Lord of the Rings, Battle for Middle Earth

Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi trader, 18/11/05.

  1. trader

    trader T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Luôn tiện, có ai chơi game này không? Nó có phiên bản nào khác hay update gì không? Mình rất khoái game này nhưng chỉ chán 1 điều là quân số trong game ít quá, chỉ có 200đơn vị cho chơi thường và 300 cho campain. Có ai biết có cách nào để chơi nhiều unit hơn không? Thấy quảng cáo thì một trận đánh rất qui mô vậy mà vô game thì lại quá ít.
    5 con ngựa hết 20 unit => chỉ có được 50 con ngựa cho 200 unit, quá ít cho 1 trận chiến kinh khủng như trong phim.
  2. =kiug=

    =kiug= The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    World of Fractal
    nhiu đó là đủ đánh rùi, đòi thêm chi nữa
    ai rảnh dùng Hamachi lên đánh online đi, kinh nghiệm của em còn kém lắm
  3. trader

    trader T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hình như game này không được ưa chuộn lắm. Cũng đúng thôi vì nó chỉ là 1 sản phẩm ra theo mùa, mùa phim Lords ra thì nó được chơi và sau đó thì chắc không ai chơi nữa. Dù sao mình cũng thích mấy trận battle trong game. Nhất là các màn campain có trong phim. Chỉ tiết là khi chơi đơn hay chơi multi thì quân ít quá. Không có nhiều chọn lựa và hình như quân Gordor là mạnh nhất ( Rohan cũng ok lắm )
  4. dementor1

    dementor1 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Có bác nào biết làm ơn cho em hỏi sao tư. nhiên đang chơi ngon lành thì mấy thằng hero nó lăn đùng ra ngủm nhủ trúng gió vậy ::( .phần multiplay cũng vậy mới chơi có chút xíu là nhà cửa xụp hết trơn.
  5. trader

    trader T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cái đó là do crack không đúng đó. Bản Lord đó hay bị lỗi crack lắm. Chơi khoảng 5' là thua ngay dù chơi bất kỳ quân gì hay bất kỳ thể loại gì.
    Các khắc phục là .... mua 1 bộ dĩa khác !!! nhanh và dễ nhất :))
    Đùa thôi, tôi không nhớ rõ lắm nhưng bạn kiếm chương trình cheatbook database 2005 nào mới nhất, vô phần walkthrought gì gì đó ( không phải cheat code nhe ). Có mục game Lord, nó có hướng dẫn cách khắc phục lỗi bị thua đó. Tôi đã xem qua nhưng không nhớ chi tiết nên không thể hướng dẫn bạn được, bạn xem trong đó đi, xóa vài file rồi sua73 tí xiu hà, lỗi crack í mà.
  6. nmtam17121990

    nmtam17121990 Guest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    huynh gì ơi làm ơn nói rõ giùm cách sửa đi em cảm ơn lắm lắm . chớ em đổi đĩa lần này là lần thứ ba rùi mà lỗi cứ như vậy , chơi mới được vài phút là lính lăn đùng ra chết như có dịch .
  7. =kiug=

    =kiug= The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    World of Fractal
    cằm 4 cái disk ấy ra ngoài hàng và hỏi có cách nào sửa cái lỗi đó ko? Bọn nó bảo không thì ném disk vào mặt chúng.
    bản tui chơi cũng là 4 disk ko bị lỗi ko die, nhưng hiện tại disk tui ko giữ nên ko up file crack lên cho mọi người dc.
  8. pip8184

    pip8184 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    thiếu file, nên crack bình thường họat động không tốt, đi kiếm cái ổ dvd với bản dvd về chơi là ok ấy mà

  9. Matsu

    Matsu The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Game này có cho xoay góc camera nhìn thẳng mặt như Empire Earth không.Tui mò hoài chỉ có nhìn từ trên xuống rồi xoay 2 bên.Mấy tấm Screen shoot và 1 số đoạn phim cho nhìn ngang thiệt là đẹp nhưng vô chơi thì không thấy,hổng lẽ nó quảng cáo :-s Giới hạn bản đồ chả thấy núi non mà chỉ một màu đen xịt.Chơi Campaign nó hạn chế cấp độ nhiều khi giết cả mớ lính mà Hero không lên kinh nghiệm hoặc điểm không tăng =((
    Crack tốt nhất theo tui là lên Gamecoppyworld tải cái FixImagine về rồi dùng Daemontool mà mount.
  10. kensai_nodachi

    kensai_nodachi Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    trời đất tại sao mọi người lại dùng cái bản 4 đĩa đó làm gì????? sao ko mua cái bản 6 đĩa được phá ra từ DVD ý. cái bản 4 đĩa toan bị thế thôi. mua cái bản 6 đĩa kia thì bảo đảm là chơi thoải mái
  11. nmtam17121990

    nmtam17121990 Guest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    huynh mátu ơi xin huynh nói rõ dùm cách làm đi , xin cảm ơn lắm lắm . Con về việc mua DVD thì nhà đệ hông có ổ DVD nên cũng rứa thui còn vụ mua bộ 6 dĩa thì hình như hông có em mua cái này bên MI MI mà cũng chỉ có 4 dĩa à .
  12. =kiug=

    =kiug= The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    World of Fractal
    tớ chơi bản 4cd mua ở Tôn Thất tùng có bị sao đâu nào ??????
  13. Matsu

    Matsu The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
  14. Keshin__Himura

    Keshin__Himura Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Los Santo
    Chán thiệt mãi mà ko biết làm sao mà chơi được The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth cái ông kia bảo kiếm cái CheatBook 2005 tôi kiếm dc cái CheatBook 1/2/2005 có phần WALKTHROUGH của THE BATTLE FOR MIDDLE EARTH nhưng tôi đâu tìm thấy cái đoạn Game Lord đâu!Đây tôi Post lên cho ông xem ko lại bảo tôi bị chột :(
    Battle for Middle Earth
    The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth FAQ/Walkthrough by Kitetsu 05
      _____  ___  _ _ _
      \   / ' | '`|_||_'
       | |    |   | ||_,
       | |    _______    _______       _____
       | |  .-______ -.  \  ---- \    \  ___ \
       | |  / /     \ \   | |   \ \    | |  \ \
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       | |__\ \_____/ /  /__|    \_\__/______/
      /______/  __   __           ___  _ _ _
               /  \ |_ '         ' | '`|_||_'
              | || ||              |   | ||_,
               \__/ |
                         _____      ___     _______   ________
      ________      ____ \    \    \   /   /  ___  | |   ___  |
      \  _____ \   \    / | |\ \    | |   /  /   |/  |  |   |/
      | |     \ \   |  |  | | \ \   | |  /  /    __   \  \
      | |      \ \  |  |  | |  \ \  | | |  |    \  |   \  \
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      | |______  \  |  |  | |    \ \| |   \  \___| | |\__\  \
      | |       \ \/____\/___\    \___|    \_______/ |______/
      | |_       \ \
      |___\       \ \
       ___________ \ \_   ________________________________________
      |    THE    | \__/ |      THE BATTLE FOR MIDDLE EARTH       |
       ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯        ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
    Created by Casanova973 for "Lord of the Rings". PLEASE REMEMBER TO CREDIT!
       LEGAL                              ~                                ~LEG
    This WALKTHROUGH is (c) Jon Smith (AKA Kitetsu) 2005. All content from
    here on in is copyright to the aforementioned name. To request useage on
    another website, please email me - see the contact section. The only website
    this guide can be used on at the minute is:
    www.gamefaqs.com and it's KNOWN affliates (GameSpot and such)
    You can download a copy of this guide to your Hardrive for PERSONAL use. You
    cannot profit in anyway shape or form from this document. Thankyou.
       Table of Contents                  ~                                ~ToC
    Welcome to the ToC, traveller! Pick up your sword, your bow or your axe and
    select your destination...
    Section            |                 Description                     | Code
    Table of Contents  |          The table of contents, duh             | ~TOC
    Introduction       |        My intro to the guide and game           | ~INT
    Game Mechanics     |     How to play  Battle for Middle Earth        | ~MEC
    Units              |    Description of the units in LoTR: BFME       | ~UNT
    Heroes             |   Description of the heroess in LoTR: BFME      | ~HRS
    Upgrades           |  Description of the upgrades in LoTR:  BFME     | ~UGE
    Walkthrough (Good) |   Walkthrough for the good campaign in Solo     | ~GUD
    Walkthrough (Evil) |   Walkthrough for the evil campaign in Solo     | ~EVL
    Story Summary      |    Story for the Lord of the Rings Trilogy      | ~SUM
    Versions           |               List of Versions                  | ~HIS
    Contact            |                 Contact Me                      | ~@@@
    Section            |                 Description                     | Code
       Introduction                       ~                                ~INT
    Welcome to my first PC FAQ! It is an FAQ for one of the most popular PC games
    at the moment, and in my opinion, the best RTS out at the moment - until AoE
    III, that is! Anyway, EA are continuing to churn out good Lord of the Rings
    spinoffs, and more are no-doubt in the works. The Third Age was a good game
    but the Battle for Middle Earth is even better. Although you can't really
    compare them as they are of different genres.
    They still rock though.
    Anyway, my guide to this will cover EVERY aspect of the game in detail, from
    the Live Map to the strength's and weaknesses of the different units, and of
    course - the Walkthrough itself. I hope you enjoy the game, the time you spend
    on it and my walkthrough. You deserve it for spending your well earned dosh on
    a well developed game.
       Game Mechanics                     ~                                ~MEC
    Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth(tm) is an RTS game. The mechanics
    of most RTS games are the same - you create units and buildings (empires) and
    attack the enemies units and buildings (empires) until one team or the other
    wins. Yes, it is very easy to lose an RTS battle because most of the time, the
    battles are HUGE - over 200 units can be fighting at one time and if you have
    multiple battles going on at one time, it'll be hard to keep up. That's why 
    this guide is here though!
    Controlling your units and buildings are easy - very easy in Battle for Middle
    Earth (BfME for short from now on). I'll give a short tutorial on every
    aspect in BfME in this section.
    / Selecting Units           /*/  /--------------------------------------------
    To select a single battalion or horde, simply left click on one of the members
    of that battlion or horde you wish to control.
    To gain control of say...your whole army, click somewhere and hold it down,
    dragging a square around the desired units. Release to have them all under
    / Buildings                /*/  /---------------------------------------------
    There are limited building spots in BfME. In some missions the camp will be
    relatively small, offering only about 6 or 7 spots to build proper buildings
    on. Within bigger camps/cities, there are a LOT more.
    To build a building, left click on the desired foundation and select the 
    building you would like to build by clicking on it's image in the mini pop-up.
    The building will take time to construct, but it'll be quite quick.
    / Controlling Units        /*/  /---------------------------------------------
    To order a unit/s to move to a certain spot on the map, select them by 
    following the method taught in the first tutorial, then right click on the
    piece of land you want them to go to.
    To make a unit/s attack an enemy unit/s, select the unit desired with the 
    method mentioned before. Hover over the enemy unit you wish to attack and then
    right click when the crosshair icon appears.
    / Heroes                   /*/  /---------------------------------------------
    Heroes are a new concept to RTS games, and I like them. Heroes are basically
    the main characters from the films, and such have special powers, much more
    health, more capable of dealing high damage and in general, are pretty much the
    army themselves - on the easy level, of course. Controlling a Hero is easy, not
    as easy as using a normal unit because of their special powers functions.
    A hero may have many powers, and they will be described in the next section 
    (Units). Using a Hero is simple, you can do their standard attacks (same as
    controlling a normal unit) or by using their special powers, which require you
    clicking on them individually, then clicking on the desired power you wish to
    Very useful, are Heroes. Although you have to level them up to gain access to
    better powers, they are invaluable when fighting trolls and the mumakil.
    / Upgrades                 /*/  /
    If you don't upgrade your units, you'll find the later stages of the game 
    harder than they should be. There are a couple of types of upgrade: Veterancy
    Upgrades and bought Upgrades.
    Veterancy Upgrades can be applied to buildings AND units. Over time, as units
    fight and buildings work, their experience becomes greater, and when the bar
    is full, they gain a new rank. Veterancy Upgrades can also be used with Heroes
    and in the first level there are Veterancy Upgrade Shields, which let you level
    up a hero automatically one level. 
    Bought Upgrades are purchased with resources from the armoury or the building 
    the unit came from. The buildings usually need ranking up before upgrades can
    be purchased, though.
    / Unit Merging             /*/  /---------------------------------------------
    Unit merging is useful in ways, but won't be used to often. To merge units,
    select a unit and find a mergeable unit (cursor should change to show golden
    arrows pointing each other) and then left click to merge.
    Only certain units can be merged, and here they are:
    i)    Yeoman Archer - Peasant (not much point unless you have "Draft" power)
    ii)   Gondor Soldier - Ranger or Gondor Archer  (quite useful)
    iii)  Gondor Tower Guard - Ranger or Gondor Archer (VERY USEFUL)
    iv)   Elvish archers - Elvish swordsmen
    v)    Uruk-hai - Crossbow Uruks (useful)
    vi)   Uruk-hai - Pike Uruks (meh)
    vii)  Pike Uruks - Crossbow Uruks
    viii) Mordor Orcs - Orcish archers
    That list was taken and re-arranged from LoneEagle013's guide. If you would 
    like it removed, please contact me LoneEagle!
    I will add more soon, I just feel the basics are pretty much covered...
       Units                              ~                                ~UNT
    This section is mainly taken from the manual with my opinions added on the 
    units below the basic description. Bare in mind I haven't got too far yet, but
    I have got the knowledge necessary to compile a list of Units!
    / Rohan Units              /*/  /---------------------------------------------
    To control the plains around them Rohan commanders rely on the speed of swift
    steeds and the advantages of position. High above the flatlands, fortresses 
    such as Edoras provide both clear lines of sight across the plains and firing
    positions for Rohan's fine archers. Against scouting parties, the swift Rohan
    horseman can outflank or trample them before they reach the wooden walls of 
    the fortress.
    Name              |                      Description
    Peasants          | This labourer for Rohan can repair buildings, walls and
                      | gates. When pressed into duty, Peasants can attack, as 
                      | well. Try using your draft power to increase their
    Rating: Useless   | fighting effectiveness. Peasants are trained at farms.
    Rohan Warrior     | The Riders of Rohan (Rohirrim) can crush smaller enemies
                      | beneath the hooves of their fast moving steads. When 
    Rating: Invaluable| stopped, they are able fighters.
    Rohan Archer      | Some horsemen of Rohan have acquired bows and the skills 
    Rating: Good      | to use them on horseback.
    Yeoman Archer     | The Archers of Rohan can slow the advance of any enemies
                      | to allow the Rohirrim and footmen to finish them off.
                      | Archers are poor in hand-to-hand combat. The Fire Arrow
    Rating: V. Good   | increases their attack effectiveness.
    Banner Carrier    | When a Banner Carrier joins a group of Rohan Fighters, the
                      | group gains regeneration ability (restore health over 
                      | time), a level of rank and new fighters from time to time
                      | beneath the banner. Banner Carriers can be trained or can 
    Rating: Invaluable| be awarded during a battle.
    / Gondor Units             /*/  /---------------------------------------------
    Below the peaks of the White Mountains and near the infernal Mount Doom, the
    people of Gondor have made their stand. Against the frequent assaults of the
    forces of Mordor, Gondor has raised stout defences of stone, arrow and 
    tempered steel. Approaching enemies must first address the missiles hurled by
    Gondors trebuchets
    Name              |                      Description
    Soldier           | When gathered in Block formation, Gondorian Soldiers are
    Rating: Good      | a stout fighting force.
    Archer            | Gondor's Archers can work well with a group of soldiers or
    Rating: Good      | on their own. They are accurate and persistent.
    Knight            | These Champions of Gondor can use the best weapons 
                      | produced by Gondorian blacksmiths. In Line of Wedge
                      | formation, Knights can crush the opposition when moving at
    Rating: Invaluable| full speed.
    Tower Guards      | The Tower Guards defend the fortresses of Gondor from high
                      | on the walls. In formation, they interlock shields to
                      | create a very strong barricade.
    Rating: OMG O_O   | *  Tower Guards can only be trained from Veteran Barracks.
    Rangers           | These men of the forest become invisible in wooded areas
                      | and can ambush the opposition in formation. They can use
    Rating: Useful    | arrows and bladed weapons.
    Trebuchet         | Two Gondorians man the Trebuchet on the walls of a keep. A
                      | Trebuchet can hurl a large stone or a flaming projectile
    Rating: Fantastic | long distances.
    Banner Carrier    | When a Banner Carrier joins a group of Rohan Fighters, the
                      | group gains regeneration ability (restore health over 
                      | time), a level of rank and new fighters from time to time
                      | beneath the banner. Banner Carriers can be trained or can 
    Rating: Invaluable| be awarded during a battle.
    / Isengard Units           /*/  /---------------------------------------------
    Once a fortification of Gondor at the southern end of the Misty Mountains, 
    Isengard was given to the Wizard Saruman, who came under the influence of
    Sauron. Saruman has razed the woods surrounding the Tower of Orthanc and has
    unleashed the Orc Hordes and the dreaded Uruk-hai on the surrounding peoples.
    To his soldiers, he has brought the wonders of mechanism and they have put 
    them to terrible and effective use.
    Name              |                      Description
    Orc Labourer      | This simple minion of Evil can gather recourses and repair
                      | bases for Isengard or Mordor. Orc Labourers carry simple
                      | axes than can be used in combat. They are created from
    Rating: ...       | Lumber Mills.
    Uruk-Hai          | The terrible warriors of Isengard rampage against anything
                      | - including Orcs. They are the most fearsome warrior horde
    Rating: Good      | on the battlefield.
    Pikeman           | Armed with long spears, a group of Uruk Pikemen can skewer
                      | opposing forces while charging. In this formation, Uruk
                      | Pikeman have done terrible things to the ranks of the 
    Rating: Good      | Rohirrim.
    Crossbowman       | An Uruk Crossbowman can launch piercing iron bolts over
    Rating: Good      | long distances.
    Berserker         | The Uruk Beserker is usually the first to climb the Siege
                      | Ladder and is usually the last to die. These mighty
                      | fighters wield two handed swords. Berserkers can also
                      | light mines with their torches. Combine with Siege Ladders
                      | for maximum wall climbing results.
    Rating: Brilliant | *   You must have a veteran Orc Pit to train a Berserker.
    Warg Rider        | The thunder of Warg Riders can terrify even the stoutest 
    Rating: Invaluable| of soldiers.
    Battering Ram     | A crew of Uruk's man a Battering Ram, which can pound on
    Rating: Good      | on the gates of Rohan or Gondor.
    Ballista          | When fired, the Ballista releases a huge arrow that can
                      | lay waste to its target. It is especially useful against
    Rating: Good      | Castle Walls.
    Explosive Mine    | When detonated by a Berserker next to a wall or gate, the
                      | Explosive Mine can turn the tide of a battle in an instant.
                      | Berserkers must light their torch and touch the the Mine
                      | after the Mine Carriers have set the mine upon the ground.
                      | Fire arrows will also set off this bomb.
                      | *   You must have a Veteran Siege Works to develop an
    Rating: V. GOOD   |     Explosive Mine.
    Siege Ladder      | Two man crews carry this ladder up to tall walls so that
                      | the Uruks may climb to the top. Target the top of the
    Rating: Good      | wall with the Siege Ladder to get it into position.
    / Mordor Units             /*/  /---------------------------------------------
    In the shadow of Mount Doom, the eye of Sauron is building a legion of ruthless
    minions to reclaim the One Ring. To his side, he has chained Orcs, Haradrim,
    Trolls and the undead Nazgul, whose reach spreads across all of Middle-earth.
    To acquire The One Ring, Sauron will slaughter any in his path: soldier,
    civilian or even his own troops, for his Orc Pits, Troll Cages and Great Siege
    Works provide nearly limitless weapons with which to scorch Middle-earth.
    Name              |                      Description
    Orc Labourer      | This simple minion of Evil can gather recourses and repair
                      | bases for Isengard or Mordor. Orc Labourers carry simple
                      | axes than can be used in combat. They are created from
    Rating: ...       | Lumber Mills.
    Orc Warrior       | For the weak Orc, there is strength in numbers. Combine 
    Rating: OK        | with Orc Archers to protect them.
    Orc Archer        | Although they are not gifted bowmen, Orc Archers can 
    Rating: Poor      | inflict damage when protected behind an Orc Battalion.
    Haradrim Lancer   | Using spears and bows, the Haradrim Lancer can cause
    Rating: Good      | great damage from the back of a Mumakil.
    Soldier of Rhun   | The Soldiers of Rhun (Easterlings) enjoy taunting enemies
                      | and they can gather into a Porcupine formation that is
                      | difficult to penetrate.
    Rating: Good      | *  Easterlings can only be trained at a veteran Haradrim
                      |    Palace.
    Mumakil           | This large, four-legged Oliphant can transport Hordes on
                      | its back, swinging it's massive tusks to clear the path.
    Rating: AWESOME   | When hurt with flames, beware the Mumakil rampage.
    Mountain Troll    | These heavy, slow beasts of the hills can swing trees as
                      | clubs or throw large rocks at the enemy. When wounded,
    Rating: Good      | a Troll is the worry of all nearby units.
    Drummer Troll     | A Drummer Troll carries a drum and two sticks into battle
                      | By keeping a steady beat, a Drummer Troll provides a 
                      | leadership bonus to all nearby units. When wounded, a 
    Rating: Good..ish | Drummer Troll can use its drum sticks to fight back.
    Siege Tower       | A Siege Tower is powered on the battlefield by two Trolls.
                      | Up against a defensive wall, the Siege Tower becomes the
    Rating: N/A       | gateway to a Mordor invasion.
    Catapult          | A group of catapults can lay waste to even the walls of
                      | Gondor itself. A catapult can fire flaming shot or other
    Rating: Good      | projectiles, which can cause the enemy to flee in terror.
    Banner Carrier    | When a Banner Carrier joins a group of Rohan Fighters, the
                      | group gains regeneration ability (restore health over 
                      | time), a level of rank and new fighters from time to time
    Rating: Invaluable| beneath the banner. 
    Battering Ram     | A crew of Orcs man a Battering Ram,  which can pound on 
    Rating: N/A       | the gates of Rohan or Gondor.
       Heroes                             ~                                ~HRS
    In this section I will describe the Heroes and their uses.
    / Rohan Heroes             /*/  /---------------------------------------------
    Name              |                      Description
    Theoden           | To all who are near, Theodon increases the rate at which
                      | experience is gained and provides armour and damage bonus.
    Eomer             | The young captain of Rohan can deliver terrible damage
                      | through the tip of his mighty spear. All nearby horsemen
                      | recieve leadership bonuses and earn resources for 
                      | conquered enemies.
    Eowyn             | The niece of Theoden, Eowyn is the match of any soldier in
                      | combat. Her spear can fell the dark creatures of Isengard
                      | and Mordor.
    / Fellowship Heroes        /*/  /---------------------------------------------
    Name              |                      Description
    Merry & Pippin    | These plucky hobbits can use their Elven cloaks to become
                      | invisible when stationary.
    Frodo             | When Frodo puts on the One Ring, he cannot be detected 
                      | except by the Nazgul and the Eye of Sauron. Frodo's short
                      | short sword, Sting, glows when Orcs or Spiders are nearby.
    Sam               | Faithful Sam can use his Elven cloak to hide from enemies
                      | when stationary.
    Gandalf           | In addition to multiple magic attacks, Gandalf can also
                      | fight hand-to-hand and provide leadership bonuses for
                      | nearby units. Use the Istari Light attack to quickly 
                      | destroy structures and Nazgul.
    Gimli             | This hearty dwarf can deliver a lethal blow by throwing
                      | his one-handed axed. As a Slayer, he can double his attack
                      | speed and damage for a short period of time.
    Legolas           | With multiple special attacks, Legolas' remarkable 
                      | abilities with the bow can put down a battalion-sized 
                      | force. He is also effective with his white knives and can
                      | train Archers to improve their skills.
    Boromir           | Fiercly proud of his people, Boromir can blow the Horn of
                      | Gondor to inspire fear in all nearby enemies.
    Aragorn           | With a shout of Elendil, Aragorn can cause the enemy to
                      | flee in terror. His natural magic can heal nearby Heroes
                      | and summon a party of Oathbreakers to fulfill service to
                      | him.
    / Gondor Heroes            /*/  /---------------------------------------------
    Name              |                      Description
    Faramir           | As a Captain of Gondor, Faramir is both a Ranger and a 
                      | Knight and can use the bow and sword with equal skill.
    / Ent Heroes               /*/  /---------------------------------------------
    Name              |                      Description
    Treebeard         | When pressed into action, Treebeard is a relentless fighter
                      | He is also a fine shot with a collected rock. Fire is 
                      | particularly effective against Ents.
    / Isengard Heroes          /*/  /---------------------------------------------
    Name              |                      Description
    Saruman           | The great Wizard Saruman leads the legions of Isengard and
                      | commands its mighty machine industry. Saruman's Wizard
                      | Blast can drive back a Battalion of enemies.
    Lurtz             | Equally adept at the sword or bow, Lurtz inspires nearby
                      | Uruk-hi to even greater destruction. Use his cripple attack
                      | to pin Heroes to the ground.
    / Mordor Heroes            /*/  /---------------------------------------------
    Name              |                      Description
    Nazgul            | These undead lords ride on the wings of Fellbeasts, which
                      | can screech. grab and swoop across enemy forces. Use its
                      | piercing screech to cause enemy soldiers to flee in
                      | terror.
    Witch-King (Wiki) | From the back of a Fellbeast, the Wiki is a fearsome
                      | opponent to all that is Good. He can steer the Fellbeast
                      | downward to grab an enemy and knock over the ones nearby.
       Upgrades                           ~                                ~UGE
    Coming soon!
       Good Side Walkthrough              ~                                ~GUD
    Ah, the "Good" Campaign is the easier of the two, but the battles are pretty
    much 100% better in the Evil Campaign. Bigger armies, you see. Anyway, for
    newbs to the RTS genre I recommend playing on this setting as it is quite a
    bit easier than the Evil campaign due to the Units generally being better and
    the god-damn ridiculous balancing of Heroes. Gandalf is probably the best,
    but Legolas will end up with 1000+ kills by the end of the Campaign. Saurman
    is good too, but Gandalf and the "Word of Mouth" power is ridiculous.
    Anyway, I will give walkthrough's for the linear missions (mostly the ones with
    Heroes in - I mean the Fellowship) and just general strategies for the LATER
    Ancillary missions. Good luck.
    / Moria                    /*/  /---------------------------------------------
    Rewards: +1 Power
    Guide the Fellowship through the halls of Moria
    Gandalf and Frodo must remain alive
    Destroy the Balrog
    Suggested Hero Formation:-
    Aragorn - Upgrade 1
    Gandalf - Upgrade 2 and 6
    Legolas - Upgrade 3
    Gimli   - Upgrade 4
    Boromir - Upgrade 5
    Get your Heroes into formation by simply moving them forward up the stairs a
    tiny bit then individually selecting the hero you want and right clicking to 
    their place in the line. When they are all in line, select Aragorn and right
    click on the sword icon in the little mini-screen with his info in. That'll
    let him use his special feature whenever he wants. Do this with Gandalf too
    but instead select "Wizard Blast". Legolas will want "Hawk Strike" equipped,
    and Boromir, Gimli and the Hobbits have nothing to select apart from making
    the Hobbits throw stones (one hit kills!).
    Done? Good. Head up the stairs and Gandalf (voiced officially by the wonderful
    voice of Sir Ian McKellen) will babble on many times during the mission - 
    I don't think he ever says anything useful, but meh. Anyway, battling through
    is pretty straight forward, just sit and watch as the weak Orc's (yeah, no
    Uruk-hai yet) get torn apart by sword, axe, bow, staff and...stones... It's
    very straight forward.
    When you reach the first Veterancy Upgrade, let Aragorn nab it. To stop other
    Party members from getting there first, hold them all back and let Legolas pick
    them off from afar while Aragorn goes all crazy on them with his Blademaster
    ability. Put Aragorn at the back of the pack now and let Gandalf go all crazy
    with his Wizard Blast if need be. It's very straight forward. Anyway, if you
    feel the Hobbits are too vulnerable when you see a troll, or when there is an
    option to take some stairs to find the Veterancy Upgrade - leave them 
    downstairs AFTER you clear the room.
    Ah yes, Trolls. Make Legolas use his Hawk Strike to soften them up and maybe
    Gandalfs' Lightening Sword, which is deadly. If need be, use Gimli's Leap
    manouever to take it down too. Remember, let Gandalf get the second, Legolas
    the third, Gimli the fourth and Boromir the 5. _IF_ Gandalf is leveling up
    fast and you feel he has no need for the second Veterancy Upgrade, let 
    Aragorn get it or even Legolas.
    There will be times when there are MASSES of Orcs and maybe as many as 3 or 4
    Trolls. Put Gandalf and Aragorn towards the front and use his Athelas skill
    which heals all nearby Heroes, if need be. Remember, if any of your Heroes go
    missing to just hit "O" and they will all be selected, so set a rendevous point
    up. When you reach Balin's Tomb, things can get really heated. When you pass
    that and the wall crumbles, more Trolls come, so be weary.
    When you pass down the stairs, let Legolas take down the enemies above from 
    afar, while the rest of them take out the Orc maggots. At the bottom of the
    stairs comes the boss...a Balrog.
    It's really easy, actually. Try to make the Balrog just walks into the spell
    you cast (I find that Lightning Sword is the only spell that works), then run
    off and keep running till you recharge. He only takes 4-5 hits before he
    dies, so it's coo'. Also, if you are playing on easy - you lightweight, hah -
    you CANNOT die. Thanks to CJ for that. If you run low on Health, use the
    Heal power I told your to buy from the book of the Evenstar!
    / Rohan                    /*/  /---------------------------------------------
    Rewards: +20 Command Points
    Destroy all evil forces
    Bonus -- Garrison the ruined towers with yeoman archers
    Bonus -- Rank Eomer one level
    Suggested Hero Formation:-
    OK, the first thing you should do is to run Eomer around and level him up to
    Level 1 - quite easy, actually. Try to find an Orc Lair or something, destroy
    the Uruk-hai attacking it and then the Orcs, then the Lair itself. This will
    net you a LOT of experience, and a couple hundred recourses. While you are
    doing this, build four farms. If you want, there is an Orc Lair south of your
    Camp, so head South East and when you meet the river head West to find it.
    Heading South-East leads you to a problem. Get a Battalion or two to follow
    Eomer south and escort the peasants you just found to the camp. This will
    net you about 8 unwanted Command Points. Send them to scout the map and to 
    their deaths. You bastard. Anyway, when Eomer has levelled up, you should have
    loads of recourses, so build an Archery and a Stable. What? Yeoman Archers are
    crap! Well, just make two Battalions when you can afford them and send them
    to the middle of the map - you may want to escort them. Send Eomer and a 
    battalion or two along with them. Find the towers and send them in. Bonus 1
    complete. Bonus 2 is now also complete.
    Go back and destroy the Archery Range and build another farm. When you have
    more recourses, build as many Rohirrim (horses ¬_¬) as possible. Keep doing it
    and defending your base until you have maxed out your Command Points. Well 
    done. Remember the Orc Lair? Well, head back towards it and South down over the
    river. Keep going and you may well just come across Lumber camps, so destroy
    them and keep going South. Oh noes, the enemy camp.
    With your 10 or so Battalions, this should be a breeze. Destroy all the 
    surrounding Uruk-hai before starting to destroy the smaller buildings - quickly
    destroy the Uruk-hai Pit before they call out re-inforcements. Destroy the
    surrounding buildings before moving onto the Citadel. Take your time and let
    Eomer deal the last few hits by pulling your army away to net him a bit more
    / Lothlorien               /*/  /---------------------------------------------
    Rewards: +50 Command Points, +1 Power
    Move the Fellowship to Lothlorien
    Build a barracks and train Elven Warriors
    Prepare for an attack by Goblins and Cave Trolls
    Destroy all Lumber Mills
    Suggested Hero Formation:-
    Keep the Hobbits protected behind the lines of the Archers. Put Gandalf on
    front lines with Boromir, Aragorn and Gimli. Legolas grouped with Archers.
    Right. I like this mission. You'll start with hordes of Orcs chasing you into
    the forest city of Lothlorien, but a battalion of Elf Warriors will come to 
    your aid. Destroy the hordes and move on. Remember to auto-set your special
    attributes. Aragorn with Blademaster, Gandalf Wizard Blast, Legolas with Hawk
    Strike, Hobbits on Stone Throwing...Getting ahead of myself here. Anyway,
    halfway towards Lothlorien, some Orc Archers will attack from the West. You can
    send the foot-soldiers up to deal with them, but Legolas and the Hobbits and
    even the damn Elves can deal with them. Range is not a problem tonight!
    Also, before crossing the bridge, heading east into Lothlorien, head WEST and
    up a slight bank and destroy the Lumber Camp. Grab the "Treasure" and head into
    Lothlorien. Group Merry or Pippin to Key 1 (select either and press CTRL+1) and
    have them scour Lothlorien to find loads of Treasure chests, which contain 500
    recourses each! Anyway, build the barracks and keep making as many Elf Warriors
    as possible. Soon, word will come of Orcs and Trolls coming from the North 
    Quickly, grab the single battalion of Elf Warriors to the north and take them 
    to destroy the two lumber camps at the North East and slightly North West of
    the map - they're marked on the mini-map anyway, so...Bonus 1 completed.
    Remember to put your Army as I told above and the first wave will be easy.
    Keep the Hobbits way back as two or three swings from the Trolls with poles ¬_¬
    will finish them. Wave one is quite easy. Use any available projectiles you
    have. Yes, that's right Gimli too. A couple of waves will come and if you
    struggle, build a second Barracks slightly south and east of the original
    When you are told to move Southwest, do so. Kill the hordes here and the Trolls
    before you are told to move back up to the Northwest bridge. Destroy the
    final wave with all you have got to end this slightly repetitive ¬_¬ mission.
       Evil Side Walkthrough              ~                                ~EVL
    Coming soon!
       Story Summary                       ~                                ~SUM
    Here's an unfinished brief one, for now. I will write up to where we are in
    the game.
    Frodo Baggins of the Shire inherited a Ring from  his great Uncle, Bilbo
    Baggins. This Ring is actually the Ring of Power, created by the Dark Lord,
    Sauron. Gandalf the Grey sends Frodo out on a journey originally to Rivendell
    where the fate of the ring would be decided. The Nine Kings of Men, also known
    as the Ringwraiths, or Nazgul, hunt down the four Hobbits that originally set
    They reach Bree, avoiding the Nazgul, and meet Strider, who is also known as
    Aragorn. They then travel to Rivendell, and Frodo has a scare but Glorfindel
    saves him. In Rivendell, Frodo recieves Mithril from his Uncle Bilbo, which
    will later save his life, in Moria. The company recieves 3 new members: Gimli,
    Legolas and Boromir. Gandalf finally meets up with the Fellowship and they
    continue on to Mordor.
    They are blocked by spells from their past ally Saruman who has joined forces
    with Sauron to take over Middle-earth. They have no choice but to pass through
    the Mines of Moria. When they get there, they find it is a Tomb and Orcs of
    Mordor have invaded. They fight through and then Gandalf fights the Balrog, and
    The Fellowship carry on though and reach Lothlorien where Frodo meets Galadriel
    and recieves the Light...
       Versions                           ~                                ~VER
    Very small, for now.
    / 0.2                      /*/  /---------------------------------------------
    Simple, only up to Lothlorien, keep reading!
       Contact                            ~                                ~@@@
    Please contact me at: 
    Remove one of every symbol, obviously.
    I will only take:-
    Alternate Strategies
    Online Play Strategies
    Upgrade Info
    Hero Info
    Questions NOT COVERED YET
    Please include "B4ME" or "Battle for Middle Earth" FAQ in your subject line
    please. Thankyou!
    End. (c) Jon Smith 2005 -- ONLY ON www.GAMEFAQS.com

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  15. *WallInCold*

    *WallInCold* Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chán quá Nick bị ông cho ăn 3 thẹo giờ phải lập nick mới :((
  16. Lonely^_^

    Lonely^_^ Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Cửu Thiên
    Chán thiệt,hôm bữa chơi Campin của phe thiện sắp phá đảo thì máy hư,sử lại mất save hết mà công nhận mấy màn thủ thành đánh cực kì đã tay,có khi 1 màn đến cả tiếng chứ ko ít.Giớ nghĩ lại vẫn còn ghiền:D
  17. Lord of beast

    Lord of beast Youtube Master Race

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    Edit: Đây ko phải chỗ xin CD Key, muốn chơi online thì đi mua về mà chơi
  18. Tiến Quang

    Tiến Quang Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ặc,,trò này khá cool đấy.Tui chơi bộ 4 CD,không sao cả,tui chỉ chơi Easy thôi,phá băng rồi.Ở phần chiến dịch,các cậu không cần phải vượt hết tất cả các màn đâu,chỉ cần chú ý đến các màn có +Power thôi,đến khi bạn triệu hồi được đội quân thần chế (phe Good) thì việc vượt màn Black Gate dễ dàng hơn nhiều!Màn Black Gate thì chỉ cần cầm cự cho thằng Frodo đột nhập vào trong thôi.

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