GMS - [Broa] - Its time to ...

Thảo luận trong 'Maple Story' bắt đầu bởi never_die312, 1/4/10.

  1. BacBa

    BacBa Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Tùy job em ơi. Warrior mỗi 1 hp wash tăng chừng 25 tới 28 hp giảm 4mp. Thief với bowman thì Bac không rành, hình như +15hp -12mp. Để các đại gia chơi range class xác nhận lại. Mà 45 poitns = 9 lvls đó. Em lên 9 lvls trong vòng 10 ngày kịp không?
  2. never_die312

    never_die312 Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Lol bac, 9 lvl mà low lv thì 1 ngày cũng kịp :)) Của e nè, lv 154 k biết 10 ngày đc lvl nào k ý chứ, dạo này lười quá :P

    Besides warrior 1 AP tưởng đc 40~50 HP chứ O.o

    Bowman thì k biết nhưng mà thief thì từ 16~19 HP 1 AP =)
  3. BacBa

    BacBa Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ý lộn :D. Warrior 1 wash +50~54 hp -4mp. Lâu quá nên lộn. hehe.
  4. miuw

    miuw T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Deadly Dual Blade Packages.

    Item Rating (potential) and Enhancement (star) System

    Explanation of the Item Rating and Enhancement system
    • Item Rating System
      1. Required Knowledge
      2. Item Rating process
      3. Item Rating FAQ
    • Enhancement System
      1. Required Knowledge
      2. Enhancement process
      3. Enhancement FAQ

    Item Rating System

    A. Required Knowledge
    Before I explain how this system works and how to use it, you will need to know about these items and general information;
    [​IMG] Potential Scroll
    This scroll is used to make your item "unidentified", and it can drop from any monster. The only thing potential scrolls do is give your item the "unidentified" status, nothing else. This scroll does not consume scroll slots, has a 70% success rate, and if it fails will blow up your item.

    [​IMG] Advanced Potential Scroll
    This scroll is used to make your item "unidentified", and only drops only from bosses. I don't know if Area/Mini-Bosses are considered. This scroll does the same thing as the 70%, except at a 90% rate. There is no other difference. This scroll will also blow up your gear at a 100% rate if it fails, and also consumes no scroll slots.

    [​IMG] Magnifying Glass
    This is an item sold by NPCs in game for mesos. This item is used on a Rare or higher rank "unidentified" item to determine what rank and what bonus stats it will have. The stat bonuses the item can give depends on the type of gear. There are 4 type of Magnifying Glass: Basic(use for Lv. 30 and below item), Average(use for Lv. 70 and below item), Advanced (use for Lv. 120 and below item) and Premium (use for all item) This consumes no scroll slots, cannot fail, and cannot break your item.

    [​IMG] Miracle Cube
    This is a Cash Shop item. You use this cube after you have identified your item but want to reset the stat bonuses on it. This consumes no scroll slots, cannot fail, and cannot break your item.

    Item Ranks;
    Items come in several different ranks. You're most likely familiar with the various ranks and their colors. The higher the level of your gear is, the bigger the boost of stats it can give. As outlined here;

    Lvl 1 to 30: Rare = 1%, Epic = 2%, Unique = 3%
    Lvl 31 to 70: Rare = 2%, Epic = 4%, Unique = 6%
    Lvl 71 or higher: Rare = 3%, Epic = 6%, Unique = 9%

    Common item: transparent border (ie. everything you Maker, or already exists)
    Unidentified item: red border (item drops after patch, or potential scrolled items)
    Rare item: blue border
    Epic item: purple border
    Unique item: yellow border

    You can gain a higher percent of a certain stat depending on the rank of your item. You can also gain multiple stats depending on the rank of your item.

    B. Item Rating upgrading process
    Now that you know about the items and information involved, I will outline the process itself.
    1. Get a piece of gear, but make sure it is at least Rare. If you got the piece of gear from a monster, it has a chance to come unidentified. If not, the piece of gear you have will need to be made unidentified using a 70% or 90% potential scroll. If the scroll worked, your item will be outlined in red.
    2. Now that you have your unidentified piece of gear, you will need a Magnifying glass to change your item from unidentified to "identified". As of now in KMS I believe these are sold by certain NPCs for mesos, but this could change in GMS.
    3. Use the magnifying glass like a scroll on a piece of unidentified gear. The magnifying glass will reveal 2 or 3 stats, and will increase the rank of your gear(from Rare to Epic, Epic to Unique, etc). No less than 2 stats, but no more than 3. Higher leveled pieces of gear have a higher chance of revealing 3 stats and having a higher rank identified
    4. At this point you will be happy, sad, or going wtp concerning the stats that were identified on your item. If you got a crap stat, fear not! Nexon has offered a solution to reverse the effects via a Cash Shop item called a Miracle cube [​IMG]. The compan-err Miracle Cube will revert the items post-magnifying glass identified status back to unidentified and erase the identified bonuses. When you use the cube, an interface similar to the one viscous hammers use will come up. You place the item in the box, and the bonuses will be erased.
    5. If you're happy with the stats that were identified on your gear, congratulations on your cool new piece of equipment! :) If you are not satisfied, go back to step 4. I have included a picture to visually illustrate the steps in this process.
    [​IMG] Click image to enlarge (or view full side)

    C. Item Rating FAQ

    A: Not completely useless, no.
    Godly higher leveled gear will be more desirable, though. The system places more emphasis on using high leveled class gear, and is shying away from low leveled common class gear. Is this going to kill godly saunas or brown work gloves? No, it wont. A 27 atk BWG is still a 27 atk work glove, a 50 Dex sauna is still a 50 dex sauna, 10 atk stomper is still a 10 atk stomper...and I could go on. Scrolling your already scrolled gear will actually be more beneficial, because you cannot Maker yellow-named items, which yield the most percent boost. This system just means you can finally start using your cool looking class gear and not be gimped =]​

    Q: What gear slots can you scroll with this new system? What stats can you scroll your gear with?
    A: Ah, I'm glad you asked. All slots except Medal and shoulder can be scrolled with this new system. I will paste the gear slot and stat list here;

    Hats - Stat %, Chance of showing an Emotion when hit, Stats(static numerical stats), Accuracy, Avoidability, W.DEF, M.DEF %, Chance of recovering HP/MP), Ignore monster's attack/damage.
    Face accessory - Stat %, Accuracy, Avoidability, W.DEF, M.DEF %, Recover HP/MP per second, Max HP/MP
    Eye accessory - Stat %, Accuracy, Avoidability, W.DEF, M.DEF %, Max HP/MP
    Tops/Bottoms/Overalls - Stat %, Chance of Invincibility when hit, +1 ~2 of a skill, Chance of recovering HP/MP, W.DEF, M.DEF, Avoidablility, Accuracy %, Chance of Autosteal (No idea what this is though), +% of a potion, Reduction of a curse's duration (Seal, slow, etc.), Max HP/MP
    Shoes - Stat %, W.DEF, M.DEF, Avoidability, Accuracy %, Chance of avoiding an attack, Max HP/MP
    Gloves - Stat %, W.DEF, M.DEF, Avoidability, Accuracy %, Chance of recovering HP/MP when attacking, +% of a potion, Max HP/MP, Chance of Autosteal
    Cape - Stat %, W.DEF, M. DEF, Chance of avoiding an attack, Max HP/MP, +1~2 of all skills
    Earrings - Stat %, W.DEF, M.DEF, Avoidability, Accuracy %, Max HP/MP
    Belt and Rings - Stat %, W.DEF, M.DEF, Avoidability, Accuracy %, Max HP/MP
    Weapons - Stat %, W.ATT, M.ATT, Total W.ATT %, Total damage %, M.ATT %, Ignore monster's W.DEF/M.DEF at a certain percentage, 20%~30% bonus damage when attacking a boss monster, Chance to recover HP/MP, All skills +1~2, Max HP/MP, Critical damage, Chance to freeze/poison/seal/slow/blind monster​

    Q: Do the Percent bonuses from gear apply to your base stats (like Maple Warrior), or all stats (stats after maple warrior and gear bonuses)?
    A: The percent bonuses from gear apply after Maple Warrior and numerical gear stat bonuses.
    Example; You have 100 base luk. You use lvl 20 maple warrior. Now you have 110 luk. 100 base luk and +10 bonus luk. You equip two pieces of gear with 9% luk on each of them. The percents from gear combine to 18% to increase the your stats. So, 18% luk of 110 luk is 19. So you would have 129 luk total.​

    Q: So can potential scrolls be used on ANY items? Or only items dropped from monsters?
    A: Potential scrolls can be used on any piece of equipment (aside from medals/shoulders). It doesn't matter where the piece of gear came from, if it has been scrolled, has 7 slots, 2 slots, or is painted pink with polka dots; potential scrolls don't care.​

    Kalovale: Does Chaos Scroll effect on Potential bonuses of item ?
    Kalovale: No, it dont​

    Stereo: As far as I know you use the Magnifying Glass once and it randomly identifies it. You can't use another Magnifying Glass to improve it to epic/unique. I mean what would be the point of having different grades if you can toss 3 magnifying glasses on any item and make it unique?

    Shouri: The magnifying glass will definitely reveal two or three stats. It will NOT increase the item's rank. It will assign it a rank. What the chances of getting each rank are... we don't know. It will not make rare items into epic, nor epic to unique (This should be obvious since before you use a magnifying glass, you dont know the item's rank.... so how could the magnifying glass increase it?)​

    Shouri: Where was it established that higher level equips have a better chance of revealing 3 stats than lower level gear? (Same question for have higher ranks identified.)
    LiquidSwing: Just wanted to address that. Alot of the posts from KMS players like takebacker and such kept saying that the higher item level your equip is, the better chance you have of revealing more stats. So I took their word for it =S If you have more up-to-date info on this I'll change it.​

    SaptaZapta: What stats can Shield give? How about Pendant?
    LiquidSwing: I do not know. I have no access to KMS, I don't know anyone from insoya, and I havn't seen anyone post that information on southperry. =[ I will edit the information in when it is made available though :)​

    Q: Is the maker item can be make unidentified already like some item drop from mob ?
    A: ALL equips (except medal, shoulder, unknow about Shield and Pendant yet) can be identified once they have the unidentified tag. What you have heard regarding the maker system is this:
    - Gear that drops from monsters has a chance at being unidentified.
    - Your current gear will not be ... you must use a scroll to make it unidentified (as stated in the guide)
    - Gear that is made with the maker system will NOT have a chance at being unidentified. You must risk blowing it up with a scroll just as with your current gear. This is true even if you use maker after this patch hits. You will HAVE to use one of those Potential Scrolls​

    SaptaZapta: What is the drop frequency of these scrolls in KMS? I realize it can be different in GMS, but I still would like an idea. Is this system, realistically, available to average players? Or is this more like Chaos, White Scrolls, and 50% scrolls - only the really rich could afford to play with it and keep trying, retrying, and blowing up equips, until they get what they wanted?
    So, the scrolls that drop from "all monsters" - do they drop as often as, say, colored magic powders, or as rarely as Chaos scrolls?
    The ones that drop from "bosses" - does that include area bosses like the Dark Token event did, or is it only major bosses? Do major bosses drop more than one scroll each time?

    Shouri: Potential scrolls drop from all mobs. (no clue on the rate... you'll have to ask a KMSer... but they're apparently not that difficult to get your hands on.)
    Advanced Potential Scroll only drop from major bosses like zak, ht and pb. And interestingly enough, apparently Pap does NOT drop these​

    Q: What do the "+Skills" on hat/top/bottom/overalls mean?
    A: The skill that you have on your gear will act like it had 1 or 2 more points put into it. It will work the same way Combat Orders works, and the two do stack.
    Cyanne: For Example this hat apparently gives +2 to all skills: [​IMG]

    Birdie: Is it known how the skills additions from potential scrolling will work?
    LiquidSwing: I'm actually researching that now.
    Remember when Fiel was doing some extracting, and he came across the Sharp Eyes, Haste, and Hyperbody skills and stuff that were under the Beginner skills? I think those might be the skills these items give. I'm looking through spadow's old entries and around Southperry for more confirmation.

    Found the skill information here;
    If someone can confirm that these are the skills one recieves from the gear, I'll edit this info in under the Q/A section and credit you.

    Takebacker: All i remember is that door comes from identifying hats. HB probably comes from an overall, SE from a weapon, and haste from shoes.

    Stereo: Other things to note about self-skills
    - Mystic Door, HB, Haste: Level 70+
    - SE: Level 120+
    I think this is just a requirement to give you the skill, and it can be on any level item still (and cast on party members at any level). But I'm not certain.
    - Mystic Door, Haste: Epic
    - SE, HB: Unique
    So another way to prove that Unique items can get Epic bonuses would be to see Door/Haste on a Unique.​

    Darkhallows: Are the self skills canceled by the usual ones ? Example : i cast self SE then usual sharp eyes from an archer. Am i getting both ? Or (that's more what i think. But . . .) both works and add their own effects ?
    Kalovale: Mini-buffs and normal buffs don't stack.
    Fiel: From what I'm seeing in the skill readouts, it would appear that all of the skills received from the Potential System are party skills and not just self-buffs.​

    If I find anymore good questions, I will put them here =]

    Enhancement System​

    A. Required Knowledge
    This system will require a little bit of explaining as well. This system is not the same as the potential system. Each of these methods of upgrading have nothing to do with the others (this includes the classic way of scrolling). The Enhancement system is a bit more simple and straightforward than the potential, so there is only one item you need to know about.

    [​IMG] Equip Enhancement Scroll
    This scroll can only be applied to items with 0 scrolling slots left, and acts exactly like a chaos scroll save for a few things.

    What the scroll does do;
    Can add an entirely new stat to an item
    Can increase the amount of stats an item has
    Can be used on any piece of equipment (except medals and shoulders)
    Chances to work decrease depending on the amount of stars your item has
    Blows up your item at 100% rate if it fails

    What it does not do;
    Take away item slots
    Take away stats

    Everytime this scroll works, it adds one star to your item. The star only indicates that the scroll worked and doesn't do anything else. If you use another Equip Enhancement Scroll on the item, the chance of success decreases depending on the amount of stars your item has. But, the amount of stars your item has also increases the benefits you get when a scroll works. Here is a picture of the scroll in game outlining the Star to Chance ratio with the amount of stars being on the left and success rate being on the right;

    [​IMG] Advanced Equip Enhancement Scroll
    Same as Equip Enhancement Scroll, but it had better % work

    The rate work

    B. Enhancement system upgrading process
    The process itself is very simple.
    1. Get an item that has 0 upgrade slots left. Nothing else about the item matters. Even if you have vicious hammer slots available, as long as it says Upgrade Slots Left:0 you can use the scroll on your item.
    2. Use the scroll on your item. If it worked, you will see a star above your item's name and some of the item's stats will have increased. If not, your item broke. Here is the process in a picture;

    As you can see, a star appeared above the item's name, and the DEX and W. Def increased. Now if he uses another enhancement scroll on this overall, the chances of success goes down to 70%; but the benefits will increase should the scroll work.

    C.Enhancement FAQ

    Q: Where do these scrolls drop from?
    A: I'am not sure at the moment =[ I researched, but couldn't find any concrete testimonials or evidence. I think I remember spadow saying these only drop from bosses? Don't quote me on that though. If someone can shed some light on this for me please go ahead :)​

    Q: Are the stats gained using this scroll based on the item rank like the Potential System?
    A: No, nothing will increase the amount of stats gained or the chance of success of this scroll.​

    Q: What stats can this scroll grant?
    A: It can increase the amount of stats already on your gear, or add an entirely new stat to your gear. I don't believe this scroll can add percentages like the potential system can, but new evidence is springing up all the time. I could be wrong :)​

    If I find anymore good questions, I'll post them here =]

    Pride for posting the gear stat options, and by extension the people of Insoya for putting the list together.
    Spadow for shedding more light on both systems and providing pictures that I used in this guide.
    The community of southperry for discussing these matters and allowing me to consolidate the knowledge of these systems into one place.
    Pretty much all the people in the two Potential/Enhancement threads in the Maple Q/A section. Especially the KMS players that could shed some light on these matters.
    Pink Bean. For looking funny [​IMG]

    Guide by LiquidSwing of Southperry
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 22/7/10
  5. gemboy

    gemboy Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Blank City
    @ mèo: mèo ơi weekend này anh ko đi Chaos Zrun được rồi, em cáo lỗi với thằng RunningBoys nhé. :-s ..... sorry em :| ...
  6. BacBa

    BacBa Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ôi. Nexon càng ngày càng đào sâu khoảng cách giữa noob gear với pro gear. Khuyến khíck players phải lao vô tranh đua mà xài tiền. Lúc trước, pro gear wánh gấp rưỡi noob gear là chuyện thường. Vài tuần nữa sẽ là gấp đôi. :((.
  7. bobeobot

    bobeobot Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    có ai biết cái Mirror of the Insight tìm ở đâu kô ?
  8. ATruyN[v2]

    ATruyN[v2] Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    warrior: 55~55
    BM,NL: 16~20 - Hôm nay đc 3 phát 20 maxed hp o.O liên tiếp
  9. never_die312

    never_die312 Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

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    a Phúc giờ khỏe fai biết :>
  10. Ankarus

    Ankarus Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mấy cái Equip Enhancement Scroll làm sao có nhỉ, bạn miuw biết ko?
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 23/7/10
  11. miuw

    miuw T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Drop random từ mob, còn n~ mob nào thỳ h vẫn hem rõ xD

    Ngoài ra có thể gacha :-?

    Btw first Potential item :))
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 23/7/10
  12. Ankarus

    Ankarus Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Úi, cái này làm sao làm dc vậy, chỉ mình với.
  13. miuw

    miuw T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nx đang tăng drop rate từ mob, kill mob drop item > đc item unidentified sẵn > mua cái Magnifying glass từ shop rồi click vào là đc, item sẽ lên lên rank (rare, epic hay unique) và tăng random stats (cái dòng ở dưới), chi tiết xem thêm guide ở trên :D
  14. ZzMèozZ

    ZzMèozZ C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Giờ có cả item + Kỹ Năng Vốn Có :"> Cứ như VLTK ấy \m/

    btw : vừa cài lại windows , tải GMS = cái Nexon Manager thì cứ phải gọi là .... 8-| Ai có link direct ko :-/
  15. W T F

    W T F Donkey Kong GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    hôm nay vừa dow GMS đăng kí đầy đủ vào game thỳ nó hiện thế này

    ai biết sao k =.= chỉ với . Tks
  16. ZzMèozZ

    ZzMèozZ C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Login = web , bấm nút star game ỡ web luôn 8-|
  17. W T F

    W T F Donkey Kong GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    thỳ login = web mà :|
  18. ZzMèozZ

    ZzMèozZ C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nếu Star Game = web cũng không đc thì do Nexon nó block IP VN rùi :| Phải fake IP mới chơi đc 8-|
  19. vn373498

    vn373498 C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Edit! :D
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 23/7/10
  20. xxBlue_Starxx

    xxBlue_Starxx C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Quest hay thế. Dân DB đánh bom khủng bố Dark Lord à =))

    Tự mình phải chọn lựa cách chơi thôi :). Ko thích mà cứ cố quá là quit game sớm đó :D

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