[MMORPG] Legend of Edda: Vengeance!

Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi raitokun, 28/11/12.

  1. raitokun

    raitokun T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    Hello to the future Olympians and Titans! Welcome to the new Legend of Edda community!​


    [Spoil]“So much has changed in the last year, that we’re changing the game’s title to reflect these upgrades. Legend of Edda is back with a vengeance, and that’s exactly what we’ve called the new version — Legend of Edda: Vengeance!” said Hubert Yee, Head of Marketing at GamesCampus. “We’ll have a landslide of news starting today and continuing through the rest of the year.”[/Spoil]


    EYASoft và GamesCampus tự tin tuyên bố con cưng của họ sẽ là một "Hardcore PvP Action-MMORPG Game"

    Legend of Edda: Vengeance là phiên bản mới nhất của LoE, có rất nhiều thay đổi so với phiên bản LoE NA cũ lúc trước, thậm chí là khác xa so với phiên bản LoE EU hiện tại vẫn đang hoạt động.
    Dưới đây là một số thay đổi

    Rebalanced Classes & Skills
    When creating your character, you will choose between Fighter, Rogue, and Mage. You will receive weapons and basic skills for both classes in that tree. At Lv20, you will embark on your first advancement quest, where you will choose which branch you want to take. At Lv40 you will advance once again.

    -Swordman: Uses One-hand sword + Shield. With defense and threat increasing skills, protect your party from harm as the tank!
    -Warrior: Using a Two-Hand Sword, strike down multiple enemies at once with your wide-area skils!

    -Assassin: Uses stealth and poisons to take out the enemy! Their weapon of choice is Katars.
    -Archer: Attacks with a bow from a distance and has various movement speed increasing skills.

    -Cleric: The life of the party! Literally! Clerics specialize in healing and curse skills, and use the Orb type weapon with shields.
    -Wizard: Wizards command the powers of mana, fire, ice, and lightning with very versatile skills. They use a two-handed staff.

    Keep watch for more information about class skills!

    Chatacter Stats

    Stats have been modified, and new stats added. Players will now be able to see what each stat does:

    -Strength (STR): Effects Absolute Physical Attack, which ignores the target's physical defense.
    -Intellect (INT): Effects Absolute Magic Attack, which ignores the target's magic defense.
    -Will (WIL): Effects Absolute Physical Defense, which will decrease physical damage taken by that amount.
    -Wisdom (WIS): Effects Absolute Magic Defense, which will decrease magic damage taken by that mount.
    -Agility (AGI): Effects attack/casting speed.
    -Dexterity (DEX): Effects dodge rate.
    -Hit (HIT): Effects accuracy.
    -Luck (LUK): Effects critical rate.

    Passive skills have been added to all classes so players can choose to increase certain stats for their character.

    Achievement System

    Achievement systems have been popular in many MMORPGs, console games, and more. Now, achievements have come to Legend of Edda!

    Collect achievements for various tasks during gameplay: from killing a certain number or certain type of monster, to upgrading, to chatting around with various NPCs! You can earn achievements for doing both meaningful and silly things! In the achievements window, you can see your achievement progress, dates which you finished certain achievements, and collect item rewards from completing some as well.

    We hope to expand on achievements in the future, including adding some for events!


    Players can now participate in arenas for 1v1, 3v3, and 5v5. You can head to the Arena NPC in Gaiyan Town to register for an arena. If you party up before you can join as a party. Otherwise, you will be put in a random group. Arenas can be against players of either faction, but you will only be teamed up with players of your own faction. Doing arenas can earn you a small amount of God Points each day.

    Dungeons are subdivided in to easy (1-2 players), normal (3-4 players), and hard (5-6 players). Different items are available from each dungeon. Additionally, more rewards can be gained when completing a dungeon on hard mode to open a Secret Pathway.

    Collection Quests
    Some monsters will drop items which certain NPCs are looking for. Once collecting the items, you can turn them in to the NPC for experience. These items drop from monsters regardless of if you have accepted a quest for them, and they're repeatable! This is a great way to get some extra experience while out hunting and questing.

    Dimension Cracks
    Special areas will be opened that are specifically for leveling up. The areas will be more difficult, but yield higher experience and collection quest items.

    Tome of Power
    Ever had a piece of equipment that you didn't need? Make use of those extra items! With the Tome of Power, accessible from your inventory, you can power up by placing the items in this special book. Every 10 levels you will earn an extra slot to put items in to, increasing your strength even further! A bonus slot will be unlocked at each advancement level. Weapons and armor can be used separately to increase attack and defense.

    Party Buff System
    The longer you stay in a party together, the stronger you will become! Players can get up to 4 buffs for the entire party after staying together for long periods of time. The buffs you could receive increase attack, defense, critical rate, movement speed, evasion, and EXP. The first buff will appear after 30 minutes, giving you a buff for 15 minutes. It will increase to more buffs over time, and after 2 hours, 4 buffs will be maintained. These buffs are not only applied out in the world, but in dungeons and Sacred War as well! As long as you are logged in. So, go out and find some great players to party up with!

    Other Features & Changes
    -Accounts are no longer locked to one God, allowing you to have characters on both Olympus and Titan!
    -Camera can rotate freely. This feature was added late in the old version, so may be new to some!
    -Boxes and barrels can be found around town which have a chance to drop sacks of money!
    -At certain intervals while playing, you can click the gift icon in the top left to receive an item!
    -Monsters can drop cards which allow you to transform in to them for a short time!
    -God Skills are no longer active. Some similar skills still exist as normal class skills.
    -Item ranks no longer exist. Items become stronger by upgrading and enchanting systems.
    -Crafting system is removed temporarily to be developed similar to a profession skills system.
    -Experience rates and quest rewards have been modified.
    -Various UI improvements, such as seeing items inside a package before opening, highlight items in inventory by category, etc.
    -Enchant scrolls are no longer separated by type.
    -Items no longer need to be identified (Identify Scroll has been removed).
    -Marbles have been strengthened, making it very important in doing damage.
    -Potions have had cool time removed, becoming a valuable consumable item to use in battle.
    -An optional tutorial has been added to the start of the game to teach basic controls.
    -Portals have been added to the Gold Mine area to make the travel through the zone less taxing.

    Of course there's many changes the game has gone through. We encourage you to explore and find out on your new adventure through the world of Legend of Edda!
    crazy RvR ở phiên bản cũ sẽ còn hấp dẫn hơn nửa?




    GUIDE Tổng Hợp



    FIX Lỗi Error = 6

    Lưu ý: Chúng ta sẽ thống nhất chọn OLYMPUS

    Ở 1 tuần CBT đầu tiên này, việc trước hết là anh em làm quen nhau, lập party, tham gia nắm rõ các hoạt động của LoE.
    LoE với hệ thống mới quy định về chế độ buff cho các party lâu dài. Vì vậy mình muốn lần báo danh IGN lần này sẽ là leader từng team báo danh cho cả đội. Mình sẽ cập nhật thông tin từng team ở #1.
    Đồng thời người chưa có team cũng post bài lên topic và công khai tìm kiếm thành viên cho party.
    Mình hy vọng sau 1 tuần CBT, chúng ta sẽ xây dựng được 1 cộng đồng LoE Việt vững mạnh dựa trên sự gắn kết giửa Cộng Đồng -> Guild -> Team -> Member


    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 30/11/12
    bang@ thích bài này.
  2. _Sven

    _Sven Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội

    Sao không đăng ký được nhỉ.
  3. Alo..1..2..3..!

    Alo..1..2..3..! Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    hình như bị lock IP Vn thì phải :-?
  4. FeiTianYu

    FeiTianYu The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    American Temple
    mình vẫn đăng kí được bthg mà , reg cbt luôn rồi :D mà 1d5h nữa mở sv mà vẫn chưa cho down client nữa :-ss
  5. raitokun

    raitokun T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    game này khi reg acc phải fake IP, khi chơi thì không cần
  6. Bachlong13

    Bachlong13 Chrono Trigger/Cross ✡ Shine Wizard ✡ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Phóng khoáng
    Dạo này đang tăm tia game này :"> Lúc đầu thấy ban IP nên hơi ngại mà giờ nghe chỉ cần fake IP lúc reg à thì đỡ :D
    Mà hình như chưa có link down nhỉ
  7. dlhero

    dlhero Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Fly Emirates
    Chắc tối mai là mở link đó...
    Chả hiểu sao tớ reg acc bình thường nhỉ :)
  8. Alo..1..2..3..!

    Alo..1..2..3..! Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ai đăng ký dùm mình r` được ko =.= fake ip ko dc
  9. raitokun

    raitokun T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    bạn nào không dk được acc thì gửi tin nhắn cho mình bào gồm:
    - ID:
    - beta key( lấy trên link #1):
    Mình sẽ đk giúp
  10. guildmagic

    guildmagic Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    BIên HÒa
    mình đăng ký thành công rồi lúc đầu Invi nó Khóa IP rồi mò cái chương trìng fake IP này ae lên google mà download về mà xài cài đạt chỉ cần nhấp ok ok khi nào xong thi vào đăng ký thôi ko cần làm gì hết
    lên google rồi kiếm Freegate Professional
  11. oaioaioi

    oaioaioi Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Elgaill Town
    Trước đang chơi hay tự nhiên close cả năm :4cool_doubt: update có gì ngon nhỉ, nick cũ cũng gần lv 50 :8cool_cry: bùn

    Xài Ultrasuft tạo acc cho nhanh :1cool_choler:
  12. DragonSage

    DragonSage Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ultra surf không có đc
    đang thử Hotpot shield
    p/s cũng không có đc :|
  13. guildmagic

    guildmagic Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    BIên HÒa
    lên google mà dow cài nài về là dc liền nè Freegate Professional 7.37:9cool_haha:
  14. panzertankhung

    panzertankhung Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    đăng kí từ ngày xưa bây h vào chỉ có redeem key :9cool_haha:
    mà nó vẫn chưa cho download cơ à
  15. aphiphi

    aphiphi Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi bắt đầu
    Không biết bao giờ nó mới cho down đây, nôn nóng lắm rồi :)).
  16. nhocwindi

    nhocwindi Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    còn có 1 day 3h mà vẫn chưa cho down bùn ghê @@
  17. kaiba-card

    kaiba-card Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ta đâu có sài gì đâu .. vẫn dk acc bt mà
  18. dlhero

    dlhero Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Fly Emirates
    Không biết cơ chế nhà mạng của VN là sao nhỉ, chỗ đk được chỗ không :))
  19. *ShAw*

    *ShAw* C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Traveler Town
    ko biết sao chứ fpt đăng kí bt nè :D
  20. MrZul

    MrZul T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đã đăng ký xong account.
    Giờ chờ link download thôi.

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