[BOI] Battle Of The Immortals Evolution - Shijie Games

Thảo luận trong 'MMO | Private Server' bắt đầu bởi Shirazuma, 16/7/12.

  1. Shirazuma

    Shirazuma Fire in the hole! Slayer Tàu ngầm GVN

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    Shijie Games :: Where Gamers Make the World

    Hiện Đã Có Guild VNClub Và LionVN
    Vào Guild VNClub Pm ImaQueen ShadowPriest
    TamaoSerizawa Destinyzz DendiStyle Uranus
    Vào Guild LionVn Pm SoulMaster ZzDANTEzZ
    Hai Guild Liên Minh Với Nhau Nên Các Bạn Vào Guild Nào Cũng Được

    Trang Chủ
    Client Download
    Link 1 (Không Cần Manual Patch):
    Link 2 (Dự Phòng - Cần Manual Patch):
    Link 3 (Dự Phòng - Không Cần Manual Patch):
    BOI Manual Patch
    1107070 - 1203080 (2.7MB)
    1203080 - 1203210 (262MB)
    Copy vào LauncherCfg để chạy Game = Launcher (Dành cho những ai xài Client Link 1)
    Copy vào /Bin/ServerList và chạy Game.exe chứ đừng chạy Laucher (Dành cho Link 2)

    Hướng dẫn cài Combat Aid
    1. Tắt game
    2. Down file này về http://up.ht/RkG5nx (Lấy File Của VNG Xài Cũng Được)
    3. Copy vào thư mục UI trong nơi cài đặt game
    4. Vào game xài skill Combat Aid trong mục Special Skill để mở Combat Aid ​

    Hướng dẫn thay đổi Màu Pet và Gear
    Click Vào Tên Để Xem Hình Và Click Vào Link Bên Cạnh Để Down
    1. Latamantis: http://uppit.com/hd514bv5cs0a/Ladamantis.zip
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Character > Monster > mingjie2 > ladamantisi

    2. Aeacus: http://uppit.com/k5v2dickf5t3/Aeacus.zip
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Character > Monster > Boss > aiyagesi

    3. Furios: http://uppit.com/62btiyhdvkvt/Furios.zip
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Character > Monster > mingjie1 > Boss_mainuosi

    4. Alraune: http://uppit.com/k9ntm0n2k8ep/Alraune.zip
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Character > Pet > pet_kekaer

    5. Capricorn 1G2G: http://uppit.com/2j2y8285vc39/Capricorn.zip
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Character > Pet > Mojiezuo

    6. Capricorn 3G: http://uppit.com/kjyl10nihr36/Capricorn_3G.zip
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Character > Pet > Mojiezuo

    7. Scorpio 3G: http://uppit.com/3bkv3yamc0ju/Scorpio_3G.zip
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Character > Pet > tianxie

    8. Gemini 3G: http://uppit.com/pct460hvwyg3/Gemini_3G.zip
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Character > Pet > shuangzizuo

    9. Leo 3G: http://uppit.com/ajdt8kyzf1ru/Leo_3G.zip
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Character > Pet > shizizuo

    10. Cancer 3G: http://uppit.com/7qngiac0n77f/Cancer_3G.zip
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Character > Pet > juxiezuo

    11. Hades' Feather (Black): http://uppit.com/gp9sl6jr07h8/Hades_Feather_(Black).zip
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Back > common_back_90034

    12. Hades' Feather (Turquoise): http://uppit.com/nptc10rbzjpg/Hades_Feather_(Turquoise).zip
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Back > common_back_90034

    13. Okula's Feather: http://uppit.com/61aduzg1r9s9/Okulas_Feather.zip
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Back > common_back_90047

    14. Berzerk Lv115 Gear: http://uppit.com/9zkonqjcz2co/115_Berzerk_Gear.zip
    [spoil]Armor Male:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Armour > warrior_armour_male_30530

    Armor Female:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Armour > warrior_armour_female_30530

    Glove Male:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Glove > warrior_glove_male_35530

    Glove Female:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Glove > warrior_glove_female_35530

    Helmet (Applies to both male and female):
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Helmet > common_helmet_55530

    Weapon (Applies to both male and female):
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > RightHandItem > common_RightHandItem_10530

    Shoe Male:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Shoe > warrior_shoe_male_45530

    Shoe Female:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Shoe > warrior_shoe_female_45530

    Shoulder (Applies to both male and female):
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Shoulder > common_shoulder_40530

    Trousers (Greaves) Male:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Trousers > warrior_trousers_male_50530

    Trousers (Greaves) Female:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Trousers > warrior_trousers_female_50530[/spoil]

    15. Lv115 Champ Gear: http://uppit.com/lfrembojrkbi/115_Champ_Gear.zip
    [spoil]Armor Male:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Armour > knight_armour_male_31530

    Armor Female:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Armour > knight_armour_female_31530

    Glove Male:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Glove > knight_glove_male_36530

    Glove Female:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Glove > knight_glove_female_36530

    Helmet (Applies to both male and female):
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Helmet > common_helmet_56530

    Weapon (Applies to both male and female):
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > RightHandItem > common_RightHandItem_11530

    Shoe Male:
    Shoes were not changed in this color scheme. >_>

    Shoe Female:
    Shoes were not changed in this color scheme. >_>

    Shoulder (Applies to both male and female):
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Shoulder > common_shoulder_41530

    Trousers (Greaves) Male:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Trousers > knight_trousers_male_51530

    Trousers (Greaves) Female:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Trousers > knight_trousers_female_51530[/spoil]

    16. Lv115 Slayer Gear: http://uppit.com/2mn1ztkay1b0/115_Slayer_Gear.zip
    [spoil]Armor Male:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Armour > robber_armour_male_32530

    Armor Female:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Armour > robber_armour_female_32530

    Glove Male:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Glove > robber_glove_male_37530

    Glove Female:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Glove > robber_glove_female_37530

    Helmet (Applies to both male and female):
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Helmet > common_helmet_57530

    Weapon (Applies to both male and female):
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > RightHandItem > common_RightHandItem_12530

    Shoe Male:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Shoe > robber_shoe_male_47530

    Shoe Female:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Shoe > robber_shoe_female_47530

    Shoulder (Applies to both male and female):
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Shoulder > common_shoulder_42530

    Trousers (Greaves) Male:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Trousers > robber_trousers_male_52530

    Trousers (Greaves) Female:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Trousers > robber_trousers_female_52530[/spoil]

    17. Lv115 Heretic Gear: http://uppit.com/512fknul999j/115_Heretic_Gear.zip
    [spoil]Armor Male:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Armour > priest_armour_male_34530

    Armor Female:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI> Data > Avatar > Armour > priest_armour_female_34530

    Glove Male:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Glove > priest_glove_male_39530

    Glove Female:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Glove > priest_glove_female_39530

    Helmet (Applies to both male and female):
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Helmet > common_helmet_59530

    Weapon (Applies to both male and female):
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > RightHandItem > common_RightHandItem_14530

    Shield (Applies to both male and female):
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > LeftHandShield > common_LeftHandShield_64530

    Shoe Male:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Shoe > priest_shoe_male_49530

    Shoe Female:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Shoe > priest_shoe_female_49530

    Shoulder (Applies to both male and female):
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Shoulder > common_shoulder_44530

    Trousers (Greaves) Male:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Trousers > priest_trousers_male_54530

    Trousers (Greaves) Female:
    Copy vào nơi cài BOI > Data > Avatar > Trousers > priest_trousers_female_54530[/spoil]


    Hướng dẫn nhiệm vụ Cosmos [Tinh Bàn]
    Điều kiện: Meso 1 Lv 110
    Bước 1: Nhận nhiệm vụ tại NPC Klaud 128,247 ở Atlantis
    Bước 2: Làm theo nhiệm vụ trả tại NPC Copernicus 112,91 ở Atlantis
    Bước 3: Nhận tiếp nhiệm vụ mới ở NPC Copernicus
    Nhiệm vụ yêu cầu: Đánh 1 con Eerie Energy Enity và 50 con Mysterious tại Olympus 213,174
    Bước 4: Làm xong trả tại NPC Copernicus và nhận tiếp nhiệm vụ mới
    Bước 5: Làm theo nhiệm vụ trả nhiệm vụ tại NPC Astrolabe 245,179 ở Sea of Atlantis rùi tiếp tục nhận nhiệm vụ lấy điểm Cosmos
    Nhiệm vụ yêu cầu: Đánh quái tại Olympus 213,174 cho đủ 500/500 Energy rồi quay lại NPC Astrolabe trả nhiệm vụ là có điểm Cosmos
    Cách làm nhanh: Chuyển kênh đánh con Eerie Energy Enity được 100 Energy sẽ nhặt thêm được cục ngọc chuột phải sẽ được tăng thêm 100 điểm Energy.

    Introduction ID
    6000155G070200085009600S9fb1ff - Shez

    6040167G060805060008000S3f6fb2 - Nurarihyon

    4020153G030804099006900S3f8fb2 - TieuMai

    4010120G030002051000500S7fb1fe - Uranus

    Đọc kĩ hướng dẫn sử dụng trước khi dùng :3cool_angry:

    01. Free Zen: Đang có thay đổi tạm thời chưa biết ~_~
    02. Học Skill không mất tiền và Exp AE cứ tăng cấp thoải mái con gà mái
    03. Skill Lv 100 mua được tại NPC Skuld trong Atrium giống Skill 115
    04. Medal of Triumphs dùng để mua Gem Coin 3, Major Fortification Pack, Advanced Pet Gem
    (Dùng để đập Pet 11->15) tại NPC Sylla 108,224
    05. Đồ PSG có thể có được khi đánh quái ở Dragon Lair LV1/2 nhưng với một tỉ lệ VERY Small
    06. SG 45 nhận được trong túi quà tân thủ
    07. SG 60 được mua bằng Item Pack trong Shop Salary 3/5 rùi mua đồ tại Bermuda Island
    08. Fam Salary (Điểm tặng) Bằng Item ZEN Pack (Train quái sẽ được và mua Salary Card 500 tại NPC Kardanny 112,166) 20 ZEN Pack = 1 Card
    09. Nhận Salary hằng ngày tại NPC Medea 229,175
    10. Pure Devil Fruit (Ăn để lên Demigod) bán bằng Salary
    11. Blood of Nemo (Dùng để up lên Lower Demigod) bán bằng Salary
    12. Hypnos' Will (Dùng để up lên Meso Demigod) bán bằng Salary
    13. Tear of Hades (Dùng để up lên Upper Demigod) bán bằng Salary
    14. Zodiac Pet Chest (Mở random Pet Zodiac) bán bằng Salary
    15. Skill Book-Book of Awaken Skill (Mở ra được skill đổi bằng 20 cuốn sách) bán bằng Salary
    16. F-Protect 4 -> 10 bán bằng Salary
    17. Và còn nhiều thứ nữa..............
    18. Kiếm Gem Coin 3,4 bằng cách đi các Event trong Game:
    +Kinght's Jail Gem Coin 4
    +Trail of the Brave Gem Coin 3
    +Fallen Darkess Gem Coin 3
    +Giza Pyramid Gem Coin 3,4
    +Lava Heights Gem Coin 3
    19. Gem Coin 3,4 đổi ngọc 3,4 tại NPC Jule 197,215
    20. Gem Coin 5,6 đổi ngọc 5,6 tại NPC Sherinbarm 195,220
    21. Đi Các Event TOB FD DI có thể nhận được Deity (Nhiều hay ít tùy vào số người trong Pt)
    22. Fam Coin nhanh bằng cách mua Starwish Charm ước thẻ Flame Shura được Gold Coin Pack xong ra NPC Bollina 195,86
    đổi 200 Gold Coin Pack = 2.000.000 Coin
    23. 125 Gem Chest 2 đổi 1 Gem Chest 5 tại NPC Natasha 109,93
    24. 125 Gem Chest 3 đổi 1 Gem Chest 6 tại NPC Natasha 109,93
    25. Đổi Stone of Odin's Soul Jade LV 4 ra Odin's Soul Jade nhanh tại NPC Natasha 109,93

    Phụ Bản Menoz
    Phụ Bản Madness

    Phụ Bản Secret Ruins

    Những thay đổi của Sv 23/11/2012
    Những thứ Sv đã thay đổi
    - Fixed LevelingBoxes
    - Fixed Fashion from LevelBoxes
    - Marketplace Changes
    - Expiration Dates on Fashions & Backgear removed
    - Fashions & Backgear can now be traded
    - Coin Limit for Noble Rank now working properly
    - Plenty new Mounts & Fashion & Backgear
    - BOI Quiz Rewards changed (The boxes are same but rewards different) | Now worthwhile spending time on it!
    - Custom Made ShijieBox with INSANE Rewards (Very rare items) Name: Chest of Wonder
    - Normal Coin Limit (>>WITHOUT NOBLE RANK<<) increased to 2,000,000,000 at higher level. (Don't worry - still 400M Cap at LV50 lol)
    - Maximum COIN/EXP/DEITY Daily Limit increased TEN-FOLD
    - Soulbeads Capacity increased TEN-FOLD (Note: May not display in-game, but works)
    - Required Deity Per Level Decreased based on Percentage
    - Now only Require x30 (5/person) Smelt Essence for Pit of Reckoning Weapon Run
    - Zod Pets now only require LV1 to summon
    - Pet EXP Rate Reduced from x10 -> x5
    - Max Level Increased
    - New Backgear in Marketplace >> THEY HAVE STATS WHEN YOU EQUIP THEM <<
    - Server upgrades to stablize lag (Especially realmswap)
    - Latamantis in LOD Now sells Summoner SG100
    - All Quest Requirements to enter LOD has been removed - Can now do Pit / Buy SG etc whenever you want
    - GM Pet Mascot has been made (Don't mess with us now!!)
    - Medea now has an option to trade with you. x1 Pyramid Passport = X5 Oracle Charm Shard (This is the compensation for having the server down during Pyramid Event)
    - Bollinna has been added in Atlantis (Near Muto - Sadly only Angel of Str/Int pet for now, I was unaware PWE had changed it - Next patch, promise!)
    - Guild Quest Fund/Dev Rates have been increased by x2
    - Wolfking Karth Soul has been added to marketplace
    - God's Fruit LV4 Pet EXP item has been added to Salary shop
    - Adv.Tears of Valkyrie added to Salary Shop
    - Adv. Tears of Artemis added to Salary Shop
    - Zodiac Pet Chest reduced to 9k Salary
    - Medal of Victory is now 50zen
    - Phasing Compass added to Salary for free
    - Gem Coins have been added to bosses throughout various Events/Instances
    - Pet Fusion removed from the game - Hate me or not!
    - Removed Option from Medea to get LV55 Box / Beta-Pack
    - Daily Salary put back in
    - Some marketplace changes
    - Added Facestyle/Hairstyle/Portait samples to Shop
    - Champions have received some buffs (Oracle Set 4/4 now gives 10% phys att)
    - Changed Drop on Obsidian Turtle (I think he's called lulz) & White Tiger -> Now instead of LV2 gem chest it's LV3, with a rare chance of LV4.
    - Angkor Temple LV1 Lord Boss "Ashura Vanguard" has been buffed (As strong as Ashura almost|3M-HP) And now low chance to drop Oracle Charm Fragment & Ultra-Rare Shadow Keystone | CUSTOM BOSS
    - Changes to Class skills ( >>Read Below<< )
    - Skills no longer cost EXP (>>You still need the Required EXP to level the skills up, but you will only lose 1 exp per Skill level<<)
    - Coin bags now 10,000 instead of 5,000
    - LV115 Deity Skills are now Free in the Shop in Atrium
    - Deity Skills Required Deity Per Level reduced by 20% (>> You still need the required Deity to level the skill up, but only 80% of the stated deity will be taken <<)
    - Increase Anniversary Card Rate by small amount
    - Gem LV5&6 are now as strong as LV4 for at least one week time (All on equal feet)
    - Rate of receiving WKK Soul from Hades Blessing (M/F) increased by x2
    - WKK Soul Music Box Can now give Pegasus ( Very Rare )
    - WKK Soul Music Box Can now give LV3 Gem ( Semi-Rare )
    - WKK Soul Music Box Can now gives LV4 Gem ( Already existent, Semi-Rare )
    - WKK Soul Music Box Can now give LV5 Gem ( Very Rare )
    - WKK Soul Music Box Salary given is now between 500-5000 instead of 1-5000
    - WKK Soul Bug Fixed (Could only use it 20 times per day = now 100, as intended)
    - Super Tears of Valkyre/Artemis now cost 999k ZEN and heal 0 HP/MP. They RUIN PvP (You're allowed to hate)
    - ZEN Pack (Currency to Purchase Salary from General Merchant) Added to more mobs (Mainly the ones dropping anniversary cards already)
    - BetaPack and NEW LV55 Levelbox for those who missed either is now available at Medea (Should be working properly now...)
    - Daily Salary at Medea (Should be working properly now....)
    - ZEN Pack now has a chance of being droped by Olympus mobs (Stats Idea - Props to you, sir!)
    - Buffed more Pets as Requested. (Snowbear/Quetz/Night Witch/WKK/zippO/some others)
    - ShijieBox removed from Salary
    - Double EXP stone now in Salary shop for free
    - Alraune Card in General Merchant
    - Decrease amount of Deity Debris per Upgrade (And Coins) by 50%
    - Minor Marketplace Changes
    - Exilic Demigod & Slaughter Deity Increase by x2
    - Glittering Deity Medal Deity increased by x2 (Free in Shop)
    - No longer required to have Blood of Nemo / Hypnos' Will to increase Deity Rank
    - Changes to Armor/Jewlery Set Stats Oracles & SG90-115
    - Wolfking Karth Soul now gives a random value between 1-5000 Salary after opening the Music Box
    - Wolfking Karth Soul can now be used 100 times per day
    - Tech Stone of Power Tech Points increased from 2,000 to 5,000 & useable 4 times/day
    - Tech Stone of Stamina Exhaustion reduction increased from 100 to 200 & useable 5 times/day
    - Salary F-Protect Prices reduced by a large amount
    - Salary Gem Coins price reduced to 10k/2K/0,4k according to LV4/LV3/LV2
    - Starwish Charm Price increased from 25 to 50 zen | Simply saw too many valueable items
    - All pet skills are now Free
    - Aries Nebula & Pisces Rotation are now Free | Mainly for leveling purposes | Consider it a late-4th of July gift haha.
    - Attempt to remove the restriction of EXP/Loot after 20k Killstreak
    - NPC Natasha will now trade SME Golden Treasure Key for a reward identical to the chests (Temporary fix)
    - Fixed the issue with White Tiger being stronger than intended
    - Lucky Sticker Re-worked (Works like a box, no cooldown or anything, new rewards)
    - Advanced Rebirth stone back in Marketplace (Sorry for missing it for so long)
    - Fruit of Life fixed in Markteplace
    - [BONUS] Marketplace Gem LV3/LV4 changed to Gem Coin instead of Gem Chest
    - Added a Mage Starword (Starword-Justice) <<>> 92 Magical Attack + 3% (184M.Att + 6% charged) to match with Physical damage dealer's Starword-Chillnes.
    ^This item will be dropped from all bosses that already drop chillness
    - Glory's Light item can now be used 20 Times per day instead of 5 times per day
    - Glory's Light Honor Rate increased by x2
    - Pet Fusion's back with a slight nerf to match up with our custom pets (Not too weak, not too strong)
    - New Pets added (Osiris + Efreet + Giza Bosses)
    - Buffed the new pets
    - Perfect Revive Removed
    - Other ZEN-Priced items had their upgrade price reduced to 0 (Like stash/material bag etc)
    - Some security messures added to levelboxes for obvious reasons
    - Medea is back with her original script (Working one)
    - TOB Has been fixed (Need 3man for now, its bugging out otherwise)
    - NPC Bollina now has an option to trade a stack of x200 Gold Coin Pack for Coins (Instead of opening them)
    - VERY Small marketplace changes
    - Drop rate modified on all custom bosses
    - GuildBuildings Material donation can now be done twice per day
    - GuildBuildings Material Maximum Capacity per day increased from 6000 to 12000
    - Marriage EXP should now work properly
    - x99 Flowers were removed from practically all boxes except ShijieBox
    - Modified the GM Gear set to be more pleaseing for the Viking's needs!!
    - Noble Cards x7 / x31 days had their "Free" perfect revives completely removed
    - An Attempt to reduce gathering timers
    - Mysterious Pet Egg now has a chance to give one of the new Pets
    - Mysterious Pet Egg now drops from Efreet/Giza Bosses/Osiris and Dragon Island Bosses
    - Some Ancient Ruins Fixes
    - Some more pet changes
    - Drop rates increased on TDE
    - Attempt another fix on SME (No guarantees)
    - Boost Serpent Beast
    - Nerf Ashura Eva/Accuarcy
    - Buff Sacred Beast pets A LOT but nerf drop rate of eggs by 50%
    - Cosmo point per Daily Quest = 2
    - FD/DI/TOB Should now properly assign LV150 Mobs for players above Level 115. (This means more HP, More Dmg, More Exp)
    - Some marketplace changes
    - Created GM Gear Set..
    - Robot Giant Gunk is no longer a useless boss as he has a chance to drop Oragle Ring/Neck Fragments, like tanno, but with lower rates than tanno.
    - Mobs in Angkor Temple LV4 (Royal Guard, General, etc) now has a VERY low rate to drop Oracle Ring Fragments. REALLY Low chance.
    - Collector back in shop
    - Gold Coin Bags (The ones that say 100k but gives 10k) can now be sold in shop for 10k each
    - Adv.Pet gem from Triumph Shop replaced with one that should be tradeable, so it should no longer lock your pet.
    - NPC Rhea will now give a Random reward for trading 1,000 ZEN Packs to her. Item value will vary.
    - Slightly increased rates on Boosting pets
    - Slightly increased rates on successfully getting two or more of the same skill slot using Universe Emblems (Again)
    - Brought Back Ancient Ruins Event (Medea Realm 4 Teleport you)
    - Mobs in Dragon Lair LV1/2 now has a VERY small chance to drop PSG.
    - Stardust LV1 added to Marketplace under "Gems"
    - More Salary Items (Insignia, Adv Bless, LV3-7 Perf Embed Charm, more)
    - Gems back to original powerbase
    - Fixed the Custom Shijie Boss (Can now drop Keystone, had wrong ID before)
    - Fixed Alraune Pet (Now has the same buffs as the other pets)
    - Daily Shijie Salary is now Daily Shijie Salary + Item (Not possible to Abuse with alts)
    - Fixed LV3 Gem Drop rates from instances. (For example only Hannibal now drops LV3 gem from KJ, as intended) + (Now have a lower drop rate)
    - Level 100 Class skills can now be found in Atrium Vendor where you usually purchase lv115 skills
    - Fixed Invigorate on Chmp, now lasts 30min as intended
    - Fixed the bug where Phoenix/Turtle/WhiteTiger etc dropped F8-F9 when its supposed to drop F10.
    - The Gleaming Deity Medal (x30 uses) now has a x2 Rate as well
    - Another attempt to bring custom Guild Ranks (This might prove impossible in which case it will not be done this patch)
    - Removed Scenario Quest requirement for Peganea Catacomb.
    - Salary Super Removal & Talisman reduced by 50%
    - CeleSoul LV1-5 added to marketplace under "Gems"
    - NineTailed Fox, FlameShura, Devil's Child, Ocean Kirin and Son of Khar Pets have received some buffs.
    - Fixed translation error on Obisidan Turtle when you rebirth him.
    - Cosmo Asteroid Upgrades and Asteroids in Salary
    - Some Starwords to Bonus market
    - Polishers reduced by 30% in Salary market.
    - Marriage EXP Changes. You should now find yourself leveling a lot faster with your Spouse.
    - Fixed SME Treasurry Bug (Okula will now teleport your party to the treasury room)
    - Added Rain Devourer Pets to Bollina
    - Bringing back Poseidon's Temple !!
    - Modified rates to alter multiple of the same skills on pets, just slightly..
    - Set Attributes (2/2) for Rare Fashions!
    - Primal Boot/Belt & Primal Essences x2 Drop Rate
    - Introducing LV9 Gems!
    - Daily Boss Invasion 18:00 in Atlantis!
    - HeavenFeather now lasts 24H
    - May have brought back ZG (Needs testing)
    - Two new Custom Bosses: True Dragon Emperor/Dragon's Kid | Kingoni Grantara Lord
    - Eloquent Accessories should now be able to be fortified to +15
    - Hrtc and Chmp Shield LV115 added to drops from Moser & Fenrir.
    - Book of EXP is now 100 times per day as requested.
    - Minor LevelupBoxes changes
    - Small buffs to Headcrusher Basaka pet.
    - Fixing the Issues with Hair Samples and making them all free instead.
    An item scripted for GMs to use to randomly choose 5 winners in Atlantis for random good rewards
    - Script for being Offline X amount of days added (gives come-back rewards EXP/SALARY/ITEM)
    - Natasha will now exchange Stone of SJ4 for higher lvl SJ depending on amount you have (>> COIN FEE <<)
    - Natasha can now trade SJ13 x3 for SJ14, SJ14 x3 for SJ15 (>> LARGE COIN FEE <<)
    - Natasha can now trade x5 of any LV8 (Tradeable) gem for x1 Random LV9 gem (>> COIN FEE <<)
    - Natasha can now trade x125 LV2 Gem Chest for a LV5 Gem chest Has a 5m Fee for doing so
    - Natasha now Trades x100 ColorFul Metors for a Random Pet: Angel of Strength / Angel of Intellect
    - Natasha now Trades ZEN Pack x200 for a Random Fairy Pet (Including SPR Fairy which has been Mana/Spr-Buffed)
    - Mount Sale changed to Starwish Charm sale
    - Enchanement Fortify Stone added to Credit market
    - Tech Stone of Power Daily usage increased from 4 to 10
    - PSG Gear + Weapon can now be fortified to 15
    - Rose Crystal Drop Count increased from a maximum of "1" to "3" per mob
    - Alec NPC now trades x100:x100 instead of x5:x5
    - Starword Honor added to Salary Market
    - Combat Aid has been implemented (>>READ GUIDE<<)
    - Platinum Noble Card free in shop so that you can use Combat Aid with no time limit.
    - Territory War Database table reset (Hopefully TW will work now)
    - Natasha can now trade 50k glory for a LV5 Gem Coin
    - Natasha can now trade 100k Glory for a Random Badge (10 badges, bad and good ones)
    - GEN 3 Pets have been buffed seeing as most of them were actually compareable to Gen2 (Not intended)
    - Slight adjustments to Emerald Dragon + Scarlet Phoenix's Damage per Level scaling
    - Boxes that gave SJ4 but not Stone of SJ4 will now give Stone of SJ4 instead.
    - LV2 Gem Chests in Menoz Instance changed to the ones that can be traded at Natasha
    - LV3 Gem Chests can be exchanged for a LV6 at Natasha
    - LV7 CharmStone x5 can be exchanged for a LV8 Charmstone at Natasha (Since the combine method only works on some *modified* clients)
    - Deity (Not major amount) added to instances; TOB/DI/FD (The more party members = The more Deity)
    - Realm 9 PVP Level decreased to '1' so that people can't block your target list without getting killed themselves
    - New Custom instance Secret Ruins (Lost Ruins-Remake) | Increased Deity/EXP + New Shovel Loot
    ^Two parts of the Shovel loot which is super rare are two new pets that have been modified to be the strongest pets in the game.
    - Ancient Ruins is now Level Based like Retail (Sorry for the delay) 75-99, 100-120, 120+
    - Players can now Gamble ALL their money at Natasha for a chance to Double/Tripple/Quadra the amount gambled or otherwise lose 33% of the gambled amount.
    - New Instance Remake of Energy Well (It's now Deity-Madness) Level 130+. The higher Total Level amount of the Party = The More Deity you gain. No worthwhile loot, but now you have a chance to gain Main God!
    ^Bosses have chance to drop Starword Depression / Chaos / Silence
    - LV9 Gems are now PROPERLY fixed (Read below)
    - Two mobs per map on Emerald Dragon Island / Obsidian Turtle Pool / Killing Grounds & White Tiger Den have had their Monster Level modified to '200' so that people can farm them for more efficient EXP.
    -- ZEN Trade is now Quantity*1000 instead of Quantity*100 (Meaning the usual max of 99k zen = 999k zen per trade)
    Quantity of 1 = 1000 zen, quantity of 30 = 30000 zen, quanity of 100 = 100k zen etc
    - Talisman changes have been reversed (If you used LV7-LV8 and got 15%, talk to a GM)
    - No Longer any need to press Upgrade in the C Menu to levelup (May fix chmp/zerk levelbug, not sure yet)
    - Level 11 Insight Skill Added as a Test (If works, will be used in the near future on most skills)
    - Ancient Ruins Reopened (All LVLs same Queue for now, working on power restrictions)
    - NPC Siv now exchanges x625 Gem of Hel Fragments for a LV4 Gem of Hel (Realm 1-8)
    - NPC Siv now exchanges x200 Bound Salary Card for 200k Salary (No Fee - Faster than opening; Realm 1-8)
    - Warcry has a new cooldown of 30 seconds (As a test)
    - Server now provides Instant LV40
    - Max Level increased to 200
    - Coin fee for exchanging LV2 Gems at Natasha has been removed
    - Special Donation Item for Medical Foundation can now be sent out properly (Shijie or Menoz will do this)
    - Chalice LV16-20 added to the game, they're functional, not same stats, just doesn't update the tooltip in-game.
    ~ Events & Bosses Changes ~
    Ancient Ruins
    - Max Players in each team increased to 20 (so it's 40 people - 20 vs 20)
    - Enter infinte amount of times per day
    - Points to win a matchup increased from 20,000 to 100,000 (x5 Rates - Longer Matchups)
    Comment: This should stop all the drama about Guild Vs Guild being unfair, as here, you can enter whenever you want, and the teams are always random no matter your guild.
    Currently no Level/Power restriction, I'm working on that for the next patch.

    - Drop Rates Changed for all Bosses (Including Keystone, Glaier Soul, Poseidon's Force and NEW-Strong Pet Griffin)
    - All Bosses increased HP (Osiris 1B, Rest 350m) increased Damage
    - Keys Drop Rates reduced tenfold

    - Bosses HP Increased
    - Keys drop rate decreased tenfold
    - LV3-4 Gem coins to all bosses added and LV4-5 Gem coins to last Boss Set

    World Bosses
    - Tanno now Drops LV3-4 Gem coin & Shadow Keystone(Rare)
    - Tanno HP Increased
    - Fenrir now Drops LV3-4 Gem Coin & Glacier Soul(Rare)
    - Fenrir HP Increased
    - Moser now Drops LV4-5 Gem Coin & Poseidon's Force(Rare)
    - Moser HP Increased
    ~ Class Changes ~
    - War Roar now gives 1,000 Phys Att instead of 200
    - [Cosmos] LV4 Surging Power Physical Attack increase changed from 600 to 1200 and % from 8% to 12%
    - [Cosmos] LV4 Lunar Slash Max Targets increased from 9 to 12 and Cooldown reduction increased from 20% to 35%
    - [Cosmos] LV4 Sword Flurry Max Targets increased from 9 to 12
    - [Cosmos] LV4 Darkhole Max Targets increased from 6 to 9 and Range increased from 9 to 13
    - [Cosmos] LV4 Sortie Max Targets increased from 6 to 7 and effect duration increased from 40% to 70%
    - [Cosmos] LV4 Fury Cooldown Reduction increased from 15% to 25% and effect duration from 30% to 35%
    - [Cosmos] LV4 Stained Blade Damage Percentage increased from 15% to 25% and Maximum Damage increased from 45k to 150k against players
    - [Cosmos] LV4 Sword Flurry Damage % Bonus inreased from 25% to 35%

    - Insight now gives 1,000 Mag Att instead of 200
    - Insight Max Rank is now 11 (This is a test for future updates, I suggest you don't learn the skill until I've made sure it works)
    - [Cosmos] LV4 Ice Shield Duration increased from 15% to 20%
    - [Cosmos] LV4 Telekenesis Cooldown Reduction increased from 25% to 35%
    - [Cosmos] LV4 Bolt Effect Duration increased from 75% to 100%
    - Bolt Chance to affect target increased from 25% to 35%
    - [Cosmos] LV4 Frostburst Maximum Targets increased from 12 to 15
    - [Cosmos] LV4 Illusion Effect Duration increased from 30% to 50%
    - [Cosmos] LV4 Unbridled Magic Magic Attack Increase increased from 580 to flat 1000 and % increase from 5% to 6%
    - LV10 Brain Freeze Effect Duration increased from 11 seconds to 15 seconds

    - [Cosmo] Invincible LV4 Changed to 80% Cooldown reduction and 40% effect duration
    - [Cosmo] Thundercrack LV4 Max targets increased from 9->12 & range from 9->12
    - [Cosmo] Shield Strike LV4 Max targets increased from 9->12
    - [Cosmo] Reckless LV4 Cooldown reduction increased from 50% to 55%
    - [Cosmo] LV4 Surging Power Physical Attack Increase changed to flat 1000 and % increase to 15% from 12%
    - [Cosmo] LV4 Vital Strike Max Damage Against Players increased from 55k to 200k
    - [Cosmo] LV4 Shield Strike Damage Increase percentage changed from 15% to 25%

    - [Cosmo] LV4 Repulse cooldown reduction increased from 20% to 30%
    - [Cosmo] LV4 Burning Rage Effect Duration increased from 37% to 40%
    - [Cosmo] LV4 Purify Cooldown Reuction increased from 20% to 30%
    - [Cosmo] LV4 Unbridled Magic Magic Attack Increase increased from 580 to flat 1000 and % increase from 5% to 6%
    - LV10 Meteor Storm Damage Ratio increased from 110% to 120%
    - [Cosmo] LV4 Annihilation Damage % Increase if target below x% HP increased from 80% to flat 100%
    - [Cosmo] Angel's Favor Heal Bonus percentage increased from 14% to 20%

    - [Cosmos] LV4 Surging Power Physical Attack Increase changed from 600 to 800 and % from 5% to 6%
    - Crush LV10 Max Targets increased from 7 to 9
    - Crush LV10 Damage Ratio increased from 110% to 120%

    - [Cosmo] LV4 Angel's Discipline cooldown reduction increased from 20% to 30%
    - [Cosmo] LV4 Silence Cooldown Reduction increased from 25% to 35%
    - [Cosmo] LV4 Ode of Doom Effect Duration increased from 167% to flat 200%
    - [Cosmo] LV4 Medic Power Healing Effect increase nerfed from 17% to 15%
    - [Cosmo] LV4 Angel's Discipline Max Damage Cap increased from 35k to 150k but still only 25% of players mana​
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 24/1/13
    Giz, nok1994 and thuytientn1 like this.
  2. oitinhyeu789

    oitinhyeu789 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    nghe hấp dẫn đây :5cool_still_dreamin
    đang down chiều về chắc chơi đc oy
    mà nó có update tự động ko hay phải update thủ công?
    vào cái link patch thấy 1 đống ko bít cái nào lun :2cool_beated:
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 16/7/12
  3. phamtien23890

    phamtien23890 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    thái nguyên
    có tiếng việt ko bác? ?
  4. Shirazuma

    Shirazuma Fire in the hole! Slayer Tàu ngầm GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Phía Cuối Con Đường
    SV Nước Ngoài Kiếm Đâu Ra Tiếng Việt

    @oitinhyeu789: Xem Phiên Bản Của Client Là bao Nhiêu Rùi Zô Trang Đó Dow Mấy Bản Patch Từ Phiên Bản Ấy Trở Lên
    Hình Như Là 1202230 Ấy Dow Từ Bản Patch Ấy Lên
  5. nok1994

    nok1994 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    update lên bản mới nhất à bác :D
  6. Shirazuma

    Shirazuma Fire in the hole! Slayer Tàu ngầm GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Phía Cuối Con Đường
  7. nok1994

    nok1994 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    :D giftcode các bác là gì thía ^^ introduce id đó
  8. Shirazuma

    Shirazuma Fire in the hole! Slayer Tàu ngầm GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Phía Cuối Con Đường
    6000155G070200085009600S9fb1ff Introduction Đây. Không Muốn Post Vì Củ Chuối Không Hỗ Trợ Được Anh Em Nhiều :7cool_feel_good:
  9. oitinhyeu789

    oitinhyeu789 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    he he vừa về đang cài oy
    chuẩn bị chiến thôi :1cool_look_down:
    giờ máy có tới 3 cái client :6cool_beat_brick:
  10. imrain01

    imrain01 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Server này là của ông kia ăn cắp của PW về làm sv nè.đang rộn lên sv BOI offline nè.ai muốn thì hợp tác làm chung :D
  11. Shirazuma

    Shirazuma Fire in the hole! Slayer Tàu ngầm GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Phía Cuối Con Đường
    Chơi Nước Ngoài Vẫn Sướng Hơn Free Một Số Thứ Đủ Để Chơi. Chứ Còn Về Tay Mấy Anh Vn Thì Thôi........ :2cool_go:
  12. nok1994

    nok1994 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    nước ngoài có điều kiện làm sever nên có thể nói đây là sever F2P :)) FREE toàn tập =))
    còn về mấy tay anh chị chắc máu tụt ko phanh =))
  13. oitinhyeu789

    oitinhyeu789 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ặc ặc lạp char xong mới nhớ ko add ID :6cool_beat_brick:
    báo danh char: BlackRosse
    ID: 9000146G090800031008000S3f0fb2
  14. oitinhyeu789

    oitinhyeu789 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    auto đây bạn ^^
    30 charrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    Các file đính kèm:

  15. ancapmeo

    ancapmeo Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    sao copy node server normal Evolution boiauth.shijiegames.com 30002 23 1 vào serverlist vào game vẫn là server brasil vậy
  16. Shirazuma

    Shirazuma Fire in the hole! Slayer Tàu ngầm GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Phía Cuối Con Đường
    Chạy Bằng Game.exe Chứ Đừng Chạy Bằng Laucher
  17. oitinhyeu789

    oitinhyeu789 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    bạn chay game bằng laucher cho nó update xong oy coppy cai node vào server list oy chay game bằng game.exe là đc
  18. nok1994

    nok1994 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    rớt ra cái item tên Zen pack và 20 cái zen pack đổi đc 1 phiếu 500 salary ( và hình như quái > 5x mới rớt ^^ )
  19. Shirazuma

    Shirazuma Fire in the hole! Slayer Tàu ngầm GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Phía Cuối Con Đường
    Pác Lập G Vn Rùi Kêu Gọi AE Vào Cho Nhanh :1cool_byebye:
  20. Shirazuma

    Shirazuma Fire in the hole! Slayer Tàu ngầm GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Phía Cuối Con Đường
    Giờ không ăn nhờ ở đậu G nước ngoài thì về sau sao kéo AE được. G toàn mấy thằng đứng TOP :3cool_nosebleed:
    và đặc biệt là rất tốt bụng :5cool_still_dreamin

Chia sẻ trang này