Silent tears of the poet

Thảo luận trong 'Giao lưu Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi logean, 8/12/07.

  1. logean

    logean C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    I was wandered around, and found this on

  2. trumdegaiso1vn

    trumdegaiso1vn Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Dê ở Hcm ,Chuan ở NJ
    Awesome, but I realized that you used some poems from other webs. WTF????
  3. logean

    logean C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Only one which is above your post, it's not mine and i quoted it correctly to avoid misunderstanding.But still...this is pitiful misunderstanding, it's not mine, but the rest, i wrote it by myself.
    I just want to show everyone: inspiration might come from another poem as well
  4. trumdegaiso1vn

    trumdegaiso1vn Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Dê ở Hcm ,Chuan ở NJ
    Ah, Sorry, just because you write so well :D

    How about my poem:

    If I was y'all I wouldn't come around here
    I'd watch both pots cause they ain't from around here
    Man stay with the stizzy cause I'm from around here
    And not even the cops dare to come around here

    So if ya hit the ambulance it don't come around here
    Now ya stuck not even cabs they don't run around here
    If ya hungry pizzaman he don't come around here
    And I bet Jehovas Witness they knock around here
    Whips get stolen they never gettin towed around here
    Stay in the news, but never nuthin' new around here

    Without periods and commas :'>
  5. logean

    logean C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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  6. trumdegaiso1vn

    trumdegaiso1vn Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Dê ở Hcm ,Chuan ở NJ
    ehh. I did another stupid thing, what's wrong with me?!!!???
  7. trumdegaiso1vn

    trumdegaiso1vn Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Dê ở Hcm ,Chuan ở NJ
    Comon, I just want to make it fun, but anyway, it's my bad. I love this song so much:'>.

    I'll be careful, bro:whew:
  8. Touhou no ZUN

    Touhou no ZUN Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    I've lost my muse some time ago ...

    But I'll try.

    Enticing the dreamer, again goes it
    Musical honey and wandering bees
    Vocally human yet divinely put
    Down to words, down to ivresse
    Players on stage, the light comes in
    Here goes the world, there lies Noé.
  9. RATField

    RATField Fire in the hole! GameOver Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    I'm so sorry about my poems, since they describe exactly parts of my fics while containing my emotions. As a result, they are long and passionate.

    Whatever, I did care for the rules of a poem and tried my best to express my thoughts. Thanks for your attention.

    I will try to be with you and all, since longing with others is my only hope; that I know I will die in the end, then I would do things that make others smile, and when I lie down and die people will cry for me. Even if while I'm struggling to live, I hurt others, I will try doing as least as possible.

    This time I won't include a poem, since I am now tired and sleepy. Thanks, my friend, for sharing our pains and happiness. Don't say anything, I know it all. Just be with me. That's all I can say.

    About my two previous poems : The first is a about the last standing man going to meet the last boss of the Fifth Event, one of Events of Death that he participated unintentionally. There, he met the girl-the boss he secretly loved, and he killed her himself, then died because of the true boss. The last moment of his life, he shone up a light that he's never possessed. He had been the last Fly of his race, and at that moment, he was the Firefly.

    The second poem is about the last battle between the two standing for the dark and the light : Vincent, a human who tried to gain the ultimate power from The Source of Worlds through many versions of X. He finally gained the power of Darkness and Death after absorbed all the Light of the Lifestream. The one standing for Light is Prototype X, the Prototype of all the bio-machined human beings called X, whose name is a dead hero who fought his best to protect the Light of the Lifestream last year. He then became rotten but the bio-machine in his body was woken up again by the last flow of the Lifestream. In the form of a Zombie, he wandered all places without any desire but to be able to rest forever. Vincent are his best friend from childhood. They came to the last battle between the overwhelming Dark-Vincent and the tiny-like-dust Light-Prototype X. The result was obvious. Vincent, still remains a slight humane in him, let a little time to compare his friend's life to the Darkness like the fact he has a tea that is very tasty and unresistable, before Vincent strike the last blow. At that moment, the girl who left Prototype X because she thought he had been dead come to the battle. She had found out the Zombie who always looked so sad whenever she talked to her boyfriend is her former boyfriend. She is an X, too, at that time converting her energy to the basic level then form the highest level of energy : the Lifestream. The moment the Light came to Prototype X's body is the moment Vincent's Dark Lance thrusted through her heart. The Prototype X stood up and about to charge to Vincent, but his smile stopped the raging light. He then mixed up his favourite tea, give his best friend one cup. The two drank the last tea of their lives, then a silent moment. Then they clashed into each other with fastest speed, and highest energy. A HUGE light shone...then nothing left on the doomed world. After one day, the world continue again, then everything started to live again. Everyone continue building and working. Like nothing happened. All turns out to be a tale a boy told his lover on one beautiful dawn, in an ordinary world. That's all.

    After all these...I wanna tell you other tales I created, but I don't have much time and more important, writing them out in poems is not easy. Those are The Traitor of Millenium, Delinquents, The Legendary Princess, The Demon King, The Blacksmith; all them and also the fics I've described : Prototype X and The Events of Death, are from the large tittle : The Source of Worlds. The first fic of my life, Union of Light, will be the Prologue for that tittle, and the last fic of my life will end that tittle, as the Epilogue.
  10. logean

    logean C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    @Tohou no ZUN : Give your piece a title, therefore we could catch the “surface” meaning.
    Nice, but I feel a little bit unclear in your piece. You were describing the feeling of an actor or a singer ?

    @ RATField: If you post up your fiction, maybe it will give me inspiration for poem works as well :D
    I hope there will be a bloom of imagination.
  11. Touhou no ZUN

    Touhou no ZUN Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    I was describing my feelings. Call it an emotionally ephemeral autodescriptive prosal poem if you like...

    I couldn't think of a good enough title so I left it so.
  12. tutukun

    tutukun Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    my cheap poem

    Ur smile hurt my soul.
    But I can't cry for the cold loneliness has frozen all the pain.
    Look around for a rose, but none is left for the harsh winter breeze.
    Maybe I'll make a frozen rose out of ur blood,
    For ur smile has hurt my soul...
  13. logean

    logean C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    @Tutukun : the truth come from your heart is priceless, cant use anything to value or measure.It's nice actually,thanks you for posting ^^

    Let's dream until you die


    My errant heart burried vast dead dreams
    Under the cross of my dream's grave
    Was once the starlit faith
    And ardent passion of the dead

    White moon drowning
    Without my hand of caressing

    Nights carry to me another dream
    Make me a man of daydream
    All i felt inside
    A pleasure that worth to die

    Tears are falling
    My dreams are all undying

    Am i keep on pretending?
    With the smile i masked outside
    Candles of faith are frozing
    Will i ever feel living again?

    Mother,forgive me
    My desire was dreaming without thee

    Dream more tonight
    By the side of this divine moonlight
    Dream it high
    Until the day break down and die
  14. logean

    logean C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    The Lonely Betrayer

    Sirens are howling
    Outside my magnificent house
    They checked my beat
    To make sure I’m dead

    She’s sobbing
    But I know she’s smiling
    Look into her eyes
    The thing killed me was that tears of lie

    “I will die with him, let me … let me…”
    In his hand, she fainted like a saint
    I glad you didn’t touch me with your filthy hand
    I sweared this is not the end

    Are you not ashamed?
    Why did I give you a heart of flame?
    Comprehends too late
    Leave it under my lonely grave

    Countless years passed by
    After every night, they all gone and said goodbye
    That’s the reason why
    You came to my grave and cry
  15. RATField

    RATField Fire in the hole! GameOver Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Too tired to say anything. I'm exhausted from working too much. You've refused to be my, my sorry here, that I intended to keep all my inspiration for myself, for that fact that I don't have enough time to study. I have to be stronger even more, until one day when I feel like I have time to rest. My products are all unworthy.

    About you, I have one thing to say : whatever you do, you will die in the end. Then do things that makes others smiles, and when you lie down and die, they will cry for you.
  16. logean

    logean C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    I always try to make everyone surround me feel happy whenever i stay near them, i let them beat me, i let them call me an under name which make me no value in their eyes.
    Everything i do, i just simply want to please everyone. I don't know my end, yet i felt very happy to live and know you're here with me, but i stay away in distant sky. I didn't deny that you are my friend and I hope you know that our friendship (i proud to say this is friendship) could rebuild one again. Busy with our duty and time passed by, therefore you could forget me but i wont, for you're the one who give me confidence and resurrection for my long-dead imagination.
    Please come by and make any poem anytime you want ^^
  17. RATField

    RATField Fire in the hole! GameOver Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    There was a time I tried to do so. Until one day I've been a half out of the life, then I take a look at it.

    The feeling is like the feeling when my family had me to seat down and hear them telling me all about the meaning of life and I should turn back to it, to be a real person.

    I stay calm, frozen all the time just because I'd know what a real person is, but I do never ever want to return to the damned life.

    That's the time when I don't want to go further. I don't want to analyze the life anymore...when I've got out of it a half. I just wanna be taken care of. I just wanna make others please, like what you do, but myself should be please when doing so, too

    That's all I want to say. I typed too much to translate my documents and my fingers've become numb. Sorry. I have to take a rest.
  18. censy

    censy Castitatis Lilium Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Can you spend a whole day on the computer?
  19. cruelshade

    cruelshade Garena VN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ngày hôm qua
    I'm one of those who can totally spend my/their whole day by using computer ^^
  20. logean

    logean C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Making poem is not that hard, so it;s just...15 minute for me to make the concept line, 20 minute to edit and post, so make it just a half an hour.

    Passion help me to enlenght the time ^^.

    Actually i have nothing to do because it's christmas break , so....

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