Những nhân vật trong 7 viên ngọc rồng, ai hâm mộ khỉ con thì vào !!!

Thảo luận trong 'Fighting Game Club' bắt đầu bởi Long Kiếm Phi, 10/5/05.

  1. -nAm-pHỷ-

    -nAm-pHỷ- Mario & Luigi

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    Sau này thì đầu thai vô tiếp tục sự nghiệp chứ sao - sinh nghề thì tử nghiệp - ai cũng phải chịu !!! há há há !!!
  2. xathulance

    xathulance Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    City of Emptiness
    Mây huynh ơi, làm cách nào để post hình trong may lên vậy , lúc chỉ nhớ cho cả VD nữa nhé !
  3. yugifan83

    yugifan83 This is Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Nhà tui
    Muốn đưa hình từ máy của mình lên gamevn, cần làm như sau:
    1/ Mở trang www.imageshack.us ra. Nhấn vào Browse để lựa hình của mình muốn up lên, rồi nhấn vào host it! để nó upload lên server của nó. Đợi chút xíu
    2/Sau khi đợi, 1 trang khác xuất hiện. You sẽ thấy khá nhiều ô hình chữ nhật. Đó là link của hình mình vừa up lên đó. Tìm cái ô gần cuối, có ghi Direct link to image bên phải. Copy chữ trong ô đó.
    3/để đưa hình lên gamevn, gõ mấy chữ như vậy nè:
    Nhớ là [​IMG] đó nha, đừng có sai đó.
    Nên nhớ, nếu hình có dung lượng lớn quá thì ko up lên được đâu.
  4. kid1412cute

    kid1412cute Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    anh bro ơi, cho mình hỏi xíu. Mình mới tập chơi cái Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 mà hông bít nhìu tuyệt chiu nào hết, mong các bác chỉ giáo
  5. Săn Qủi

    Săn Qủi Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Vô Gia Cư
    Budokai 3 tuyệt chiệu rất là dễ , huynh cứ việc chơi phần DragonUnivers(ko nho ro nha ) , ráng chơi rồi tìm cái Dragonballs Radar ( thường là lượm được dưới đất hoặc với một số nhân vật thì có thể vào Central city xin Bulma 1 cái ) ,xong rồi cố thu thập đủ 7 viên ngọc rồng , giết trùm cuối rồi rồng thần hiện ra , cho bạn 3 điều ước , chọn phần Breakthough . Thế là xong , khi chơi bạn chọn trong Custom Tray chỉ cần chọn Breakthough là có đủ tuyệt chiêu của nhân vật đó , Muốn xem chi tiết cách ra tuyệt chiêu thì khi vào trận nhấn chụp hình ( nút Start) rồi vào Refer Skills , xem bảng danh sách các chiêu
    Lưu ý : Có nhân vật chỉ đi có 2 ,3 vòng nên cố gằng sau mỗi vòng thu thập ngọc rồng liền nghe .
    Chúc May Mắn
  6. mắt quỷ kyo

    mắt quỷ kyo Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Raccon City
    Nhầm to rồi bạn ơi....có nhiều Char cho dù có Breakthough cũng không có hết Skill được điển hình là Vegata (Final Explosion) và Goku (Super Saiyan 4)
    -Có ai tìm ra được thằng Siêu số 17 không tớ không biết chắc là có nó không nhưng theo Anime thì thằng đó xuất hiện trước Omega Shenron chúng ta có thể lấy Omega vậy chắc có thể tìm được thằng đó chứ
  7. kid1412cute

    kid1412cute Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    cám ơn hai bạn nhìu lắm! Ko bít có ai pót sẵn lên đây chưa, chứ mình hơi làm biếng chơi
  8. K'Dash

    K'Dash The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

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    0 có siêu số 17 đâu. Đừng mắc công tìm kiếm.
    0 có siêu số 17 đâu. Đừng mắc công tìm kiếm.
    0 có siêu số 17 đâu. Đừng mắc công tìm kiếm.
    0 có siêu số 17 đâu. Đừng mắc công tìm kiếm.
    0 có siêu số 17 đâu. Đừng mắc công tìm kiếm.
  9. the-undertaker

    the-undertaker Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Dark Hell
    Cho hỏi 7 viên ngọc rồng lcú này có bộ hậu chưa vậy , còn bộ hậu nữa đó , hình như đời con cháu của khỉ con
  10. Long Kiếm Phi

    Long Kiếm Phi Guest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    trại cai nghiện
    Captain Ginyu:
    With purple skin and black horns, Captain Ginyu is the strongest of the Ginyu Force, and its leader. He has the powerful ability to switch bodies with his opponents. He switches bodies with Goku giving Captain Ginyu the advantage of fighting with Goku's powerful body and also of confusing the team of good guys. This capability does lead to his ultimate demise as he accidentally and forever changes bodies with a frog.
    Cell Jr. :
    Cell sends these little guys out to harm Gohan's friends, Cell succeeds in making Gohan extremely angry, which makes him very powerful, which is why Cell summoned the Cell Jr's so Cell could see Gohan's full power.
    Chiaotzu (Chaozu):
    A master of telepathy, Chiaotzu has the power to stop people in their tracks and to communicate telepathically. This white-skinned, red-checked little being is the devoted companion of Tien. A strong fighter in his early days, Chiaotzu does not hesitate to throw himself onto Nappa's back and self-destruct in an attempt to save his friends. However, his power level does not increase as dramatically as the other Z Fighters. Thus, Chiaotzu is not a major warrior in the later episodes of Dragon Ball Z.
    ChiChi meets Goku in the first Dragonball series and asks him to marry her. Goku marries her because he thinks it is a type of food, but eventually finds a love in his heart for her. Together, Goku and ChiChi have 2 sons, Gohan and Goten. She is very worrisome and is usually upset about Gohan fighting.
  11. Long Kiếm Phi

    Long Kiếm Phi Guest

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    trại cai nghiện
    Cashew (Spice):
    One of Garlic Junior's minions in the anime. He is powerful, and one of the last characters to die in the Saga. Like Garlic Jr., he receives a big dose of power when the Makyo-sei, or Devil Star Planet (Makyo Star) nears Earth.
    Captain Chicken:
    He is a fighter in the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament. He is scheduled to fight against Nareg, another fighter in the tournament, but doesn't show up to the match. The fight between Goku and Uub scares him and he flees from the arena
    Captain Silver:
    The first of the high-ranking officers that Goku fights. This is a very short fight. Silver let his guard down completely, because, he didn't know Goku had a lot of strength. After Goku defeated Silver, he got a Dragon Ball and ran off. Silver then told Copper what happened, and, saw he was heading north, so, he told Copper to tell White in Muscle Tower to be ready for a very strong boy.
    Captain Violet:
    We see her briefly in the anime, but, never in the manga. She gives a Dragon Ball to General Copper, and, is never seen again
    Captain Yellow:
    We see him briefly in the manga and anime, but he goes around trying to find the Dragon Ball's for General Copper. That is basically all we see him do.
  12. Long Kiếm Phi

    Long Kiếm Phi Guest

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    trại cai nghiện
    Chairman (Tournament Chairman):
    This is the chairman of Tenkaichi Boudoukai 21. He is said to have an important announcement and the Announcer hands him the microphone. He simply says "Woof." Not very important, eh?
    Chapa-Ou (King Chapa):
    He's one of the contenders in the 21st Tenkaichi, defeated by Goku. He is the first user of the Hasshuken technique (8 hands attack)
    Chapuchai (Chachai):
    A vertically challenged competitor in the Otherworld Tournament who has the special ability to create many duplicates of himself in order to confuse and overwhelm the opponent.
    A little orphan girl who, along with her brother, discovers young Gohan washed up on a beach. She is the youngest of all the orphans in the clan led by Pigero.
    Chii Shenron (Naturon Shenron):
    After Vegeta killed a large number of innocent people, a wish on the Dragon Balls brought them all back to life. In this way, Naturon Shenron was born. Possessing the power of Earth, he delights in causing earthquakes and watching cities fall before his power. Dragon of the 7 star ball.
    A little girl Gokou meets during his trip around the world in the anime. She's saved by Gokou in the mountains near her village and she begs him to help save her village from Ginkaku and Kinkaku (Plague & Terror).
    Circus Boss:
    A cruel ringmaster who ceaslessly whips the baby Pteradon and forces him to perform for on-lookers. When Pteradon's mom and dad come looking for their baby it looks like a lot of trouble until Saiyaman steps in to save the day. But since taking the dinosaur out of the wild isn't illegal theres nothing Saiyaman can do. But wait the Circus Boss stole the Police Man's gun and try to shoot Saiyaman of course the gun has no effect on Saiyaman, but taking a gun from a polic officer is illegal.
  13. -nAm-pHỷ-

    -nAm-pHỷ- Mario & Luigi

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    Quá hay quá hay - đọc mà hổng hiểu gì hết !!!
  14. Long Kiếm Phi

    Long Kiếm Phi Guest

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    trại cai nghiện
    She's a character appearing in DBZ movie #10 "The Dangerous Pair!! Super-Warriors Never Rest". Coco is a kid living in Natade Village who decides to sacrifice herself to calm the monster that terrorizes her village. Actually the monster is a big dinosaur and it will be Videl, Goten and Trunks that see the thing by themselves, before to meet Broly.
    Cold (King Cold):
    Father of Frieza and Cooler. He is only seen in the 2nd form & if he can go beyond that or not we just don't know. Most likely he cannot or he would have when he fought Trunks. King Cold salvages Frieza's living remains from space and makes his scientists rebuild his son as a cyborg. The two venture to Earth with plans to destroy Goku's home planet, but their scheme is foiled by the appearance of Trunks. After watching Trunks kill his son and cut him to pieces, King Cold offers the Saiyan an opportunity to replace Frieza and conquer the galaxy with him. This statement is almost certainly a lie, considering King Cold had asked to see Trunks' sword moments before. Trunks kills King Cold minutes later.
    Commander Nezi:
    Nezi, Ribet, and Bizu make up General Rilldo's top mercenary force. They are called upon when Dr. Myuu demands "results." They have the ability to join their metal bodies into an even more powerful soldier, the awesome Sigma Force Canon.
    Commander Red:
    The original commander in the Red Ribbon Army, he is very short. He is thought to have wanted to Dragonballs to wish for World Domination, but really wants to wish to be taller. When Assistant Black found out about the real wish, Black got mad, and shot Red in the head, thus, he renamed it to the Black Ribbon Army.
    The brother of Frieza, he watched Frieza destroy planet Vegeta. After Frieza was defeated he went to earth seeking revenge against Goku. Cooler like his brother can transform. Unlike his Brother Cooler can transform one step further. Unfortunetly for Cooler this wasn't enough to beat Goku and was thrown into the sun by Goku. In movie 6 he tried to take over planet Namek by merging with an alien ship. He fails of course and is killed by Goku this time for good.
  15. Long Kiếm Phi

    Long Kiếm Phi Guest

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    trại cai nghiện
    chổ đang câu MP, đừng lộn xộn
    Cory (Dr. Cory):
    He's a scientist who makes experiments inside the bio-engineering laboratory owned by Jagar Badda, in DBZ movie #11 "A Super-Warrior Defeat!! I am the Winner".
    Crop Farmer:
    At the opening scene of the first episode of DBZ, Radditz's space pod crashes on a farmer's property. The frightened farmer quickly rushes to investigate. He tries to intimidate Radditz away from his property with his shotgun, but fails miserably. In desperation he fires his gun at the approaching Saiyajin, but Radditz merely catches the bullet in his fingertips and casually flicks it back at the farmer, killing him instantly.
    One of Frieza's henchman, Cui was originally stronger than Vegeta. However, after Vegeta's defeat on earth and healing, he outmatches Cui and kills him.
    Cymbal (Cymbol):
    The 3rd creation of King Piccolo, he resembles a humanoid plump dragon. He is killed by Yajirobe, who slices him in half, then roasts him over a fire and eats him. He stands 5'9" tall and weighs 255.5 lbs. He was "born" and killed in the year 753 AD.
  16. kangta1510

    kangta1510 Legend of Zelda

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    Ragnarok's world
    dịch dùm đi pa ơi :| .
  17. yugifan83

    yugifan83 This is Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Nhà tui
    Cha này đang câu Mp, lấy time đâu mà dịch chứ. Kêu ổng ăn gà H5N1 rồi ổng dịch cho nghe =))
  18. -nAm-pHỷ-

    -nAm-pHỷ- Mario & Luigi

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    Có công post bài - tặng cậu + 10Hp + 5Mp + 20EXP + thăng chức làm mod
  19. duonghoangvu

    duonghoangvu Youtube Master Race

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    là một kháng giả nhỏ tuổi cũa đài long an hàng tuânvào thứ 2 lúc 18h02 sẽ có chiếu phim dragon bal gt đó wí đị hình như tập chiều nay cađic sẽ biến làm sayda cấp 4 như goku coi chung cho dzui
  20. duonghoangvu

    duonghoangvu Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    này anh long kiếm ơi anh có web dơn phim cũa thằng saydo huỷ diệt đó khônng nói mọi người cùng xem cho dzui

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