of the WaterMages
    It_Staff_Watermage_03 --> Staff of reconciliation
    Arrow --> Arrow
    BluntArrow --> Head nut-(Knockout Arrow?)
    Bolt --> Pin
    Bolt_Sharp --> Blade pin
    ExplosiveArrow --> Blowing up arrow
    FireArrow --> Fire arrow
    Fist --> Fist
    Mike_Arrow --> Arrow
    Mike_Axe --> Axe
    Mike_Bolt --> Pin
    Mike_Bow --> bow
    Mike_Crossbow --> crossbow
    Mike_Staff --> Helebarde
    Mike_Sword --> Sword
    TrollFist --> Trollfaust
    PoisonArrow --> Poison arrow.
    Hình ảnh thật là đẹp :
  2. Bluelion

    Bluelion Fire in the hole!

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