Mercenaries 2:World in Flame

Thảo luận trong 'Tin tức - Giới thiệu - Thảo luận chung về game' bắt đầu bởi darklord64, 5/8/08.

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  1. darklord64

    darklord64 One-winged Angel

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Death Star
    trò này mà 6,7 điểm thì lần sau sẽ cẩn thận hơn khi PR,chứ đầu tư nhiều công sức quá mà phang điểm 1 phát như vậy có nước bỏ chơi game luôn(đùa thôi:D)
  2. kingpersnake

    kingpersnake C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sài Gòn
    Ko đến nỗi 6-7 điểm đâu.
    Trò này ít nhất 7.5 điểm.
  3. darklord64

    darklord64 One-winged Angel

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Death Star
    đúng đấy,ít nhất phải 7.5 điểm:;),sẽ tốt hơn nếu được 8.5:D(hy vọng thằng gamespot chấm bình thường vào,đừng quá khắc khe như thằng Too Human::()
  4. Chat3d

    Chat3d Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Gang Land
    Điểm thì làm j` chứ mấy bác mình chơi thấy hay là đc rồi.Phải thank bác darklord vì đã nhiệt tình cập nhật thông tin chứ
  5. darklord64

    darklord64 One-winged Angel

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Death Star
    Nói chung thì bác nào rãnh cứ đọc,đùng làm bác Alastor thất vọng::)
  6. Des__

    Des__ Guest

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    Dài phát ớn :| . Kể cả có là tiếng Việt và ngắn đi 1 nửa nhìn vẫn nản :D .
  7. pttiger

    pttiger Fire in the hole!

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    Xa, rất xa
    Post nguyên tràng tiếng Anh lên như thế, gặp Basaf hay mấy mod cũ là lên dĩa ngồi lâu rồi :-s
  8. Kira_h2c

    Kira_h2c title khác. Lão Làng GVN

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    Bác làm ơn túm gọn lại mấy ý chính dùm đi
  9. Chat3d

    Chat3d Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Gang Land
    em đọc tiếng việt còn ngọng bác cho tiếng anh thì em toi rồi :D..lười đọc quá
  10. vaan0011


    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ít nhất phải cho câu hỏi tô đậm lên còn trả lời bình thường để đọc cho dễ chứ thế này thì .... :-<
  11. darklord64

    darklord64 One-winged Angel

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Death Star
    tại paste qua nên mới vậy,mình còn chưa đọc nữa thì huống chi các bác:D
    Đợi có thời gian thì cho mấy cái quan trọng vào,cái thứ yếu thì bỏ qua,bôi đen câu hỏi luôn::)
  12. vietkhoant

    vietkhoant The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Eternal world
    Lần sau vứt link vào là được rồi, không cần mất công copy với paste đâu.
  13. darklord64

    darklord64 One-winged Angel

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Death Star
    Is there splitscreen?

    There is none. Not on any version.

    Are there airplanes?

    There are none.

    Are civilians "invincible"?

    Yes. You still lose money for harming them. They get up after about 15 seconds.

    Do know about cheats for mercs 2 not to give us codes but do know that there are any?

    There are none.Seriously. I asked Rick and he said "None."I thought he was joking. I asked again at the panel interview. He was dead serious.

    Is there a day/night cycle?

    No. Certain areas do turn dark, as many of you speculated in the other threads. There is no "cycle" however. The lighting does change based on location, however.

    Impact Destruction?

    Yes. It's in there.

    How many vehicles/airstrikes/weapons are there?

    There are 165 vehicles.

    There are 40 + Weapons.

    There are 20+ Airstrikes.

    Did you sail a warship (besides the Chinesse missle boat?)

    Um... To my shame, I never actually made it that far. Dude, I could not even find the water.

    Can we stick C4 on people?

    Any time I went near someone with C4 in my hands they ran the other way. So I don't know, because I couldn't get close enough/aim my C4 well enough to land on one of them.

    How does the cover system work?

    I don't know. I kept getting killed... Sorry guys. I told you I sucked at these...

    What is the new tether distance on Co-op?

    500 meters

    How has the health system changed from Mercs 1?

    Oh it ROCKS!

    Okay, so in the last game if you took it in the keester with a bomb or something, you dropped to 1 health. Then another would come and you'd go back down to 1 health, and so on - sometimes making it very difficult to die.

    Not so this time around! Each character has a rate at which they recover health, and the first strike will indeed put one in the red zone - and then if another is taken it is all over but the cryin'!

    However, finding a hiding place and staying out of trouble allows for some health recovery as well, so it's not as easy to get "trapped" as it was in Mercs 1 either. It just takes a bit of patience and then you're back in the battle.

    How's the frame rate holding up?

    Very well. I noticed absolutely no slow down at any stage, no matter what I did.

    Do officers return from mercs 1 and spot your disguise?

    Officers - if they're even present - are normal just like everyone else. Your disguise is based on your actions, not their rank.

    At least that's my understanding. See "Crappy driver" details as to why I can't personally vouch for it.

    What happens to the destroyed buildings? Do the buildings just reappear after a certain period of time or is it tied to distance?

    The destruction persists until you re-start the game.

    How robust is vehicular damage? Like doors, tires, glass, fenders falling off?

    Fenders, hoods, lights - it all flies off! Bullet holes stay in cars and the glass. Dents, scratches, pieces fall off (especially if I drive).

    What about the ability to call in the moab with something other than a grenade?

    And how did the automatic grenade toss work out?

    I didn't notice an automatic grenade toss. I honestly didn't. I did throw grenades, however. If it was automatic, then okay. But I was getting shot like constantly, so I didn't exactly have time to sit there farting around.

    I never got a MOAB. I saw one (I think) sitting on the ground. I of course... Died. I didn't have Ewan unlocked to come and get it anyway. I was gonna blow it up, but I croaked first.

    Does vehicle traction change with the terrain? like is it harder to control on dirt than pavement?

    YES! Very much so! Certain vehicles don't miss a beat off road. Others, you may as well get out and walk!

    What happens when you die?

    You come back at the PMC... Well, I did anyway.

    Do the soldiers from each faction vary? i.e. their uniforms, voices, faces, skin color?


    Did you make any trees burn down?

    Greenpeace has a price on my head.

    Is there napalm in the game or a flamethrower?

    No flamethrower. I have to check on napalm.

    How easy is it to destroy buildings?

    It depends entirely on the building. Some I ran over. Some I took out with a c-4. Some I could not bring down with my limited weaponry.

    Can you jump?


    Is there a new sprint feature and is there a limit?

    Yes, you can sprint. No, I did not detect a limit.

    Can we pop the tires on cars?

    I didn't notice. With a rocket launcher, everything "pops."

    How was the PMC, and what can we do there?

    You can:

    Gamble with Fiona and take training missions on (shooting at statues and such). If you beat the time based on the wager you get paid. Otherwise Fiona gets your cash.

    Change clothes.

    Steal Fiona's car - which now that I think about it, is a Phoenix!

    Blow crap up!

    Um... And other stuff. I didn't get much time to explore. You can indeed waste the entire innards of your PMC, however.

    I didn't have the munitions to try to blow it up as you guys asked me to, however. I simply didn't have a bomb that would work.

    How is oil used in the game?

    You can find it in small chunks (gas cans) off some vehicles or laying around. Sometimes there's tanks - lots of tanks - of oil. You have to have Ewan come get those. I didn't unlock Ewan, so I don't know how that works.

    Has the stealth aspect been addressed or improved?

    Very much so! You can indeed do stuff without being seen. Or so I was told anyway. I just kept running into hostile areas pretty blatantly.

    Do you see blood come out of a body when you shoot it?
    Do the bodies disapear, or stay there till you reset the game?

    I saw no blood at all.

    The bodies, if I recall right, went away fairly quickly.

    Did you fail an action hijacking sequence?(mini game đó)


    But I got some right too. This is really cool, guys! This is awesome!

    Okay, so you go to jack a vehicle or call in an airstrike. The minigames start. You have to press, toggle, hold - whatever the instruction is. Do it in the right order, but the order never changes. The hijack sequence for a jeep for example, will always be the same. This way, if you use something a lot you get really good at it.

    If you grab one and win the minigame, the animations are totally awesome and some are very very funny! But if you win, it also goes faster next time.

    If you lose (which I did a lot of), it goes slower next time. In this way, even people like me can keep up!

    How about Parachutes?

    No, only the AI can use them.

    Does each mission have heaps of enemy in them?

    Hell yes...

    Tons. TONS!

    It is very populated, or else the smoke and mirrors are so good they'll certainly fool us for a while.

    It was enough to keep me pretty much dead for an hour or two.

    When you run over a civilian vehicle with a tank and or monster truck, Does the vehicle get crushed under the weight? (like does the car get crumbled or does it just blow up)

    I tried to run one over. They're much brighter this time around. They're hard as crap to run down! Rather than running towards us like last game, they run away. No kidding. I tried and tried to get one, and they all drove away from me. I never even came close.

    What are cities like?

    Gorgeous. Simply gorgeous. You guys seriously have to see it to believe it. UP's HQ is beautiful, and so are all the buildings around it. It looks real - better than real. It's honestly very stunning. There are very vivid colors and great art to the buildings. The streets look realistic. It looks ... Real!

    Do you think it would be easier to kill enemys with headshots?

    I know it is. I definitely got a few head shots in with all kinds of weapons, and they definitely went down easier with head shots.

    Although, that might just be my mind playing tricks on me, but they definitely seemed to go down easier with head shots to me.

    Alastor can you explain the stockpile system? Can we still steal bombs and take them back to our stockpile? And if we don't have any cluster bombs for example would we not be able to call in an airstrike? Or would we be able to purchase one from another faction?

    Okay, so let's say I was out in the field. I find a small bunker. I do my battle thing and I whack some dudes. I get their base, right? Actually they're all dead and there's no base left, but you get the idea.

    I clear the area.

    So I have Ewan unlocked by completing the task that unlocks him (very early in the game).

    I go over to it and the action button icon pops up telling me I can call Ewan to come get it.

    He flies in, and presuming he lives he picks it up and flies it back home.

    I now have 1 of whatever it is I just picked up that I can call in - if I also have the oil and the cash it takes to use that bomb.

    When you beat the game you can either stay in your current game or continue to a new game. If you continue to a new game, you take your stockpile with you.

    Is there any wildlife in the game?

    There is background wildlife. Nothing you can kill, however. I saw something that flies. Either a very very big butterfly or a bird. They were in the woods. Everything was blowing up though so I didn't get much time to go look at them. They are definitely not interactive, however. Just scenery.

    Did you see any mini battles between fractions, that you could stand back & watch. Then take out both sides with a Sneaky air strike??

    Not so much... They seem to aim at whomever they are the most angry at, and with my driving skills it didn't take me long to run over enough people to make sure I was first on the hit-list.

    Is the grappaling hook in the start of the game?

    I think so. If not, I'll be damned if I know where I got it.

    It's fun to swing around on too. You kind of do a "Tarzan" in the air with it, and I think you can stop grappling mid air and fall on things (like a Spider-man kind of thing to get on top of something).

    OK...đã tóm gọn ý chính rồi đó:whew:.À cho hỏi ý kiến các bác là nên xóa cái bài ban đầu ko,sợ bị MOD chém lắm:D
  14. kingpersnake

    kingpersnake C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Sài Gòn
    Thất vọng..............................

  15. darklord64

    darklord64 One-winged Angel

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Death Star
    gửi bài hát MP3 của đoạn quảng cáo trên TV của game::)

    Các file đính kèm:

  16. D-Tran

    D-Tran Donkey Kong

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    Phụ bác Đặt-Lọt PR tiếp cho Mercs 2 đây :D

    Cấu hình PC của game có rồi nè:

    Service Pack: Windows Vista - SP1
    Processor: Pentium 4 with hyperthreading / AMD Athlon 64 X2
    Memory : 2 gigs
    GPU: Nvidia GeForce 6800 GT / ATI Radeon ATI X1600
    VRAM: 256MB
    Shader model: 3.0
    Media: 8x Dual layer DVD-Rom
    Hard Drive: 10 gigs install + save data
    Sound: DX 9.0c compatible

    Service Pack: Windows XP - SP3
    Processor: Pentium 4 with hyperthreading / AMD Athlon X2
    Memory : 1 gig
    GPU: Nvidia GeForce 6800 GT / ATI Radeon ATI X1600
    VRAM: 256MB
    Shader model: 3.0
    Media: 8x Dual layer DVD-Rom
    Hard Drive: 10 gigs install + save data
    Sound: DX 9.0c compatible

    SUGGESTED CONFIGURATION (Cấu hình tối ưu):
    OS: Windows XP - SP3 or Windows Vista - SP1
    Processor: Pentium Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz / AMD X2 4600+ 2.4 GHz
    Memory : 2.0 gigs dual channel DDR RAM
    GPU: Nvidia GeForce 8600 / ATI Radeon HD2600
    VRAM: 512MB
    Shader model: 3.0
    Media: 8x Dual layer DVD-Rom
    Hard Drive: 10 gigs install + save data
    Sound: DX 9.0c compatible
  17. KytoSai

    KytoSai Fire in the hole!

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    Mình nghĩ bác nhiệt tình với game cũng tốt nhưng gửi mấy bài tiếng anh như thế thì chả cần đâu dịch đc 1 vài phần post lên rồi để link nguồn chứ post nguyên cái văn bản tiếng anh thấy thừa thải quá , mình chẳng dư thời gian để mà căng mắt ra đọc hết nhiêu đó ( trình độ tiếng anh có hạn ::( )
  18. darklord64

    darklord64 One-winged Angel

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Death Star
    Cái này bác kiếm ở đâu ra hay vậy
    Rep cho bác luôn::)
  19. TomyG:.

    TomyG:. C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Silent Hill
    ông đác-lót lậm game này zữ, chắc đây là game ông iu thik nhất từ trước tới jờ hả?

    mí tạp chí game cũng có đánh já cao game này nên tui cũng để ý đến nó, nhưng ông lăng xê khiếp hồn, cẩn thận tác dụng ngược lại đấy .
  20. vaan0011


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    Mình thích DMC nhưng cũng chả bao h đi PR thế này :))
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