[Silkroad] Abyss-SRO | 120 Cap CH/EU | PVP | Daily Events | Job Based System | Play2Win based

Thảo luận trong 'MMO | Private Server' bắt đầu bởi Magicblus, 11/9/16.

  1. Magicblus

    Magicblus Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Immaculate Heave
    Official Trailer:

    - Server đặt tại Ai Cập, mới mở ngày 11/09/2016
    - Đây là server pvp nên khi tạo nhân vật xong, anh em qua Trường An mua đồ (tất cả có trong NPC máu, Thợ rèn,), đồ + max là +12
    - Đi đấu trường, cướp cờ, săn boss, sự kiện của GM để kiếm coins mua đồ ngon tại NPC Abyss Items ở Trường An
    - Còn rất nhiều thứ thú vị trong game, anh em vào khám phá nhé :)
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Features | Info
    Cap | 120
    Capture The flag | Enabled
    Battle Arena | Enabled
    Survival Arena | Enabled
    Auto Events | Enabled
    Warrior buffs | Disabled
    Bard buffs | Disabled
    Exp/Skill/Drop | Isro Rates
    PC Limit | 1
    Free Silk | 1'000'000
    Chinese Damage increased | Yes; 15%

    PC Limit

    The IP limit we set is 1 to obtain constant order and a legitimate gameplay. Anyone who bypasses the limit will receive a permanent ban as well as their account to be completely errased from the database.

    Starting Items
    You'll start with some specific items, which are absolutely important for the newbies. We've also added a new custom avatar like the one in the following screen:



    The fun will never stop when gm's are around. We'll make daily events with good rewards.
    We'll also make weekly events with even better rewards, as our goal is to provide a play to win environment and a long term server which you can rely and play on for years .
    From the first week we'll start launching weekly pvp & uniques events.

    GM Ordinary Events
    - [PvP Event] • 1 vs 1
    - [Descending PvP] • 8vs8 > 4vs4 > 2vs2 > 1vs1
    - [Tournament PVP Event] -1v1. Loser picks next player to vs winner.
    - [Last Man Standing] • All vs All
    - [Lucky Critical] • You're lucky to not get a critical!
    - [Party Matching] • Notice will be given with specific "number". Form that number!
    - [Hide & Seek] • Various types
    - [Follow the Stalls] • 3x "GM's" will hide their stall with a clue to the final GM with his reward.
    - [Stall Event] • GM Opens stall filled with items for all players
    - [Bash Dash] • Knock Back your opponent outside the stadium.
    - [Songs Event] • Name that song!
    - [Be Stylish Event] • Let your imagination reward you! Pick an epic Avatar/NPC set style to win!
    - [Hide 'n' Shoot] • More techinical than a normal H&S. 1st and 2nd finders pvp to win.
    - [Random Colours] • Guess the cape of the GM while it's loading!
    - [Race In Darken] • Race players in PvP Mode to fight for your the destination.
    - [Parties Combat] • Party vs Party. 1 player from each party pvp. Loser is kicked from the party.
    - [Best Screenshot] • Send your best Screenshot into the Facebook Page Screenshot Post!
    - [Challenge (INT)] • 8 Participants (or more). 1v1 to kill that unique!
    - [Massive Trade] • Traders & Hunters Only. GM will host a massive trade run
    - [The Grand Caravan] • All Job suits allowed. GM Will host a massive Trade run with same amount of Traders/Hunters & Thieves
    - [GM On Top] • Get the last hit on the GM to be the winner of each round.
    - [Crash The Castles] • 2 "GM's" will change into a monster. Party vs Party, Last hit wins!
    - [Prison Break] • Job suit battle. Break away from the enemy! Trader/Hunters vs Thieves.
    - [The Perfect Leader] • GM Team vs GM Team. GM deciding on what player from their party to vs the other player.

    GM Main Events
    - [Madness Event] • Team vs Team to kill that hard-core unique monster
    - [Tower of Defence] • Team vs Team to defend their tower
    - [Missing Assasin] • Team vs TeamSlay that unique! 3x Defenders, 4x Attackers.
    - [Room of Courage] • Points given when killing [Players]/[Uniques]. Similar to Madness.
    - [Chief Job] • Hunter vs Thief. Fight for the trade in a special arena!
    - [A Random Partner] • Guild vs Guild. Guild war hosted by GM for fairness.
    - [The Upcoming Hit] • Guess the hit the unique will make to receive reward.
    - [Clash of Jobs] • Surivial Arena enhanced!. Win by getting the highest amount of unique kills.
    - [Hide & Seek Uniques] • Find that unique and slay it!
    - [Lure Event] • Lure the 1 unique into the GM Cirlce.
    - [Race Event] • Race to that known location of the unique and slay it!
    - [Ultimate Race Event] • HARDCORE. Race to the known location of the unique and slay it.
    - [Uniques Event] • GM will spawn uniques in a big area. A chance to up your rankings!
    - [Seal of Titans] • 1 Titan Unique: 1 point. Slay the most Titans in 10 minutes!
    - [Crash Event] • GM warps you into an arena for your chance to get the highest damage in the server!
    - [Medusa Slayer] • Many Medusa's will be spawned. Kill as many as you can to win!
    - [Beauty Of Survival] • GM will spawn the unique into a certain arena. STR & INT have fair chance to win.

    Weekly/Monthly Events
    - [Weekly PvP Event] • 1 vs 1. Title given to 1st. 1st, 2nd & 3rd receive Arena Coins
    - [Weekly Death-Bone] • Slay the Roc Unique. Title given. Arena Coins
    - [Weekly Fortress War] • Guild winners of certain fortress get Arena Coins for each player.

    - Monthly Uniques Rank • The best slayer of uniques per month. Rewarded: a specific amount of Arena Coins.

    Unique | Points
    Normal and Titan uniques | 1 rank point
    INT and STR Medusa | 50 rank points
    Deathbone | 100 rank points
    INT and STR Roc | 75 rank points
    Neith | 25 rank points
    Isis | 25 rank points
    Anubis | 5 rank points
    Haroeris | 50 rank points
    Seth | 50 rank points
    Jupiter | 5 rank points
    The Earth | 5 rank points
    Yuno | 5 rank points
    Babilion | 5 rank points
    Zielkiaxe | 5 rank points
    Arabian Khulood | 50 rank points
    Arabian Shaitan | 50 rank points
    Arabian Karkadann | 50 rank points
    Arabian Thief Boss | 50 rank points
    Arabian Kidemonas | 50 rank points
    Arabian Demon Snake | 50 rank points
    Arabian Giant Demon | 50 rank points
    Arabian Crazy Iblis | 50 rank points
    Survival Arena Guard & Boss | 30 rank points

    The starter items will be 13DG RARE;purchaseable from Jangan’s Blacksmith NPC.
    It will have easy drops (Talisman Cards) and easy monsters. Once you collect all the cards you will be rewarded a Legend CH/EU Shield.


    Flame Mountain
    It will have a little bit harder Talisman Cards drop rate and a little bit harder monsters. Once you collect all cards you will be rewarded a 13 degree Legend Weapon.


    It is the hardest section of FGW instances and it will be hard regarding the drops and monsters. Once you collect all cards you will be rewarded a 13 degree Abyss Shield.


    Keep in mind
    You need to plus your weapon to a specific plus after that use the upgrade scroll then your legend weapon should be upgraded to a higher type which is Seal of Abyss (End game weapon). In addition, all the monsters + Uniques at the Forgotten World are modified regarding their health points and attack damage. Togui FGW on the other hand will stay unmodified for now to avoid game server bugs which may happen.

    (To be updated)
    Let’s start with the route.. we’ve decided to set the route from Jangan to Donwhang (ONLY AVAILABLE ROUTE).

    When reaching your destination and selling the goods to the Special trader you will be rewarded with specific amount of Abyss Coins (AFTER YOU RELOG) with it you can purchase SEAL OF ABYSS SETS PARTS.

    In addition,
    You will be rewarded with JOB Experience which is going to be absolutely necessary for being a part of our Trade RANK.

    (NOTE: Your job experience will be reset everyday at 12:00 am, Honor Rank resets at the same time aswell.

    What is the Honor Rank system?
    It’s a system where you're able to get a Free Honor points. For every trade that is sold (whether you are a trader, hunter or a thief) the whole party gets Abyss Coins and every one receives 2 Honor Points.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    • The first rank will be rewarded with full honor buffs
    • The second to the fifth rank will be rewarded with the first 3 honor buff rings
    • The sixth rank to the tenth rank will be rewarded with the the first 2 honor buff rings
    • The eleventh rank to the twentieth rank will be rewarded with the first honor buff ring.​

    Job System and Honor Rank

    Through a teleport gate which will be located beside the Donwhang Storage you can enter a room called "Job War Arena."
    You're only able to enter with a job suit. The room is available to enter for one hour per day. The task is to kill your enemy. You will gain 2x Job or Copper Coins.
    You will gain no coins once you kill the same character for over 2 times.

    (To be updated)​
    We decided to add the rare dresses to the Magic POP NPC and enabled magic pop cards to be dropped from special rare uniques that'll be mentioned in the uniques section. Magic pop shall be updated reguarding what items you can obtain from it, the rate of gaining your desired item will be set at a medium.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Those are important info/changes related to the gameplay!
    ? Reverse Return Scroll has a cooldown of 30 seconds in job mode.

    ? The winning team in Battle Arena & CTF is rewarded with 10 Arena Coins | The losing team is rewarded with 2 Arena Coins.

    ? Each kill at Capture the Flag is rewarded with 1 Copper Coin.

    ? The FGW Boss monster 'Flame Cow King' & 'Ghost Sereness' drop each 2x Immortal & Astral stones.

    ? Survival Arena is 2 times a day. [1] @3PM | [2] @12PM Server time

    ? The amount of 1'000 Arena Coins is the maximum which each player can achieve in a week via Jobbing.

    ? Upgrade Scroll | You have to get a Legend +8 so you can exchange into an Abyss Item (Last tier)
    Legend +8 Item > Abyss +0 Item after using the Upgrade Scroll​
    What is Survival Arena?
    Survival Arena is a new PvP system in Abyss Sro. It can accommodate a wide scale battle from a minimum of 8 players to a maximum of 32 players, including individual and party battles.

    1. The last N players (1 player, 2 players, 4 players)

    • Individual participation is possible. Battle continues until the last N number of players remains.

    • The matches are divided into the Arena of Faith (8 players), the Arena of Warriors (16 players) and the Arena of Heroes (32 players) ''THE MATCHES WILL BE INVDIVIDUAL ONLY THERE WILL BE NO PARTIES''.

    • Signing up

    • Registration starts 15 minutes before the opening of Survival Arena. The game is paused during the 15 minute sign up period, and players will enter the arena following the order or queue of registrants.

    • Battle will commence after the 15 minute sign up period.

    • After the sign up period, you can still enter the arena once the auto matching system distributes the number of participants. There are no limitations on the battle entrance.​

    There will be automatic events beside the events that the GM's will host.
    ? Lottery Event
    Participation > Buy the item 'Lottery Ticket' for 20 Arena Coins in a certain period.
    Winner > The winner will be choosen randomly automatically.
    Reward > The reward for the winner is the total amount of purchased Lottery Tickets (Coin Amount) of that one round.
    Fair Policy > Buying more then one Lottery Ticket won't increase your chance of winning.

    ? Streak Kill Event
    Participation > Be the first one to kill 50 players in PvP mode.
    Winner > You have to be the first one to achieve 50 kills and you win the event.
    Reward > The reward for the winner is 50 Arena Coins.
    Fair Policy > You can kill the same player only 2 times. After the limit you don't receive points from the same player.

    ? Trivia Event
    Participation > The Event Bot will give you a random quiz through a global.
    Winner > Be the first one to answer the quiz correctly through a PM.
    Reward > The reward for the winner is 30 Arena Coins.
    Fair Policy > No limits.

    ? Hide and Seek Event
    Participation > The Event Bot will hide somewhere around the world map. (Notice will narrow the dimension)
    Winner > Be the first one to find the Event Bot.
    Reward > The reward for the winner is 50 Arena Coins.
    Fair Policy > No limits.

    ? Party Match Event
    Participation > The Event Bot will announce a party number which you have to get.
    Winner > Be the first one to get the wanted party number.
    Reward > The reward for the winner is 30 Arena Coins.
    Fair Policy > No limits.

    ? Alchemy Event
    Participation > The Event Bot will announce the needed + on a Degree 1 item.
    Winner > Be the first one to achieve the wanted + on a Degree 1 item.
    Reward > The reward for the winner is 60 Arena Coins.
    Fair Policy > It has to be the wanted + on a Degree 1 item.​

    Mastery scrolls:
    Now we're all bored of joining pvp servers because we take like 30 minutes leveling skills and stats.
    But not anymore, you just have to buy a free scroll which are called ''Mastery scrolls'', find the skills you need. Once you activate the scroll and get ported, your max skilled.

    Model Switchers:
    We've Model Switchers for all degrees starting from 10th degree to 20th degree. Your weapon will have the same stats, blues and plus but it will have a changed look & style.​

    Model Switcher | Mastery Scrolls
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    You'll start up in Jangan. First of all, choose your build and use the free Mastery Scrolls to get all your build skills updated to the max level.
    MASTERY LIMIT: 240 for European and 480 for Chinese.

    Then start getting our Start up RARE items from NPC's located near the Jangan Teleport gate.
    Our alchemy rate is not easy nor hard.
    Our max plus is +12. You won't see people running around with +20 items and so on like other pvp servers. The rates are unique, challenging and there won't be any gaps between the plusses.
    Everyone has a chance!
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 11/9/16
  2. conangbocchay

    conangbocchay Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Biên Giới
    bác có sv cầy cuốc dạng như này không , chứ pvp ở VN chơi lag lắm làm sao ăn được tây :(fight)
  3. Magicblus

    Magicblus Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Immaculate Heave
    Server này bên Ai Cập mà =))
  4. conangbocchay

    conangbocchay Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Biên Giới
    ok đã vào , bác có chơi không anh em làm G VN chơi
  5. ThunderChief

    ThunderChief John "Soap" MacTavish Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Nhà lá
    sao ko quảng cáo sớm tí, quảng cáo đúng bữa mở luôn vậy @@ ... à sv pvp, tưởng pve chứ
    đang tính đợi tới 23/09 ra sv EON II, only CHN cap 100 pve qua đó chơi.
  6. LêThiênHồng

    LêThiênHồng Granado Espada Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    có sv pve nào ngon ngon sống lâu ko?
  7. ThunderChief

    ThunderChief John "Soap" MacTavish Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Nhà lá
    sắp tới 23.9 có sv EON II mở ra đó, cái EON 1 của nó sống chắc cũng gần 4 tháng rồi mà vẫn >700 đứa ~1k online kìa...

    mấy ông VN toàn mê sro only CHN, bữa cái pioneer mới mở lại mà có EU nên chả ai VN chơi ... giờ nó vẫn đông >2k đứa onl.
  8. LêThiênHồng

    LêThiênHồng Granado Espada Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    lâu thế 23 mới có à
  9. ThunderChief

    ThunderChief John "Soap" MacTavish Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Nhà lá
    muốn chơi trước thì 18.9 này chơi, mà nó chỉ mở beta thôi, 23.9 mới mở chính thức grand open
  10. LêThiênHồng

    LêThiênHồng Granado Espada Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    mới vào sv cũ chơi thử tụi nó thiết lập kiểu gì sao con khỉ nhặt dc tấm lót với luyện kim dược dc mà ko nhặt rác như mũi tên nhỉ? mà có cái auto bot nào xài dc không?
  11. ThunderChief

    ThunderChief John "Soap" MacTavish Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Nhà lá
    mbot đó.
    phần items, nhặt với khỉ thì chọn pick items with pet, pick gold with pet.
    muốn nhặt cái gì thì điền vào phần search ... xong click chuột phải vô cái muốn nhặt chọn A(tự nhặt) B(cho pet nhặt) rồi chọn save.

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