Tin tức Final Fantasy Dissidia Duodecim

Thảo luận trong 'Dissidia Final Fantasy' bắt đầu bởi Snowsheep, 26/1/11.

  1. Snowsheep

    Snowsheep Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    JP 3-3-2011 // EN 3-22-2011 // EU 3-25-2011​
    Official North American Site:http://na.square-enix.com/dissidia_012/
    Official Japanese Site:http://www.square-enix.co.jp/dissidia_012/
    Japanese Soundtrack Site:http://www.square-enix.co.jp/music/sem/page/dissidia/012/

    Những tin cuối cùng trong tuân 27->5/3/2011:(http://forum.gamevn.com/showpost.php?p=17552807)
    -Final Fantasy Dissidia 012 Duodecim - Ending
    -The 4th costume for the Warrior or Light
    -God in fire
    -Little Bits and Pieces About Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy
    -Tokyo is Covered in Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy
    -Does Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy Really Take 100 Minutes to Install?
    -First Look: Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy's Desperado Chaos
    -New abilities' description (Đã bổ sung thêm)
    -Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy's Labyrinth Mode
    -Dissidia 012 Character Tournament Yuna vs Jecht
    -HQ Gilgamesh Famitsu Scans
    -Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy: Gilgamesh and More Another Forms
    -Some Early Flying Get Comments from Tetsuya Nomura
    -Gameplay vids! (FULL)
    -The famitsu article
    -The full interview in Japanese
    -New and modified accessories in 012
    -Dissidia 012:Original Soundtrack

    Những thông tin cũ:

    Aerith Gainsborough Assist Only
    - Aerith xuất hện trong 012 chỉ với vai trò như nhân vật Assist. Bạn chỉ có thể có Aerith khi có Dissidia duodecim Prologus, và chuyển data đến bản full
    - Aerith's Bravery Skills là:
    +Cure - Đòn đánh phục hồi. Tăng Brv của bạn
    +Seal Evil - Đòn đánh đặc biệt. Khi trúng, giữ đối thủ tại chỗ. và thả ra sau khi họ bị trúng
    -Aerith's HP Skills là:
    +Planet Protector - Đòn đánh đặc biệt. Miễn nhiễm với tất cả damage.
    +Holy -Đòn đánh tầm dài, thời gian nệm phép lâu. Khả năng: wall rush, block.
    -Aerith DLC: [spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    -Custom2: [spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    -Custom3: [spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    -Aerith's Planet Protector: [spoil][​IMG][/spoil]

    Kain Highwind [Tactical Striker]:A great aerial combatant who can forgo the cool down of his melee attacks by pressing Triangle to rush at the opponent.

    - Những đòn đánh trên ko linh hoạt và có thể đánh đối thủ ở bất kì vị trí nào.Mỗi một đòn đánh có thể đc ối tiếp bởi một đòn đánh khác tùy theo cách bấm; Up+O ném đối thủ lên trên, Down+O nèm đối thủ xuống dưới, và O sẽ đánh đối thủ văng ra xa. Phụ thuộc vào chiêu thức mà bạn sử dụng,và đòn đánh kế tiếp,mà đối thủ có thể bị WR hay bị đưa vào Chase mode
    - Cyclone dí tốt,tốt hơn Blizzard Barret,và hất đối thủ lên không trung
    - Costume 2 là Dark Dragoon:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil] .
    - Custome 3 là Hooded Man:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    -Khi vào EX Mode sẽ hiện lên Holy Dragoon
    +Đòn đánh đặc biệt trong EX:”Dragon Sword [Lancet]” (nhấn R+[]) với khả năng hấp thu máu = dam sát thương giống như Blood weapon
    +EX Burst là Pride of Dragoon – Nhấn lien tục các nút hiện lên để làm đầy thanh tuyệt chiêu để đc max dam

    -Kain sẽ quỳ xuống khi bạn nhấn giữ [] và sẽ Jump khi bạn thả nút ra
    -Có 3lv tùy theo mức charge giống như Meltdown
    -Lv càng cao= jump càng cao, và vì thế sẽ nhảy cao hơn.
    -Có vẻ như Jump chỉ dí vào vị trí của đối thủ vào thời điểm khi thả [].
    -Khi đang ở tên ko, bạn có thể điều khiển/di chuyển/điều chỉnh vị trí đánh như Sephiroth's Hells Gate.
    -Ko thể dodge cancel 1 "non-charged Jump", nhưng có thể DogdeCancel khi "max charged Jump".

    -Có 3 đòn AirBrv
    +Celestial Shooter (CS): upward attack
    +Thrust Rush (TR): forward attack
    +Crash Dive (CD): downward attack.

    -Cả 3 đòn này có thể đc nối với nhau tùy thuộc vào cách bấm:
    *CS > upward wall rush (UP+O), forward chase (O), downward chase (DOWN+O)
    *TL > upward chase (UP+O), forward wall rush (O), downward chase (DOWN+O)
    *CD > upward chase (UP+O), forward chase (O), downward wall rush (DOWN+O)

    -PL > triangle > TR là một combo khá tốt, trong khí đó PL > CD thường hay hụt với OK, có lẽ chỉ dùng đc với nhân vật rơi nhanh hơn

    -Lancet có thể đánh trên ko, và Kain có thể di chuyển lúc khởi đầu chiêu.

    Gilgamesh Unknown [Final Fantasy V]
    - Mang nhiều vũ khí với nhiều đòn đánh, giống như Bartz, Laguna,hay Vaan.EX Mode của Gilgamesh sẽ giúp Gilgamesh nắm giữ một loại vũ khí đặc biệt với mỗi tính năng khác nhau của mỗi vũ khí trong suốt thời gian EXMode. Điều này làm cho EX Mode của Gilgamesh như một canh bạc đặc cược, vì bạn sẽ ko biết trước được Gilgamesh sẽ rút ra vũ khí nào:

    Excalibur :100% Critical damage
    Excalipoor: Tất cả damage đều bằng 1
    Naginata: Trang bị 1 cây thương với tầm đánh/tầm với tuyệt vời
    Masamune:Sản xuất ra rất nhiều EX Force
    Genji's Katana: Làm giảm EX Gauge của đối thủ
    Zantetsu Sword: Đòn đánh ới kiểu rút kiếm cực nhanh có thể gây nên Brave Break ngay lập tức
    Battle Axe : Một vũ khí với tầm damage rộng, nếu may mắn có thể gây damage lớn.
    Chicken Knife: Càng ít HP càng gây nhiều damage (người chơi)

    - Movements, attacks, and đối thoại đc nói rằng sẽ rất hài hước
    - Hoàn toàn phụ thộc vào sự may mắn của người chơi - ko phải là chỉ số Luck
    - Custom2:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    - Custom3: [spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    - EX Mode = "Gilgamesh Change!"(http://i51.tinypic.com/34ffblx.png)- Gilgamesh mọc 8 cánh tay và sẽ mang một ố loại vũ khí bất kì, với những tính năng khác nhau. Có thể có cả 8 vũ khí khác nhau hay 8 loại vũ khí giống nhau
    _____EX Burst = The Strongest Blade - 8 thanh kiếm xoay quanh bạn - 1 Excalibur và 7 Excalipoors. chọn đúng sẽ gây maximum damage, còn lại sẽ gây 1 damage

    Tifa Lockheart Feint Brawler - Can cancel out of the beginning of any of her melee attacks, BRV or HP, with X to feint. If close, she’ll sweep around to the opponent’s back, if at a distance, she’ll rush forward towards them. After feinting, she can continue her initial attack, or do nothing – but this incurs a horrible cool down penalty.

    (Có thể thoát khỏi phần mờ đầu đòn đánh của mình bằng cách nhấn X để Feint(Nếu ở gần đối thủ,Tifa sẽ vòng ra sau lưng đối thủ.Nếu ở xa thì Tifa sẽ dash tới đối thủ).Sau khi Feint Tifa có thể tiếp tục đòn đánh hoặc ko làm gì cả nhưng điều này có thể sẽ gây bất lợi cho Tifa vì sau khi Feint sẽ rất là lag )

    -Không thể thực hiện một đòn đánh khác sau Feint. Và "lag of Feint" rất lớn.
    -Feintthực chất ko phải là Doge cancel một đòn đánh. Nó chỉ là một nhánh trong đòn đánh.Có thể biểu diễn cách bấm như sơ đồ sau

    O ---------------->>> Thực hiện chiêu thức (ko Feint)
      ---X---O----->>> Thực hiện chiêu thức,nhấn O > Feint > Nhấn O để đánh tiếp (Ko phải là tung chiêu khác đâu đó)

    -Và vì vậy bạn Không thể thực hiện một đòn đánh khác sau Feint , nhấn O (hoặc [] sau HP Feint) sẽ chỉ thực hiện cái O thứ 2 trong sơ ồ trên, mà những đòn này hầu hết trong mọi trường hợp là một đòn đánh tầm ngắn của đòn ko Feint. Những đòn đánh khác nhau có những thời điểm Feint khác nhau và có thể xem đc trong bảng chiêu.(Người tường thuật nói đã thấy ít nhất 1 chiêu có 2 thời điểm Feint

    -Bên cạnh đó ta ko thể Doge Cancel sau khi Feint.Và lag sau Feint là RẤT LỚN, có lẽ khoảng 3 giây (vì đây là khoảng thời gian bạn nhấn 0 để đánh tiếp sau khi Feint)

    - Custome 2 là bộ trong AC:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    - Custome 3 là Cowgirl:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    - Blizzara spell bắn thẳng, giữ chân đối thủ một lúc như Mystic Flurry trước khi ném đối thủ xuống sàn. Nếu bị block, 1 tảng băng sẽ xuất hiện trên sân nagy tại đó
    - Blizzaga rơi từ trên xuống,giữ chân đối thủ một lúc trước khi ném đối thủ xuống sàn
    -Khi vào EX Mode sẽ hiện lên Equipped Premium Heart
    +Thanh EX Gauge càng đầy thì dam đánh càng mạnh
    + EX Burst = Slots Giống như FFVII original,nhấn “Yeah” để đạt max dam.Tifa kết thúc EXBurst với chiêu Final Heaven

    Yuna Grand Summoner
    - Triệu hồi các Aeon ra sân với nhiều tính năng khác nhau. Yuna sẽ múa gậy và Aeon sẽ hiện ra đánh rồi nhanh chóng biến mất. Phạm vi đánh của những đòn tấn công là của Aeon, ko phải của Yuna
    - Các Aeon có thể đc sử dụng ở bất kì khoảng cách nào và các skill của Yuna đc nói là rất tuyệt đối với người mới chơi. Yuna có thể triệu hồi Ifrit, Shiva, Ixion, Valefor, và Bahamut. Đòn Bravery attacks của Yuna là những đòn “special” của các Aeon ở FFX, trong khi đó HP Attacks là các Overdrives như Hellfire, Daimond Dust, và Mega Flare
    - Custom:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    - EX Mode = Double Summon – 1 Aeon khác sẽ xuất hiện trong những đòn đánh khi ở trong EX Mode, tựa như 2 khả năng Squall's Lionheart –gây nhiều hit từ một combo. Một extra Aeon có lẽ sẽ bảo vệ Yuna trong “cool down phases”
    -EX Burst = To the Farplane – Nhấn các nút hiện lên đúng lúc trong khi các Aeon tấn công, và rồi "gửi" đối thủ đến Farplane

    Prishe Combo Maker [Final Fantasy XI]
    - Nừoi chơi có thể set những đòn đánh nối với nhau từ Ability Menu, tạo nên những combo 2 bước khác nhau với nhiều tính năng khác nhau khi dùng
    -Custom2,3: [spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    - EX Mode = "Two-Hour Ability" - [/B]Hundred Fists[/B] allows Prishe to execute a third step to her combos while benefiting from increased movement speed
    _____EX Burst = "Shining Five" - Press the button displayed to have Prishe kick five orbs of light at the opponent, before ending it by throwing the Star of Tavnazia

    Vaan Adroit Attacker -Switches between eight different weapons (shortsword, greatsword, shield, rifle, bowgun, longbow, spear, katana,), and his bare hands. Each different weapon is tied to a Bravery attack, and he holds the weapon corresponding to that attack until a different one is performed. Switching from one weapon to another grants a "Switch Bonus" to the attack, giving them special properties depending on what weapon you switched from.

    -Vaan có khả năng Swicth weapon và mỗi một weapon có 2 dạng:Normal version và Swicth version-dạng này dĩ nhiên xin hơn Normal^^).Ở mỗi một đòn đánh của Vaan thì Vaan dùng một trong số 8 loại vũ khí (axe+shield, sword+shield, greatsword, katana, bowgun, gun, spear, and staff) để đánh.Và khi Vaan dùng một đòn đánh khác thì lúc đó Vaan sẽ giữ loại vũ khí mà Vaan mới dùng để biểu điễn đòn vừa rồi đồng thời có đc Swicth bonus cho cái vũ khí đó.

    Ví dụ:Vaan xài cái đòn chém 3 nhát bằng Katana thì lúc này Vaan sẽ cầm Katana;rồi sau đó Vaan sử dụng Bowgun bắn đối thủ thì lúc này Vaan đã chuyển sang cầm Bowgun (và cái Bowgun lúc này đang là Swicth Version vì bạn chuyển từ vũ khí này sang vũ khí khác mà)

    -Khi đang cầm Swicth Version trong tay mà tiếp tục biểu điễn đòn đánh cũng với weapon đó thì weapon đó chuyển về Normal Version và ngược lại khi đang cầm Normal Version mà tiếp tục biểu điễn đòn đánh cũng với weapon đó thì thì weapon đó chuyển về lại Swicth Version

    -Vì vậy Vaan co khả năng đặc biệt chuyển về Barehand bằng R+[] vì khi từ Barehand chuyển sang một weapon khác thì bạn luôn có đc dạng Swicth Version của loại weapon đó.Nói chung khả năng này giúp bạn lun có Swicth Version một cách nhanh chóng mà ko cần Swicth qua Swicth lại để có Swicth Version.Sau khi dùng HP atk và vào Chasemode thì vũ khí của Vaan sẽ chuyển về Barehand

    - Wind’s Rupture có thể sát thương đối thủ đứng trên vòng tròn pháp thuật do Vaan tạo ra, trước khi tornado xuất hiện

    - Custome 2:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    - Custome 3: [spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    -Khi vào EX Mode sẽ hiện lên License Complete! (giống như "Mist!"trong bản tiếng Anh)
    + EX Burst = Quickening:Chọn chiêu trước khi hết thời gian để sử dụng Red Spiral, White Whorl và Pyroclasm
    +Strongest Weapon:tăng dam (ko rõ là bao nhiêu)
    +Free Switch:Nhấn R+[] để đổi vũ khí về Bare hands ngay lập tức

    Axe+Shield (ground)
    [Normal] Nhấn 0 x3 để multihit attack, có Wall rush, ko chắc là đòn này có khả năng Guard.
    [Switch] Nhảy lên một chút +đánh hướng xuống, guard ngay lúc bắt đầu, guard crush (Melee High priority), có Wall rush.(Đánh thêm 1 đòn nữa khi đang trong EX mode).

    Guns (ground)
    [Normal] Chỉ bắn một phát từ shotgun. Wall rush effect.
    [Switch] Nhảy lùi trước khi thực hiện phát bắn shotgun. Wall rush effect. Có khả năng Dodge khi nhảy lùi. (Đánh thêm 1 đòn nữa khi đang trong EX mode).

    Greatsword (ground)
    [Normal] Nhấn 0 x2, ko thể charge, mở đầu chiêu chậm. Wall rush effect.
    [Switch] Đòn đánh xông vào,có thể charge để tăng khoảng cách xông vào. "Uncharged version" có khởi đầu nhanh nhưng bị giới hạn.Wall rush effect

    Katana (air)
    [Normal] 1 nhát chém nhiều hit, xông vào, chase effect.
    [Switch] Giống "Normal version" nhưng khởi đầu lâu hơn, nhiều hit hơn, như Sephiroth's attack, nhát đầu sẽ gây nhiều hít hơn nếu bạn giữ nút 0 đủ lâu. Chase effect.

    Sword+Shield (air)
    [Normal] Nhấn 0 x3,khởi đầu nhanh. Chase effect.
    [Switch] Guard, rồi đến một cú đánh cực mạnh. Chase effect.

    Staff (air)
    [Normal] Tầm ngắn, khởi đầu nhanh, nhiều nhát. Chase effect.
    [Switch] Quơ gậy xung quanh mình tạo ra khối cầu như "CoD air 2". khởi đầu nhanh, Vaan có thể di chuyển khi tấn công. Chase effect.(Đánh thêm 1 đòn nữa khi đang trong EX mode).

    Crossbow (air)
    [Normal] Chỉ một vài phát bắn, medium range. Ko nhấn giữ. Chase effect.
    [Switch] Nhấn giữ để tăng số lượng phát bắn, giống như Laguna's Machine Gun,nhưng Vaan ko di chuyển khi bắn đc. Chase effect.

    Spear (ground)
    [Normal] Đòn đánh bằng thương,nhanh và nhiều nhát.Có Wall rush effect.
    [Switch] Quơ thương trên đầu. Absorb, Wall rush effect.

    Lightning-Paradigm Commando - Can cycle between her three main roles (Commando, Ravager, and Medic) by pressing L+R together, giving her a different set of Bravery attacks. There seems to be almost no frames in between Paradigm Shifts.

    (Có thể chuyển đổi giữa 3 mode:Commando, Ravager, và Medic bẳng cách nhấn R+L cho phép Lightning có đc nhiều set Brv khác nhau.Và có vẻ như việc chuyển đổi này ko tốn frames)

    - Commando Sử dụng physical atk và Ruin spells.Và rất nhiều đòn Commando có khả năng gây Wall Rush
    *Ruin dí đối thủ tốt
    *Ruinga làm nổ tung đối thủ lên trên

    - Ravager Sử dụng các loại phép thuật cực mạnh và có tầm xa.
    *Thunder hits với 1 tia sét, nhưng có một chút cooldown, và có thể dùng trong "three-step combo". Có Chase effect
    *Thundaga tồn tại trên sân một lúc cho dù Lightning có bị trúng đòn đi chăng nữa.
    *Watera giống Flare, và có thể gây staggers guards, và sau đó sẽ quy lại dí Lightning
    *Fire tung ra mất một lúc mới dí đối thủ với tốc độ vừa và tầm xa. Có thể có nhiều Fire trên sân giống như của Cloud

    - Medic Tăng một chút Brv mà ko cần đánh đối thủ.Cure có thể dùng lien tục và nhanh.Trong khi đó Curaga cần bấm nút để xài một cách chính xác
    *Cure có thể được sử dụng nhiều lần và nhanh chóng cho 1 "three-step combo". Phép Cure cuối cùng của combo phục hồi nhiều hơn 2 cái trước đó
    *Curaga cần bấm nút đúng thời điểm để thực hiện

    - Custom 2:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    - Custom 3:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    - Custom 4:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    -Khi lên EX Mode sẽ hiện lên Equipped Omega Weapon
    + Quick Stagger:Cho lightning cơ hội Break đối thủ ngay lập tức bằng 1 đòn Brv atk khi đối phương đang Near Break_____
    + Grav-con Unit:Bảo vệ Lightning khỏi Wall Rush bằng cách nẩy Lightning lên khi sắp chạm sàn/tường/trần
    + EX Burst = Gestalt Mode: The Gestalt Dial từ XIII sẽ xuất hiện và người chơi phải bấm nút và xoay analog chính xác để đc max dam.Lightning sẽ kết thúc EXBurst bằng chiêu Zantetsuken.Nếu bấm ko thành công thì EXBurst sẽ tự động chuyển tới cảnh dứt điểm

    Laguna Loire Tactical Gunner
    -Bằng việc bấm giữ nút atk,Larguna biến đổi nhiều đòn tấn công,ko chỉ Brv mà một số đòn Hp atk

    *Machine Gun – Di chuyển trong khi đánh
    *Ricochet Snipe – Ngắm rifle vào tường/sàn để nó dội vào đối thủ
    -Có 3 lv: No charge – đạn bình thường
    Half charge – Tách ra 3 viên đạn khi dội
    Max charge - Tách ra 5 viên đạn khi dội
    *6-Pack Missile –Nhấn = 1 missile, và giữ nút để bắn nhiều hơn, max = 6
    *Shotgun – Đạn nổ trong một phạm vi nhỏ hơn,tăng damage.
    *Stickey Bomb – Có thể dính vào bất cứ thứ gì trước khi nổ
    *Split Laser – 1 viên đạn năng lượng lớn bay ra trước khi tách ra thành những viên đạn nhỏ hơn
    *Rocket Launcher: Ngắm tự do + homing
    * Grenade ko nhấn giữ trong đòn này, nhưng nhấn lien tục. 1,2 hay 3 lần để xác định,ước lượng khoảng cách
    *Shell Bomb-Khi quăng ra, sẽ tạo ra một quả cầu nam châm điện có thể dội đòn Brv của đối thủ và có thể hit lun đối thủ nếu đối thủ đến quá gần.Ko có "hold" version.

    - Custom2:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    - Custom3:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    -Khi lên EX Mode sẽ hiện lên "Look, the faeries are here!"
    + EX Burst = "Desperado"-Larguna nhảy lên đầu chiếc phi thuyền Ragnarok vàng ánh và bắn xả đối phương bằng vũ khí mà chỉ có công nghệ cao của Esthar mới có thể cung cấp!
    +Faeries' Miracle cho phép Laguna thoát khỏi "the cooldown of attacks" bằng cách cho phép Larguna đánh tiếp một đòn khác

    Reprising Character Information:​
    [spoil]-Warrior of Light có đòn mới là Ultimate Shield (HP Attack) cũng như Aerial Day Flash. Những đòn đánh bằng khiên đã mất Chase. Shield of Light bây giờ có thể sử dụng ở nhiều góc độ, phụ thuộc vào vị trí của đối thủ.Đường đi của tấm khiên của chiêu Sword Thrust dí thẳng dài ra một chút.
    *Costume 3:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]

    -Firion có đòn mới là Lord of Arms (HP Attack), với 2 làn đánh liên tiếp cho dù làn đánh thứ 1 có trật. Rope Knife dí thẳng dài hơn,đã có thể block đc. Straight Arrow đi nhanh hơn. Lead Axe bây giờ có thể tiếp tục “2nd phrase” thậm chí cái Axe có trật đi nữa. Tất cả các đòn Bravery dưới đất có thể nối với một đon khác phụ thuộc vào cách bấm ở “2nd phrase”. Các đòn Magic Arts có thể tung 3 lần liên tiếp tùy ý (ví dụ: Fire>Blizzard>Thunder). Lance Combo (Brush Lance) tăng absorb effect. Swordslash có WallRush effect .

    -Onion Knight có đòn mới có khả năng boosts các chỉ số khác nhau trong một khoảng thời gian ngắn.
    *Costume 3:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]

    - Cecil có đòn mới tầm dài là Light Thruster (HP Attack) ở Paladin, và tầm ngắn là Shadow Bringer (HP Attack) ở Dark Knight. Đòn Shadow Lance bây giờ “crushes guards” khi ở gần.Tầm với Soul Eater tăng. *Costume 3:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]

    - Bartz nhận đc những chiêu mới của các nhân vật Cosmos mới, như Lightning's Blazefire Saber và Vaan's Katana. Bartz cũng mất một số chiêu cũng để thay vào đó là những chiêu thức mới.
    *Costume 3:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]

    - Terra có Firaga (HP Link từ Fire). Ultima bây giờ ném đối thủ xuống sàn để WallRush.
    *Costume 3:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]

    - Cloud nhận đc Meteorain [Air] (HP Attack), cũng như Aerial Double Cut.Tầm với Cross Slash đã đc tăng lên đáng kể. Meteorain [Ground]bay giờ dí lia theo vị trí của đối thủ.
    *Costume 3:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    *Costume 4:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]

    - Squall có một vài sự thay đổi: Beat Fang giảm damage và tracking nhẹ.Đạn Mystic Flurry hit 8 lần. Fated/Aerial Circle tăng khả năng absorb. Nhận đc chiêu mới Fire Barret (phép thuật trên ko), bắn ra nhiều firebolts cùng một lúc. Blasting Zone giờ dí theo đối thủ nhiều hơn.
    *Costume 3:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]

    - Zidane nhận đc chiêu Booster-8, một đòn đánh xông vào ở dười đất cực nhanh có thể gây stagger và nối với các chiêu thức khác trên ko nếu trúng.Tầm đánh Free Energy giảm đi rất nhiều.
    *Costume 3:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]

    - Những đòn đánh có dodge của Tidus bay giờ đã có dodge frames dài hơn. Có Cut & Run [Air] có them một chút vertical tracking. Sphere Shot gây stagger. Spiral Cut block magic khi nhảy lùi.
    *Costume 3:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]

    -Retribution của Shantotto gây stagger, có vẻ có thể link với Stun khi timing đúng. Tất cả HP Attacks mở đầu ngắn hơn, với Bravery bị làm giảm để nối với các đòn magic tiếp theo. Bio giờ sẽ phản lại thay vì biến mất khi bị block.
    *Costume 3:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]

    -Garland nhận đc Flare (HP Attack), 1 cú chém nổ đôi ở tầm gần, cũng như Thunder-Bravery attack. *Costume 3:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]

    - Emperor Mateus nhận đc Melancholia Prison, 1 HP Trap trở nên gần như tang hình sau khi đặt, với chỉ một vài quả cầu nhỏ hiện hình. Có thể đặt đc 3 cái trên sân, và khi một cái mới đc đặt thì cái cũ nhất sẽ biến mất. Dynamite giờ có thể “crushes guards” khi charge full. Starfall khi charge có thể blocks magic. Flares giờ có thể làm đối thủ WallRush.Có thể đặt 10 Mines.
    *Costume 3:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]

    - Cloud of Darkness nhận đc Tentacle of Hatred (Bravery Attack) mấy cái vòi sẽ đánh vòng xung quanh, và có thể nối với những đòn đánh khác. [Wide Angle] Particle Beam đi xa hơn và nhanh hơn. [Fusillade] Particle Beam giờ WallRush, và bạn có thể di chuyển lúc khởi đầu. Tentacle of Pain tăng các góc độ tấn công.Nhánh thứ 3 Tentacle of Hate gây staggers. [0-Form] Particle Beam có khởi đầu dài hơn. [Feint] Particle Beam có range dài hơn.
    *Costume 3:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]

    - Golbez nhận đc Sector Ray (HP Attack) cả dưới đất và trên ko. Gravity/Float Systems ko có bắn ra có tia laser nếu cú đánh vật lí bị block. Hit thứ 2 của Gravity Force gây stagger.
    *Costume 3:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]

    -Exdeath nhận đc Mealstrom (HP Attack), một đòn đánh long-charging có thể canceled khi ấn nhả nút, có vẻ như có accuracy rất tốt. Almagest giờ block magic, và có thể canceled để nối với các đòn Guard khi charge. High Guard đổi mặt theo hướng đối thủ khi charge.
    *Costume 3:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]

    -Đòn Scattershot Blizzaga của Kefka tảng băng gây stagger, trong khi Lickity-Split Thundaga giờ dí theo phương thẳng đứng rất tốt. Ultima nổ gây stagger. Kefka có thể di chuyển khi chơi Forsaken Null.
    *Costume 3:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]

    - Sephiroth nhận đc Setsuna/Moment (Bravery attack) giống Dayflash. Heartless Angel có nhiều cool down nếu canceled. Scintilla block lâu hơn. Sudden Cruelty ko còn gây stun nhiều, và Godspeed bị giảm range.
    *Costume 3:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]

    - Ultimecia nhận đc Hell's Judgment (HP Attack), và Knight's Spear (Bravery Attack), xuất hiện nhanh và đẩy đối thủ vào tường.
    *Costume 3:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]

    - Kuja nhận đc Force Symphony (HP Attack trên ko), Kuja bay ở phía trên và thả bom xuống. Seraphic Star cũng cho phép Kuja di chuyển khi đang đánh. Flare Star dí tốt hơn.
    *Costume 3: [spoil][​IMG][/spoil]

    - Jecht nhận đc Jecht Beam (HP Attack), một cú húc đầu mạnh mẽ tạo ra một luồng năng lượng. Jecht Beam absorb, và có thể làm lệch hướng rất nhiều đòn đánh , như Jecht Block. Những đòn đánh đã charge nhanh hơn, và giờ có thể dodge khi charge nếu thấy cần thiết. Range những đòn đánh đã tăng nhẹ.
    *Costume 3:[spoil][​IMG][/spoil]

    - Gabranth có đòn đánh mới Ground Breaking Slash (Bravery attack), một luồng chém nổ.
    *Costume 3 ko đổi khi vào EXMode: [spoil][​IMG][/spoil]

    Scans;Videos;New Music;New Summons Information;New Battleground Information:​

    -Nhấn vào link: (http://forum.gamevn.com/showpost.php?p=17723268)

    Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy General Knowledge & Mechanics Digest:​

    -Nhấn vào link: (http://forum.gamevn.com/showpost.php?p=17747661)
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 3/3/11
  2. duocean

    duocean Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Lập một topic thông tin cho dissidia là tốt rồi , nhưng vì là box mới , mong bạn xem xét hỏi ý kiến trước khi lập nhe :), tại vì tên topic cũng quan trọng, với lại phải quản lý topic kỹ để tránh post trùng lặp , spam v..v, mới lấy lòng các anh đại dc .Xin cám ơn ;)
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 26/1/11
  3. *Kyuubiko*

    *Kyuubiko* Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Moe ISM
    Thực ra tớ nhờ Snowsheep lập mà. Nói trước mấy lần rồi không ai ý kiến gì nên cậu ấy mở luôn là đúng thôi ;;)
    Topic Tin tức thì chịu thôi, nên để tin tức là ổn, chữ nghĩ mãi chả thấy tên nào hay hơn nó ;;).
    Thanks snowsheep đã tích cực :)
  4. duocean

    duocean Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Thì biết là vậy nhưng tên cò gì lo :> ,
    edge of darkness: nơi bọn xấu bàn bạc >:)
    Chaos shrine cũng dc :nói sao nhỉ , ngày xưa toàn thần với bụt cung cấp thông tin cho người phàm :))

    Với nhắc khéo vậy thôi , ko có ý gì :)
  5. Snowsheep

    Snowsheep Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Những thông tin cũ:​

    Phantom Train Screenshots​

    New Screenshots from Dissidia France​

    More Encounter Lines and Assist Lines​

    Vs Kain - Do not stray from the righteous path
    Vs Tifa - I am anxious to be your opponent.
    Vs Laguna - A single sword is all I need.
    Vs Yuna - You can walk the path of your own choosing.
    Vs Prishe - My sword surpasses your fists.
    Vs Vaan - Slow down or you'll hurt yourself.
    Vs Lightning - Are you planning to win with your light?
    Assist - I'll lend you my strength!

    Vs Kain - You too have something you won't give up?
    Vs Gilgamesh - Return to the Interdimensional Rift!
    Vs Tifa - Hesitation is useless in battle!
    Vs Laguna - We may remember something if we fight.
    Vs Yuna - Let's both work toward... happier things.
    Vs Prishe - You fight with just your fists?
    Vs Vaan - Let's take to the sky someday.
    Vs Lightning - You need only to trust, I'm sure of it.
    Assist - I've got your back!

    Onion Knight
    Vs Kain - Do you ever hit birds when you Jump?
    Vs Gilgamesh - Can we have a serious fight?
    Vs Tifa - You can fight dressed like that?
    Vs Laguna - I may be a kid, but I'm not stupid.
    Vs Yuna - A summoner... were you born with a horn?
    Vs Prishe - Your age shows in your eyes.
    Vs Vaan - Stop playing and act like an adult!
    Vs Lighting - Please, teach me something new!
    Assist - It can't be helped.

    Vs Kain - Kain, let's fight with all our strength!
    Vs Gilgamesh - ...Blood lust? No, this is...
    Vs Tifa - Let's try to avoid injuries.
    Vs Laguna - Now is the time for a serious fight.
    Vs Yuna - Use your power for what is right.
    Vs Prishe - Are you hungry? (apparently a reference to Prishe's appetite)
    Vs Vaan - The sky is not a kind place.
    Vs Lighting - Your name suits you well.
    Assist - Are you okay?

    Assist - Let me handle this!

    Vs Kain - Don't ambush me mid-air!
    Vs Gilgamesh - Don't run-away mid-battle!
    Vs Tifa - I can also fight bare-handed.
    Vs Laguna - Your weapons are so awesome.
    Vs Yuna - You're with your partners, huh. (Referring to Aeons)
    Vs Prishe - You give a somewhat bossy feel.
    Vs Vaan - The sky is a scary place.
    Vs Lightning - Fight me anyway you like.
    Assist - Just a minute!

    Vs Kain - Don't be so hard on yourself.
    Vs Tifa - I will... also stand and fight.
    Vs Laguna - - You seem lost but still spirited.
    Vs Vaan - It's okay, I will fight.
    Vs Lightning - I will stand firm.
    Assist - I'll fight too!

    Vs Kain - Are sins ever forgiven?
    Vs Tifa - Looks like we have to fight...
    Vs Laguna - Blood lust... I don't see it in you.
    Vs Vaan - By itself, yearning is useless.
    Vs Lightning - You're a true soldier.
    Assist - I'll assist you!

    Assist - I'll come help you!

    Vs Kain - There are only friends and foes.
    Vs Tifa - Don't bother preaching to me.
    Vs Laugna - It's the guy from my dreams.
    Vs Vaan - What an awkward guy.
    Vs Lightning - You're not an ordinary soldier.
    Assist - Don't lose focus.

    Assist - Don't expect much!

    Vs Kain - Let's see how long you'll stay so cool
    Vs Tifa - I like 'em brave and daring.
    Vs Laguna - I don't have time for leg cramps.
    Vs Vaan - Aren't you thoroughly free-wheeling.
    Vs Lightning - Light, please be gentle with me!
    Assist - Leave it to me!

    Vs Kain - When I'm under water, I can fly too.
    Vs Tifa - Let's both promise not to hold back.
    Vs Laguna - You can't beat me if I put my heart into it!
    Vs Vaan - Don't think about running away on me.
    Vs Lighting - The hero is here! ...or something like that.
    Assist - I'll help you!

    Assist - Hang in there!

    Shantotto (I did hers rather loosely to accomdate the rhyming)
    Vs Kain - I am sick of your no-good tricks.
    Vs Tifa - I shall surpass this young lass.
    Vs Laguna - There can be no success for Mr. Careless.
    Vs Lightning - I shall be complete in teaching you the meaning of defeat.
    Assist - I cannot bare to see such dispair.

    Assist - You called for me?

    Assist - Let's get this over with.

    Vs Kain - Strategy is useless in battle.
    Vs Tifa - Show me your fightning skills and spirit.
    Vs Laguna - You're not suited for the battlefield.
    Vs Vaan - You cannot win if you play around.
    Vs Lightning - You plan to fight fate?
    Assist - Fight your own battles!

    Vs Kain - A knight without a lord...
    Vs Tifa - Such a saucy wench. (*could not help self*)
    Vs Lightning - Shall I hear the rumbling of thunder?
    Assist - This will cost you dearly...

    Vs Kain - Darkness lays dormant in your heart.
    Vs Laguna - Such a simple-minded creature...
    Vs Vaan - We shall put an end to your mission.
    Assist - You summoned us?

    Vs Kain - Show me your true determination.
    Vs Laguna - I can't hate you.
    Vs Vaan - Freedom is not the only thing in the sky.
    Vs Lightning - Build the foundation of your future.
    Assist - Stand down!

    Vs Kain - You cast off your faith, and what did you gain?
    Vs Tifa - Promises and hopes shall be swallowed by the Void.
    Vs Lightning - This will to fight... it is...
    Assist - I'll support you!

    Vs Kain - Oh... the traitor has arrived.
    Vs Laguna - You're quite the clown yourself.
    Vs Vaan - A boy who can't read.... the atmosphere?
    Vs Lightning - Women warriors... can't stomach 'em.
    Assist - Yes, yes, you called?

    Vs Kain - Petty tricks won't change your fate.
    Vs Tifa - Your hero isn't coming.
    Vs Lightning - You're a cursed soldier as well.
    Assist - I'm doing this on a whim.

    Vs Kain - You dare oppose me?
    Vs Laguna - Can you take me on without help?
    Vs Vaan - You can't escape from me.
    Vs Lightning - Futile struggles are just unsightly.
    Assist - I'll lend you a hand.

    Vs Kain - How unpleasant, all this self-sacrifice...
    Vs Vaan - Simple boys should remain silent.
    Vs Lightning - You seem to be the wannabe protagonist.
    Assist - I've come to help you!

    Vs Kain - I'll send you flying to the skies.
    Vs Tifa - Have faith in your youth!
    Vs Laguna - It takes personality to be a big shot.
    Vs Vaan - Believe in limitless potential.
    Vs Lightning - Your confidence is your strength, little lady.
    Assist - Leave it to the ace!

    No encounter lines for Gabranth, sorry.
    Assist - It cannot be helped...

    Assist - I'm here
    Cure - Hang in there.
    Seal Evil - Be good now!
    Planet Protecter - To protect the planet
    Holy - Please, give us stregnth!
    Dissidia 012 Character Tournament Round 1-A - Laguna vs. Sephiroth​

    New picures​

    More dengeki info!​

    Exclusive Weapons​

    [spoil](Nguồn: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/605802-dissidia-012-duodecim-final-fantasy/58200784)[/spoil]
    New Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy Character Hinted At For Live Broadcast​

    [spoil](Nguồn: http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2011/02/21/dissidia_new_characters/) [/spoil]
    More New Character Encouter Lines​

    (Nguồn: http://community.livejournal.com/ffchaoticcosmos/349340.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/ffchaoticcosmos/350398.html)
    Notes from Dengeki PS​

    Seems Like The West Is Getting Dissidia Duodecim Prologus Soon​

    Chaos, Cosmos and Leon at the Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy Official Site​

    New Jump Scans​

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy: First Gilgamesh Details​

    [spoil] (Nguồn:http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2011/02/16/dissidia_gilgamesh_details/)[/spoil]
    Dissidia 012 Duodecim Final Fantasy US Preorder Incentives Announced​

    [spoil] (Nguồn:http://www.rpgsite.net/news/995/dis...fantasy-us-preorder-incentives-announced.html)[/spoil]
    Cover Japanese​

    Famitsu Scans are out!​

    Dissidia 012 Duodecim Final Fantasy gets European Special Edition, Date​

    First Look: Gilgamesh in Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantsy​

    Dengeki Scan previews for dissidia duodecim​

    Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy Official Site Update​

    First Look: Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy's Dungeon Play and More new pictures​

    [spoil](Nguồn: http://www.famitsu.com/news/201102/10040197.html)[/spoil]
    Story Cutscences and Empyreal Paradox Map Battle ​

    Vid1: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVDBQ9Y-p1g&feature=player_embedded)
    Vid2: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlcOK-5pudY&feature=player_embedded)
    Vid3: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBWiCkDqI5Y&feature=player_embedded)
    [spoil] Translation:
    You call this 'safe'?
    The only ones who have managed to escape and make it this far are him and me.
    If we follow your commands, we'll fall before we even gain the crystals.
    I'm not going to let it all end in this world.

    It is as you say.
    We will fall.


    So you're just like Cain.
    What are you planning, traitor!?

    That is not for you to know right now.


    Then you're just going to watch your allies die?
    You're no different from an Imitation.

    That's why I helped you out.
    You ought to be showing me some gratitude!

    You've got to be kidding me.

    It's not like he'll die, anyway. It'll take more than that.
    He'll be fine on his lonesome.

    He won't die?

    This is super interesting and all but what's the point?
    Even if I told you, it's not like you'd remember.
    Well, I've got some very important business to take care of so with that...
    BYE BYE!!

    What... did he mean?


    Edit; and Garland's:

    The Imitations will soon take this place as well.
    There is no need to deal with you personally.
    The Imitations have proved far more useful than I could have hoped.
    Incomplete puppets they may be, but they are enough to take down you all.


    Most of your comrades have already set off on their way.
    You, too, should enjoy what little time you have left.

    On their way?
    Hey, what does that mean?

    The Imitations know no mercy.
    They will show you only utter annihilation, without any hope of resurrection.
    I think this should be the last time we shall meet.
    How pitiful, warrior of Cosmos! [/spoil]

    Empyreal Paradox Map Battle: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmJk5Ttcxao&feature=player_embedded)
    Summary of this week's Famitsu​

    -崑崙八象脚=Nullifying Dropkick has the exact same animation as in FFXI.
    -Holy has good tracking, Banishga sends opponent flying. No recovery type magics, focus on offensive.
    -SkillChain "Fusion" and "Gravitation" were shown.
    -EX Burst: some rapid punches and kicks, followed by tossing 5 light spear thingy. Pressing the correct button shown on screen will increase damage. Finally, a big magicite is thrown.

    Play Impression
    -obviously Mnk/Whm, fighting with hand2hand and white magic.
    -only offensive white magics have been seen.
    -She has all Weapon Skills that are available to a Lv75 Monk in FFXI
    -Asuran Fists is HP attack
    -on her Brv attacks, performing 2x Weapon Skills will result in a SkillChain that does additional damage.
    -different Weaponskills produce different SkillChains, you will need FFXI's SkillChain element knowledge.
    -have not seen any Brv>HP link.
    -certain conditions have to be met before unlocking Prishe, although it seems not to be difficult.

    Interview with Battle Director
    -Prishe has 4 ground Weapon Skills and 4 in the air, and each has 8 follow up Brv attacks. Player can pick
    1 from these 8 follow ups and combine that to 2 Weaponskills.
    -In picking which skills to use, consider the followings: range and startup on Starters, knock back direction, chase/wall rush properties on Finishers. Also the amount of EX Force produces differs, and some attacks are charge-able.
    -SkillChain is performed by doing Brv attacks in specific order, it provides a bonus damage. It won't alter the properties on the attacks, its sole purpose is for the additional damage. The only thing that's different from FFXI is the amount of damage bonus. Anyway SkillChain is not the focus in DDFF, the main point is to combine different attacks for combos.

    -Too bad Magic Burst is not available.
    -In Ex Mode, the "Finisher" could be done 1 more time (hence combo of 3 attacks).
    -EX Burst occurs in a very fast tempo.

    -In the Omega version of Empyreal Paradox, the light from underground is absorbed by the large crystal, sitting in the center of the map.
    -Players that's close to the crystal will gradually lose Brave, absorbed by the crystal too.
    -The absorbed Brave is added to the map brave.
    -Damaging or Breaking part of the crystal could give you the map brave.

    -Phantom Train is a narrow map, but the camera won't be bound, it can go outside of the train and the walls will become transparent.
    -Seats could be destroyed.
    -The camera will slightly shake, just like you are in a moving train.
    (Nguồn:http://so94atg8.blogspot.com/2011/02/f1158-psp-012.html) [/spoil]
    Info on Alternate Costumes, Prishe, Story Maps/Dungeons​

    Gonna introduce Prishe this time, as well as 3P costume for 4 characters:
    Laguna in President costume
    Shantotto in Black Cloak
    Vaan in FFTA2's costume
    Tifa in Nibelheim's event costume (Cowgirl)

    New Character Prishe

    -Using FFXI's WeaponSkills and Magics, players can combine them to produce skillchains that they want.
    -Light based magic "Banishga" will send opponent far away when hit.
    -Weapon Skill "Asuran Fists"
    -EX Burst "五つの輝き" (Ed. Note: "Radiance of the Five," Five Lights of the Crystal, etc.) requires fast command input.
    -She will be a guest in Story mode.

    Interview of Director Takahashi
    - Prishe's Concept is Combo Maker, player can freely combine them to make different combos. Combos are actually set in the Ability Menu before the battle. There are plenty variations to the first part of her attacks, and from there more than one follow ups could be chosen. Developing this character make us cry (laugh). Her degree of freedom on customisation is top among all the characters.
    As a side note, just like Shantotto, "Skillchain" is added for her as a reference to FFXI.

    - VA is 平野綾 (sorry, I don't know her name in Romaji XD) (Ed. Note: "Aya Hirano"). Since there is no voice in the original game, we have discussed with FFXI's team on who would be the best. Side note again, just like Golbez and Exdeath have secret voice in the last game, Prishe also has one here.

    - Prishe will appear in the Story Mode, will be similar to Shantotto and Gabranth in the last game. However her role is much more important. (something related to WoL).

    Dungeon and Field

    -is entered through the gates on the Field.
    -Dungeon is/has KP Bonus' chance setting, Bonus Line Level, Rule and skills could also be set. (sorry, I have spend long time here and still couldn't get this make sense XD)
    -KP Bonus and Bonus Line are different things, entering a dungeon while your level is lower than the Bonus Line, KP would be rewarded immediately.
    -interior of dungeon is the same as the board in the last game, contacting with the imititations (crystal colour characters) will start a battle.

    Gathering KP (Kupo)
    -winning a battle
    -using the "Chain Skill" in dungeon, for example, KP bonus is rewarded when fighting consecutive enemies in the "十" shape area when you are under "Straight Chain" effect.
    -"Chain skill" can be acquired by collecting the sphere "遺志の力" on the Field.
    -Skills such as "Straight chain" or "Cure" can be generated by collecting 4 spheres.

    Spending KP
    -saved KP could be used in Moogle Shops on the Field.
    -Moogle Shop sells Chain Skills, Skills usable on Fields and Accessories.

    -The Field contains enemy and Treasure chest.
    -Party is organised in Story Mode, chat events also happen.

    -FF6's "Phantom Train", very narrow.
    -"Empyreal Paradox" has a very big crystal in the center.

    Director Interview
    -Party Battle could be 1 on 1, or up to a maximum of 10 people. Players who are not your turn fighting, could join as spectators.
    -Because of the new Assist System, strategies that are heavily used in the last game may not work here. Although the battle theory is the same, I want to give you a new fresh feeling. This time, EX vs Assist is really interesting. Especially when fighting against humans players, timing on using which gauge would be the key. New terms will be made, if there are too much to memorize, just remember "EX oppose Assist" as a start.

    -Accessories that boost EX will have a negative effect on Assist, and vice versa.

    -Nothing from the last game is dropped. Colloseum's treasure items are changed. Look forward to our info. New summons appear, Battle BGM is about twice as much.

    -There will be more than one option on Data Transfer. Item and Accessory will not be transferred. Character Levels will be transferred.

    -3P costume is bought from PP shop. Assist characters' costume could be changed as well. This time there are many naked characters, try to make a naked party for fun (laugh)
    (Nguồn:http://community.livejournal.com/ffchaoticcosmos/336053.html) [/spoil]
    Dengeki magazine​

    [spoil]This new character, "Purisshu" introduced.

    About a third form of the character 4
    - "Laguna" President Esta
    When the president emerged as a figure in the second half.
    ・- "Shantotto" OPTIONS: Black Cloak
    FF11-only features Black Mage's "Black Cloak" a motif dress.
    ・- "Van" FFTA2 clothing was at
    ・ - "Tifa" costume during the incident Niburuheimu

    New characters "Purisshu"

    ・ - Hirano Aya's voice, but the already-

    - Battle Concept "Konbomeika"
    ・• FF11 will use magic to appear and Ueponsukiru, it can decide that players work together
    ・ - Divine Magic "Banishuga" blow up your opponent hit
    ・ - Ueponsukiru Fist "Ashura dream" Wild Dance to impress upon him the power to put
    ・ • EX burst "the brightness of the five" It was going to be prompted command fast

    ・ • In a standing position and the story mode guests
    ・ - The stage, "Chains of Promathia" in Rasutobatorueria "chain of celestial phenomena,"
    ・ - Shantotto "but if you are not on your results Satoshi Satoshi By the end of the last magical research Watakushi"
    ・ - "Pain as the strength to overcome the haunting" of his words?

    ・Anazafomu jacket sleeves - and that wore on, the things that are based on white hat Priest

    ・ FF11 cheats at the page, 2 / characters are introduced in the original use for about three pages

    Interview with director
    Takahashi Mitsunori director interviewed.

    - Battle concept Konbomeika fight freely combined using the combo player.
    The combo will be combined in a pre-screen abilities, rather broad. Very rich in variations of the first attack first, it was more than one character attack cry with and develop it further w derived from each attack, so if combined with changes or usability, customization flexibility in all characters ranking. Elsewhere, are also included elements of the technique to be aware of the original work as Shantotto

    ・ - Hirano Aya's voice actor, it was not in the original looked better with a voice FF11 coming to consult with the most perfect team. As an aside, as was the Ekusudesu Shikurettoboisu Golbez and previous work, which also provides Purisshu Shikurettoboisu. I want you to look forward to what is a pretty gorgeous

    ・ - Purisshu also appears in the story mode, but feel like a special frame and Gaburasu Shantotto of previous work. But it turned out to be quite important role Uoriaoburaito watch the same side of the cosmos

    dungeon and field

    ● ● Dungeon
    ・ - I can get on the field from a gate in the dungeon
    ・ - KP dungeon set bonus opportunity, Bonasurainreberu, respectively, are set rules and skills
    ・ • KP 物Rashiku line bonus and another bonus, and start immediately enter the bonus dungeon at a lower level than the line that Nowak KP
    ・ - Inside the dungeon is divided into squares, and something like the previous game, start battle in contact with imitation

    KP (Kupo) to earn
    - such as winning the battle that Nowak is Kupo
    Furthermore, "Cheinsukiru" to use your skills in the dungeon, a range of ten o'clock if Sutoretochein example (like the rook move range) to the enemy and Lien Chan KP bonus Nowak

    ・"Cheinsukiru" is a light bulb on the field, "the power of his will," it can be acquired by collecting
    ・- Collect four "Sutoretochein", which can generate the Cure and other skills

    Using KP
    ・- Kupo saved, which is open on the field Moogle "Mogurishoppu" available at
    ・ • The skills to use on Mogurishoppu Cheinsukiru and field, and accessories available for purchase

    ・ And chest - and there are enemies on the field
    ・ Story Mode - a party to act in partnership, also be event conversation

    - "Magic Train" FF6 on the motif of the map, so very narrow
    ・"Chain of celestial phenomena," they turned on the dome, which is placed a large crystal heart

    - Other things that can power up Coliseum

    Interview with director

    。 Battle Party - but I can play one on one, can also be played like a team competition format at up to 10 people gathered. In that case, people can also gathered to watch the state of play
    (With the late, meaning I do not think people turning 10 get together on the Internet in real terms)

    - It is a big difference with the previous tactics are no longer acceptable in the mainstream was introduced assists. Battle series is unique theory has inherited, the feeling that we want to play been redesigned. This exquisite relationship between assistance and EX, in PvP I think the key to the timing at which gauge to use in particular. The new term has increased, we can enjoy the basic EX very difficult if you remember the things that are paired with the assistance

    - EX accessories assistance to strengthen weakened and customize specific types and vice versa, so the negative effects, but can also occur

    - This part is not cut from the previous work has focused on a different thing limited to the Coliseum and content. I want to forward the information to further evolve in the direction so that more interesting. Also appeared to summon a new object, which contains Battle BGM also nearly doubled the previous work

    - How to take over from the previous one and is not, DFFUT at no greater diversity. Items and accessories such as new materials are 引Ki継Genai in, take over the character's level. The previous player to do what, and grief are part of it to take over as much as possible

    - The third form, looks a lot like his high-impact Uoriaoburaito and Garland. PP is also a third form as well as the format Anazafomu store. Assistance since they can also change the form of characters, wide range combinations. I feel this has put off many characters w profusely because a similar appearance in the form of unpublished, "took off" may be interesting to try to make the party people
    (Nguồn:http://so94atg8.blogspot.com/2011/02/dps489-psp-012.html) [/spoil]
    Have Another Look At Prishe In Dissidia 012[duodecim]: Final Fantasy​

    Watch The Latest Dissidia 012[duodecim]: Final Fantasy Trailer Subtitled In English​

    Vid: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfjD49aRxnM&feature=player_embedded)
    North American cover for Dissidia 012​

    [spoil](Nguồn: http://www.finalfantasy.net/dissidia/012/north-american-duodecim-boxart/)[/spoil]
    English Clips​

    Dodging and Defening: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Soy5zO-dbsg&feature=player_embedded)
    EXBrust: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2c3KNdA-XuQ&feature=player_embedded)
    HP/Brv atk: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dfcna5vs9vk&feature=player_embedded)
    Square Enix EU Poll Results​

    New Famitsu Scans​

    [spoil] (nguồn:http://community.livejournal.com/ffchaoticcosmos/335343.html) [/spoil]
    Cloud nine – Mitsunori Takahashi on Dissidia 012​

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy Prologue Confirmed for the West​

    [spoil](Nguồn:http://www.rpgsite.net/news/981/dis...-fantasy-prologue-confirmed-for-the-west.html) [/spoil]
    Celebrate Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy With These Tumblers​

    [spoil](Nguồn:http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2011/02/04/dissidia_ff_tumblers/) [/spoil]
    Square formally announces 3rd Birthday Twisted Edition​

    Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy -- Prishe's Voice Actress Revealed​

    [spoil](Nguồn:http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2011/02/02/duodecim_prishe_vaan_squall/) [/spoil]
    Original Quest​

    http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=274367&id=371439107220 [/spoil]
    Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy: Aerith Detailed​

    [spoil]Aerith DLC: (http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/images/d/d1/Dissidia_Aerith.png)
    (Nguồn:http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2011/01/27/dissidia_aerith/) [/spoil]
    SQEX EU: DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY Official Character Tournament
    Square Enix Members Europe exclusive:​

    Takahashi Mitsunori director interviewed.
    http://www.famitsu.com/news/201101/29039861.html [/spoil]
    Dissidia 012 Duodecim Prologus - Story Mode​

    The 12th Battle

    Unknown Partners

    *Lightning's narration*
    A world where the battle of gods unfolds.
    Two deities ruling the balance and discord summoned those who lived in other worlds to fight for them. Those summoned, having lost their memories and ways to go back, had no other choice but to serve the god that summoned them. So did I, when I awoke beside the Goddess of Harmony. It was a world where we could only fight. If so, then the remaining possibilities are achieved by victory. Believing so, I decided to join the battle of gods.

    Jecht: Hey, uh... Lightning, was it?
    Light: What is it?
    Jecht: Don't be so unfriendly. We're here not because we wanted to.
    Light: So people should annoy strangers just because they're here not of their free will?
    Jecht: Well, he may be not all that wrong.
    Light: You're Jecht, right? So you're saying, that I am wrong?
    Jecht: Hey, don't get angry. Right? Uh...
    Kain: I'm Kain.
    Jecht: Yeah. Say something. This kind of a start isn't good at all, right?
    Kain: Lightning, in a way you're right. We still don't know each other's powers. No cooperation or trust will be born here this way. Then how about you act together with him and see his skills for yourself.
    Light: Huh?
    Jecht: Hey, that sure sounds fun and everything, but...
    Kain: If something happens, we'll cut in. And this will create a chance to see who is superior in battle.
    Jecht: "We"? You're counting me in too?
    Light: Don't decide for others. I don't remember teaming up with you.
    Kain: Does that mean you don't have confidence to be tested? Well, I just don't know whether you're strong enough to oppose. I want to see your strength.
    WoL: Be on guard! The enemy is coming!

    Garland: You're quite carefree, warriors of Cosmos. Forgot your missions right after awakening.
    Light: So you're the warriors of Chaos?
    Garland: Waiting until we make the first move... It seems there is a bunch of cowards on the Harmony side.
    Emperor: That's the "chosen warriors" for you... Garland, you take care of these vermins. Feel free to summon me if you need help. I, the Emperor, will lend you a hand.
    WoL: Lightning, the enemy is not alone. I'll take care of them, and you stay back...
    Light: Sorry, but i'm not going to obey. You stay back, and I'll take care of this.
    WoL: What...
    Garland: Pitiful Cosmos warriors, can't even fight together... Whichever of you is ready, fight me!
    *Battle ensues*
    Garland: Ha! Was that all you've got? I wanted to enjoy the fight some more. But we will surely meet again, because the battle has just begun.
    WoL: Disappeared... But there are still other enemies ahead. Let's go, Lightning.

    Kefka: Hwa-ha-ha-ha! Found ya! My lovely newly-awakened warriors!
    Light: Wha... Who is this guy!?
    Kefka: Oh, lady Ultimecia, you don't have to get your hands dirty. I'll take care of them all by myself.
    Ultimecia: You can do as you please, Kefka. It's a nice chance for me to get some rest. But do call me when you get to the pain-inflicting part. I'll gladly join in.
    *Another battle*
    Kefka: That huuuurt!
    WoL: Lightning, are you alright?
    Light: You'd better worry about yourself. The enemies still seem to be around.

    WoL: This feeling...
    Light: Another one is here, it seems.
    Sephiroth: Oh, you've noticed me... Not bad at all.
    Light: Who're you... looks like a stupid thing to ask. If you want to fight, I'll be your opponent.
    CoD: You seem to be enjoying this, Sephiroth. Did you get ahold of some nice prey?
    Sephiroth: You're Cloud of Darkness, right? Don't interfere. It was me who found them. But I have some interest in your power, so lend it to me for a bit.
    *Battle yet again*
    Sephiroth: That couldn't possibly be your best, right? Try to aim for my life seriously next time. Because otherwise there is no meaning for us to exist in this world.
    WoL: I can still feel the enemy presence. Don't let your guard down, Lightning.
    Light: You don't need to remind me.

    Light: The enemy is near... Be careful. Hey, show yourself!
    Cloud: You're being attacked, shouldn't you stay closer to the Sanctuary? If the Goddess of Harmony is defeated, your existence will be erased.
    Light: I don't need concern from the enemy. Mind your own business.
    Golbez: It's quite unusual to see you concerned, Cloud. Did some enemy pique your interest?
    Cloud: It's none of your business. If you came to help, then shut up and fight, Golbez.
    *Insert battle here*
    Golbez: They've just awakened, no wonder they're like that. It was a nice warm-up. I'll take my leave now.
    Cloud: You've fought other guys, haven't you? They haven't shown their true power yet as well. You'll get in trouble, if you underestimate them. And... your comrades...
    Light: What's with our comrades?
    Cloud: No, it's nothing. The real battle is still ahead. You better be ready.
    WoL: Finally the Chaos presence disappeared. It seems we managed to drive them away.

    WoL: You really helped me a lot. I'm grateful.
    Light: No need. You would have defeated them even without my help.
    WoL: I could fight so well because you were covering my back. But we can't always depend on each other. I want you to fight without letting your guard down. All of us have strong will. Battles will lead us to victory. Don't forget that. It seems enemies are still somewhere around. I will go check the surroundings. You wait for Kain and Jecht here.
    Light: Don't just go deciding...
    WoL: We may have to fight again soon, so you'd better to get some rest.
    Jecht: Dunno if he's concerned or just fencing off. Guess, it's just the way he is.
    Light: Jecht, Kain, are you alright?
    Kain: Have you grasped anything?
    Light: He's acting all heroic as always, but... His power is not all words.
    Kain: So that means you've acknowledged him more or less.
    Light: Heh, we'll see about that. I don't think we can get along well. But I got to see your strength. So for once you have my thanks for that suggestion.
    Kain: I just wanted to know, how strong and skilled you guys are.
    Jecht: I hope you're not disappointed?
    Kain: If I was, I wouldn't be standing here.

    *Cid's narration*
    The endless cycle binding this world has slowly begun to come apart. The story, heading to demise, is faintly changing its form. Overcoming the will of those who control gods, the new opinion begins to weave itself into the world.[/spoil]
    New Abilities
    [spoil]Air Dash Enhancement, Free Air Dash Enhancement, Fall Speed Up, Fall Pause(stop), Rivalry, Last Sprint, Glass Pride, Assist Critical, Rivalry Disabler , Last Sprint Disabler, Assist Critical Disabler. EXP to Assist, Just Evasion(maybe a specifically timed evasion), Optimal Order Change, Bravery Reduction Disabler,Disable EX Gauge sealed,Disable Assist Sealed, Wall Jump, Auto-Assist.[/spoil]
    DFF -> DDFF Prologus Changelist​

    [spoil]Playable characters in the demo:
    -Warrior of Light
    -Cloud (Unlockable by beating arcade mode on Hard)

    Warrior Of Light
    +Ultimate Shield has decent tracking and good wall rush capabilities
    +Shield of Light can aim Up/Down
    +Shining Wave tracks upwards
    +White Fang has increased range/less cooldown
    +Sword Thrust has slight vertical tracking
    +Aerial Dayflash
    +Radiant Sword has more vertical tracking
    -Dayflash initiates chase now, lost wall rush

    +Earthquake wall rushes more
    +Flare is good, has a large hitbox and punishes dodges well
    +Bardiche is faster
    +Twist drill is faster
    +Round Edge (sword) lost wallrush property, now starts chase
    +Able to move ALOT during Round Edge
    +Garland moves towards opponent during Tsunami startup
    +Lighting BRV attack is cancelable via attacking after the bolts come out
    -Lightning attack is still bad
    -Twinswords still have an awkward hitbox
    -Highbringer tracking nerf
    -No more combos
    -Blaze still bad
    -Chain Cast is the same

    +Lord of Arms is amazing
    +Straight Arrow is extremely fast and Guard Crushes
    +Rope Knife goes up
    +New Brave finishers: punch, sword/bow combo, and three hit axe rush
    +Capable of following up with finishers even though initial hit whiffs. Finishers have mid-attack priority and can cancel out some melee
    +Able to chain 3 air spells in a row (For example Fire -> Fire -> Blizzard or Blizzard -> Fire -> Thunder)
    +Fire moves faster, Blizzard initiates chase, Thunder wall rushes
    +Double Trouble wall rushes at a more downward angle
    +Lance combo has more absorb
    +Swordstrike wallrushes down, both forms
    +Ground Weaponsmaster, faster than DFF
    -Rope knife blockable
    -More lag after Shield Bash whiff

    +Ground Light crest shoots up
    +Mines are faster
    +absorb increased
    +Air mines start chase
    +Flare wall rushes down
    +Less cooldown on attacks
    +Starfall charge blocks magic
    -Can dodge out of Melancholy Prison after it activates

    Onion Knight
    +Air brave has more horizontal tracking
    +Blade Torrent has more tracking
    +Has a stat buffing attack with low cooldown
    +Blizzard has tracking and range increase
    +Melee attacks are much faster and have less cooldown

    Cloud of Darkness
    +New Tentacle attack: Tentacles of Hate; ground version and spirals around her with guard stagger properties
    +Two new projectile ender BRV attacks. One slow that guard staggers and multi-hits like Paladin Arts, and two small that run on the floor
    +Fusillade has guard crush
    +Wide Angle has a huge hitbox now and is faster
    +Feint tracks at a higher angle now
    -0-Form tracks slower

    +Dark Lance guard crushes at close range
    +Darkfall guard staggers
    +Lightning Rise guard staggers
    +Valiant blow has slight vertical tracking
    +Last hit of Dark step guard staggers
    +Radiant Wings has improved tracking
    +Paladin Force back to JP DFF range
    +Soul Eater increased range
    +Dark Cannon tracks vertically now
    +Shadowbringer HP is VERY fast
    +Saint's Fall also adjusts altitude before attacking. Has NA DFF tracking
    +New Paladin HP attack: Light Thruster; single pure HP energy blade similar to Innocence
    -Dark Flame tracking down

    +Sector Ray is extremely good (fast and low cooldown)
    +Gravity Force tracks alot more
    +Gravity Force guard staggers on magic and melee hit
    +Initial ball has Guard Crush
    +Brave chains on systems send you farther away
    +HP chains send you farther away
    +Genesis Rock has increased tracking (Rocks will always go in the direction of opponent)

    +Has Dark Flame HP
    +Has Paladin Cecil's Light Thruster HP
    +Has Laguna's Ragnarok Blade HP
    +Has Ifrit HP (Yuna); summons three fire pillars in a straight line
    +2 new brave attacks: a combination of Lightning Smash Upper + Vaan's Switch Katana and Kain/Lightning
    +Slidehazzard has been changed, the finisher is now the last hit of Kain's Celestial Shooter (goes up)
    +Climbarrel has been changed, finisher is now Tifa's Beat Rush
    +Paladin Force increased range
    +Holy is faster
    -tracking has been nerfed

    +Swords Dance staggers on block
    +Attacks after guards are VERY fast
    +Black Hole has high absorb property
    +Highguard turns to face opponent
    +Reverse Polarity cancelable into BRV and HP attacks
    +Almaghest cancelable with attacks/block
    +Maelstrom has infinite range, can move while casting
    -long casting time
    -Highguard priority down
    -Delta Attack does not track

    +Fire is very fast now and has good tracking. Chains to Firaga
    +Thundara is alot faster
    +Blizzard combo is faster
    -Longer cooldown for Meltdown

    +Shatter spray staggers guard
    -it still goes back at him
    +Ultima has increased range
    -explosion is only 1 hit
    -able to deflect the initial ball back at Kefka
    +WWF has an animation change
    +Forsaken Null is alot faster
    +can move during animation
    +wall rushes on a wall (not ground)
    +Trine comes out faster
    -does not stay on the map as long
    +Havoc Wing has increased horizontal range
    +Twisty Turny Blizzaga has a huge speed increase, after landing it instantly goes after opponent
    +Thunder spells track better and move faster
    -Meteor doesn't bounce
    -EX Mode Shatter Spray, shots take longer to redirect at opponent
    -Can't charge Hyperdrive forever

    +Sonic Break has absorb
    +Slash Blow has absorb
    +Blade Beam has increased range and melee hit guard staggers
    +Fire hitstun increased
    +Ground Meteorain tracks opponent
    +Aerial Fang wall rushes and is faster
    +Cross Slash tracks after each slash
    -doesn't start chase anymore
    -less vertical tracking
    -Lost all his old combos
    -Air Meteorain doesn't track opponent
    -Braver range reduced

    +Moment is very fast
    +Able to DC out of sudden cruelty
    +Scintilla is faster
    +Shadowflare builds meter fast
    +Godspeed/Fervent Blow are faster
    -Reduced stun time for Sudden Cruelty (able to DC but unable to combo)
    -Still doesn't have combos
    -Lost Hell's Gate Cancel
    -Heartless Angel cancel lag increased

    +Aerial Circle/Fated Circle have absorb properties
    +Last hit of Fusillade guard staggers
    +Mystic Flurry has a big damage buff, mostly the last hit
    -Beat Fang got a range, speed, and tracking nerf.

    +Shockwave Pulsar stick to the floors for a bit then explodes
    +has absorb effect
    +Knight's Arrow is more focused
    -Charged Knight's Arrow only shoots out 1 arrow
    +each arrow has enough stun time for the next one to hit
    +Knight's Sword is faster startup and increased stun time (all hits will link)
    +Charged Knight's Sword has a faster startup and more hits

    +Booster 8 able to combo into attacks if it connects
    +guard staggers on block- able to do another attack after guard stagger
    +quite fast
    +Tidal Flame moves slower and guard crushes
    -unable to dc if it misses
    -Free Energy range nerfed
    -Shift Break hitbox nerfed

    +Able to move during Seraphic Star
    +Seraphic has more tracking
    +Brave attacks wallrush more easily
    -Burst Energy has a vertical tracking nerf

    +Has Cut & Run in the air
    +Fullslide/Sonic Buster has increased tracking
    +Blitzball guard staggers
    -Slice & Dice has less hits

    +Increased vertical tracking on Jecht stream
    +Uncharged Jecht Blade comes out fast
    +Slightly less recovery on Ultimate Jecht Shot
    +Jecht Beam chainable after Neutral air combo
    +Level 2 charges guard break
    +Can continue attacking indefinitely and can full combo once he successfully hits
    +Charge is a LOT faster (MAYBE 25 frames to charge max?)
    +Charge increases range to roughly that of what a dodge would give you on stream
    +Full charge Rush gains notable extra distance
    +Charged attacks eat through (from what I noticed) all projectiles and can carry through/clash with a lot of HP attacks
    +Dodge cancelling can be done earlier on all moves and all moves seem to have less recovery
    +Jecht Block on ground doesn't stun you when successful
    +Jecht Block recovery in air seems reduced
    +Jecht Beam has about 45 degrees up and down in terms of tracking (won't track to enemies above/below - they basically need to be on the same level)
    +Jecht Block SEEMS to have more active frames (I was able to block Shield of Light when I was almost certain I mistimed)
    +Combos execute faster (and require slightly faster input)
    - Lost all wall rush combos
    - Unchaged Stream/Rush lost range

    +Stun allows you to combo into her other moves
    +Ground Melee is faster and sends opponent very far away- able to continue without hitting
    +Less Brave required for advanced magic
    +Retribution has a different hitbox (it will hit once when thrown forward and once when it comes back)
    +Retribution guard staggers
    +Retribution tracks opponent
    +HP's very fast now and have changes to hit animation
    +Blizzard tracks opponent
    -HP's still blockable
    -Bio gets reflected back at Shantotto when blocked
    -Thunder doesn't wall rush anymore
    -Bio steals brave at quicker intervals (once every second) and only lasts about 10 seconds
    -Level 1 magic still blockable

    +Circle of Judgement hits multiple times outside of EX mode\
    +New ground brave attack in EX mode
    +Able to cancel any attack into EX charge
    +Gains EX extremely fast
    +Bigger hitbox for Hatred
    -Dual Rend is only 2 hits
    -No explosion unless Guilt connects

    New abilities:
    Ground Dash
    Assist Lock On
    Assist Up Dash: with this equipped, your will gain assist gauge when doing any dash to the opponent. Won't work on dashing towards EX core. Different from gaining by attacks, this effect will not stop the "S&L effect" of the assist. So by the time you stop dashing, you will immediately start losing assist "energy".

    New gameplay mechanics:
    +Assists save you/allow you to combo
    +Chase gives good EX and some free hits
    -Chase is very fast, making it difficult to react
    -Pretty much all DC combos are removed
    -Harder to gain EX (except Gabranth) [/spoil]
    Duodecim Jump Festa Gameplay Report​

    [spoil](Lưu ý:Những thông tin dưới đây có thể đc SE sửa đổi vì đang trong quá trình làm game và có thể có những sự thay đổi giữa bản tiếng Nhật và bản tiếng Anh.Qua bài này các bạn sẽ thấy có một số thay đổi khác với TGS trước đây)

    *Systematic Changes:
    -EX core gives less EX force now. A 4 wings core fills about 50~70%.
    -Multi Ground Dash : R+triangle, dash on ground towards opponent.
    -Multi Ground Dash+: R+triangle, dash on ground towards opponent. Turning possible (with analog stick)
    -Ground Dodge Distance Up
    -Assist Lock on

    -Assist Lock lasted for around 20sec.
    -Assist gauge was not that easy to fill up. Big change from TGS.
    -Assist gauge also doesn't deplete as fast as before.
    -Ground Dash: need to stick on the ground even when locked on EX core. Makes it hard to get EX core in some stages.

    *Warrior of Light:
    + Sword Thrust: slight tracking vertically
    + Rise Upper seems to hit the back easier than before.
    + Ultimate Shield has faster start up
    - Dayflash lost wall rush. Big nerf for Duodecim.
    - Bucklers no longer initiate chase.
    - Assist bucklers aren't as good as in TGS. Seems the speed got nerfed or something. Either that, or the CPU got more idiotic. Lost chase option probably because of the assist mechanic.
    - Ultimate Shield still is useless...
    # Rise Upper has less range and an awkward angle. Not that big of ]deal and might be a mis-sight
    # Red Fang has a damage buff? Not sure.
    Comments:WoL isn't so shiny in this game, even with Dayflash in the air. He lost some wall rush and chase sequences, so comboing is going to be different. Glitches he had in UT and US are patched, so I don't think you'll be seeing him too often nowadays. Out of the playable characters, we rank him 2nd worse (Dev thinks he should be higher, but that's cause she got whipped by a combo ) He feels basic and now lacking some bite. Hopefully this changes or some people are gonna be sad.

    + Flare looks to have absorb? TGS form didn't change. Closes the gap on the first hit, strong tracking and can do so vertically too. Comboable too. (got hit by Highbringer weak -> Flare)
    + Blaze is faster and had a slight tracking change.
    + Cyclone might be faster on start up?
    + Ground assist is Round Edge, full hit too. Usually activates at close range. Sets up for loads of shit.
    - Cyclone appears to disappear faster too.
    - Air assists aren't that good. Haven't seen Bardiche yet (probably is there.)
    # Highbringer follows the foe more?
    # Deathblow seems to set up perfectly for an assist, but was able to get out fast enough from CPU's attempts. Will try if Garland becomes playable.
    Comments:Ever wanted to know what Garland was good at in DFF? It should've been assisting, cause Round Edge is ******* sexy when spaced out right. He also has highbringer and the new Flare attack combos well with his pokes. He abuses the wall rush mechanics well, and works well with other attack oriented assists. Landing the HP's doesn't seem to be an issue this time around. For Sephiroth, the nerf to SC's hitstun is compensated for Garland's massive damage and lockdown while hitting a foe.

    + Ground move system changed up entirely. First hit of his Seize Knife, Flash Lance, and Reel Axe all can lead to interchangeable finishers:
    * Towards + O = Slash to Fire Arrow. Possible to lead to another assist and chain to Straight arrow
    * O = Fierce punch that leads to a leveled wall rush. Easy to chain into Tidus's ground assists.
    * Away + O = Axe Spiral. Sends the foe flying in a downward angle somewhat.
    + Straightarrow's start up is faster and the speed is like a freakin' bullet. Still is lacking tracking and priority, but the speed makes it easy to punish attacks now.
    * Straightarrow is one of his best punishers at long range. Laguna gets hurt real bad if he decides to randomly whip out an air attack.
    * Does not instant hit things. Speed is almost double of last game's SA.
    + Seize Knife is utterly ridiculous in combos. Wall rushes near the ground lead to Seize Knife landing combos. Some examples are:
    * Seize Knife 1st hit -> Flash Lance -> Wall Rush -> Assist -> Wall Rush -> Straight Arrow
    + Flash Lance absorbs really far now. The weird angling issues it had in the last game also aren't present, so it's more consistent with the absorb. Range is perhaps just outside of Seize's tip. Big buff.
    + One of the biggest abusers of the Duodecim wall rush engine due to nearly all his attacks wall rush. Works good with Tidus assist.
    + Magical attacks are trifold and can be used in succession. Goes up to three consecutive castings. Definitely helps his vector game.
    + Ridiculous amount of ground pressure and walling. Strong at any distance.
    + Lord of Arms is as great as ever. Think of it as a two wave Wide Angle, with Seize tracking.
    + Really high damage output potential.
    + Axe can continue even if whiffed. Easier to cover up the lag.
    + SS got buffed yet again. It strikes the foe downward and leads to assist combos. Awkward as it is, the wall rush is welcomed.
    - Blizzard still doesn't wall rush. But it does more damage.
    - There's a noticeable cooldown in between Magical arts if you don't cast the next one right after. Dodge cancel point isn't instant. Blizzard has the quickest, then Fire, then Thunder.
    - Still has a high learning curve to master, but can do more now at beginning levels. D:
    - Lord of Arms is considered melee, so it gets guard staggered.
    * is also not as good with skyline ceiling maps (high ceilings). Does not track into the air, but has a tall first arc.
    - Air SS still stinks. No changes that was noticed.
    # Fire has less hitstun? Might be due to the tri-casting.
    # Blizzard's speed increases as it ricochets?
    # Reel Axe has a quicker DC point. Perhaps right as he catches the axe. It doesn't seem like he's able to cancel it anytime before it though.
    # Due to his variety of options, assist type will be player preference most likely. Combo friendly assists will help him a lot in damage output, but mage and long range assists can help set up for Straightarrow or magic traps.

    *Mateus Palamecia:
    + Ground Mines arent' dashable? CPU seems to keep on getting hit by them even while charging.
    + Flare tracks faster
    + Less things go through Red Flare
    + Assists greatly help his vector game
    + Starfall has magic reflect properties. I believe it's during the charge time, so that foes have to get closer or use other attacks to cancel the charge.
    * Is far easier to land than last game
    + Melanchony's Prison is a trap type. Like an HP thunder crest, only it's straight HP damage. Has a large activation window.
    + Thunder Crest is a double edged sword with assists. Opens up big damage opportunities
    + Full charge Dynamite guard staggers.
    + Crit formula didn't seem to get nerfed as hard as others, despite low level build.
    + Ground Dash helps his game A LOT. Benefits from both types of dashes.
    + Ground Mines, while still kinda useless in it's intention, build meter well. Quick cooldown, no-riposte risks.
    - Prison never had invincibility. The activation window just occurs right when the staff hits the ground. Loses a lot to magic attacks.
    - Flares build meter slowly.
    - AA option are still lacking.
    - Bombard is too slow still, but no real changes.
    - Thunder Crest still holds the foe in, even if the assist comes to smack them. Could be used for HP resets though.
    * Also still negates immediate damage after TC releases the foe.
    - Charge time on Dynamite did not change. Neither did the angling speed and positioning.
    - No change to walk speed.
    - Light Crest is still the same as TGS.
    # Falls floatier??
    # Starfall's charge feels faster, but that may be due to it gaining magic reflect.

    *Onion Knight:
    + Power up HP attack temporarily boosts stats. Builds small amounts of meter.
    * Does it one at a time, and an aura will be present depending on what buff is active. Red for STR.
    + Firaga's speed is noticeably faster.
    + Can deal respectable damage with assists. Ground BRV chain is great for this. Was combo'd by CPU assist after ground splatter for a break with crit damage.
    - Firaga's blast radius feels smaller.
    - General playstyle did not change. Still a patience oriented character.
    - Lacks moves to build meter outside of magic. CPU didn't really gain a whole lot from using moves outside of magic.

    *Cloud of Darkness:
    + Has several new follow-ups for her tentacle attacks. There's one where she spirals the two around her in a circle and stuns the foe. Similar to her sphere whiplash BRV attack in DFF.
    + New BRV: Tentacles of Hate- 3rd form hits with a large orb that guard staggers on hit. Orb is like a BRV flare.
    + Ground 3 BRV and Air 3 BRV are faster and tracks better. Tracks vertically for the ground version (Tentacles of Pain)
    * In Air 3's case, it provides more hitstun. Easier to combo with assists and EX-mode schenanigans.
    + All her HP's are faster and less noticeable.
    + Wide Angle PB is taller, moves faster, and is undodgeable by going over or to the side. Tracks the air too.
    + Fusillade doesn't lock position of CoD. She can move as it's being casted.
    + Feint's attack portion can hit at higher angles now.
    + Is going to get a new HP attack.
    - Tentacles still keep her abysmal ground speed.
    - Fusillade still didn't seem that good. Tracking didn't change.
    - O form has a longer start up.
    - Air 2 might have less hits, and is overall weaker in this engine.

    *Cecil Harvey:
    + Light Bringer is a solid, mid-range poke. Fairly fast start-up, good cooldown. Considered to be magic, so Cecil won't get staggered.
    + Shadow Bringer has a tiny range but is fast for an HP move. Range is about Solid Barrel, if not a bit longer.
    + Shadow Lance guard staggers when near.
    - Still lacking in the pokes department at close range...especially in Paladin form. Seems DK is his poking class.
    - Paladin Force got a range nerf again. Not as bad as UT, but worse than TGS.
    # Valiant Blow (Dark Knight) MIGHT track vertically somewhat too. Animation looks the same, but we got hit by it in some scenarios that wasn't possible in UT.

    *Kain Highwind:
    + Celestial Shooter (CS): upward attack, long reach. Jumps up with spearpoint skyward.
    + Thrust Lance (TL): forward attack, short reach. Looks like a charge. Acts like a poke now.
    + Crash Dive (CD): downward attack. Spins down like a wheel.
    all have 3 follow ups depends on your input
    * CS > upward wall rush (UP+O), forward chase (O), downward chase (DOWN+O)
    * TL > upward chase (UP+O), forward wall rush (O), downward chase (DOWN+O)
    * CD > upward chase (UP+O), forward chase (O), down wardwall rush (DOWN+O)
    + Cyclone is slightly faster. Punishes more.
    + Easier to combo after first pursuit. Gets significantly tougher as you do it more.
    - His cancel points shifted up apparently from TGS, so I'm not sure where they are now.
    - Gungnir has a nerf buff according to Mikoto. Makes up for it with tracking.

    + Sector Ray: Creates three orbs around the foe's current position and fires electrical beams to fry them. Multi-hit, appears to be magic. Never got to test whether we can riposte stun it. Range is best at mid, little ways closer than the dark pillar BRV attack.
    + Air BRV's track better. Golbez didn't appear to randomly shoot the opposite direction as often as before.
    + Gravity Force (Close) now has the little orbs he shoots after a warp will cause guard stagger (Ranged Mid priority)
    - Nightglow's magic portion seems to be shorter in range. Not sure though.
    - Blocked aerial brvs will not generate the lasers.
    # Might have lost invincibility during jumps. Was capable of striking him when he disappeared, though it may have been bad timing. Too unsure to make any final statements.

    *Bartz Klauser:
    + BRV moves are faster, now has some pokes on the ground other than Solid Rise.
    + Paladin Force got a slight range buff, strangely.
    + Flood is faster, and works well with assists.
    + PV showed him holding Vaan's Katana.
    - Holy feels weaker. (not sure what they meant)
    - Lack of new character moves. Feels incomplete for a mannequin.

    + Almaghest is DC'able before the hit. Can also guard while Almaghest is activating, so it adds to his walling game.
    + Grand Cross spawns faster
    + High Guard follows the foe as long as you hold it down.
    + Reverse Polarity guard staggers again.
    + Hurricane starts up fast enough to be comboable from RP. Great shit.
    - All shield nerfs are still there it seems.
    - Unfortunately, Grand Cross isn't like Almaghest. Can't DC out of initial casting.

    *Terra Branford:
    + Meltdown assist is REALLY good for traps. Will do the lvl. 3 and seems to have mechanics to change charge according to some of the SE people there.
    + Fire tracks like a *****.
    + Blizzard Combo is still solid.
    + Blizzara freezes the foe for a few moments, like other Blizzard spells now.
    - Meltdown lvl. 3 lag is present in the assist. REALLY easy to swat her away and lock down.
    - Tornado assist is kinda mediocre. Moves too slow to do much.

    *Kefka Palazzo:
    + Scatter Blizzaga's first hit guard staggers, same speed.
    + WWF moves faster, same properties.
    * It MAY gain speed after hitting a wall, not sure though.
    + Line of Thunder tracks in the air, think a faster White fang from WoL
    + Capable of moving while doing Forsaken Null
    + Ultima is unblockable on explosion too. No free punishments now.
    - Havoc Wing got a slight range nerf, hitbox doesn't stay out as long.

    *Cloud Strife:
    + Double Cut in the air can lead to assist.
    + Meteorain Air got retweaked. Spread shots like the ground version, but tracking changed up.
    * Tracking for both ground and air versions have each meteor track the foe separately. MUCH harder to escape.
    + Slashing Blow as an assist is scary. Absorb draws in and can even be used as an offensive bait. Easy to score Assist Breaks with.
    - Double Cut to assist is pretty tight. CPU only managed to hit once with it, the rest was escapable.

    *Tifa Lockhart:
    + Blizzara spells freeze opponents down for a set period of time. Might be shakable.
    + Does NOT have charge attacks. What you see before you is the initial start up of the HP attacks. It gets masked by the feints as a compensation.
    * Non feinted HP attacks have slightly larger ranges than feints as compensation for a speed reduction.
    + Moonsault Kick's feint point can lead to aerial combos when combined with landing lag. It's a downward axe to a drop kick. First part is floaty, so best combined with a jump.
    + Falcon Dive is a pursuit down that can lead to chase.
    + Water kick is a great close range poke, leads to Somersault. Range is perhaps Upper Blues?
    + Beat Rush is her solid barrel, charges in and strikes the foe down, leading to a chase sequence.
    + Meteo Drive: Three part HP attack with feints before/after the flip and before the finishing hit. Charges forth and does a somersault after a step in, then ground pounds the foe. Wall crashes if it connects.
    + Meteo Strike is wonky. Charges forth unfeinted and then leads to a grounded wall rush. Sets up for Cloud's Climhazzard and a brv follow up.
    * Example: Meteo Strike -> wall rush -> Climhazzard -> Water Kick -> Somersault
    + Burning Arrow: Rushes forth and strikes,sending the foe flying away. Wall rushes. If feinted, will spawn right behind the foe and strike them away. GREAT for baiting guards. Feint point is right at the start up.
    + Rolling Blaze has a controllable feint spawn, which is great for angling.

    + Moment is a Dayflash for Sephiroth. Impressive range than you'd think, but does not gimp the speed. Leads to a wall rush, so combos with assists are extremely possible. Wall crash portion looks similar to Oblivion.
    + All his attacks were easy to work with in wall rush combos.
    + Scintilla has longer guard frames. Until he's actually swinging does it activate.
    + Godspeed is faster.
    + Octaslash has better vertical tracking.
    + Heaven's Light starts noticeably faster.
    - Glitch with Hell's Gate doesn't seem to be in the new build.
    - Sudden Cruelty DC point is not present in this build. Major nerf.
    * Less hitstun too.
    - Godspeed got a range decrease
    - Heartless Angel's lagggg is huge if canceled early. Much harder to use it as bait.
    - Shadow Flare still has the hitstun nerf. You can still use it to zone, but not so viable as the past.
    # Heaven's Light hitbox from the ground got nerfed?? Was able to just stand there and watch the CPU whiff it completely. Might be an HP attack to air foes only.

    *Squall Leonhart:
    + Assist Solid Barrel does big damage. Very helpful to characters with low damage output (Laguna D
    + Wall rush heavy
    + Long range assist shifted from Thunder Bullet to Fusillade. Aerial Assist was Mystic Flurry and Beat Fang.
    - BF retains its tracking nerf. Seems more might be able to escape it.
    - Mystic Flurry assist turns Squall into an open target. Hardly can call it pressure.
    - Circle's absorb property isn't quite what you'd think it is.

    *Laguna Loire:
    + Machinegun is a strong pressure mechanic. Capable of moving, hard to block all shots, and leads to a final shot that blast them away.
    + Ground lockdown game is impressive. Grenades keep the foe on their toes, Machinegun pins their cooldown, and Sniper Rifle hurts long range games.
    + Shotgun guard staggers when fully charged.
    + Shellbomb is great as a shield and lasts for about 2-3 seconds.
    + Sticky Bomb gives loads of hitstun after blowing up. Only sticks on foe, but blows up anywhere else if not charged.
    * Sticks anywhere when charged. Builds little meter.
    + Ragnarok Blade has a great start up and range. Like faster Blasting Zone, but in the air.
    + Ragnarok Buster also starts quickly, and nails anything within a 0 - 35 degree angle from the ground.
    + EX mode keeps on the mid-range pressure by removing lag, immensely helping.
    + You can glitch the Satellite Cannon with an Assist. Right as the beam is coming down, 2 bar assist can somewhat glitch the game into letting Laguna move around after. Inconsistent though.
    + Homing Bazooka is good for long range halo campers. Just light jump and launch one of those to bring'em down.
    + Air game is pure long range. A mixture of the best from DFF.
    + 6 Pack Rockets are a slower Holy at first, but pick up after.
    + Impressive speed for HP's. Possible to punish people's BRV attacks with Blade and Lazors.
    + Spirit Laser initially goes out, then blows up into a rain of HP balls. Tracks somewhat and decently fast.
    - Air game, while spammy, leaves him REALLY open and exposes Duodecim's new balance between air and ground.
    - Shotgun is pretty slow. You'll rarely get the full charge out on a human opponent.
    - SEVERELY is lacking close range gtfo me attacks. HP attacks are his resort it seems. He has it worse than mages when a foe gets in.
    - Stays stagnant for BRV attacks outside of Machinegun and Shotgun (somewhat)
    - If something is outside of a 45-55 degree angle, Laguna will have a hard time AA'ing them outside of long range (and maybe the outskirts of mid)
    - From what we can see, he cannot cook grenades.
    - Sticky Bomb is a double edge mechanic. It can either set up for you to deal interesting damage, or totally give your foe a free shot at an assist combo
    - Got damage? Laguna doesn't.

    + Arrows don't spread out so badly as before. More will hit in a focused area.
    + Apocalypse spawns and moves faster. Small buff though.
    + Knight's Spear is a new BRV attack. Her GTFO me at close range, creates a spear that swats the foe away.
    * Charged form makes two that form at her feet in a cross. Strikes the foe if close and stays a long while.
    + HP's are overall buffed. SP charges faster and makes a bigger bang.
    - Arrows feel more focused. Was capable of running out of the spread more easily, or shaking them off entirely.
    - Axe uncharged still is blockable. With a lack of an aerial camping/zoning game like the past games, it's harder to get in the effective range to use it safely. Was really easy getting to Ultimecia and staying in.
    - No Maelstrom....sorry. Couldnt' kill any more time waiting for it.

    *Zidane Tribal:
    + Has a button lock. SA -> Kuja close range aerial assist -> SA first hit only. Timing is kinda strict, you need to hit with only the first hit of SA, then Kuja needs to do the second hit around the same time as the second hit. Not precisely, but close enough. Then, do another first button press of SA and hit the foe out of Kuja's assist BRV. Foes fell straight to the ground (in this case, Orphan's Cradle)
    + EX-mode is actually useful now. Multiple Jumps help him maintain an aerial game unlike other characters and the invincibility gives him a stronger aerial game over the rest of the other cast (except maybe Kuja)
    + Free Energy is good at building meter.
    + Booster 8 is another ground rush attack. Strikes once, charges forward like Climhazzard. Beats a lot of BRV attacks in clashes, so it may have priority. Very low cooldown on hit.
    * Possible to chain to just about anything with a fast start up, aka his BRV or FE.
    - Damage output is severely lacking in this build. Partially due to the engine.
    - SA whiffs a lot now. Might be a hitbox issue.
    - Shift Break hits awkwardly now. It's like, you need to get hit by a lot of the bolts to be guaranteed for the HP portion. Not confirmed.
    - Kuja is an awkward assist partner.
    # Assists might change his move properties if done mid-string. Kuja's summoning knocked several people out of Booster 8 and Rumble Rush.

    + Seraphic Star gained mobility like his other HP's. Capable of moving.
    * Hitbox stays active longer.
    + Flare Star tracks better and longer than before.
    - Flare Star takes longer to start up because of the increased tracking.
    - Very awkward as an assist. Landing the initial hit isn't so much the problem, it's what to do with it after. Ground fighters do not benefit so much from Kuja.
    * Elaboration from Mikoto: His ground assists constantly change the range of the foe or blast them away too fast for a follow up. Since he's always moving while an assist, it was hard to follow up with a Rumble Rush or Booster 8.
    - Nothing new to really report from TGS findings. CPU was pretty lame.

    + Hopstep's tracking got slightly better. Not as ridiculous as it originally was though.
    + HP attacks all got better tracking and slightly faster.
    + Hitbox for Spiral Cut is FAST. As soon as you initiate it, the first flip is already the BRV portion.
    * Has Magic block too.
    + Sphere shot has guard stagger properties.
    + Fullslide is a great assist move. Leads to wall rush and keeps them stunned long enough for you to recover and strike.
    + Less delay time between the dodge and ___ attack. Attack part comes out faster.
    * Air Dodge and Run has vertical tracking, though slight.
    - Comp didn't try to dodge out of his Dodge and ______ attacks, unlike TGS build. I think it's gone now. D:
    - Quick Hit still is terrible on Ultimecia's Castle.

    + Jecht Beam: Has absorb and works similarly to a Jecht Block. Will activate regardless, but can stop or clash with a lot of attacks. Relatively fast too, so you can kill medium -> slow starting BRV's with ease. Doesn't seem to wall rush, since a foe can air recover.
    + I think he may have a new string of attacks...He started off with the kicks in the air, then did something completely different. Didn't get to see it too well, because I EX Revenged by accident. It looked like he was slashing in mid air, or was going to...
    + Really good as an assist. Does his o, o V+o version.
    - Jecht Beam doesn't have that good of a range. The beam part is pure aesthetics.
    # First hit with a lvl. 2 charge of his ground BRV string seems to have a range buff. Slight though, so I'm not entirely sure.

    + Less cooldown on HP attacks. Very noticeable too. Faster start up too.
    * Lower BRV cost for next level of magic
    + You might be able to chaincast BRV attacks too. Not sure though. It also may be a glitch.
    + Bind is less glitchy
    + Stun gives off hitstun equivalent to how much BRV you have. It's not as drastic as HP though. Very common to see Stun -> Retribution even at low BRV.
    + Couple of Attacks hit aerial foes better.
    + Retribution guard staggers and still magic reflects.
    + Bio doesn't vanish if blocked or such, it just gets reflected.
    - Bio wars have begun! D:
    - Was Tornado always so easy to dodge away out of?
    * Tier 1 magic is still blockable.
    - BRV game, while better, still is difficult to pull off.
    # Developers there rumored she might get a new attack or two. Don't quote us.

    + EX mode: Weapons all become the strongest of their class. Damage up
    + EX mode bonus: Pressing R + [ ] switches to bare hands.
    + Spear (Switch): Has absorb
    * Has lance combo's old absorb range
    + Axe (Switch): Guard staggers
    * decent speed, short range
    + Greatsword (Switch): Guard staggers+Wall Rush
    * Slower, but greater range and damage
    + Katana (Switch): Chase + Magic Reflect
    * During the wind up, he has magic reflect.
    + Sword and Shield (Switch): Guard properties
    * Guards first, then attacks
    + Crossbow (Switch): Magic Reflect, EX efficiency boost?
    + Has a move for any situation, despite not all weapons present in this build.
    + Main pokes: Lance (Drawn), Axe (Drawn), Crossbow (Drawn/Switch), Greatsword Air (Drawn)
    + Wind Concurrence HP is a great trapper, like Cyclone. Creates control for the field
    + Inferno Concurrence HP is essentially Grand Lethal
    + Earth Concurrence HP is Earthquake without the BRV damage so much.
    + Water Concurrence is similar to Spirit Laser or Blaze. It racks solely on the general area prior to casting. Meant to trap with assists.
    - His pokes mainly come from non-switch moves.
    - Lacks tempo setters. Will resort to turtling to whip out a weapon that can poke.
    - He's got an obviously high learning curve, much like the FFII and FFXI reps in DFF
    - His EX mode ability isn't all that useful unless you have a wide set of switch skills. Most are pretty slow.
    - Shield and Sword gets baited a lot. You cannot skip the shield portion of the switch skill.
    - Right now, switch skills are gimmicky at best.
    # More properties will be added to other weapons. He's not complete.

    + ******* SCARY in this build. EX bars are easier to obtain, so his EX charge doesn't take a while.
    + He wall rushes all the time, and does great damage. Benefits really well from assists.
    + Best BRV move so far: Dual Rend. Builds about 1/3 bar on hit, enough for Rupture to do the rest.
    + Hatred still looks to be the same, maybe slight absorb increase. Looks to be good for meter building.
    - Non-EX mode still is pretty weak.
    - Really hard to build meter in non-EX mode. EX Charge does not build meter outside of the first start up.
    - EX charge gives little meter.

    + Waterga has Flare speed and tracking, but acts as a shield and magic pressure. Guard staggers on hit.
    + Thunder spells are the same as last build.
    + Cure is faster, but gives less BRV.
    + Feels less fluid when shifting between Paradigmns. There's a slight animation now, so that may have to do with it.
    + Really easy to chain into Flourish of Steel.
    + Ruinga is kinda...silly. Not in a good way, but can lead to assist combos. Hit stun is pretty long for Dissidia.
    + Thunder is a three part attack. Each casting is separate and initiates chase on the last part. Dashable, but you can delay the castings. Low cooldown and low range.
    + Ruin is a good poke. Decently fast, tracks like a hooker wanting her money.
    + Razor Gale + WoL aerial assist = profit.
    + Fire is a nice improvement over Firions. Tracks faster after the initial snail speed.
    - Timing is everything with this character. Lag will hurt her a lot.
    - Ruinga is really slow for a BRV move and magic. Makes up for it with tracking.
    - Watera can be reflected
    - HP moves have a hard time reflecting things, due to not really being physical based. They also have a lot of BRV portion, so only the final hit does the trick.
    - Besides Thunder and Watera, it seems her magic is kinda poor.
    - Her weakest area...is surprisingly close range. Most of her attacks are oriented to keep them at the tip of close and mid-range. She has the most combos while close, but a great deal of her attacks are oriented to keeping them at the tip of her sword.


    Vid1:: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brc0Hu8S8qA&feature=player_embedded)
    0:07 Piercing Lance (PL) x2
    0:20 Rising Dive (miss)
    0:22 Sky Grinder
    0:25 CS (miss)
    0:27 TR + upward follow up + Triangle dash cancel
    0:30 CD + downward follow up
    0:34 again + Cecil ground Brv assist Shadow Lance
    0:47 Cyclone
    1:28 PL > Triangle dash cancel > CD (miss)
    1:09 PL > Triangle dash cancel > TR + downward follow up
    1:15 tried to combo with Cecil's Shadow Lance Assist but failed.
    1:24 Sky Grinder
    At last, EX mode > Lancet > EX Burst

    PL > triangle > TR is a pretty solid combo, while PL > CD would usually miss on OK, MAY be able to connect on characters that falls faster.
    Cyclone has good tracking, equal to or better than Blizzard Barret in DFF.
    Lancet could be done in the air, and Kain is able to move during the startup.
    EX Burst command = rapid tapping of either O/X/[]/Triangle button, and will change 2 times.

    Skill chart
    Piercing Lance
    Spiral Blow
    Thrust Rush - the top row was out of camera XD
    as you can see, it tells you to press Triangle to do a dash cancel.

    Vid2: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emo-Msfb-QE&feature=player_embedded)
    1:43 Spiral Blow*
    2:06 PL > TR + neutral follow up > wall rush > Cecil Radiant Wing assist > PL > TR + neutral follow up **

    *knocks enemy so far that his Triangle dash cancel (hold) could not reach, unless wall rushed.
    ** easy to use and pretty impressive (300) damage here. Seeing the starting BRV are 339 and 251. And only 1 hit was Critical. Assuming we can get crit easier at high Levels, this could be very damaging.

    0:02 Water Kick + Brv follow up
    0:06 Water Kick + Brv follow up w/ Feint*
    0:13 Water Kick > Somersault
    0:17 Blizzara
    0:19 Blizzaga
    0:25 Dolphin Blow
    0:35 Dolphin Blow w/ Feint
    0:44 Falcon Dive
    0:46 Falcon Dive w/ Feint
    0:50 Erup Smash + Brv follow up
    0:52 Erup Smash + Brv follow up w/ Feint*
    1:00 Rolling Blaze
    1:02 Rolling Blaze w/ Feint
    1:06 Meteor Crusher
    1:11 L+[] Assist Change**
    1:17 Meteor Crusher w/ Feint
    1:20 Burning Arrow w/ Feint
    1:23 Meteor Drive w/ Feint
    1:27 Meteor Drive
    1:36 L+[] Assist Change again**

    * These 2 attacks have their Feint point after the her BRV follow up (see Skill chart), in other words, the button press is O > O > X > O. As mentioned in older reports, her Brv follow up could be done even whiffed the initial hit.
    ** As you can see, Assist Change launched me high up in the air. Here Tifa was quick enough to drop down for counterattack. But not always true to other characters.

    Some skill charts
    Water Kick
    Beat Rush
    Moonsault Kick (This attack has 2 Feint points)
    Dolphin Blow
    Falcon Dive

    Vid1: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=686x49lgYMQ&feature=player_embedded)
    0:04 Switch GreatSword (uncharged)*
    0:09 Normal GreatSword
    0:12 Switch Axe&Shield**
    0:21 Normal Axe&Shield
    0:29 Switch Guns
    0:33 Normal Guns
    0:35 Switch Katana
    0:45 Switch Guns again***
    0:53 Switch Sword&Shield
    0:58 Normal Sword&Shield
    1:01 Switch Staff
    1:16 Normal Staff
    1:24 Switch Staff > chase > end chase > Switch Staff #
    1:28 CPU Tidus- Stick&Move got vertical tracking?
    1:51 L+O Assist Change
    2:08 Switch Staff + EX mode additional follow up
    2:12 Switch Axe&Shield + EX mode additional follow up
    2:23 Switch Guns + EX mode additional follow up
    EX Burst command same as Gabranth.

    *suprisingly fast. I counted startup is about 13F.
    **Guard Crushed, proof of Melee High priority.
    *** "Dodge" appeared, proof of dodge frame.
    # trick to use Switch on same weapon w/o changing

    Vid2: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHJ1p_caHC0&feature=player_embedded)
    This is Vaan in Hard mode, which showed his last 2 weapons, Spear and Crossbow.
    0:05 Switch Crossbow (tap)
    0:09 Normal Crossbow
    0:13 Switch Crossbow (hold)
    0:25 Switch Spear
    1:35 Tried to do Normal Spear a few times, but couldn't get the hit in lol
    1:48 Yay, finally
    2:08 Wind's Rupture **
    Couldn't finish the match cuz my time was up (5 min play time XD)
    Too bad couldn't get Kuja to do Force Symphony

    ** Surprised me here. Didn't expect there is hitbox at Vaan when doing the spell.

    Emperor: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dj3s2Ka_9W4&feature=player_embedded)
    0:01 Mine could be spammed faster
    0:10 Melancholia Prison activates with delay
    0:17 Prison when "hidden"
    0:19 Starfall still has 9 sec charging time
    0:44 Ground Light Crest lies on the ground
    0:56 Red Flare causes downward wall rush

    Ground Light Crest appears horizontally and then drops on the ground. Lies on the ground like Thunder Crest. Activates when opponents get near above it. Shoots upwards.
    Red Flare hits opponent downward, far. Downward Wall rush (Blue Flare does not).
    Melancholis Prison seems to have a delay on the HP hit after trap activated. Have seen opponent passes through it, trap activated but no HP hit.

    Just showing Booster 8.It's cooldown can be cancelled into any attack if hit, not cancel-able if whiffed

    Tifa vs Jecht vid: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hREJ89f-Eyk&feature=player_embedded)
    0:07 Beat Rush
    0:41 Feint's lag (if not attack after Feint)
    1:05 Zidane's assist screwed Jecht's combo lol
    1:28 Feint saved me from Jecht Block

    Just listing each move once here: (All the "hold" here means hold down the button)
    1st match
    0:05 Machine gun (hold)
    0:11 Ricochet Snipe (hold)
    0:19 Shield Bomb
    0:38 6-pack Missiles
    0:44 Shotgun
    0:47 Shotgun (hold)
    0:51 Sticky bomb (hold)
    0:55 Sticky bomb
    0:58 Ragnarok Blade
    1:22 Ragnarok Buster
    1:27 Satellite Beam
    2nd match
    1:52 Grenade
    1:55 Homing Bazooka
    2:17 Chase ends quickly if no input for ~1 sec
    2:33 Spirit/Split Laser

    Skill explanation
    Skipped Machine Gun, Sticky Bomb

    Ricochet Snipe has 3 Level
    No charge - single bullet
    Half charge - split to 3 bullets when ricochet
    Max charge - split to 5 bullets when ricochet
    Skill chart: http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/k...g?t=1293379741

    Shield Bomb has no "hold" version.
    Skill chart: http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/k...g?t=1293379764

    Shotgun the 3rd shot blast the enemy far away for wall rush, while the recoil is too strong for Laguna, as shown in the vid
    Skill chart: http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/k...g?t=1293379878

    6-pack Missile tap = 1 missile, hold for more, max = 6

    Grenade no "hold" for this attack, but rapid taps. 1,2 or 3 taps determines the throwing distance. Skill chart has (+1) (+2) icons for this. http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/k...g?t=1293380236

    Homing Bazooka just like Grendae, no hold, but taps. More taps = missile starts tracking later.
    Skill chart: http://s280.photobucket.com/albums/k...nt=Bazooka.jpg

    Spirit/Split Laser hold to delay the split. [/spoil]

    [spoil]*Hệ thống thay đổi:
    -Ko còn invisible khi bị Wall Rush.Nghĩa là lúc đó bạn có thể combo hay làm gì đó.
    -Map Moverment đã nhanh hơn rất nhiều
    -Tất cả đòn đánh của các nhân vật đã nhanh hơn
    -Ko chiến ko còn nhiều như trước vì vụ Reset Jump và độ rơi nhân vật có vẻ như tỉ lệ thuận theo speed của họ (Vd:OK rơi như 1 tảng đá và Exdeath rơi như một chiếc lông cũ)
    -Một số game thủ nhận thấy Speed bị làm giảm
    -Những đòn đánh nhiều hit như Swift atk của Zidane hay Beat Fang của Squall ko làm tăng thanh Assist nhiều.
    *Những thay đổi các chiêu thức (Lưu ý vì còn trong quá trình làm game nên những ý kiến dưới đây có thể sẽ đc SE thay đổi hoặc cũng có thể ko hay sang bản NA có thể sửa đổi)
    * Warrior of Light:
    -Dodge cancael để combo hầu như ko còn như bản UT.Nhưng có combo mới như Ascensio -> Aerial Dayflash và một số đòn trên ko khác. Aerial Dayflash (2 hits) -> Coat Buckler.
    -White Fang có biểu hiện khó hiểu vì ko hit với tất cả các mảnh dù đã đánh trúng đối thủ.Và họ nghĩ rằng đây có thể là lỗi game
    - Shining Wave: cái tia đánh lên trên đã giảm(has less of a vertical hitbox) nhưng khả năng dí của đòn này đã tăng lên như đòn wave dưới đất của CoD và nó dí lên trên ko lun!
    -Ultimate Shield:Tầm đánh tốt trong trường hợp bạn muốn “snag” ai đó
    + Radiant Sword đã nhanh hơn và dí tốt hơn
    +2 đòn Dayflashes là một đòn cận chiến mạnh
    +Round Edge có vẻ như guard break trong hit đầu tiên (ko chắc chắn)
    +Một trong 2 đòn uppercuts đã dí tốt hơn
    + Flare nhanh hơn Earthquake và tầm đánh theo chiều dọc tốt hơn
    - Blaze vẫn tồi tệ
    * Emperor:
    +Tất cả đòn đánh nhanh hơn
    +Flare vẫn còn có thể “phản chủ” ^^
    + Melachony's Prison thực sự là một đòn HP atk tốt.Co vẻ như invisible khi bắt đầu,hút và đánh đc đối thủ trên ko
    *Aerial Flare có vẻ ko bị hủy vì Braver và ngay cả Gungnir(Kain) ko phá đc?Họ cho rằng có thể đó là do Glitch
    - Lightning Crest đã bị giảm hit?
    - Mines vẫn bị dash qua đc
    - Light Crest gây dam nhiều hơn và bắn nhanh hơn nhưng “is crappier without a wall” (ko dịch đc??)
    + Blade Dance/Torrent khởi đầu nhanh hơn
    +Fire có đường đi tốt hơn
    *Cloud of Darkness
    +Chủ động hơn trước
    +Có một đòn Brv mới (Tentacle of Hate) đánh xung quanh CoD và gây Stun cho đến khi bạn bị đánh văng đi
    -Vẫn còn Float
    - Fusillade và O-Form dí tệ hơn trước
    *Cecil Harvey
    +Đòn assist Radian Wing tuyệt vời.Sử dụng nó khi bạn có ý định cho một combo dưới đất.Thậm chí bạn còn có thể hit đối thủ khi đối thủ ở trên ko lun
    +Paladin Force đã tăng Range
    + DK ground brv 3-hit combo has a larger hitbox (Ý nói đòn Valiant Blow?)
    -Dark Flame đã bị làm yếu đi
    +Nhiều cải tiến trong đòn đánh
    + Aerial systems dí tốt hơn
    -Assault System bị giảm hit
    -Uy lực Nightglow bị yếu đi vì đã bị crush bởi Cross-slash
    -Sector Ray:chưa dùng
    + Low và Mid guard block đc nhiều đòn hơn và tồn tại lâu hơn
    -High Guard chậm hơn và block ít đòn hơn
    -Khả năng linh động tồi tệ hơn.Chậm hơn dưới đất và nhẹ hơn khi ở trên ko
    - Reverse Polarity tồi tệ hơn trước vì đã ko còn gây Stagger khi block nữa (ko chắc lắm)
    *Terra Branford
    +Fire bây giờ đã là một đòn đánh mạnh và có tầm dài.Dí tốt,di chuyển nhanh và dam tốt
    + Ultima whiffs less off of Holy combo (ko dịch đc?ai hiểu dịch dùm mình )
    +Blizzard Combo nhanh hơn trước
    +Food nhanh hơn và tầm đánh rộng hơn
    +Chiêu Firaga tựa như Swift atk -> Free energy của Zidane trong bản tiếng Nhật
    + She pewpews Assists really easily. You have to change up your style against her (là sao?chỉ biết là tin tốt)
    -Meldown chậm hơn và cần tốn ít thời gian hơn để bắn ra dạng 1
    -Holy dí tệ hơn nhưng ko như trong bản Japan
    -Sự năng động của Terra đã giảm đi vì đi và dash ít hơn trước
    -Rơi nhanh hơn do đó các đòn mạnh trên ko đã ko còn đc tận dụng nhiều (chit Terra của tui rùi ><)
    -Blizzara dí tệ hơn
    -Ko tốt với Assist combo
    *Cloud Strife
    + Aerial Double Cut thật sự tốt,đây là đòn mà Cloud cần
    + Slashing Blow giờ đã absorbs,dí tốt hơn và nhanh hơn
    + Blade Beam là sự kết hợp giữa 2 bản Anh-Nhật:Tốc độ của Anh và nổ to của Nhật
    *Aerial Fang có thể gây stagger khi block?(ko chắc)
    +Nhiều combo hơn?Chỉ nói là có thể còn dodge cancel đòn Clihazzard để combo
    +Fire hitstun nhiều hơn đặc biệt là Firaga
    + Builds Bar REALLY well. One Slash Blow earns almost a full gauge. Double Cut does well (Ý nói EX gauge hay Assist gauge zợ??)
    -Meteorain vần vậy nhưng air version khá hơn
    -Cross-Slash bị yếu đi
    -Vẫn còn chậm và bị động
    -Clihazzard và Aerial Double Cut dí ko tốt cho lắm
    -Fire dí vẫn còn tệ
    + Heaven's Light đã có một khoảng thời gian invisible khi bắt đầu (ko chắc lắm)
    + Godspeed tuyệt vời,ground crash và nhanh hơn trước
    -Scintilla ít hit hơn
    - Tầm đánh của Heaven's Light bị điều chỉnh
    - Shadow Flare ít hitstun hơn và dễ thoát khỏi
    *Squall Leonhart
    + Upper Blues tăng assist gauge nhanh
    + Solid Barrel tăng dam và tầm đánh tốt hơn
    +Combo tuyệt với assist đặc biệt với HP atk
    + Mystic Flurry dí tốt hơn.Hit đầu đi thẳng đến chỗ đối thủ
    *Heel Crush mất magic invisibility vì đã bị hit bời Lightning’s Thundara? (ko chắc)
    -Đã ko còn có thể 1 hit KO
    - Beat Fang giảm dam và khả năng dí
    - Blizzard Bullet dí tệ hơn
    -Ko tăng assist gauge nhanh đặc biệt là ở trên ko
    - Thunder Bullet đã ko còn hút đối thủ
    *Zidane Tribal
    +Khả năng Jump trong EX Mode thật sự hữu dụng
    -Swift atk dí tệ hơn
    -Free Energy mất RẤT NHIỀU range.Nó hầu như tệ như Swordstrike của Firion và còn có thể tồi tệ hơn nữa (Ặc,chết Zidane rồi ><)
    +Ultima vẫn tốt và vẩn còn có thể di chuyển khi đang cast
    + Force Symphony là một cơn ác mộng với những đơn vị dưới đất
    + An annoying prick to catch
    +Khả năng absorb của Holy Star đã tăng lên
    * Ring Holy ko dash qua đc? (ko chắc)
    -Những đòn đánh brv tốt của Kuja đã chậm hơn và bị chỉnh sửa lại tệ hơn
    - Two shot BRV flare attack has crappy tracking, more so than UT
    -Di chuyển trong tấn công đã chậm hơn trước
    -Glide chậm hơn
    +Hot step dí tốt hơn
    +Thật sự đã có EVADE frames trong đòn đánh
    + Cut and Run in the air tracks? (Cut and Run trên ko??Hay là dí lên lun trên ko??ai hiểu dịch dùm mình)
    -Jump arc bị thay đổi
    -HP atk đã ít dí hơn
    -Cái vụ này mình thấy zui zui nè: Tidus's balls có thể bị dội ngược lại và dam Tidus.Bao gồm cả Jecht shot và Moogle Shot
    + Hitbox adjusted. The tips of his toes will actually HIT you now
    +Charge nhanh hơn trước
    -AI quá ngu để có thể tim hiểu kĩ về Jecht.Ko có thong tin về Jecht Beam.
    *Kain Highwind
    +Khả năng tạo combos tuyệt .Nhấn tam giác để đánh típ thay vì Chase,Kain có thể đánh tiếp
    +Chống mage
    + Gungnir có khả năng dí tốt.Đây là 1 đòn “heavy lag/start up attacks”.
    +Đòn Jump có thể cancle bất cứ lúc nào
    +Combos tốt
    + Celestial Shooter và Crash Dive change altitude while attacking, so you can keep the foe pressured and guessing with vision issues.
    +Ít rắc rối hơn Lightning nhưng cũng rất đáng sợ.Tuyệt cho beginners
    + EX mode is beast! Capable of canceling just about anything means he can wreck house with the opponent, especially if they're twitchy. Example: Use Jump and cancel right before it hits if you notice your foe is gonna evade it, follow up with Thrust Lance or Gungnir to scare'em.
    -Ko tăng assist nhanh
    -Build mà SE mặc định cho Kain trong game show ko gây dam nhiều
    -Gặp vấn đề với Assist build và combo ko dễ dàng
    -Tựa tựa Cecil nhưng đòn ko dễ guard một khi người dùng đã quen chiêu
    - Dragon Sword [Lancet] will have issues hitting. It's a spawn point type like Flood,vì vậy nó cần một khoảng thời gian để đánh
    + One of the most diverse and versatile characters in the build. Easily has tools for just about any situation
    + Shifts xảy ra ở mid-combo nhưng cần phải có sự luyện tập
    + Gun shots tốt (nguyên bản là “Gun shots are gay”,ví von kiểu gì thế )an toàn,nhanh và đc set up for assist combos
    + Razor Gale dí chậm,đc dùng để set trap.Ko thể dash qua lẩn block.Nó như Dark flame ý
    + Thundaga hoạt động như một tấm khiên và tăng thanh Assist tốt
    + Đòn Smash Upper links với Flourish of Steel
    + Ravager mode is by far the best all around
    +Có thể tạo một combos dài (ồồồ!).Vd: Smash Upper (2 hits) -> WoL Buckler -> Set a Razor Gale as WoL attacks -> Ground Rush into Razor Gale -> Paradigmn Shift-> Scene Drive -> WoL Assist DayFlash in the air -> Crushing Blow.
    + AT: Pardigmn Cancel- Mikoto reports being able to cancel the ending lag/animation of certain attacks and the opening of others into the next mode's attack. Example: Commando Smash Upper start up turned into a feint that lead to Waterga. The ending of Thunder was double canceled into Blitz/Gun Rush. It looks as if Lightning does a short hop or twitch when doing the skill. Unsure how to do it, as she couldn't replicate the glitch consistently.
    -Rắc rối,cần phải học và có thời gian tập luyện. Assist combo timing are awkward.
    -Ko gain Brv dễ như các bạn tưởng
    -Đòn đánh thường hất đối thủ ra xa nên bạn cần phải chase nhìu
    -Hoàn toàn phụ thuộc vào sự thay đổi các mode.Mode Medic is a deadweight
    - Cure spells only worthwhile in Thunder walling. Not that abusable. Could serve as a lure
    -Atk ko nhanh nhưng ko chậm như Cecil.Lightning là một đối thủ mạnh trong tầm mid-range
    -Mode Commando tầm thường.The gun attacks save it from being standard issue [/spoil]
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 1/3/11
  6. arthas1010

    arthas1010 Mario & Luigi

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  7. Snowsheep

    Snowsheep Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Những tin mới nhất:​

    Final Fantasy Dissidia 012 Duodecim - Ending​

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    The 4th costume for the Warrior or Light​

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    Little Bits and Pieces About Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy​

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    Tokyo is Covered in Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy​

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    Does Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy Really Take 100 Minutes to Install?​

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    First Look: Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy's Desperado Chaos​

    [spoil](Nguồn: http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2011/03/03/dissidia_broadcast/)[/spoil]
    New abilities' description​

    Drop Speed Up
    After all jumps, press the X button to drop quickly.
    (sounds like a downward Multi Air Slide )

    Drop Pause
    After all jumps, hold the X button to stop falling, releasing the button to start falling again.

    "Rivalry Heart"
    Critical rate up when opponent's Brv > 3000

    (...) not sure
    Critical rate up when opponent does not attack for a period of time

    Pride of Glass
    Critical rate up if you have not hit by opponent yet

    Reduce wall rush damage

    Assist Critical
    Increase Assist's attack critical rate

    Reflect Up
    Increase damage on reflected magical attacks to opponent.

    Optima Order change
    Swapping Blaster and Attacker place when performing Optima change

    Wall Jump
    Press X button while running on walls to do a high jump.

    Reverse Ground Dash
    Multi (Omni) Ground Dash
    Ground Dodge Distance Up

    エアダッシュ強化 「エアダッシュ」の速度がアップする
    Air Dash Power Up
    Increase speed of "Air Dash"

    フリーエアダッシュ強化 「フリーエアダッシュ」「マルチエアダッシュ」の速度がアップする
    Free Air Dash Power Up
    Increase speed of "Free Air Dash" and "Multi (Omni) Air Dash"

    Multi (Omni) Air Dash+
    Multi (Omni) Ground Dash+
    Allows you to turn while dashing.

    Auto Assist Lock
    RPG Style+
    Auto Assist
    EXP to Assist

    The following are the new Equip and Master (Adept) abilities. Now learning 1 ability gives you access to a few equips. I'm too lazy to translate all the names, so I will just list the categories and bonus
    Weapon, Master/adpet Bonus = Damage +5%, 4 categories:
    sword, dagger, greatsword, katana
    Spear, Axe, Grappling
    rod, staff, stick/club/whatever
    thrown weapon, instrument, gun

    Hand equips, Master/adpet bonus = damage cut+5%, 2 categories:
    shield, great shield
    bangle, gauntlet, parrying

    Head equips, Master/adpet bonus = Brv+100, 2 categories:
    helm, hat
    Hairpin, headband

    Body equips, Master/adpet bonus = HP+1000, 2 categories:
    light armor, heavy armor, breastplate
    clothing, robe
    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy's Labyrinth Mode​

    [spoil](Nguồn: http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2011/02/28/dissidia_labyrinth/)[/spoil]
    Dissidia 012 Character Tournament Yuna vs Jecht​

    HQ Gilgamesh Famitsu Scans​

    So you can see Gil's costumes and screens from his story mode. Dialogue confirms that Gil has arrived from the Interdimensional Rift post-FFV to Dissidia. He has lines like "No, I made a magnificient return to life from the Rift!" and "I'm different now than I was back then" and he says to Vaan, Squall, and Zidane, "Ah, okay, apparently I got the wrong exit." To Bartz, he states, "In summation, I want to resolve things with my most worthy opponent." And Bartz replies with "I accept your challenge." (Aww, glad they'll have their mano-a-mano battle at last)

    - Mostly covering Gil's different moves (which we've seen in his gameplay videos) and Bartz and Exdeath's new costumes and attacks. Of note in the side bar are two of the new Summons - Calcabrina which lowers your opponent's Brave to 0 but does not inflict Break, and Ultima which after a fixed amount of time will completely break your opponent's Brave, EX-Gauge, Assist Gauge, and drain the Map Brave.

    So here is the deal, Labyrinth Mode completely replaces the Coliseum. You start with a single character and can gain Party cards to add up to five Party members. You can also recieve Party Battle Cards as well. Also, it seems that there will be special items you can only use in the Labyrinth and will not be able to remove. (Please feel free to double check me on this, I'm not entirely sure on this point.) Other modes are pretty much the same, with the Theater having recieved a face-lift.
    Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy: Gilgamesh and More Another Forms​

    [spoil](Nguồn: http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2011/02/25/dissidia_gilgamesh_update/)[/spoil]
    Some Early Flying Get Comments from Tetsuya Nomura​

    [spoil]No more Dissidia in its current form, says the Square Enix master.
    Info from this week's Dengeki PlayStation has leaked out via the usual sources for early magazine leaks. The magazine apparently has a very revealing interview with Tetsuya Nomura, mostly surrounding Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy, but also touching on a few other areas.

    I haven't verified any of this (I probably won't get Dengeki until later tonight or possibly tomorrow), but here are some bullet points:

    Nomura apparently tells the magazine that there's no next for Dissidia -- that is, Dissidia in its current form ends with Duodecim. He adds that there could be a completely different form of Dissidia, though. Regarding this area, he says that he feels they've done all they can with the combat base, but the game could appear in a new form. "I'd like to have the staff make a different genre."

    There won't be a "Universal Tuning" type international re-release for Duodecim. The reason is that the overseas version is seeing near simultaneous release with the Japanese version this time.

    Regarding a possible Kingom Hearts Birth by Sleep download release, Nomura says that this is difficult for a reason he can't say. The problem is separate from Square Enix, Disney or Utada Hikaru (who sings the theme songs). "I want to do something, but it will take time."

    On Sony's new NGP system, producer Yoshinori Kitase was apparently in attendance at Sony's unveiling press conference. Kitase shared his opinions and ideas with Sony during the hardware's development (a recent Famitsu interview with Sony Computer Entertainment's president revealed that Sony did actively go around getting input from developers when developing the NGP). However, Nomura said that he could not yet talk about his (or possibly Square Enix's) plans for NGP titles.

    Nomura also reveals that the voice actor for Gilgamesh is Kazuya Nakai.

    The above is based off a brief summary of the interview that's floating about, so there may be some discrepancies from the source material. I'll verify once I have the magazine for myself!
    Gameplay vids!​

    World Map (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-aUm17-oSE)
    Gilgamesh vs Bartz(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtREswisyNE)
    Gilgamesh vs Bartz2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OFy2m_mC70&feature=player_embedded)
    Cod vs Prishe (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyiQCbUZCLI)
    Yuna vs Prishe (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJuZV-FZNfs&feature=player_embedded)
    Laguna vs Ultimecia (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEIjWwFu7zo)
    Yuna vs Jecht (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1A8m4EH2Ys)
    Firion vs The Emperor (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vP1o0nPPU9g)
    Kain vs Golbez (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVfCFX0Ha_E)
    Vaan vs Gabranth (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8GplDeMr5Q)
    Lightning vs Garland (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMPeOylqk58)
    Zidane vs Kuja (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHRTe3PnG3M)
    Tifa vs Sephiroth (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iP9Lkz1z6E)
    (Nguồn: http://community.livejournal.com/ffchaoticcosmos/352071.html)
    The famitsu article​

    Page 6 - released just before
    Other information - Gilgamesh, a new mode "Labyrinth" to ban information

     ◆ Gilgamesh
     Voice Actor: Nakai Kazuya.
     The legendary self-proclaimed troll swordsman has also several world-dimensional wandering the eyelet.

    "And I forgot I did not expect them to say my name"
    "Well apparently got the wrong exit" (Van, Squall, Zidane before)
     I must have gone wrong somehow come.

    Manipulated by a variety of weapons - two swords
    Induction with high performance - "Missiles": Comment 鯨岡 said "comical behavior and one's ears after missile flew to Watch"
    * Comments 鯨岡 said, "I get real rack full of weapons in which the parameters do not affect LUK"
    - "Jump" is a technical attack. In the original, "but the up is a lie!" Technique to reproduce the scene, stick to the ground and avoided
    The rest rely on a long easy decision - HP attack attacking "low desk"

    · EX mode, this increased to eight arms, with all the weapons in the hands of
    * Comments 鯨岡 said "EX equipped weapon will not change until the mode. Is determined by random weapons at this time"
    - "Ginomai vine" that the attacks
    · EX Burst is "the strongest sword" to pick the real Sword in the fast-rotating blade. Comments 鯨岡 said, "but 7 / 8 Ekusukaripa"
    Cut down the other - if they hit the real camera eye, the last pillar of light to attack "ultimate fantasy" in the make up

     ● Mr. Nomura Tetsuya comment
    · FFV production was completed during the first dot painting, and did it have a history painter's image after the character has stood so unexpected of Amano
    - Dot paintings and illustrations that are different for the design, DDFF pixel art version that appeared in a third form
    FFV - on being given voice to a casting and acting of Gilgamesh
    - Bukkake so blown out of the territory Kefuka personality, Nowak might have enjoyed All Users

     ● Pureiinpuresshon
    - Some missiles, near the main power - the impression of medium-range fighter
    Dimensional worlds of weapons - are too addictive. Get at great damage can be expected Excalibur, the longest reach "Naginata" Normally if you are connected to the unlikely combo, and watery eyes that come at critical times Ekusukaripa
    Cries out with a knife - Chicken w moss moss

     ● Interview with Mr. Takeo 鯨岡 Battle Director
    - The concept is "scrambled fighter." Attack at random from eight different weapons each time you attack. After the attacks disappear like Butts. The technique, but have all the random things simple and easy to use. Is easily affected by the performance and reach Soredakeni weapons. Fret over the other characters in PvP will not have things. Since the characters do not end with the adjustment story, please use the happenings while enjoying

    - Weapons, Power is to be doubled if the Excalibur for example, as a whole if Ekusukaripa. Sound effects, "Pohyu" and pale in w "sword of Genji," has cut the opponent's EX gauge. But very low probability that others will immediately break 居合I "sword iron sword" there. Characteristics of each weapon is a very sharp object

    · EX mode has a pattern of three weapons, one also has the same thing eight, the second with four each, equipped with a random third of all arms, and. Damage increases with eight arms, some of the technology is spread attack range, four times the damage must be expected.

    If a fake 引Ki当Teta · EX burst in the street waiting for the deployment of imagination. No reaction one opponent in damage every hit and threw the sword against an HP director noticed that Gilgamesh's attacks, "Oh do not the strongest sword!" Words that echoed sadly. In the production there may be more spectacular failure w

     ● Interview with overhang
    - V is basically based on that, so far so that the elements 汲Mi取Tsu all the characters might have had to say seems to be a compilation from the work well into what Gilgamesh

    Did you get any weapon is a matter of luck, so, too hard to predict his opponent. Shimo Makoto entrust himself to luck and am good even take advantage of a situation change in favor of arms

    Knife weapon so fake chicken "chicken knife?" HP 10% of the effect of Power is reduced by a factor of 1.12 of that. The shape of a chicken or if the blade when it hits the sound of "****-a-doodle-doo!" Or even w

    · EX becomes depressed and the corresponding mode, the w eight Ekusukaripa still makes you laugh because you Gilgamesh. Itself well to this provision to suicide, crying why Ekusukaripa w 8

    Gilgamesh - Gilgamesh is a different beast summoned to exist as a paradox, but can also use the Gilgamesh Gilgamesh. If there seems to be used is where I think

     ◆ Character

     "Ekusudesu" "Butz Klauser" "Yuna" "Purisshu" presented in the form of third body.

    HP's new offensive - Ekusudesu storm "Mir" has triggered a slow streak
    - Bats are also incorporated techniques such as lightning
    Bats - the EX is equipped with a red cloak mode of the original pixel art style
    The third form is back - the wind Purisshu Pareo, spats boots sandals

     ◆ System

     ● Character Customization
    - So that a lower level
    Appeared in a number of new abilities - such as speed-up assistance and auto drop

     Baka ●
    Karukoburina · FF4's "pupil" to 0 to release the state of bravery against Blake
    Arutema · FF12 Holy Angel's "full Arutema" and a period of time Ashisutobureiku EX Mappubureibu get a break even when the

     Labyrinth ● "Labyrinth"
    Coliseum - a new mode power was
    * While we continue to select the card maze
    · EXIT card you choose one from among four options, including the other two pieces to slide off the card stock was
    - Change and development to choose a door
    · EXIT is selected out of the labyrinth
    - There are advantages to obtaining a job and fellow card. Easy to get treasure and recover strength. Card stock is placed in effect will continue until the three pieces
    Card party - the characters, it is possible to increase or assist party members character
    - Get your items in exchange get a medal in the labyrinth
    - 持Chi出Senai items are basically items with a special icon if you bring out can make you choose a card from the maze exit is drawn
    - 持Chi出Seru item is available when things start to equip another labyrinth challenge

     ● Other
    • The fight against the custom and grew their own characters, characters can choose a preset from scratch in a fight
    - Story mode appear to advance the "Report" found in sentences in the story. Events and select the battle occur in blue
    - Multiplayer game can be ad hoc, made up to 10 participants, spectators can not join the battle
    • The museum's collections and music reading watching events, such as a reference can picture book character. The event has been arranged in chronological order
    The full interview in Japanese​

     ◆ Gilgamesh
     Self-proclaimed legendary swordsman, FFV Between survived dimension plays a rival.

     Nakai Kazuya's voice actor.

     Anazafomu is just the first out dressed like a turban wrapped around the face, feel the muscles getting rid of visible corselet.
     The third form looks like wearing a full plate. Original pixel art.

    Switch weapons at a time - hanging out the attack (random)
    1 no questions asked - and when the damage Ekusukaripa
    Possible attack from a distance - "Rocket Punch" to be a high-speed induction. EX mode, so the eight arms of Gilgamesh, also eight rocket punch out

     ◆ Other than CHARACTERS

     ● Third Form
     The bust on the whole, so do not know of a screen shot of Purisshu and Yuna is also a third form.

    - Yuna's outfit was her wedding dress. Not wearing the veil
    - Purisshu are wearing blue tops skimpy bikini top with no sleeves like arrangement of the swimsuit. Bottoms out, but the navel does not change, skirt leggings
    Butts was based apparel - pixel art, but felt it was the already
    - Take off with the motif Ekusudesu Ekusudesu the original Neoekusudesu

     Other characters introduced four pages, 4 page introduction in the game.

     ◆ Interview

     Mr. Takahashi Mitsunori director, Tetsuya Nomura interview creative producer.

    The high FFV Gilgamesh Gilgamesh, and is a former Amano's illustrations. The objects of the Anazafomu FFVIII, a third form of pixel art FFV original story. Pixel art is precious and not published anywhere there are probably former material was drawn by Mr Nomura sketchbook. Seemed to hit it while watching the dots I had drawn tight. The unusual but beat the dots and say

    Battle of Gilgamesh high concept "scrambled fighter." Fun to use its name in a very comical. The biggest feature is completely at random unpredictable and even his arms flow. Changes randomly each time the weapon attack, I do not know which one to use. Eight arms but this, their reach is long, damaging, EX has the characteristics of force and release Ishi Yasu, some Ekusukaripa. Damage which holds only one character, a gambling high. Serious character, but you can not really play break, Gilgamesh is also similar to the feeling when I was making sense of a character Kefuka those in the previous work in reverse. It was a really fun was making the staff to see the moving "I have been so" You have done a lot to brainstorm ideas and so on. The missiles and rockets were going to punch in the original, 3D has been incorporated a playful Ni当Tatte of motion as well. Do not block my ears 撃Ttara a missile, stuck to the ground and thrusts from the head after the jump. So comical characters such as a whole, by all means take a look at moving

    Nakai Kazuya's high voice. Awesome. Characters had me gripped from the start. Thought it was hard to feel right at home. I thought it was perfect. Gilgamesh events really looking forward to because I want to miss. Made to see the events themselves, that is rarely laugh out loud. I have come up with the wonders of Nakai's acting, I want you to really look forward to

    About 15 hours playing time in the high 12th. Just about 60 hours including the 13th story. Including a substantial volume and short stories

    Gilgamesh and high Purisshu had been cleared to lift the ban, including up to 13 times after the beginning, there was to be released to finish 12th in the previous work, so many people playing. Do not write a strong enemy elements can be a challenge, but after clearing the 12th. After clearing the first 13 times recommended

    The high official original quest, to make a joke and not seen in communication between the original characters, which plans to deliver complementary products

    Up to 800MB high-data install it very slow and moderate, we recommend installing Sun bought it while still playing in bed

    More categories of items such as high-guns and sticks, and various accessories and put his hand thinning. Without taking over because it seems too confusing to take over users

    High material so you get enough fight fight, and I enjoy being collected

    Third favorite form Uoriaoburaito high. EX class will change the mode.
    Division President. Sandals Laguna equipment
    But at what age group dressed in the original high, DDFF end 27 years of age in Laguna does not change

    High Yuna summon the feeling of operation will be appeared as a special. I come from a different location and the technical character, technical performance standard was adjusted so that the special translation is likely to know Japan. The bane of planners, and said several times it will make you anxious
    Had to summon to fight without getting wild
    Nomura said he initially was high and try to do better Doresuchenji, it was still more original
    Wild Yuna summon out and fight after all
    I worried about what to do w too high workload, staff convened an emergency when they are ordered to seek w How do I can do, the results worked out on a trial and error. That something you try and w

    High Yuna's attack looks gorgeous. Baka it comes out. Good to do

    Baka Takashi Katsu out immediately behind the pose comes at random. Staff were working hard and want a motion made

    Yuna was asked if the field is how to fight, "No, because Summoner" and w

    I made a high free, after consultation with those pivotal points in the first could go smoothly. There was no other emergency call
    From his field after he told about it this way had left early. Since the last base would have made fine

    Wild only here, that will be another pillar of the EX mode only, first told about this. Later in the Summoner Yuna, summon the 2D and 3D is useless without'll hand those in w

    Call you by name in the high Tiida heresy

    Baka high systemic eight additional bodies. Shirudora FFV is also counteract the effects of such a special person Baka

    The height adjustment is more likely to attack and HP, which is the basic thing of all upper and adjusted to shift toward more aggressive attack

    The previous high character Furioniru was adjusted several times. TGS has been upgraded several times to hear the reputation of the trial. The lead is like a combo Shantotto

    High Furioniru are so many opinions so pure power. Ties reviewed Shantotto felt combo

    There could also go and raise the overall strength of the other person Kushitara high balance seen in the game doing a weekly staff

    There is no field next work. Dissidia believe that this pattern ending at this time. UT version is also free. Since it is impossible to put out almost simultaneously, overseas edition. KHII time now had been considered but not plan to come out and say, come out when you come out and say exactly. UT version of this work does not appear. However, the emergence of a completely different form of Dissidia may be a future

    Dishidiashirizu field as the new form of the future is something that might be likely to appear. , But I think this game based of what do not you exhausted
    Feeling exhausted's doing more than everyone thinks is high. I think that you'd really crafted play about life
    Field staff for several years, so I got to do things one on one matchup, we want to make things different genre now. I think Dissidia obvious pattern to do this. , And that the 3D characters in the past been so exciting revival, as Dissidia is like to do if given the chance I will carry something. However, in this Dissidia then I do not think

    NGP field presentation of the day he was going Kitase venue. During the development of NGP you let out a few times my opinions and ideas

    NGP field for the title story is not yet talking

    Version of the DL field KHBbS want something, not because of tough talking. Square Enix and Disney, however, because the problem is Utada's another reason not to want to avoid misunderstandings. How to become available in the future but somehow we're going, the time is still needed

    Take that in as a compilation packed with high. Making it as a place to have fun with any person Nowak, RPG genre but still love you like regardless of ACT, even for people who want to enjoy the character. FF I wanted to show how much of it by all means play the best game I was able to put out old characters were present. I want you to enjoy
    Me was the fans who are playing quite a long time previous field, this is a play longer than making more. At least the "zero type" I want to play before getting tired, I want to play forever

     There is a staff writer at the lower Pureiinpuresshon interviews, mostly positive. It seems everyone has played over 100 hours ...

     The Buyer is evaluated at the end of "S" (excellent) Simple operation and refreshing action, even a beginner safe, abundant production strike a chord with fans of the original, play Gotae unrivaled. After you install a little long to load.
    New and modified accessories in 012​

    Abandon Beads: opponent's critical rate down +2%

    Pearl Neckness: EX force absorption range +1m, Assist gauge rise -20%

    Dragonfly Orb: EX force absorb +10%, Assist gauge rise -20%

    Silver Hourglass: EX core absorb +10%, Assist gauge maintenance time -30%

    Pendent: EX mode duration +5%, Assist gauge maintenance time -10%

    Spider's Thread: EX core appearance UP, EX force absorb -10%, EX revenge duration +5%

    Engage Jewel: Assist gauge maintenance time +10%, EX force absorb -20%

    エンゲージリング(アシストフリー:アシスト攻撃を出しても5%の確率でアシストゲージが減ら ない)
    Engage Ring: Assist Free (effect = when calling Assist attack, there is a 5% chance of not reducing/spending your Assist gauge)

    Sun Rise: Battlegen rate +50%

    Despair/Dismay Shock (forgot which one): EX Gauge Depletion +1%

    Engage Hammer: Assist Gauge Depletion +5%

    "Special move" breaking heart XD: EX Iai Strike+2%, Defense (Damage cut) -10%

    Friendship breaking heart: Assist Iai Strike+2%, Defense (Damage cut) -10%

    Friendship Resin: Initial Assist Gauge +100%, Breakability: 100%

    (Dunno how to translate this lol): Endurance (effect = when under attack, there is a 4% chance of the damage becomes 1)

    フェザーブーツ(デジョンワープダメージカット+50%・デジョン予兆ダメージカット+100 %)
    Feather Boots: Banish trap damage cut +50%, Banish trap "omen" damage cut +100%

    Cyan Gem: Initial EX+20%, Assist gauge maintenance time -20%

    White Gem: EX force absorb +10%, Assist gauge maintenance time -20%

    Training Ring: BRV=0, Physical damage-100%, Magical damage-100%
    (Nice for testing! LOL)

    Ground Keep: self on ground for more than 3sec: x1.5

    Air Keep: self in the air for more than 10sec: x1.5

    Dissidia 012:Original Soundtrack​


    Track list http://www.square-enix.co.jp/music/sem/page/dissidia/012/
    Matoya's Cave
    Caos Shrine
    Gulug Volcano (original)

    Imperial Army theme (original)

    Crystal Cave
    Doga and Une's Mansion (original)

    Theme of Suspicion (Kain's theme)
    Theme of Love (Rosa's theme) (original)

    Home, sweet home (original)

    Phantom Forest
    Searching for Friends (original)

    Tifa's theme
    Forested Temple
    Those who fight (:____D) (original)

    Find your way
    Foce your way
    Premonition (original)

    The place I'll return to someday
    Grand Cross
    You're not alone (original)

    Yuna's theme
    Aeon Battle
    Via Purifico
    A fleeting dream (original) [/spoil]
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 3/3/11
  8. Thundaga_Bum

    Thundaga_Bum Terminator-1200 Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
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    Hà Nội

    Dissidia 012 FF Official Trailer HD

    Update thêm cảnh cảnh Cloud gọi assist Aerith vào trận đấu ở cuối Trailer :)
  9. Snowsheep

    Snowsheep Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    @Thundaga_Bum: Cái đó chỉ là chất lượng cao hơn thôi chứ ko phải thêm cảnh gì cả,trailer cũng có cảnh này rồi.Có gì hãy post bên chat kia trước và để lại tin nhắn,mình sẽ sửa và đổi mới ngay khi mình nhận đc tin này.Post bài vào sợ nó rối lắm,thông cảm ^^
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 29/1/11
  10. arthas1010

    arthas1010 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    sặc, hóa ra là tin tức mới thì Snow edit lại bài à? thôi bạn cứ post mới đi chứ bạn edit thì mình chả biết có tin mới đẻ mà vào coi
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 28/1/11
  11. Snowsheep

    Snowsheep Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    @arhthas1010:Cái này mình cũng có nghĩ đến nên có lẽ mình nên để mục "Tin mới nhất" ở đầu bảng để các bạn biết tin gì mới để dò chứ lướt hết đống tin từ trước đến giờ để kiếm thì hơi mệt,chỉ cần nhấn đường Link tin mới ^^ Cám ơn đã góp ý ^^
  12. QA12

    QA12 Donkey Kong Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    vừa thấy mấy cái video với screenshot mới update cho mọi người luôn :)

    Clip gameplay lightning vs garland map Empyreal Paradox
    Clip story cutscene (tiếng nhật cả nên chả hiểu gì :|)
    Story gameplay
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 9/2/11
  13. Snowsheep

    Snowsheep Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Scans;Videos;New Music;New Summons Information;New Battleground Information:​


    -Terra,Kefka: [spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    -Vaan,Gabrant: [spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    -Laguna Loire: [spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    -Squall,Ultimecia: [spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    -OnionKnight,Cloud of Darkness: [spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    -Yuna,Tifa: [spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    -Tidus,Jecht: [spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    -Zidane,Kuja,Lightning: [spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    -Aerith,Yuna: [spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    -Gilgamesh: [spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    -Bartz,Exdeath: [spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    -Prishe,Yuna: [spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    -Original SoundTrack: [spoil][​IMG][/spoil]
    -Comos side: [spoil]http://media.rpgsite.net/artwork/255/dissidia_duodecim_cosmos_cgi_render.jpg[/spoil]
    -Chaos side: [spoil]http://media.rpgsite.net/artwork/255/dissidia_duodecim_chaos_cgi_render.jpg[/spoil]

    Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy Final Trailer (English Sub): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfjD49aRxnM&feature=player_embedded
    Official Jump Festa Trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3FoJWBPLzM&feature=player_embedded
    Official TGS Extended Trailer:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVS8xTAAzIc&feature=player_embedded
    Lightning TGS Arcade Gameplay:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f10BQ7el72I&feature=player_embedded
    Lightning vs Terra TGS Gameplay I:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbOrYAC_mRU&feature=player_embedded
    Lightning vs Terra TGS Gameplay II:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWJxTP7fR-I&feature=player_embedded
    TGS Interview Gameplay:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvcXmKLlElc&feature=player_embedded
    Kain vs Cecil Gameplay:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6zuHSwUy0A&feature=player_embedded
    Vaan vs Tifa Gameplay:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UP6K6_0Z_54&feature=player_embedded
    Laguna vs Lightning Gameplay:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ucj84MDY_z0&feature=player_embedded

    New Music​

    Summoned Beast Battle:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocwtriYIBF0&feature=player_embedded
    Esper Battle:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ehshRzI8KQ&feature=player_embedded
    Force Your Way:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWsXH0rWH3Y&feature=player_embedded
    Battle Theme[Final Fantasy VI] :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDR6m1U05Rc&feature=player_embedded
    J-E-N-O-V-A :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mynhH92R0I&feature=player_embedded
    Battle 1 [Final Fantasy IV]:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3arTH1yHAw&feature=player_embedded
    Grand Cross:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Eqik25eJ9E&feature=player_embedded
    Saber's Edge:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IA0BUjzHhKs&feature=player_embedded
    Battle 1[Final Fantasy III]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qUohsc2Mk0&feature=player_embedded
    Chaos Shrinehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kuqA4JdBdY&feature=player_embedded
    Blinded by Light:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctNANTzbiWE&feature=player_embedded
    Castle Pandemonium :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OG9v80_CaG8&feature=player_embedded
    The Last Battle [Final Fantasy V]:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNUgsXn--uc&feature=player_embedded

    New Summons Information​

    Brynhildr - "Muspell Flame" - Nhân 2 Map Bravery
    Calca & Brina - "Pupil" - Removes opponent's Break status, but leaves them with zero Bravery
    Ultima, High Seraph - "Total Ultima" - Receive the Map Bravery upon being inflicted with Assist/EX Break
    Sand Worm - ???? - Drain more Bravery from the opponent the further away you are
    Syldra - ???? - Negates the adverse affect of the opponent's Summonstone on you

    New Battleground Information​

    Hell's Throne [Final Fantasy II] - The bottom floor of Pandaemonium where Emperor Mateus' throne sits. No other known information at this time
    Crystal Tower [Final Fantasy III] - A grand, bright tower the Light Warriors climbed to face Xande and stop his evil machinations. A cramped space with walls on all sides, and a large tower in the middle, with a few balconies to stand on
    Phantom Train [Final Fantasy VI] - The mysterious train that brings the dead to the afterlife. A narrow stage with breakable seats. The camera rocks back and forth with the sway of the train
    Prima Vista [Final Fantasy IX] - The Tantalus Performance Troupe's airship theater! A smaller, enclosed map, fight on the front stage or take the battle to the castle set piece in the back
    Sky Fortress Bahamut [Final Fantasy XII] - The Archadian Empire's most powerful weapon! High winds propagate the higher up you go in the level, which can blow characters into the Banish Traps. A very long, slightly narrow battlefield with grind rails on the periphery
    _____Omega - Map Bravery increases while characters stand on the ground
    Empyreal Paradox [Final Fantasy XI] - A zone outside of the world of Vana'diel where great battles were fought. A very open, yet barren battlefield. A large crystal floats in the middle of the stage
    _____Omega - The large crystal begins to absorb the light of the world underfoot. If a character is too close, their Bravery will be absorbed as well, all adding to the Map Bravery
    Orphan's Cradle [Final Fantasy XIII] - The final dungeon where the l'Cie challenged their fate! A very large and mostly open battlefield completely surrounded by Banish Traps on all sides, with grind rails on the narrow bridges. Getting absorbed by a Banish Trap always puts the character at the center pedestal of the level, no matter where you are

    #The stages that have confirmed on NO Omega version are: Crystal Tower, Hell's Throne, Prima Vista
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 26/2/11
  14. Akira_Miyamoto

    Akira_Miyamoto T.E.T.Я.I.S

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  15. Snowsheep

    Snowsheep Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy General Knowledge & Mechanics Digest:​
    Duodecim Knowledge: Outline
    I. Player Mechanics

    A. Bravery Attacks
    B. HP Attacks
    C. Chase
    D. Special Maneuvers
    E. Summonstones

    II. Stage Mechanics

    A. BRV Pool and BRV Breaks
    B. Banish Traps
    C. Normal Stages and Omega Ω Stages
    D. Judgment

    III. Assist System

    A. Assist Attack & Maintenance
    B. Assist Charge
    C. Assist Change
    D. Assist Chase
    E. Assist Lock

    IV. EX System

    A. EX Force & EX Cores
    B. EX Mode & EX Burst
    C. EX Revenge
    D. EX Break
    E. Assist Break

    V. Character Concepts

    A. Player Characters
    B. Assist-Only Characters

    VI. Miscellaneous

    A. Stage List
    B. General Terminology
    C. General Knowledge
    D. General Strategies
    E. General Glitches

    VII. 012 Tweaks & Features [012]

    A. 012 Tweaks
    B. New Features
    I. Player Mechanics
    Using a Bravery Attack takes away from opponent's Bravery (BRV) - that's the number above a character's panel during battle. Bravery Attacks do not reduce an opponent's Hit Points (HP), but Bravery itself is used to deal HP damage. Note that some BRV Attacks may initiate Chase, may link to an HP attack, or may cause Wall Rush. Wall Rush is additional damage due to impact against a wall, ceiling, or floor. Not all Bravery attacks have the Chase or Wall Rush properties. Slam the opponent around with your Bravery Attacks to deplete their Bravery past zero, inflicting them with Bravery Break. While in Bravery Break, Bravery slowly charges back up to its base. You can land Bravery Attacks to help the charge along, but it won’t deplete the opponent’s Bravery at all.

    Using an HP Attack takes away your opponent's HP equivalent to your current BRV, which is consumed to power the special attack. Some attacks inflict Wall Rush - additional HP Damage due to being slammed against the wall. The damage inflicted by Wall Rush is normally 25% of the initial damage. Not all HP attacks have the Wall Rush properties. After landing an HP attack, a character's Bravery will charge back up to its base amount from zero - although it takes longer to recharge the more Bravery was used in the HP Attack. When your Bravery is dangerously low or you are suffering from Bravery Break, you can land an HP Attack specifically to get your Bravery back up to base.

    C. CHASE<PRESS X to initiate; PRESS O or [] to attack; PRESS X to dodge>
    After certain BRV attacks, a Chase may be initiated by pressing X when cued. Chase is an alternating attack sequence. Pressing O initiates a FAST BRV CHASE ATTACK which can continue into another chase. Pressing [] initiates a DELAYED HP CHASE ATTACK which inflicts HP damage - and potentially Wall Rush - to the opponent. If you're being Chased, press X immediately when the opponent does a BRV Chase attack and press X a few seconds after the opponent begins his HP Chase attack. (Tip: During HP Chase Attacks, the screen dims and most characters speak.) Initiating, or continuing, Chase with X pulls all EX Force present on the field to you. Chase automatically ends if either character is idle for more than one second during his turn to attack.

    * Press Δ to use Quickmove (arrows on field) when indicated.
    * Press <R+Δ> to Ground Dash or Air Dash.
    * Press X to jump.
    * Press <R+X> to dodge. You can control the direction of the dodge. Dodges attempt to avoid an attack. Learn to dodge an attack by learning its timing!
    * Press R to block. Blocking attempts to parry an attack to stagger an opponent. Not all attacks can be Blocked! Most HP attacks and strong Bravery attacks CANNOT be blocked.
    * Press L to change targets. Pressing multiple times can cycle through the multiple targets. The cycle order is "[Enemy] > [Enemy Assist] if available > [EX Core] if available > [Disengaged]" and back to the beginning. This can be useful to whoosh toward those precious EX Cores or to Lock an opponent's Assist.

    This point covers the use of Summons during battle. Summons are BRV altering effects that happen during a battle. They may affect the Player's BRV, the Opponent's BRV, or the Stage's BRV Pool. Each one is different, so look at its in-game description to understand its effects. A Summonstone can be used only once per battle, except while Cosmos or Double Judgment is active.
    -There are three kinds of summons, classified by way of activation.
    * Automatic: These summons will activate when specified requirements are met.
    * Manual: These summons will activate when <R+O> is pressed.
    * Counter: These summons will activate when the opponent's summon is activated

    II. Stage Mechanics
    Each stage has its own Bravery, the number found between the character panels. You can receive the Bravery as a bonus for inflicting Break status on your opponent through various means. The Map Bravery will be restored after a few moments. However, on Omega Ω Stages, Map Bravery is not static, and can fluctuate depending on actions perform by the players, and even the stage itself.

    Some stages don't always have a place for you to set your feet, and where there isn't a foothold, you'll probably find a Banish Trap. An invisible hazard that makes up the stages periphery if there is no surface, coming into contact with a Banish Trap will shroud your character with a dark cloud and quickly start to drain a small amount of Bravery from you, before ultimately teleporting you to solid ground after sapping a small chunk of Bravery. Any Bravery taken by a Banish Trap is added to the Map Bravery.

    Normals Stages are...normal. Straightforward, no? Omega Ω Stages are stages with special gimmicks that affect the Stage's Map Bravery. Some Ω stages are given additional obstacles which change the Map Bravery. Other Ω stages are given special requirements. Each Ω Stage is different, so look at their in-game descriptions (or at the stage list).

    There are three kinds of Judgment: Cosmos Judgment, Chaos Judgment, and Double Judgment. When watching the current battle, the benevolent Cosmos will aid those in need while the relentless Chaos punishes the cowardly.
    * Cosmos Judgment

    -Merciful Touch: When near death, the EX Gauge will be filled completely.
    -Retribution's Path: If a Break gives the opponent the needed BRV to win the match, Cosmos will give restore your Summonstone for the battle.

    * Chaos Judgment

    -Invitation to Destruction: After a certain length of time from the beginning of battle, both players' critical hit ratios will increase.
    -Coward's Punishment: If a player refuses to attack, Chaos will immobilize them for their cowardice.

    * Double Judgment:

    -Both Judgments are active. May the merciful hand of Cosmos deliver you from the unrivaled wrath of Chaos.

    III. Assist System
    Call an Assist into the battle to help out in certain situations. The Assist system is meant to directly oppose EX Mode, with varying effects to each other. An Assist can be called to attack the opponent's Bravery, or their HP, and the attack they will perform is circumstantial to the characters’ positions (explained later). Assists are powered by the orange meter under the HP display, which is segmented into two memories. Performing attacks charges the memories, and landing attacks charges them even more. However, using the same attacks repeatedly will begin to see diminishing returns, with the charge received being less and less, forcing players to use a variety attacks. After a few moments of inactivity, the memories will start to rapidly deplete, which means if players want to keep their Assist Gauge filled, they'll have to stay in the action, adapting a more active/aggressive style overall. Use it or lose it!


    Assist-B = L+O - Assist attacks the opponent’s Bravery, adding it to the player’s. Requires one full memory.
    Assist-H = L+[]- Assist attacks the opponent’s HP, consuming your Bravery. Requires two full memories.

    As seen in the video, it is possible to chain together a string of combos with well-timed attacks before and after an Assist's attack. Memories will not charge, and an Assist cannot be called to chain from attacks chained from an Assist until the opponent recovers. When an Assist attacks, they also reduce the opponent's EX Gauge with each blow, yet their attacks also don't produce any EX Force to be gathered. HP Assists landed while you are in EX Mode will not trigger the option for an EX Burst. An Assist's attack power is based off the player Character's power. Now, let's take a look at a chart....
    This is a screenshot of the Assist Menu in your Customize Menu. Notice that on either side of the skill, there a small icons, colored red or blue. These icons represent the player and opponent characters, while next to the left icon, you see small bars. These white and gray bars denote the circumstance for the skill. The white bar above the gray bar means the character must be in the air, while vice versa means the character must be on the ground.

    If the icon on the left is blue, then it depends on if the player is in the right position (land or air) for that Assist Skill. If it is red, then it depends on the opponent's position. So, looking at Aerith's Bravery skills, they both depend on the player's location.

    The icon on the right tells us where the Assist will appear when they use that skill. blue denotes the Assist will appear near the player, while red means the Assist will appear near the opponent. So, as we can see from Aerith's skills, her Land Assist-B has her appearing next to the player, while her Air Assist-B has her appear next to the opponent.

    Protect your Assist at all costs when they come out to the field. This means making sure the instance in which they are called possesses little to no risk of them being blocked or countered. Calling Assists during your own attacks at the appropriate moment for combos is one of the best - and safest - times. If you call an Assist out at an inopportune time, do everything in your power to prevent the opponent from attacking them, as an Assist Lock can be a benefit you don't want your opponent to have over you.

    The player can set the Assist (and their costume) they bring with them in the same way they select their equipment from the Customization Menu. However, it is not possible to set what attacks they do. It is likely that during Story Mode play, the available Assists will be preselected characters, possibly ones that have relevance to the player character's story.

    A helpful boost to a player at risk! The Assist Charge system allows a player in dire straits a chance to turn the tables. Okay, so you're about to die, you've been smacked around and your Bravery is low, or worse - till your Bravery broke...YOU'RE IN A BAD SPOT, OKAY? If you manage to land an attack while you're in trouble like this, your Assist Gauge will get an instant charge to help ya~ An "Assist Charge" instantly charges ONE memory. Likewise, if you’re low on HP, or the opponent has enough Bravery to send you to the great hereafter, you can try to counter their HP Attack for an "Assist Full Charge," which instantly chargesTHE ENTIRE GAUGE. Don't give up! Just because you're down, doesn't mean you're out!

    C. ASSIST CHANGE <PRESS L+O or L+[]> While under attack
    "Change-1," "Change-2," or simply "Change"
    While in the midst of an opponent's attack (or staggering after a hit, or block), you can call your Assist in to take the place of the player character. Using L+O (Change-1) will bring the Assist in to take the hit for you, locking the Assist in the process, while using L+[] (Change-2) brings in the Assist to block the opponent's attack and stagger them, without locking the memories. A moment later, the player character will reappear, dashing high into the air (or downward if at a ceiling), away from the opponent. One tip for successful Assist Changing against HP Attacks is to wait until the last moment, because some attacks, like Cecil's Paladin Force or Cloud's Omnislash ver5, will track over to the player character when they reappear on the field, still resulting in a hit. Calling the Assist in either way consumes the same applicable amount of Assist memories as a normal Attack call.

    If an Assist's attack initiates Chase, you can press the X button to automatically rush to the opponent's back by teleporting, catching them with your own attacks as they fly away. Timing is a bit stricter depending on when and what attack you follow up with, because the opponent may continue to fly away during the start up of your assault.

    When the opponent calls their Assist to the field, there is a moment for retaliation while they are present. If the player can stagger the Assist through an attack or block, the opponent's Assist Meter is locked for roughly 22 seconds. However the more times they are locked, the longer it lasts. This prevents the opponent from filling the Assist memories, and calling the Assist to the field for a short period of time. Assist Lock also occurs when using a Change-B (L+O). Any time you Assist Lock an opponent, your character will automatically absorb all EX Force present on the field, and they are freed from the cooldown of the attack that locked them, even during an opponent's Change-B.

    IV. EX System
    EX Force are those blue floaty dots that appear when you give your opponent a good whack. Collecting EX Force slowly charges your EX Gauge. EX Cores are the pure essence of EX Force in the shape of a winged bell. The more wings an EX Core has, the more EX Force it holds. EX Force increases your EX Gauge (on the side of the character panel). EX Cores themselves also don't give as much EX Force as they did before, making it more beneficial to let them soak up EX Force and grow more wings, instead of racing directly for them as they appear.

    B. EX MODE & EX BURST <Press R+[]; land HP Attack and press []>
    When your EX Gauge is all orange and shiny, R + [] puts you in EX Mode. Your character receives unique enhancements and unique skills for the remainder of EX Mode, which is roughly 20 seconds. Whenever a player enters EX Mode, their opponent's Assist Gauge instantly drops to zero, as well. If you manage to land an HP Attack during EX Mode, press [] as indicated and follow the other commands to do a more powerful attack called an EX Burst. If you're suffering an EX Burst, press O repeatedly to increase your defense!

    C. EX REVENGE <Outside of EX Mode, press R+[] when attacked>
    Go EX while under attack or while staggered to perform EX Revenge, cashing in the ENTIRE EX Gauge and slowing down the opponent's movements for around six seconds (or until HP damage is dealt). It also frees your character from the cooldown frames on their attacks for EX Revenge's duration. Under EX Revenge, you will also not enter EX Mode. Use EX Revenge in dire situations to save your sorry bootata.

    If you're damaged by an Assist while you're in EX Mode, EX Mode will instantly end (poo...) and the opponent will receive the Map Bravery. This does not, however, reduce your Bravery like a Bravery Break. Gabranth has a new EX Ability called "Jamming" that prevents the opponent from receiving the Map Bravery when he is inflicted with EX Break. Of course, you can always Assist Break the opponent before this happens...

    If you are able to stagger an opponent's Assist through an attack or blocking while you are in EX Mode, not only will their Assist be locked, but you will also acquire the Map Bravery for a boost to your own Bravery! This does not completely reduce the opponent's Bravery.

    Something you should probably note is the concept "EX opposes Assist." Virtually, if you do something good with your Assist, your opponent's EX goes down, and vice versa. If you whack someone with an Assist, their EX gauge decreases. If you activate your EX Gauge, the opponent's Assist Gauge is cleared. If you use Assist Change, you will be Locked and your opponent will collect all the EX Force on the field. If you block or hit an Assist while in EX Mode, you Assist Break the opponent. If your Assist hits an opponent in EX Mode, you EX Break your opponent. If memorizing all these Breaks, Locks, and Depletion rules confuse you, just stick with "EX opposes Assist."

    V. Character Concepts
    A. Player Characters
    Warrior of Light: The Paragon is a character who has an array of attacks suitable for many different situations. This character is best as a melee character, but he has a few ranged magic in his arsenal too. If you're fighting this guy, he has a way to handle any situation, so figure out your approaching tactics carefully.

    Garland: The Nemesis is an advanced character whose slow, but hard hitting moves, quickly whittle your opponent's BRV with Chases and Wall Rush. He even comes with ways to Guard Crush his opponents, bypassing their defenses to hammer the BRV away. Playing Garland requires LOTS of Blocking and Dodging skill. Don't get too predictable while you anticipate his slow moves, or you'll find yourself Broken in seconds.

    Firion: The Weapons Specialist utilizes his many weapons to cover a large area. He is best suited for ground combat, but his aerial magic can be chained to launch a chaotic barrage of projectiles. Fighting Firion can be tough. He can batter you nearby and he can reel you in from afar and counter your attacks! Aerial combat is NOT his area of expertise, though...

    The Emperor: The Trap Master is best designed for patient players who strategically think. His various traps can be set precisely so that a character who falls into one trap falls into the rest. Fighting the Emperor is all about knowing how to bypass his traps.

    Onion Knight: The young Mystic Fencer is a fast, agile character best designed for chipping away HP rather than hacking big chunks at a time. Fighting Onion Knight is something you should be careful about...All his BRV attacks can link into HP attacks. The cocky little brat tends to stand around after most of his attacks, so assault him then!

    Cloud of Darkness: The Bane of Life takes the form of a voluptuous woman (<3) with a small, unimpressive set of BRV attacks but with a diverse set of HP Particle Beams...Fighting it can be daunting--its varied HP Beams are tailored to many different situations, but its slow BRV tentacles are predictable.

    Cecil: The Split Soul fighter has two different forms. A strong Dark Knight form best suited for the ground and an agile Light Paladin form most comfortable in the air. Using Cecil requires that take advantage of his current form. If Cecil is your foe, try approaching him where his current form has the least advantage.

    Golbez: The Thaumaturge is a skilled fighter who uses physical and magical attacks simultaneously. He can attack both near and far at once, giving him excellent command of his area. If Golbez is your opponent, try blocking when close to him and dodging when far, taking advantage of his long ending animations.

    Kain: The Tactical Striker is primarily an aerial fighter whose special mechanic, the Δ Dash, can allow one to pursue the enemy. Using this Δ Dash, one playing Kain should keep close to his enemy, constantly hailing BRV damage. If you're fighting Kain, don't get caught in these close-range combos...You won't escape, even if these attacks are a bit slow. You should also know that he is not very competent at long-range fighting, either.

    Bartz: The Mimic is a young man who fuses his allies' attacks into his own special style. Each of Bartz's attacks grants him additional effects such as [Minor Physical Shield] and [EX intake range + 1m] which can be stacked to amplify these powers. Fighting Bartz can be easy if you hear the "shimmering" sounds he makes when he summons weapons. However, his abilities can mess with your head a bit. Damn mimes.

    Exdeath: The Entropic Adversary has equipped with him...or it...an arsenal of guards and counters to slay his opponent. Playing Exdeath is all about knowing his guards and their properties. Fighting Exdeath can be difficult, what with the ability to guard almost ANYTHING...Y'know, if only you could catch him off-guard, things might be easier...

    Gilgamesh: Gilgamesh is a Scramble Fighter who’s all about luck. He attacks comically with one of eight different weapons - each of which has its own special property. Not every weapon is great, though, and getting your (and Gilgamesh's) desired outcome is all just luck of the draw.

    Terra: The Esperkin girl uses spells that hunt down their enemies. Terra's forte is definitely a long-range battle, conjuring Fires, loosing Meteors, calling Floods, and unleashing Ultimas to snipe the foe. Knowing this, fighting Terra can be easy if you just get all in her face and interrupt her casting. I think she's really cute though, so don't hurt her too much. D=

    Kekfa: The aptly named Mad Mage uses a variety of erratic spells to bombard the opponent. His magic is not designed to excel in a certain range, but rather to spread disorder around the field to trap the opponent. Kefka's magic has a tendency to catch an opponent of guard--but they take a while to start. Maybe you should give him a nice smack.

    Cloud: The Buster Basher is a warrior whose massive sword whacks away opponents, dealing additional Rush damage. Cloud's specialty is to slam people into whatever he can...so your strategy should also be to slam people into stuff...Fighting him makes me wonder if he can even carry that huge ass sword. I'd imagine it would make attacks slow...

    Tifa: The Feint Brawler comes with her own special mechanic, the X Feint. Using the X Feint, she is able to feint toward or around a foe to find a better chance to attack. This is a useful psychological tactic to force a mistimed block or dodge. Fighting Tifa is all about prediction. Her HP attacks also require a lot of preparation on her part, so be sure to attack her then!

    Sephiroth: His Focused Blade is a loooong sword that can launch multiple hits in a single swipe. Sephiroth is often used as a PUNISHER, taking advantage of another's poor timing using his excellent array of both close and long range attacks. Fighting him requires that you stay constantly aware of Sephiroth's and your positions.

    Squall: The Relentless Revolver uses a strong set of BRV attacks to quickly whittle away BRV. He's the "opposite" of Cloud of Darkness. His BRV attacks really shine while his HP attacks leave something to be desired. Squall is very aggressive, so learn those blocking and dodging skills!

    Laguna: The Tactical Gunner can pelt his foes with bombs, bullets, and bazooka shells, creating havoc for his opponents. Each of his attacks have alternatives which can increase the distance or the quantity of his projectiles. More information pending

    Ultimecia: This Sorcerous Fusileer uses her different Knight's magic to barrage her enemies. Ultimecia's favorite place is the air, where she can constantly launch attacks as she hovers about. If you're fighting her, try to stay close and halt her assault quickly before all those nasty swords, arrows, and axes get to you.

    Zidane: He's the Aerial Ace, and rightly so. His close range midair combat is unrivaled. If his opponent is grounded, he has a few ways to flick them off level surfaces before assaulting them in midair. The guy's strength isn't anything special, so he whittles away HP rather than lopping off large chunks at a time. Zidane isn't too good with those who fight farther away, though...

    Kuja: She--er--he's the Graceful Glider, able to fly across the field as he's attacking. Kuja should stay in the air, flying around and raising hell. Remember that Kuja can activate magic anywhere, so use that to your advantage. If you're fighting Kuja, learn to block and dodge well, then attack Kuja since he's often left very vulnerable if he's caught off guard.

    Tidus: The Spry Striker's fighting style is a flashy, evasive style. Some of his attacks have dodges installed into them, allowing him to dodge and attack in one fluid motion. Fighting Tidus can be tricky at first, especially with speed like his, but watch and listen carefully, as he gives noticeable visual and aural cues. And don't get caught in those stupid dodge attacks. The guy needs to learn to fight like a man.

    Yuna: The High Summoner uses her Aeons to fight for her as she stands from a safer distance. Must be nice to sit back and let others do the work, huh?

    Jecht: The manliest Brutal Blitzer is a melee-oriented character designed to pummel his enemies in a string of slashes, punches, and kicks. Jecht has only two attacks designed for range (and that's still not very far...), therefore his favorite place is to be in yo' face. His attack strings require very strict timing to execute...you might wanna head over to the Character Forums, since that can be tricky to master. Fighting Jecht will be much easier if you can snipe the man from afar.

    Shantotto: Let us observe the Chainspeller, a creature of small stature, yet incredible strength. The creature's HP attacks can be chained three times, allowing for extra BRV damage of its prey. The attack, range, and area of this creature's HP Attacks can be affected by its current BRV. Knowing this, the animal relies on sapping BRV from its prey before devouring. Prey would be unwise if they do not avoid its mid-ranged attacks and traps.

    Prishe: As a Combo Maker, Prishe can set up her attacks into two-step combos. If they’re set up correctly, those combinations can produce different additional effects. Don’t let her teenage look fool you, or she’ll ram her fist straight down your throat, and singe your stomach lining with an explosive Magic Burst.

    Vaan: The Adroit Attacker has the capability to have virtually twelve different Bravery Attacks in his arsenal at once. He has a special mechanic that relies on his equipped weapons. There are two types of attacks: Normal Attacks and Switch Attacks. Each of Vaan’s skills has him hold a different weapon as he attacks. A Normal Attack is performed when you attack using the weapon already currently on hand. A Switch Attack happens whenever you use a skill that uses a different weapon, which results in that first attack with that new weapon to be different, and usually better. As an opponent, Vaan has ways to deal with virtually any situation. His HP attacks don't seem to be his strong point, though...

    Gabranth: The EXecutioner is a man whose glaring flaws disappear when he enters EX Mode. His signature move is EX Charge, which allows him to quickly charge his EX Gauge from zero to full in roughly seven seconds. The key to playing with Gabranth is to charge this meter as soon as possible, especially since you can't do HP Attacks outside of EX Mode (aside from in Chase). Remember when you're fighting him that, since he's so reliant on EX Mode, he is more susceptible to EX Break than other characters...Oh yeah, he doesn't have very many ranged attacks either, so snipe him from afar!

    Lightning: She is the Paradigm Commando, an able-bodied woman with a special mechanic called Paradigm Shift, activated with L+R. Lightning has three Paradigms which she can cycle through: COMMANDO, RAVAGER, and MEDIC. COM is a paradigm designed for close-quarters combat. RAV is designed for ranged, magical combat. MED allows Lightning to recover some of her BRV. The key to using Lightning is to use all three Paradigms for the proper situations. To fight her, you might want to observe and exploit the weaknesses of her current paradigm.

    B. Assist-only Characters
    Aerith: The kind-hearted flower girl is not aptly prepared to participate in combat, therefore she decides to use her spells to hold the enemy in place, replenish some Bravery, grant her partner limited invincibility, or drop the holiest of Holy spells on the opponent’s head. Be sure to protect her while she’s out on the field…I mean…she already got killed once.

    VI. Miscellaneous
    A. Stage List
    * FFI - Old Chaos Shrine: Ω Player BRV sapped at a constant rate and added to BRV Pool; characters with higher BRV have more sapped when sap recurs.
    * FFII - Pandemonium: Ω Spikes rise from red bricks; taking damage from spikes adds to BRV Pool. Red bricked areas and blue bricked areas change periodically.
    * FFIII - World of Darkness: Ω When darkness gathers, Stage changes form. BRV pool increases quickly when players are close to each other in Close Darkness and quickly when players are far from each other in Far Darkness.
    * FFIV - Lunar Subterrane: Ω BRV Pool increases when stage elements are destroyed.
    * FFV - The Rift: Ω BRV pool increases as stage is rearranged.
    * FFVI - Kefka's Tower: Ω BRV Pool increases when Magitek puffs; Rush opponent into vents to get more puffs and additional Rush damage.
    * FFVI - Planet's Core: Ω BRV Pool continuously increases after stage changes
    * FFVIII - Ultimecia's Castle: Ω BRV Pool Randomly fluctuates during Time Compression; destroyed objects reconstructed.
    * FFIX - Crystal World: Ω As crystals appear, BRV Pool increases; crystals regenerate when destroyed.
    * FFX - Dream's End: Ω BRV Pool increases when strings of attacks are made
    * FFXI - Empyreal Paradox: Ω Central crystal absorbs light below stage, increasing BRV Pool; standing near crystal siphons character BRV. One who destroys crystal gains BRV pool.
    * FFXII - Sky Fortress Bahamut
    * FFXIII - Orphan's Cradle
    * Dissidia - Order's Sanctuary: Ω Current BRV doubled when Break is inflicted
    * Dissidia - Edge of Madness: Ω BRV Randomly fluctuates.

    B. General Terminology
    * Start-up / Warm-up / Start Frames: Common terms referring to the beginning animations of attacks.
    * Wind-down / Cooldown / Stop Frames: Common terms referring to the ending animations of attacks.
    * Broadcast: Anything about an attack that makes the opponent aware of its use, like Squall's Rough Divide
    * Dodge Cancel (DC): This is the capability to dodge out of attack animations.
    * Forward Dodge Cancel (FDC): This is when one dodge cancels...forward...Complicated, huh?
    * Backwards Dodge Cancel (BDC): Dodge Cancel in a backwards direction.
    * Side Dodge Cancel (SDC): Dodge Cancel to the side. Are you seein' a pattern here?
    * Turn Dodge Cancel (TDC): Dodge Cancel executed by making a quarter-circle motion while dodging; midair only and Midair Evasion Boost required.
    * Return Dodge Cancel (RDC): Dodge Cancel performed by quickly dodging forward and then backward to end at the initial spot; midair only and Midair Evasion Boost required.
    * Peeling: Attacking an enemy suffering from a Wall Rush, as the attack literally peels them off the wall while they are defenseless. Peeling can be done by the player from an Assist's WR, or an Assist can Peel from the Player's WR. It is impossible for a player to peel from their own WR.
    * Wake Up / Getting Up: Refers to a character's recovery from being slammed into a surface
    * Link Glitch: Explained below. Commonly abbreviated "LG."
    * You should know your stats! Open meee~
    * HP (Hit Points or Health Points) : When HP fall to zero, the character is fallen.
    * BRV (Bravery points): The character's Bravery at battle’s start; affects damage done by HP attacks.
    * ATK (Attack Power): How much Bravery you get when you whack people
    * DEF (Defense Power): Resistance to Bravery loss when whacked
    * CP (capacity points): Enables Abilities. More CP means more Abilities you can enable
    * LUK (Luck): Affects a crapload of stuff like the places where EX Cores form and Battlegen...
    C. General Knowledge
    Items can be shared~ (It's good for your kids to learn to share.) One item can be shared among all the characters. Here's an analogy to help you keep stuff straight. Personal talents can't be shared (CP, AP, and Abilities), but material items can be shared (items). Do keep in mind that one person might break an item someone else has equipped.
    Your Chocobo can be your best Chocobuddy~ Chaz (I named my Chocobo) travels the winding paths as you fight. Chaz steps one space after every battle, even if you do lose. Along the way, he'll come across yummy gysahl greens that grant you EXP Bonuses~ Sometimes, he'll even be happy enough to give you a random EXP Bonus. The higher his altitude when he finds those greens, the higher the EXP Bonus. Chaz passes a Treasure Chest at a fixed interval--the lengths of these intervals are dependent on your Play Plan. At the stroke of midnight (here on Earth, bud), Chaz goes to sleep and is set at his beginning for you to lead his paths again. Play Plans don't affect the game difficulty, just Chaz's path. You can buy other Chocobo in the PP catalog. I named the black one Charlie and the fat one Chip.
    Abilities are your character's actions and effects. Enabling them in the Customization Menu will allow you to perform that Ability.

    * Offensive abilities are your BRV and HP attacks.
    * Basic Abilities are classified as Action: mostly special maneuvers, Support: aid in controlling characters, and Extra: a set of specialized abilities.
    * Of course, you can't just equip everything you want. The character needs sufficient Capacity Points (CP) to equip them.
    * Some abilities don't like each other and just cannot be equipped simultaneously.
    * Ability Points (AP) are granted after victories and help to master your Abilities.
    * Mastering an ability halves its CP cost, making room for more abilities~
    * Branching Abilities may appear after having mastered an Ability. Most players call these HP Links. These are noted with the word "UPDATE."
    * Before battle start, you'll see an AP Chance box on the bottom right-hand corner. Fulfilling this condition grants you more AP if you win the battle.
    * If you're staring at an Offensive Ability on the Abilities Screen 'cause you have NO idea what the hell it does, press []. It will show you a chart of commands for the attack.
    * It might be good to learn now that each character has his own CP bar and his own AP. Gaining AP with Tidus does nothing for Jecht. Sorry, daddy--you gotta earn your own AP the hard way.
    * As you level up, you'll gain more Abilities~ Work harder!

    Equipment is a way to enhance your character's base stats.

    * Weaponry raises attack (ATK). This helps you to get more BRV when you whack someone.
    * Hand equipment raises defense (DEF.) This helps protect your BRV when you get whacked.
    * Headgear raises your BRV. I hope you know what BRV is since I said it, liek, 146 times already.
    * Body armor raises your HP. More HP is good 'cause having HP = not dead.
    * Not everyone can equip the same thing. (Kain shouldn't equip bells, you silly thing, you~) If you wanna see who can equip what, press [] when you have an article of equipment highlighted.
    * Some equipment come in sets. When an entire set is equipped, additional effects are granted. You can tell if equipment is in the set if there's a gold circle and then something like "Glorious Gold 1/3" noted.
    * Some equipment can be found during wireless battles. All the more reason to have a group of geeks like us around, right?

    Accessories are a really tricky thing to get a hang of at first. These are items which grant special, usually temporary, effects when certain requirements are fulfilled.

    * Basic Accessories (Yellow Ring) act exactly as their descriptions say. One I love to use is the [Gravitorb : EX Intake Range+3m]. This means I can grab those cute EX Force dots three meters farther than normal.
    * Booster Accessories (Purple Ring with red flag) are multipliers which activate during certain conditions. A common one is [HP = 100%: 1.5 times]. If the Booster's condition is fulfilled, you multiply the number times the effects of your Basics. Let's take the [Gravitorb] and say that my [HP = 100%] condition is fulfilled. Take the effects of [Gravitorb] and multiply it by 1.5 to get the new effect. So, 3 meters X 1.5 = 4.5 meters! You're now slurping up EX Force 4.5 meters away rather than the usual 3 meters away. During Battle, the top corner of your side of the screen will show highlighted panels and a number, indicating any active Boosters and the current Multiplier.
    * Special Accessories (Red Ring) aren't affected by Boosters. They're lone rangers that will ALWAYS do what it says it will. The [Chocobo Feather: Experience Value+100%; Breakability = 30%] accessory will ALWAYS grant you 100% more Experience. Um, but you see that word? "Breakability?" That means that, at the end of the match, there's a rough 1/3 chance it may break. Not every Special accessory will break, but some might. Think carefully before you decide to use these.
    * Trade Accessories (Blue Ring with circular arrows) may have special effects and whatever, but that's not what they're made for (besides, their effects ****.) You TRADE them to get better, nicer, cooler accessories. You COULD equip them or even sell them for Gil, but why not save them to equip awesomer stuff?
    * Confused with all these words, numbers and plus signs? Open meee!
    * HP+__% or HP-__% : Adds/subtracts from HP.
    * BRV+__% or BRV-__% : Adds/subtracts from BRV.
    * ATK+__% or ATK+__% : Adds/subtracts ATK.
    * DEF+__% or DEF-__% : Add/subtracts from DEF.
    * LUK+__% or LUK-__% : Adds/subtracts from LUK.
    * CP+__% or CP-__% : Adds/subtracts from CP.
    * EX Intake Range+__m : Absorb EX Force from a farther distance
    * Ex Force Absorption+__% : Increases the amount of EX Gauge earned when EX Force is absorbed
    * EX Core Absorption+__% : Increases the amount of EX Gauge earned when an EX Core is absorbed
    * EX Core Appearance Boost : EX Cores are formed more often
    * Physical Damage+__% : Deal more BRV Damage with physical attacks
    * Magical Damage+__% : Deal more BRV Damage with magical attacks
    * Physical Defense+__% : Take less BRV Damage from physical attacks
    * Magic Defense+__% : Take less BRV Damage from magical attacks
    * Stage Damage+__% : Stage hazards inflict less BRV Damage
    * Wall Rush BRV Damage+__% : Deal more BRV Damage with Rush
    * Wall Rush HP Damage+__% : Deal more HP damage with Rush
    * Wall Rush BRV Defense+__% : Take less BRV Damage from Rush
    * Wall Rush HP Defense+__% : Take less HP Damage from Rush
    * Chase BRV Damage+__% : Deal more BRV Damage during Chase
    * Chase HP Damage+__% : Deal more HP Damage during Chase
    * Chase BRV Defense+__% : Take less BRV Damage during Chase
    * Chase HP Defense+__% : Take less HP Damage during Chase
    * BRV Boost on Dodge+__% : BRV earned for dodging; calculated from CHARACTER BASE BRV and ignores equipment
    * BRV Boost on Block+__% : BRV earned for blocking; calculated from CHARACTER BASE BRV and ignores equipment
    * BRV Boost on Quickmove+__% : BRV earned for Quickmoves; calculated from CHARACTER BASE BRV and ignores equipment
    * BRV Boost on Destruction+__% : BRV earned for destroying stage elements; calculated from CHARACTER BASE BRV and ignores equipment
    * BRV Recovery+__% : BRV is reset faster after HP Attacks or Breaks.
    * Magic Counter Strength+__% : Deal more BRV damage when counterattacking BRV Magic
    * Regen+__% : The EX Effect, [Regen], restores more HP
    * Battlegen Rate x __ : Battlegen success more likely
    * EXP+__% : Gain more EXP during battles
    * Gil+__% : Gain more Gil from battles
    * AP+__% : Gain more AP from battles
    * Drop Rate x __ : Increases chances of the enemy dropping items
    * Accessory Breakability+__% : Currently equipped breakable accessories are more likely to break
    * EX Mode Duration+__% : EX Mode lasts longer
    * Summon Recharge+__ : Summonstone recharge faster
    * All EX on Summon : Slurp up all EX Force in the stage after using a Summonstone
    * Initial HP-__% : Begin battle with reduced HP
    * Initial BRV+__% : Begin battle with increased BRV
    * Initial EX Force+__% : Begin battle with EX Gauge partially filled
    * Last Chance+__% : Endure Final Blow with 1 HP remaining. Ineffective is HP is already 1.
    * Second Chance+__% : When HP is reduced to zero (0), convert current BRV to HP.
    * No Chance : Disable your opponent's "Chance" Accessories
    * BRV Last Chance : Endure a BRV Breaking attack with zero 0 BRV remaining. Ineffective if BRV is already zero (0).
    * BRV Combo Chance : Endure a BRV Breaking combo with zero (0) BRV remaining. Ineffective if BRV is already zero (0).[/spoil]
    *There are some limits on how many you can equip. Open meee~
    * STAR Accessory: One at a time, buddy~ You can have multiple DIFFERENT STAR accessories, just none that are identical.
    * A Accessory: Two identical accessories allowed at once.
    * B Accessory: Three identical accessories allowed at once.
    * C Accessory: Four identical accessories allowed at once.
    * D Accessory: No limitation--go wild, baby~! [/spoil]
    * Look around the forums for players who are good at Accessory Builds. Builds are a set of Accessories tailored for a specific strategy or character. Cloud players often make a "Wall Rush Build," a Build designed to increase damage caused by Wall Rush.

    Summonstones are BRV modifying devices used in battle. For usage in Battle, refer to the earlier point. On your Summon Screen is a list of all your summons on the right (assuming you have them, of course...) You'll see that they have a few boxes █ to the right--those are its charges. You can use it for as many battles as there are available charges. Light blue boxes indicate an available charge. Blank boxes indicate a used charge. Yellow boxes indicate the current recharge progress. You can "Equip" a Summonstone with charges to use during battle. You can "Unequip" your current Summonstone if you don't want it. You can "Set Reserves," a handy little list-making option. (If you seriously mess up the list, you can click "Clear Reserves," y'know.) When you use up the charges of your Summonstone, the next in your reserves will automatically be equipped while your used Summonstone recharges. You can set a maximum of five to reserve. If the first Summonstone is recharged while the second one is equipped, the next Summonstone equipped will be the FIRST one, not the THIRD. In short, the game looks at the list of reserves, and selects the first available Summonstone according to its order.

    There are three kinds of summons, classified by way of activation.

    * Automatic: These summons will activate when specified requirements are met.
    * Manual: These summons will activate when <R+O> is pressed.
    * Counter: These summons will activate when the opponent's summon is activated

    Sets! These are "templates" which you can customize. So many characters have different ways to play (Onion Knight can be super mage or unrivaled swordsman) that you may want to make different sets for them. (Onion Runt could have nice Magical Damage/Physical Damage/Mag+Phys Damage builds.) You can customize and save your Abilities, Equipment, Accessories, and Summons into three different sets. Just press [Select] to choose a set.
    Did you know that there are EX Mode Effects? Besides being totally sexier, stronger, and shinier, you gain effects. Every character has the "Regen" effect, allowing him to regenerate a small portion of HP at a constant rate during EX Mode. The other EX Effects differ from each character. Some gain special EX Mode only attacks like Bartz's Goblin Punch or Ultimecia's Time Crush. Others gain attack, defense, speed augments. Other's are really wonky, like gliding, invulnerability to BRV attacks, or siphoning HP. Look at the EX Mode option in the Customization screen to know what your favorite character has~
    Crap, you expect me to explain Battlegen?! Urgh. Battlegen is a system which creates items for you as certain actions are performed during battle. Each character and each stage can only make a certain accessory. (You should look at the Battlegen submenu to see who/where to fight to get what you're trying to generate...) Battlegen is when, of course, accessories are generated during a battle with an opponent. The actions that generate them are...

    - Breaking the opponent
    - EX Bursting the opponent
    - Wall Rush the opponent
    - Stage Element destruction

    You should remember that you can generate a specific item only once per battle, even if you fulfill the requirements multiple times. Once you Burst and opponent and get an Accessory from it, you can EX Burst them all you want again, and you'll never get another Accessory, until you defeat them and start another battle. If you happen to lose the battle, you will not receive what you Battlegen'd during that fight.

    The Battlegen menu is a list of items which show you what you can generate. You'll get notifications when this is updated. By default, the item is displayed first, followed by the success rate (chances of generating). You can also organize this list by your target, action, and probability. If you forget what you can Battlegen in your current match, press L or R to turn to the Battlegen list during the Loading screen. Even after taking a glance at that and hacking away at the opponent, you may see that you're still not creating any accessories. Maybe you should boost your LUK for better chances, or maybe you should try a special accessory for a Battlegen chance increase. Fighting strong opponents help too...
    Item Drops are NOT the same things as Battlegen'ing. Item Drops are anything that the opponent has equipped (weapons, armor, and accessories) that might drop at the end of battle. It seems to be random, but LUK plays a part in the frequency of the occurrence.*

    This is also how you receive "Artifacts" which are pieces of equipment with stats based off of something the opponent was wearing, like if they were wearing a Lufenian Helm, you can get and artifact with the stats of that helmet (but not its special effect). Artifacts can be named whatever you like, and can be passed to others up to twenty times. Each time an Artifact is named, it can receive a special effect only available to Artifacts. The more times the artifact passes owners and is named, the better chance you have of receiving a great special effect from it.

    The effects can range from anyone being able to equip it (via All On Chaos Side), regardless of its type, like a hairpin being equipped by Jecht, to things like Overheat, which will increase the magic damage you deal.
    Command Battle is an option designed to help those who aren't so great at action gaming. Your character will move, attack, and defend on their own while you coach them to victory. The left side features commands; your character will do his best to follow the commands. Change will change the locked target. Fight means they'll use BRV attacks. Finisher means they'll use HP attacks. Defend means they'll do their best to block. Pressing the L trigger button opens a new set of commands. You can perform an Assist-B with L+O and an Assist-H with L+[]. If you're under attack, these same buttons allow you to do Assist Changes. The R trigger has its own set of commands. R+O is your Summon and R+[] is your EX Mode. You can press R+L (in that specific order, mind you) to fleeee~ Sometimes, you'll be cued to do Chases. This is done the same way as in Action Mode.
    Accomplishments are rewards for fulfilling specific quests. Many reward you with Booster Accessories to use. The particularly difficult or tedious ones tend to reward you with a player icon for online bragging rights. There are three main classifications of accomplishments:

    * Crossed Swords: Battle conditions (e.g. Participate in 300 battles.)
    * PSP Icon: Game System Conditions (e.g. Battle for at least 10 hours.)
    * Star Cluster: Special Conditions (e.g. Obtain alternate look for all characters.)

    When you first look at your list, you'll see that there's not much there. Accomplishments aren't listed initially; they'll only appear when they're 50% finished or when fully completed. Most of the time, you have no idea how to even start except for the tiny hint given by the icons, so just play around until you find that you reveal new accomplishments.

    You're in Quick Battle: Battle Setup and you wanna fight a really tough opponent to level up or you want to fight a weak opponent to practice. Let me explain the stuff for you.

    * Stage: Select your stage.
    * Strength: This determines the Artificial Intelligence and the equipment. Minimal is weak--they will do few dodges, blocks, and attacks. You will gain the least EXP in this setting. Maximum is strong--they'll be rather aggressive and will capitalize punishing you. You will gain the most EXP in this setting.
    * Level: This is their level. The higher the level, the higher their stats. You gain more EXP if their level is equal to or higher than yours. You gain less EXP if their level is lower than yours.
    * Behavior: This determines the CPU's strategy. OPEN MEEE~
    * Tactician: Strategic Punisher
    * Valiant: Carefully Aggressive
    * Survivor: Defensive Warrior
    * Cautious: Opportunistically Minded
    * Calm: Patient Counterattacker
    * Extreme: Aggressor or Defender
    * Conservative: Do What's Necessary
    * Vicious: Desperate Assault
    *Rules: Apply Judgment to the current match.

    D. General Strategies.
    * DC Combo: A combination of separate attacks connected by a Dodge Cancel. Refer to the Character Specific Forums for DC Combos for each character.
    * Assist Combo: A combination of separate attacks connect by an Assist Attack. Refer to the Character Specific Forums for Assist Combos for each character.
    * LG Combo: Link Glitch (explained below) Combos are a combination of separate attacks using the Link Glitch. Refer to the Character Specific Forums for LG Combos for each character.
    * When your opponent is distracted or too far away, attack a little bit randomly. You might be able to charge an Assist Gauge memory, or at least keep the charge from depleting.
    * Level up faster by fighting tough characters in Quick Battle, or by playing against real people in Communications Mode (You may have to make some friends…)

    E. General Glitches
    * Link Glitch: The Link Glitch, commonly abbreviated LG, is a glitch present in both Dissidia and Duodecim. A two-part attack generally needs the first part to connect before the second part can begin. With the Link Glitch, part one can miss, while a separate attack connects and the game registers a hit, and part two can be executed. A very common LG combo is Terra's "Holy" > "Meteor" > "Ultima HP Link"

    VII. 012 Tweaks & Features
    There has been a slew of changes to the overall combat of Duodecim from Dissidia, making the already revamped game like something completely new. Aside from the changes listed below, the game also features an increased pace, while Quickmoves have the characters moving much faster than before.

    A. 012 TWEAKS
    Hit Points (HP), Bravery, and BREAK - In Dissidia, the maximum amount of both HP and Bravery a character could have was 9999. This allowed for crushing one-hit KO (OHKO) defeats with several characters. However, in Duodecim, the maximum amount of HP attainable reaches beyond four figures (no word yet on the new maximum), while Bravery is still capped at the regular 9999. This means that OHKOs are a thing of the past, so get yourself ready for longer battles! Similarly, the amount of Bravery gained from a Break has been lowered by a small degree. However, with new forms of gaining Map Bravery possible (EX Break, Assist Break), it won't be that much of a worry.

    Dodging & Blocking - While Dodge Cancels still appear to be a decent portion of avoiding attacks while in the cooldown of an attack, several DC-dependent combos have been removed, and aerial dodges now have an increased cooldown of their own, which means you will either have to attack to cancel the cooldown of the dodge, or make sure you will be safe from an opponent's dodge punish. There is also abilities to increase the distance you dodge on the ground, as there was only an aerial dodge distance increasing ability in Dissidia. Whether increasing the distance of dodges is an advantage will depend on further extrapolation with the game in hand. Many characters have received tweaks to their Bravery Attacks that have added the ability to stagger or even crush guards. This means that blocking won't allow the same amount of safety that it used to in Dissidia. So get used to alternative tactics and don't count on every block to save you from damage!

    Critical Hits - In Duodecim, damage dealt from Critical blows is way down. Normally in Dissidia, a Critical did around five times the normal damage, whereas in Duodecim, the Criticals seem to be dealing about two times the normal damage. This means that EX Bursts themselves, with their inherent all Critical damage, are going to be less threatening (read: game-ending) when used. However, whiffing a block is now even more dangerous, as the opponent will receive 100% Critical hit rate on attacks landed during the cool down of a block.

    Wall Rush ("WR") / Floor Rush ("FR") / Ceiling Rush ("CR") - Normally, any character slammed into a wall, ceiling, or floor, would be granted a few frames of invincibility while they peel themselves off the surface. However, in Duodecim, any character slammed into a surface by an Assist is immediately fair game while they are recovering, only having a small window in which to escape. The opposite is also possible, having an Assist combo off of your Wall Rush. It seems as though it is impossible to combo off of your own Wall Rush in this respect, though. The damage dealt by Wall Rush has also been reduced. Normally in Dissidia, a Wall Rush did half the damage of the attack that throws them into the surface, yet, in Duodecim, Wall Rush damage seems to be down to around a quarter (25%) of the initial attack.

    Aerial Combat - Combat in the air is no secret in Dissidia, as characters could stay aloft for as long as they wished by simply dodging in midair, which reset the Jump count. In Duodecim, to close the gap between aerial- and ground-based combat, the Jump count can no longer be reset by any means other than planting your character's feet on something. This emphasizes a greater use of Quickmoves and other footholds in battlefields, giving ground-oriented characters the edge they so rightly needed before. It should also be noted that dodging in the air also reduces your Jump count, meaning if you dodge in the air, even before using your second jump, it will not be available to you.

    Chase Mode - Often referred to simply as "Chase," the mode has been sped up considerably from Dissidia. Dodging will take some getting used to with the quickened pace, and in general less time will be spent idling in the Chase. The window in which to perform an attack during Chase has also been shortened, with inactivity dropping you out of Chase after only a mere second. New additions to Chase include absorbing the EX Force present on the field when you press X to start/dodge in Chase, which makes it a decent way to fill up in hairy situations. Another is that when dodging during Chase, the character will move slightly backwards, while attacking will have them move back into the space they dodged out of. This means that when exiting Chase due to inaction, the fighters are no longer right in front of one another.

    Ground Dash - A new mechanic used for quick mobility is the Ground Dash, performed in the same manner as Air Dash with R+, although only applicable when on the ground. Normally, performing any dash sets the character in the air, however Ground Dash leaves the character firmly planted on the ground, so any attacks performed from a Ground Dash will be ground-based. With Ground Dash+ installed, it is possible to control the direction of your character's movement with the analog stick. A Ground Dash is denoted by a kick-up of dust behind the character while moving.

    Overworld Map - Instead of Dissidia's Destiny Board, character-unique boards with segmented panels for moving the story forward, Duodecim gives us an actual Overworld Map to wander around on like in the Final Fantasies of yore. Characters travel in a group, following the current party leader about the map, finding Treasure Chests and even coming across roving manikins in place of stationary battle pieces. Characters present on the map can attack one another, which initiates battle, while the attacker gains an advantage over the opponent. Dungeons are also present, accessible from landmarks on the Overworld Map, which pits the player into a system similar to the Destiny Board as they progress through the levels of the dungeon. Along with showing off a party of characters, the player also utilizes Kupo Points (hereafter KP) in a similar fashion to Dissidia's PP.

    Party Battle - During Free Battle (Quick Battle in English), you can now choose the option to fight in a party. In this mode, players can select up to five characters to battle with, and give each of them an iconic Final Fantasy Job for varying effects (increased physical or magic power, meters half-full, etc). This feature can also be used when playing against human opponents through ad hoc play, with each character in a party also able to be played by another player, resulting in up to ten players battling altogether. As the battle ensues, the players will go down the list of their characters as each one before them falls. Unfortunately, there is still no Infrastructure online play, so players will have to resort to Adhoc Party, Xlink-Kai, and sitting right next to the people they wish to play.

    Original Quest - Create your own quests that can then be shared with other players over the 'net with the new MogWeb feature! Choose what characters the player can play as, and who they fight against. Quests are strings of battles with customizable cutscenes at the beginning and end of each, and can even have branching paths based on wins and losses. Creators can also set different parameters for battles, like losing on a Wall Rush, or lowering Map Bravery and the like (these changeable parameters also carry over into normal battles as well). The maximum duration a quest is normally five battles, but that doesn't mean you can't create an epic quest segmented into parts!

    Labyrinth Mode - An improved version of the original Duel Coliseum from Dissidia, where the player jumps headlong into a series of battles with opponents. As the player plows through battles, they'll come across Job Cards that can give them special bonuses by being in their "Hand," and treasure chests with valuable items to be collected from inside. You may even be able to recruit enemies faced in the labyrinth to your party. The biggest addition is the use of rooms with branching paths, as is suggested by the mode's name. After so many battle cards, you'll come across a card with the picture of an open door, which allows you to move onto the next room. What, oh what, could be waiting at the end of the dungeon's paths?

    Data Transfer - For those who do not want to start over from scratch, Square gives players the option to transfer data from Dissidia into Duodecim, pushing all the characters you had previously mastered up to Level 100 instantly (or to the Level the character was previously at in Dissidia), also giving you a special item as a reward for your hard work. You can still choose to tackle the game at Level 1, but you might be missing out on that prize!

    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 26/2/11
  16. Akira_Miyamoto

    Akira_Miyamoto T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Update thêm thằng Gigamesh nè + thêm bộ 3 của Squall nữa ok phết


    Chắc ko phải nói ai cũng biết là bộ 3 của Squall là cua Kigndom Heart series rùi :) Hay rùi đây
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 17/2/11
  17. Akira_Miyamoto

    Akira_Miyamoto T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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  18. Mighty_OrOcHi

    Mighty_OrOcHi The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Rays of Hope -Ac
  19. Mighty_OrOcHi

    Mighty_OrOcHi The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Rays of Hope -Ac
    Famisu infomation

    Đây là tổng quan về các mục trong menu Dissidia 012:

    Story Mode

    * The 12th Battle
    * Report
    * XXX

    Wireless Mode

    * Online Lobby
    * Group Battle
    * Friend Card
    * Artifact
    * Surechigai (StreetPass), Import

    Battle Mode

    * Free Battle (1 on 1)
    * Free Battle (Party)
    * Arcade Mode
    * Labyrinth

    PP Catalogue


    * Creation
    * Museum

    Player Customize


    Player Customize


    Museum allows you to view all the game's event scenes, listen to the game's music, and view character information. Events can be lined up in time order, which should make the story flow easier to understand.

    The "Report" option under the story mode provides additional background story in textual form as you advance through the main story mode. You can select highlighted phrases in the text to trigger events and new battles.

    There's also an "XXX" under the story section. In Famitsu, this was shown as a blank box. I'm going to guess that it's a secret sub mode.

    Group Battle under the Online Mode is is an ad-hoc group battle mode that's playable by up to 10 players. The 10 players split up into two teams for a tournament. Battles are still fought one-on-one, but the other players can watch the action.

    Some of the modes are not accessible from the start, but must be unlocked by working through story mode. Included in these is the Labyrinth Mode, which Famitsu provided a big close up look at this week.



    Labyrinth Mode is a new mode that can be thought of as an updated version of the Colosseum Mode from the first Dissidia. Making use of cards, you work your way through a dungeon, fighting battles and obtaining items and equipment.

    In the above screenshot, which was posted at Famitsu.com, slots below the "Labyrinth" text are the character you're controlling, his stats, and your party members. As long as you have at least one character left, you can continue playing.

    The "Medal" icon indicates the number of medals that you have. Medals are acquired by winning battles and can be exchanged for items and equipment. In general, you can't carry items and equipment into the labyrinth.

    The panels at the bottom are the cards that determine your actions. The "exit" panel and three cards in the dark blue area can all be selected on your current turn. You can select the "exit" panel to leave the labyrinth. If you select one of the cards, some action is performed, the other two cards disappear, and three new cards slide in from the right side.

    Cards come in various forms and determine your actions, from advancing to the next area, to adding more members to your party, all the way to triggering battles. Here are few sample card types that are listed in Famitsu:

    Door Cards
    Select one of these to move to another area of the labyrinth. Door cards can only be selected if the drawing of the door is open. If the door is closed, you'll need to have cleared some condition to select the card.
    Job Cards
    These cards change parameters, recovering your life, for example, or making it so that treasure boxes appear more frequently. You can place three of these cards in the three slots above the card area. Doing so makes the effect of the card last.
    Treasure Box Cards
    By selecting these, you can exchange the medals that you've obtained in battle for items.
    Party Member Cards
    These show the face of one of the Dissidia characters. Select this card, and you can choose to make the character into a party member or assist character.


    Amongst the items that you collect, only some -- those marked with a sprite visual of a cave -- can be taken out of the dungeon, where they can be used in other modes of play. Other items can be stored in specific spots by setting up tents and cottages. The items can then be accessed the next time you enter the Labyrinth.

    You'll find multiple exits in the labyrinth. If you go in further, you'll have access to rarer items but will have to face off against more powerful enemies. You can't save while you're in the labyrinth, and if you die you lose all your items.


    Overall map of the labyrinth. Red marks your current spot. Green and purple mark the position of tents and cottages respectively. The S marks the starting point, and G the goal.
  20. Snowsheep

    Snowsheep Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    @Sau tuần này cũng là tuần game ra mình sẽ "bế quan" một thời gian có lẽ khá dài trong những ngày trước khi ra bản English thì hi vọng nhờ QA12,Akira_Miyamoto,Mighty_OrOcHi,Thundaga_Bum và những bạn khác sẽ post những tin đó cho các anh em nhá (Thanks các bạn trước ^^) Hi vọng lần sau khi ghé (tái xuất gian hồ ^^) thì nhà mới chúng ta ngày một hay hơn ^^ (Mình rất mong ấy bài FAQ đấy ^^)

    @Prologus [English] chắc chắn sẽ ra vấn đề là chư biết khi nào thôi,các bạn đừng lo ^^
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 1/3/11

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