TRY 2 - FU Production [part 8] 2mmfQSER9vQ [Alternative Link]
^ ^ Nice pac, nose, goggles, robe and earrings :-s Maple is no more f4p :-< Scheduled Server Maintenance - 07.27.10. 07/27...
^ Post 904 [IMG] Dùng để tăng stats cho item, còn stats ntn là do may rủi, ko thỳ chịu bỏ tiền ra kiếm nx để mua cái Cube trong CS, reset đến...
Flat-Out Fun .
Gms :-<
Nx đang tăng drop rate từ mob, kill mob drop item > đc item unidentified sẵn > mua cái Magnifying glass từ shop rồi click vào là đc, item sẽ lên...
Drop random từ mob, còn n~ mob nào thỳ h vẫn hem rõ xD [IMG] Ngoài ra có thể gacha :-? Btw first Potential item :)) [IMG]
Deadly Dual Blade Packages. Item Rating (potential) and Enhancement (star) System Explanation of the Item Rating and Enhancement system...
Not anh Btw 45 thôi, type nhầm 65 :"> [IMG]
Free 45 AP reset max per acc, new login and world selection screen :D [IMG] [IMG] Getting nexon'd with Big Bang soon :))
Item (cont)Install [img] Maple Tree Chair A maple tree with a hanging swing. You can recover 50 HP every 10 seconds. Items per slot: 1...
Item (cont)Etc (cont) [img] Nix's Magic Pill A magic pill that was created by Nix the Wise of Minar Forest. It looks strangely modern, and it...
Item (cont)Etc [img] NULL NULL --------------- [img] NULL NULL --------------- [img] NULL NULL --------------- [img]...
Item (cont) Consume (cont) [img] Scroll for Katara for ATT 65% Improves Attack on Katara.\nSuccess Rate: 65%, WEAPON ATT +2, LUK +1 Weapon...
Item (cont) Consume [img] 5th anniversary Cake elixir A legendary potion.\nRecovers all HP and MP. HP: 50% MP: 50% Tradeblock Cannot...
Item Cash[img] Owl Effect An Owl, friend of Dual Blades. Double-click the icon or assign a hotkey to turn the effect on/off. Cash item...
Character (cont)WeaponCash Shop Equip [img] 미하일의 수호 Cash Shop Equip - All classes Cash Item [img] 오즈의 수호 Cash Shop Equip - All classes...
Character (cont)Coat [img] I Love CN Top Coat - All classes Cash Item [img] Puffy Raglan Tee Coat - All classes Cash Item [img] 듀얼...
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