konnichiwa,censy-san. anata mo ogenki desu ka . i am ok , just only busy ^^. hope you always feel happy , then , have a nice day.
Wiki Wiki móe :is a Japanese slang word originally referring to fetish for or love for characters in video games or anime and manga. For example, 眼鏡っ娘萌え, meganekko-moe, "glasses-girl moe", describes a person who is attracted to fictional characters with eyeglasses. The term has come to be used as a general term for a hobby, enthusiasm, or fetish (non-sexual). For instance, 鉄道萌え, tetsudō-moe, "train moe", is simply a passionate interest in trains. doujin:Dōjin (同人 dōjin?), often romanized as doujin, is a general Japanese term for a group of people or friends who share an interest, activity, hobbies, or achievement Touhou:hỏi chúa để biết thêm chi tiết