
Thảo luận trong 'DotA' bắt đầu bởi Op2, 24/12/09.

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  1. Op2

    Op2 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Link download: http://www.mediafire.com/?xeuzjj2izwu

    Changelogs: http://www.playdota.com/changelogs/6.65

    Hai hero mới:

  2. kries

    kries T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hí hí, ra rồi à :X . Thx bác nhé :D
    Down về thử 2 heroes mới nào:))

    P/s: Mới thử con băng :)) , ngộ phết . Ulti cách sử dụng khá là quái :)) , global đc .
  3. gaconff

    gaconff T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Cái map này sửa nhiều quá, ko bết bao h mới quen dc đây
  4. Tín.Đồ

    Tín.Đồ T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Cần Thơ
    ra rồi tét thôi :D:D, có bug gì báo lên đây để anh em còn tận dụng ;))
  5. *ShAw*

    *ShAw* C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Traveler Town
    Vừa chơi thử xong, cảm nhận riêng là con Nightcrawl ko imba như mình nghĩ , miễn ko để nó động vào người là xong, còn con AA thì mình thấy nó còn khó chịu vì bộ skill của nó manacost rất là ít :(
  6. takeda31

    takeda31 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cái ulti con băng là sao không hiểu lắm......:-?
  7. @Tidus@

    @Tidus@ C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ô yeah. test thôi. sáng mới thức tự nhiên nhớ hôm nay chắc có 6.65 vào check có thiệt :)

    edit: ai còn vào đc lôi cái changelog ra với. nãy còn vào đc giờ refresh fat đã timed out -_-;
  8. Tín.Đồ

    Tín.Đồ T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Cần Thơ
    cái đó nó chưởng tới đâu ông xác định nó dừng ở đó xong bắn =)) cd 20s dame 450 rồi cái gì 20 dame/s gì nữa kiểu này troll khỏi fam rừng rồi =))=))
  9. @Tidus@

    @Tidus@ C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    - New agility hero (Murloc Nightcrawler)
    - New intelligence hero (Ancient Apparition)
    - Reworked Unstable Concoction
    - Mana Void cooldown reduced from 120/100/80 to 70
    - Mana Break scaling increased from 16/32/48/64 to 28/40/52/64

    Bone Fletcher
    - Searing Arrows cooldown from 2/2/0/0 to 2/0/0/0

    Bounty Hunter
    - Reworked Jinada
    Blood Seeker
    - Bloodrage Rebalanced from 6/9/12/15 duration and 10 cd to 6/7/8/9 duration and 12/10/8/6 cd. HP loss at a constant 20 hp per sec.

    - Spiderlings gold bounty increased from 6-8 to 11-13 and XP bounty increased from 12 to 20

    Chaos Knight
    - Cast Point Improved
    - Reworked his Blink Strike (7225)
    Dark Seer
    - Vacuum cast range decreased from 800 to 550
    - Vacuum damage decreased from 60/120/180/240 to 40/80/120/160

    Death Prophet
    - Witchcraft's movement bonus has been restored (3/6/9/12%)

    - Force of Nature's Treants now have 33% spell resistance

    - Fiery Soul buff duration increased from 5 to 7 seconds

    - Movement speed increased from 300 to 310

    - Stone Gaze cooldown increased to 100

    - Movement speed increased from 300 to 315

    Night Stalker
    - Void manacost decreased from 90/112/130/145 to 80/90/100/110

    - Lowered Fire Panda armor by 2 points, hp from 900/1350/1800/2200 to 1200 and reworked damage from 52/105/214/234 to 70/112/140/180
    - Primal Split cooldown from 180/150/120/90 to 180/160/140/120

    Priestess of the Moon
    - Starfall AoE increased by 50 to fix issues with it not hitting units on the edge of your attack

    - Meat Hook scaling rebalanced. Cast range from 400/600/800/1000 to 550/700/850/1000, cd from 14 to 14/13/12/11 and manacost from 140 to 110/120/130/140

    - Cast Point improved
    - Decrepify can now be cast on Nether Ward

    Queen of Pain
    - Base Intelligence increased by 5

    - Agi growth decreased from 2.5 to 2.0
    - Strength grown decreased from 1.9 to 1.7
    - Eye of the Storm mana cost increased from 100 to 100/150/200

    Shadow Priest
    - Shallow Grave cooldown increased from 54/40/26/12 to 60/45/30/15

    - Base damage modified a little from 39-61 to 43-57

    - Shrapnel duration decreased from 10 to 8 seconds
    - Shrapnel AoE decreased from 450 to 325

    - Dispersion now spreads the reflected damage over the number of nearby heroes. So it is the same in a 1v1 case, but greatly reduced in team fights.

    Twin Head Dragon
    - Ice Path stun rescaled from 0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0 to 1.00/1.33/1.66/2.0
    - Ice Path cooldown scales from 16 to 16/15/14/13
    - Macropyre spawn speed improved

    - Overpower is no longer removed when BKB is activated
    - Overpower will not interrupt your movement when cast

    - Upheaval cooldown increased from 20 to 65 seconds

    - Reworked hero (124153)
    - Windrunner cooldown improved from 30/25/20/15 to 15

    Witch Doctor
    - Paralyzing Casks now do 50 damage to heroes on each bounce


    - Added a new recipe item (Urn of Shadows)
    Scroll of Town Portal
    - Reworked mechanics
    Aghanim's Scepter
    - Added support for Axe. Cooldown decreased from 75/65/55 to 20

    Boots of Speed
    - Now available in the side shops

    - Duration reduced from 5 to 3.5 seconds
    - Cooldown increased from 15 to 25
    - Blademail can no longer reflect blademail sourced damage

    Force Staff
    - Push distance increased from 500 to 600

    Linken's Sphere
    - Properly blocks Unstable Concoction and Death Coil

    - Maelstrom attack speed bonus increased from 15 to 25

    Planeswalker's Cloak
    - Price increased by 100

    : Radiance
    - AoE damage effect can now be toggled on and off

    - Damage block reduced from 40 to 20 when equipped on ranged heroes (50% less block like stout and Poor Man's Shield)


    * Readjusted the -bonus gold/xp system that is given in an aoe around dying heroes from being static unsplit to a dynamic split variation (numbers adjusted as well)

    * Rebalanced the creep stats for your creeps when you kill an enemy rax

    * Added a new small neutral camp (102473)
    * Increase the buffer time in -CM from 45 to 60 seconds (This means 15 seconds total for each player, not 15 seconds for each turn)
    * Added the new hero death timers to observer scoreboard title
    * Reworked Recipe tooltips (128284)
    * A text message and minimap indictator is now displayed when an ally purchases a Courier
    * Observer board now shows ultimate cooldowns (120509)
    * Added a new physical model for Gem of Truesight (124547)
    * New and reworked heroes are temporarily unavailable in -CM

    * Added a new visual effect when you have the Haste powerup (83240)
    * A special death animation is now played when Pudge suicides (17542)
    * Improved spawning location code for couriers, to help against minimap icon overlap
    * Decreased cooldown on Courier Morph and added a mini techies courier (123947)
    * Fixed Inner Beast buff icon
    * Removed extra spikes that appear on some (except Leshrac) characters with Aghanims Scepter (11289)
    * Added new sound effect for Scream of Pain
    * Improved quality of Panda's Thunderclap icon
    * Removed the gorge in the terrain near the bottom sentinel lane
    * Added visual effect for Huskar's Scepter (20814)
    * Some Nighstalker visual improvements (5227)
    * Rotated the direction the Frozen Throne is facing (82193)
    * Changed Scourge consumable shop model from Graveyard to Tomb of Relics (114591)
    * Added hero pick/ban data to replays for -CD mode (same data format as -CM)
    * Added hero pool information to replays for -CD mode (Format: Pool+index,id)
    * Fixed hero death timer overwriting player name color for leavers

    * Added a camera control command (-center) that locks the camera to your hero. -centeroff disables it (Not recommend for regular games)
    * Clarified Ward tooltips
    * Fixed lots of typos
    * Replay Data: host playerid is 0 if the game was created using HCL automode
    * Adjusted where the kill timer shows on the open scoreboard. Names are always visible now.
    * Some minor code optimizations when heroes are picked
    * Invoker: Forged Spirit units are now added to your control group when created
    * Invoker: Added an Ally/Observer only visual effect that plays before sun strike lands

    * New icon for Essence Aura
    * New icon for Darkness
    * New icon for Desolate
    * New icon for Void (126145)
    * New icon for Enchant (126145)
    * New icon for Impetus (126145)
    * New icon for Nature's Attendants (126145)
    * New icon for Backtrack (126145)
    * New icon for SA's Blink Strike (126145)
    * New icon for Crystal Nova (118362)
    * New icon for Death Ward (126145)
    * New icon for Divided We Stand (126145)
    * New icon for Dual Breath (126145)
    * New icon for EMP (126145)
    * New icon for Exorcism (126145)
    * New icon for Geostrike (126145)
    * New icon for Impale NA (126145)
    * New icon for Juxtapose (108662)
    * New icon for Phantom Edge (108662)
    * New icon for Malefice (126145)
    * New icon for Reaper's Scythe (126145)
    * New icon for Timelock (126145)
    * New icon for Timewalk (126145)
    * New icon for Invoke Tornado (126145)
    * New icon for Last Word (126145)
    * New icon for Amplify Damage (126145)
    * New icon for Jinada (105435)
    * New icon for Track (105435)

    * Fixed bug with swapping with Kunkka and getting Quelling Blade
    * Fixed Kraken Shell not getting disabled when Doomed
    * Fixed an area where you could TP and become stuck
    * Fixed a bug with Forged Spirits dying when getting an allied War Cry buff
    * Fixed a recent issue with Frost Arrows cast range
    * Fixed Eul's movement speed bonus not functioning correctly sometimes (if your hero has a unit morphing ability)
    * Fixed a minor bug with Ursa's Enrage + Fury Swipes combo against Vanguard
    * Fixed some Ion Shell stacking bugs
  10. .:: †Cat† ::.

    .:: †Cat† ::. Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    ? (_ _") ?
    Ai dịch qua TV để đọc chút đi :(
  11. @Tidus@

    @Tidus@ C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Alchemist: unstable condition ko còn imba như trước và có thể bị backfire =)) chắc chắn sẽ ko pick con này nữa

    AM: chắc chắn sẽ thành #1 hot boy bản này

    Brood: phải dùng nhện khôn khéo nếu ko sẽ là 1 thùng vàng và exp cho enemy

    DS: nerfed -_-;

    DP: buffed :)

    Naix': chắc không mua blink luôn quá ;;)

    Potm: buff đc 50 range, cũng vui

    NS: đầu game lợi hại hơn

    QoP: base int +5

    Razor: nerfed như dự đoán

    Spec: Dispersion ko còn hiệu quả như xưa :/
    ___________Auto Merge________________

  12. .:: †Cat† ::.

    .:: †Cat† ::. Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    ? (_ _") ?
    Thanks ông nhá :-*
  13. Sky Chocobo

    Sky Chocobo Sonic the Hedgehog

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    giết roshan cầm aegis thì dc đội thêm cái mũ noel =))
  14. legayou

    legayou Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Vẫn không hiểu ,bạn giải thích kỹ hơn dc ko ?
  15. Hiro Nakamura

    Hiro Nakamura A Time-Traveler A Lonely Vagabond Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    lol, cút mẹ thg icefrog đi =.=

    có vẻ trưa nay ih = ap =))
  16. Tín.Đồ

    Tín.Đồ T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Cần Thơ
    tức là lúc ông xài uti có cái vòng bay rất nhanh ông xem đó như nòng nhắm nó bay đến khu vực ông cần bắn bấm T nó ngưng ở đó xác định vị trí rồi nó bắn ( tầm xa toàn bản đồ) :|
  17. takeda31

    takeda31 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    con đó bựa mỗi skill 3, 70 dmg magic/5 hit cho team 8-}
  18. Tín.Đồ

    Tín.Đồ T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Cần Thơ
    con cóc nó regen v ra regen như lên heart vậy :-o
  19. luong_huunam

    luong_huunam C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ôi Darkseer của tôi 8-}.

    Ulti của AM và Axe quả này khủng bố thế.
    Mà ko biết có Axe nào lên gậy xanh ko =)).
  20. hoang149

    hoang149 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Thật là hãi hùng axe stack với gậy xanh :o , razor theo nguyện vọng bị neff tung chảo =((
    P/s Top 8 team có tên starboba :x trong cái bảng loading ấy ^^
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