Cheatcode Harvest Moon & Rune Factory

Thảo luận trong 'Harvest Moon' bắt đầu bởi Alicia Luu, 9/7/06.

  1. bamba003

    bamba003 Mr & Ms Pac-Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    này DarkCloud, cậu cheat được max love point ở đời con sao hay vậy, chỉ tui coi, tui chỉ cheat được friend thôi, (nhập cheat vao rồi nhấn búa lua xua nó ra, nhưng love thì ko được)
  2. ~DarkCloud~

    ~DarkCloud~ Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Đừng nhấn tùm lum chi. Nó có biểu là sau nhập cheat nhấn Select+Up hay Down gì đấy (ko nhớ kỹ).Ở đời cha thì mình chưa thử. Còn cái cheat full tim này thấy cũng lạ hồi ấy thì nó ko chịu kích hoạt nhưng bây giờ mình kích cái một.
  3. PinkCloud

    PinkCloud Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands ==> Có cheat trò này kog :D cho xin nèo
  4. ~DarkCloud~

    ~DarkCloud~ Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    lưu ý bản tiếng Anh ko phải tiếng Nhật
    Max money
    020DBEA0 3B9AC9FF
    stamia ko giảm:
    020313C8 E1A00000
    Fullness ko giảm:
    02031404 E1A00000
    max gỗ:
    120EC648 0000270F
    max stone:
    120EC64E 0000270F
    max golden lumber:
    120EC654 0000270F
    220EA23E 00000063
    ~ còn nữa :)) tạm thời thế thôi. Tại chưa check hết mà thế này thì đủ phá đảo rùi còn gì
    còn muốn tìm hiểu thì nguồn đây:
    P/s: tui chưa check! ai check thì coi cái nào ko xài dc tui còn sửa.
  5. luckystar123

    luckystar123 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Có ai có cheat tim các chàng trai và dụng cụ của HMDS cute thì cho mình nha
  6. duy12tin

    duy12tin Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cho hỏi làm sao nhập cheat bằng Desmume 0.9.4 vậy ?
  7. ~DarkCloud~

    ~DarkCloud~ Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    vào emulation chọn cheat rùi chọn list
    click vào Action reply -> hiện lên 1 cái khung chọn cheat mà bạn muốn vào đấy xong click vào add ở khúc dưới.
    sau đó trong bảng hiện lên 1 hàng chữ nhớ là có ký hiệu X nhá rùi click save là ok!
    cái hình mình ví dụ là của RF 3 và nó có thêm yêu cầu nhấn Select để kích hoạt. Có vài cheat sau khi nhập yêu cấu phải nhấn phím gì đấy (chắc bạn bik) còn đa số nhập vào là được luôn. Hình đây:

  8. squall2006

    squall2006 Mr & Ms Pac-Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    89,42% các game thủ vì cheat mà ngán ngẫm trò chơi (nguồn Gamefag) !!!Sunshire island khi bỏ bao nhiêu khổ cực khi bạn nâng cấp cơ sở vật chất lên từ từ bạn sẽ có một cảm giác khác thường(mình rất thích cảm giác này-chỉ HV mới mang đến) :D--tốt nhất là nên chơi ăn gian thôi ;))
  9. RisenAion

    RisenAion Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    The Hell
    Sao cái DesmuMe nhập được cheat mà cái No$gba ko nhập được vậy ức chế thật !!!
  10. longca24

    longca24 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    có ai bít chỉnh game shark trên giả lập PS1 game Harvest Moon - Back to Nature hem zay, với cho mình xin link download gameshark V2.2 được hem
  11. cupidonte50

    cupidonte50 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ê có ai bít cheat item trò này hem cho với cheat item dạng như xxxx là số của item không cho với
    bản for girl trên GBA
  12. bamba003

    bamba003 Mr & Ms Pac-Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Harvest Moon ds bản For Boy sao cheat ko được vậy, tui cheat thử 400% các dụng cụ, chơi 1 lát thì bị đứng, cheat item thì không được, có ai test thử chưa vậy??
  13. luckystar123

    luckystar123 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    HMDS cái nào mình cũng cheat dc mà, bạn thử đưa cheat lên đi để mình test thử
  14. bamba003

    bamba003 Mr & Ms Pac-Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ừh đây:


    50 Animals killed

    223DDF0C 00000032

    92 Sprites Saved

    Press Start+R
    94000130 fef70000
    c0000000 0000000b
    023dc548 ffff0001
    023dc5d8 ffff0101
    023dc668 ffff0201
    023dc6f8 ffff0301
    023dc788 ffff0401
    023dc818 ffff0501
    023dc8a8 ffff0601
    dc000000 0000000c
    d2000000 00000000
    c0000000 00000007
    223dc938 00000001
    dc000000 00000004
    d2000000 00000000

    All Tools Maxed

    023ddf18 ffffffff
    023ddf1c ffffffff
    023ddf24 ffffffff
    023ddf28 ffffffff
    023ddf2c ffffffff
    023ddf30 ffffffff

    Max Affection

    Note: All Animals
    Press Select
    94000130 fffb0000
    c0000000 0000001c
    223dc9a3 0000007f
    dc000000 00000018
    d2000000 00000000

    Infinite Stamina

    Stamina 255/255
    Fatigue 0/100
    023D6B00 00FFFF00

    Watering Can always full (255)

    223DDF16 000000FF

    Stamina 200/200

    This code gives 200 stamina in the 4:44AM game
    023D33BC 000000C8

    Max Friendship Everyone

    C0000000 00000025
    023DBD58 0000FFFF
    DC000000 00000028
    D2000000 00000000

    Witch princess has been given 10K gifts

    Show her your cat (or give a gift)
    023DDEB0 00002710

    Inventory Codes

    023D6B24 --------*
    023D6B0C - Tool Slot
    023D6B10 - Hold Item Slot
    023D6B14 - Accessory Slot
    023D6B24 - slot 1
    023D6B28 - 2
    023D6B2C - 3
    023D6B30 - 4
    023D6B34 - 5
    023D6B38 - 6
    023D6B3C - 7
    023D6B40 - 8
    023D6B44 - 9
    023D6B48 - 10
    023D6B4C - 11
    023D6B50 - 12
    023D6B54 - 13
    023D6B58 - 14
    023D6B5C - 15
    023D6B60 - 16
    023D6B64 - 17
    023D6B68 - 18
    023D6B6C - 19
    023D6B70 - 20
    023D6B74 - 21
    023D6B78 - 22
    023D6B7C - 23
    023D6B80 - 24
    023D6B84 - 25
    023D6B88 - 26
    023D6B8C - 27
    023D6B90 - 28
    023D6B94 - 29
    023D6B98 - 30
    023D6B9C - 31
    023D6BA0 - 32
    023D6BA4 - 33
    023D6BA8 - 34
    023D6BAC - 35
    023D6BB0 - 36
    023D6BB4 - 37
    023D6BB8 - 38
    023D6BBC - 39
    023D6BC0 - 40
    023D6BC4 - 41
    023D6BC8 - 42
    023D6BCC - 43
    023D6BD0 - 44
    023D6BD4 - 45
    023D6BD8 - 46
    023D6BDC - 47
    023D6BE0 - 48
    023D6BE4 - 49
    023D6BE8 - 50
    023D6BEC - 51
    023D6BF0 - 52
    023D6BF4 - 53
    023D6BF8 - 54

    NOTE: 63000001 Gives you 99 Axes, add the "63" to receive 99.
    NOTE: 006300C7 Gives you Lv 100 Turnip Seeds
    NOTE: 636300C7 Gives you 99 Lv 100 Turnip Seeds

    Red - Tool type

    Green - Item type

    Blue - Accessory type

    Brown - Normally a hold item, can not hold unless you use the Hold Item Code.

    Note: *Blank* refers to no name shown
    Code format


    XX = quantity (use 01-63)
    YY = Level (0 = lvl 1, 63=lvl 100)
    ZZZZ = the item's hex, which is provided.

    00FFFFFF Empty Space
    01000000 Axe
    01010000 Copper Axe
    01020000 Silver Axe
    01030000 Gold Axe
    01040000 Mystrile Axe
    01050000 Blessed Axe
    01060000 Cursed Axe
    01070000 Mythic Axe
    01000001 Fishing Rod
    01010001 Copper Fishing Rod
    01020001 Silver Fishing Rod
    01030001 Gold Fishing Rod
    01040001 Mystrile Fishing Rod
    01050001 Blessed Fishing Rod
    01060001 Cursed Fishing Rod
    01070001 Mythic Fishing Rod
    01000002 Hammer
    01010002 Copper Hammer
    01020002 Silver Hammer
    01030002 Gold Hammer
    01040002 Mystrile Hammer
    01050002 Blessed Hammer
    01060002 Cursed Hammer
    01070002 Mythic Hammer
    01000003 Hoe
    01010003 Copper Hoe
    01020003 Silver Hoe
    01030003 Gold Hoe
    01040003 Mystrile Hoe
    01050003 Blessed Hoe
    01060003 Cursed Hoe
    01070003 Mythic Hoe
    01000004 Sickle
    01010004 Copper Sickle
    01020004 Silver Sickle
    01030004 Gold Sickle
    01040004 Mystrile Sickle
    01050004 Blessed Sickle
    01060004 Cursed Sickle
    01070004 Mythic Sickle
    01000005 Watering Can
    01010005 Copper Watering Can
    01020005 Silver Watering Can
    01030005 Gold Watering Can
    01040005 Mystrile Watering Can
    01050005 Blessed Watering Can
    01060005 Cursed Watering Can
    01070005 Mythic Watering Can
    01000006 Clippers
    01000007 Milker
    01000008 Legendary Sword
    01000009 Animal Medicine
    0100000A Bell
    0100000B Blue Feather
    0100000C Brush
    0100000D Rucksack
    0100000E Big Rucksack

    0100000F Fodder
    01000010 H. Goddess's Gift
    01000011 Fish Bones
    01000012 Book
    01000013 Boot
    01000014 Bottle
    01000015 Empty Can
    01000016 Junk Ore
    01000017 Fossil of Fish
    01000018 Title Bonus
    01000019 Lithograph
    0100001A Witch Princess's Gift
    0100001B Coin
    0100001C Bird Feed

    0100001D Cow Miracle Potion
    0100001E Sheep Miracle Potion

    0100001F 10,000G Ticket
    01000020 1,000,000G Ticket
    01000021 *Blank* Record
    01000022 Yellow Wonderful
    01000023 Orange Wonderful
    01000024 Blue Wonderful
    01000025 Green Wonderful
    01000026 Indigo Wonderful
    01000027 Purple Wonderful
    01000028 Red Wonderful
    01000029 White Wonderful
    0100002A Black Wonderful
    0100002B Yarn S
    0100002C Yarn M
    0100002D Yarn L
    0100002E Wool S
    0100002F Wool M
    01000030 Wool L
    01000031 Bronze Coin
    01000032 Silver Coin
    01000033 Gold Coin
    01000034 Copper
    01000035 Silver
    01000036 Gold
    01000037 Agate
    01000038 Flourite
    01000039 Mystrile
    0100003A Orichalc
    0100003B Pirate treasure
    0100003C Mythic Stone
    0100003D Adamantite
    0100003E Moon Stone
    0100003F Alexandrite *Green*
    01000040 Alexandrite *Red*
    01000041 Amethyst
    01000042 Emerald
    01000043 Ruby
    01000044 Topaz
    01000045 Diamond
    01000046 Peridot
    01000047 Pink Diamond
    01000048 Bracelet
    01000049 Broach
    0100004A Dress
    0100004B Earrings
    0100004C Facial Pack
    0100004D Choker
    0100004E Perfume
    0100004F Skin Lotion
    01000050 Sun Block
    01000051 Steamed Egg
    01000052 Cheese Steamed Bun
    01000053 Bamboo Dumplings
    01000054 Curry Bun
    01000055 Sponge Cake
    01000056 Steamed Bun
    01000057 Steamed Cake
    01000058 Steamed Dumplings
    01000059 Shaomai
    0100005A Chinese Bun
    0100005B Failed Dish *Frying Pan*
    0100005C Bread
    0100005D Dinner Roll
    0100005E Curry Bread
    0100005F Toast
    01000060 French Toast
    01000061 Raisin Bread
    01000062 Jam Bun
    01000063 Apple Pie
    01000064 Cake
    01000065 Cheese Cake
    01000066 Chocolate Cake
    01000067 Pancake
    01000068 Failed Dish *Oven*
    01000069 Candied potato
    0100006A Baked Yam
    0100006B Sweet Potatoes
    0100006C Chocolate Cookies
    0100006D Cookies
    0100006E Moon Dumplings
    0100006F Green Dumplings
    01000070 Apple Souffle
    01000071 Baked Corn
    01000072 French Fries
    01000073 Popcorn
    01000074 Doughnut
    01000075 Buckwheat Ball
    01000076 Shaved Ice
    01000077 Ice Cream
    01000078 Pudding
    01000079 Pumpkin Pudding
    0100007A Failed Dish *N/A cooking utensil*
    0100007B Failed Dish *Pot*
    0100007C Cheese Fondue
    0100007D Corn Flakes
    0100007E Stew
    0100007F Pumkin Stew
    01000080 Mountain Stew
    01000081 Boiled Spinach
    01000082 Egg Over Rice
    01000083 Tempura Rice
    010000084 Matsutake Rice
    01000085 Mushroom Rice
    01000086 Bamboo Rice
    01000087 Buckwheat Chips
    01000088 *Blank* It's a soup
    01000089 Rice Soup
    0100008A Noodles
    0100008B Curry Noodles
    0100008C Tempura Noodles
    0100008D Tempura B. Noodles
    0100008E Tempura
    0100008F Buckwheat Noodles
    01000090 Chirashi Sushi
    01000091 Fried Thick Noodles
    01000092 Fried Noodles
    01000093 Dumplings
    01000094 Doria
    01000095 Gratin
    01000096 Porridge
    01000097 Risotto
    01000098 Failed Dish *Steamer*
    01000099 Boiled Egg
    0100009A Fish Sticks
    0100009B Happy Eggplant
    0100009C Grilled Fish
    0100009D Pickled Turnip
    0100009E Pickled Cucumber
    0100009F Sashimi
    010000A0 Sushi
    010000A1 Stir Fry
    010000A2 Yellow Curry
    010000A3 Orange Curry
    010000A4 Blue Curry
    010000A5 Green Curry
    010000A6 Indigo Curry
    010000A7 Purple Curry
    010000A8 Red Curry
    010000A9 White Curry
    010000AA Black Curry
    010000AB Curry Rice
    010000AC Fried Rice
    010000AD *Blank* Something on a plate
    010000AE Croquettes
    010000AF Savory Pancakes
    010000B0 Omelet
    010000B1 Omelet Rice
    010000B2 Scrambled Eggs
    010000B3 *Blank* Something on a plate
    010000B4 Pizza
    010000B5 Rice Ball
    010000B6 Toasted Rice Ball
    010000B7 Rice Cake
    010000B8 Roasted Rice Cake
    010000B9 Salad
    010000BA Sandwhich
    010000BB Pot Sticker
    010000BC Dry Curry
    010000BD Rainbow Curry
    010000BE Ultimate Curry
    010000BF Finest Curry
    010000C0 Fish Stew
    010000C1 Fruit Sandwhich
    010000C2 *Blank* Mixer
    010000C3 *Blank* Frying Pan
    010000C4 *Blank* Oven
    010000C5 *Blank* Steamer
    010000C6 *Blank* Pot

    010000C7 Turnip Seeds
    010000C8 Potato Seeds
    010000C9 Cucumber Seeds
    010000CA Strawberry Seeds
    010000CB Cabbage Seeds
    010000CC Tomato Seeds
    010000CD Corn Seeds
    010000CE Onion Seeds
    010000CF Pumpkin Seeds
    010000D0 Pineapple Seeds
    010000D1 Eggplant Seeds
    010000D2 Carrot Seeds
    010000D3 Yam Seeds
    010000D4 Spinach Seeds
    010000D5 Bell Pepper Seeds
    010000D6 Moondrop Seeds
    010000D7 Toyflower Seeds
    010000D8 Pinkcat Seeds
    010000D9 Magic Red Seeds
    010000DA Grass Seeds
    010000DB Peach Seeds
    010000DC Banana Seeds
    010000DD Orange Seeds
    010000DE Apple Seeds
    010000DF Grape Seeds
    010000E0 Shiitake Seeds
    010000E1 Matsutake Seeds
    010000E2 Toadstool Seeds

    010000E3 Turnip
    010000E4 Potato
    010000E5 Cucumber
    010000E6 Strawberry
    010000E7 Cabbage
    010000E8 Tomato
    010000E9 Corn
    010000EA Onion
    010000EB Pumpkin
    010000EC Pineapple
    010000ED Eggplant
    010000EE Carrot
    010000EF Yam
    010000F0 Spinach
    010000F1 Bell Pepper
    010000F2 Moondrop Flower
    010000F3 Toyflower
    010000F4 Pinkcat Flower
    010000F5 Blue Magic Flower
    010000F6 Red Magic Flower
    010000F7 Peach
    010000F8 Banana
    010000F9 Orange
    010000FA Apple
    010000FB Grape
    010000FC Shiitake S
    010000FD Shiitake M
    010000FE Shiitake L
    010000FF Matsutake S
    01000100 Matsutake M
    01000101 Matsutake L
    01000102 Toadstool S
    01000103 Toadstool M
    01000104 Toadstool L
    01000105 Yellow Grass
    01000106 Orange Grass
    01000107 Blue Grass
    01000108 Green Grass
    001000109 Indigo Grass
    0100010A Purple Grass
    0100010B Red Grass
    0100010C White Grass
    0100010D Black Grass
    0100010E Elli Leaves
    0100010F Bamboo Shoot
    01000110 Wild Grape

    01000125 Teleport Stone
    01000126 Pedometer
    01000127 Clock
    01000128 Red Cloak
    01000129 Slow Shoes
    01010129 Fast Shoes
    0100012A Truth Bangle
    0100012B Love Bangle
    0100012C Godhand
    0100012D Miracle Gloves
    0100012E Touch Screen Gloves
    0100012F Necklace
    0101012F Copper Necklace
    0102012F Silver Necklace
    0103012F Gold Necklace
    0104012F Mystrile Necklace
    0105012F Blessed Necklace
    0106012F Mythic Necklace
    01000130 H. Goddess Earrings *CURSED*
    01010130 H. Goddess Earrings *Effect: S*
    01020130 H. Goddess Earrings *Effect: M*
    01030130 H. Goddess Earrings *Effect: L*
    01000131 Kappa Earrings *CURSED*
    01010131 Kappa Earrings *Effect: S*
    01020131 Kappa Earrings *Effect: M*
    01030131 Kappa Earrings *Effect: L*
    01000132 Witch P Earrings *CURSED*
    01010132 Witch P Earrings *Effect S*
    01020132 Witch P Earrings *Effect M*
    01030132 Witch P Earrings *Effect L*
    01000133 Friendship Pendant *CURSED*
    01010133 Friendship Pendant *Effect: S*
    01020133 Friendship Pendant *Effect: M*
    01030133 Friendship Pendant *Effect: L*
    01000134 H. Goddess Pendant *CURSED*
    01010134 H. Goddess Pendant *Effect: S*
    01020134 H. Goddess Pendant *Effect: M*
    01030134 H. Goddess Pendant *Effect: L*
    01000135 Kappa Pendant *CURSED*
    01010135 Kappa Pendant *Effect: S*
    01020135 Kappa Pendant *Effect: M*
    01030135 Kappa Pendant *Effect: L*
    01000136 Time Ring *CURSED*
    01010136 Time Ring *Slows Time Down*
    01000137 Harvest Goddess Hat *CURSED*
    01010137 Harvest Goddess Hat *Effect: S*
    01020137 Harvest Goddess Hat *Effect: M*
    01030137 Harvest Goddess Hat *Effect: L*
    01000138 Kappa Hat *CURSED*
    01010138 Kappa Hat *Effect: S*
    01020138 Kappa Hat *Effect: M*
    01030138 Kappa Hat *Effect: L*

    01000139 Angler Fish
    0100013A Coelacanth
    0100013B Squid
    0100013C Huchen
    0100013D Carp
    0100013E Spa Catfish
    0100013F Fish S
    01000140 Fish M
    01000141 Fish L
    01000142 *Blank* (Glitchy picture of an Angler Fish)
    01000143 *Blank* (Glitchy picture of an Coelacanth)
    01000144 *Blank* (Glitchy picture of an Squid)
    01000145 *Blank* (Glitchy picture of an Huchen)
    01000146 *Blank* (Glitchy picture of an Carp)
    01000147 *Blank* (Glitchy picture of an Spa Catfish)
    01000148 Failed Dish *Mixer*
    01000149 Hot Milk
    0100014A Hot Chocolate
    0100014B Relax Tea
    0100014C Turbojolt
    0100014D Bodigizer
    0100014E Fruit Juice
    0100014F Fruit Latte
    01000150 Grape Juice
    01000151 Milk
    01000152 Mix Juice
    01000153 Mix Latte
    01000154 Pineapple Juice
    01000155 Strawberry Milk
    01000156 Tomato Juice
    01000157 Vegetable Juice
    01000158 Vegetable Latte
    01000159 Water
    0100015A Peach Juice
    0100015B Banana Juice
    0100015C Orange Juice
    0100015D Apple Juice
    0100015E Turbojolt XL
    0100015F Bodigizer XL
    01000160 Wild Grape Wine
    01000161 Wine
    01000162 Apple jam
    01000163 Grape Jam
    01000164 Strawberry Jam
    01000165 Marmalade
    01000166 Cheese S
    01000167 Cheese M
    01000168 Cheese L
    01000169 Yougurt S
    0100016A Yougurt M
    0100016B Yougurt L
    0100016C Mayonnaise S
    0100016D Mayonnaise M
    0100016E Mayonnaise L
    0100016F Milk S
    01000170 Milk M
    01000171 Milk L
    01000172 Chicken Egg S
    01000173 Chicken Egg M
    01000174 Chicken Egg L
    01000175 Spa-Boiled Egg
    01000176 Duck Egg S
    01000177 Duck Egg M
    01000178 Duck Egg L
    01000179 Buckwheat Flour
    0100017A Butter
    0100017B Chocolate
    0100017C Curry Powder
    0100017D Dumpling Mix
    0100017E Flour
    0100017F Ketchup
    01000180 Oil
    01000181 Relax Tea Leaves
    01000182 The Spring Sun
    01000183 The Summer Sun
    01000184 The Fall Sun
    01000185 The Winter Sun
    01000186 Sand Rose
    01000187 Ball
    01000188 Basket
    01000189 Weed
    0100018A Branch
    0100018B Stone

    0100018C *Blank* (Mine Stone)

    0100018D Lumber
    0100018E Material Stone
    0100018F Golden Lumber

    01000190 *Your Cat's Name* (Cat)
    01000191 *Your Dog's Name* (Dog)
    01000192 *Blank* (Chick)
    01000193 *Blank* (Chicken)
    01000194 *Blank* (Duckling)
    01000195 *Blank* (Duck)

    Name mods

    Farm's Name

    023D80E8 XXXXXXXX
    023D80EC 0000XXXX

    Your Name

    023D80F8 XXXXXXXX
    023D80FC 0000XXXX

    Your "Pet" Name

    Note: after marriage, your wife will give you a nickname.
    023D8108 XXXXXXXX
    023D810C 0000XXXX

    Son's Name

    023D8118 XXXXXXXX
    023D811C 0000XXXX


    023D8128 XXXXXXXX
    023D812C 0000XXXX


    023D8138 XXXXXXXX
    023D813C 0000XXXX


    023D8148 XXXXXXXX
    023D814C 0000XXXX

    First Animal

    023D8158 XXXXXXXX
    023D815C 0000XXXX Note: for every animal after, add x10 to both lines.

    Money Codes

    Infinite/max gold

    023D6B04 3B9ACA00

    Money Modifier

    Press L+R+Up
    94000130 000002BF
    D3000000 023D6B04
    D9000000 00000000
    D4000000 00YYYYYY
    D6000000 00000000
    D2000000 00000000 The higher value YYYYYY is, the faster the rate for money gain.

    Money Modifier

    Press L+R+Down
    94000130 0000027F
    D3000000 023D6B04
    D9000000 00000000
    D4000000 YY000000
    D6000000 00000000
    D2000000 00000000 The higher value YY is, the faster the rate for money loss.

    Mine codes

    Lowest level in all mines

    First Mine: lv 10
    Second Mine: Lv 255
    Third Mine: Lv 999
    Fourth Mine: Lv 65535
    (in your mine log)

    023DDF70 00FF000A
    023DDF74 FFFF03E7

    1 Billion Unearthed Soil

    023DDF6C 3B9ACA00

    1 Billion Broken Stones

    023DDF68 3B9ACA00

    1 Billion Dark Animals Killed

    C0000000 0000000A
    023DDF40 3B9ACA00
    DC000000 00000004
    D2000000 00000000

    All 4 mines unlocked

    023DDF3C 0000FF00

    Heart Mods

    All heart mods use these buttons: R - increase heart level by 1
    Y - set AP to 0
    L = set AP to max

    Celia heart mod

    923FFFA8 00002400
    023DBD5C 00000000
    D2000000 00000000
    74000100 FF000010
    94000130 FEFF0000
    DA000000 023DBD5C
    D4000000 00002710
    D7000000 023DBD5C
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FDFF0000
    023DBD5C 0000FFFF
    D2000000 00000000

    Muffy heart mod

    923FFFA8 00002400
    023DBD84 00000000
    D2000000 00000000
    74000100 FF000010
    94000130 FEFF0000
    DA000000 023DBD84
    D4000000 00002710
    D7000000 023DBD84
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FDFF0000
    023DBD84 0000FFFF
    D2000000 00000000

    Flora heart mod

    923FFFA8 00002400
    023DBF3C 00000000
    D2000000 00000000
    74000100 FF000010
    94000130 FEFF0000
    DA000000 023DBF3C
    D4000000 00002710
    D7000000 023DBF3C
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FDFF0000
    023DBF3C 0000FFFF
    D2000000 00000000

    Nami heart mod

    923FFFA8 00002400
    023DBDAC 00000000
    D2000000 00000000
    74000100 FF000010
    94000130 FEFF0000
    DA000000 023DBDAC
    D4000000 00002710
    D7000000 023DBDAC
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FDFF0000
    023DBDAC 0000FFFF
    D2000000 00000000

    Lumina heart mod

    923FFFA8 00002400
    023DBE24 00000000
    D2000000 00000000
    74000100 FF000010
    94000130 FEFF0000
    DA000000 023DBE24
    D4000000 00002710
    D7000000 023DBE24
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FDFF0000
    023DBE24 0000FFFF
    D2000000 00000000

    Witch Princess heart mod

    923FFFA8 00002400
    023DC504 00000000
    D2000000 00000000
    74000100 FF000010
    94000130 FEFF0000
    DA000000 023DC504
    D4000000 00002710
    D7000000 023DC504
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FDFF0000
    023DC504 0000FFFF
    D2000000 00000000

    Harvest Goddess heart mod

    923FFFA8 00002400
    023DC414 00000000
    D2000000 00000000
    74000100 FF000010
    94000130 FEFF0000
    DA000000 023DC414
    D4000000 00002710
    D7000000 023DC414
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FDFF0000
    023DC414 0000FFFF
    D2000000 00000000

    Keria heart mod

    923FFFA8 00002400
    023DC4DC 00000000
    D2000000 00000000
    74000100 FF000010
    94000130 FEFF0000
    DA000000 023DC4DC
    D4000000 00002710
    D7000000 023DC4DC
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FDFF0000
    023DC4DC 0000FFFF
    D2000000 00000000

    Leia heart mod

    923FFFA8 00002400
    023DC4B4 00000000
    D2000000 00000000
    74000100 FF000010
    94000130 FEFF0000
    DA000000 023DC4B4
    D4000000 00002710
    D7000000 023DC4B4
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FDFF0000
    023DC4B8 0000FFFF
    D2000000 00000000

    Eligible girls

    Celia's FP/AP max

    023DBD58 000000FF
    023DBD5C 0000FFFF

    Muffy's FP/AP max

    023DBD80 000000FF
    023DBD84 0000FFFF

    Flora's FP/AP max

    023DBF38 000000FF
    023DBF3C 0000FFFF

    Nami's FP/AP max

    023DBDA8 000000FF
    023DBDAC 0000FFFF

    Lumina's FP/AP max

    023DBE20 000000FF
    023DBE24 0000FFFF

    Harvest Godees's FP/AP max

    023DC410 000000FF
    023DC414 0000FFFF

    Keira's FP/AP max

    023DC4D8 000000FF
    023DC4DC 0000FFFF

    Witch Princess's FP/AP max

    023DC500 000000FF
    023DC504 0000FFFF

    Leia's FP/AP max

    023DC4B0 000000FF
    023DC4B4 0000FFFF


    Barney of Burney Circus Friendship max

    223DC230 000000FF

    Carter's Friendship max

    023DBF10 000000FF

    Chris's Friendship max

    023DBE70 000000FF

    Cody's Friendship max

    023DC0A0 000000FF

    Daryl's Friendship max

    023DC078 000000FF

    Dr. Hardy's Friendship max

    023DC000 000000FF

    Galen's friendship max

    023DC028 000000FF

    Grant's Friendship max

    023DBE98 000000FF

    Griffin's Friendship max

    023DC0F0 000000FF

    Gustafa's Friendship max

    023DC0C8 000000FF

    Hugh's Friendship max

    023DBEE8 000000FF

    Kai's Friendship max

    023DC348 000000FF

    Kassey's Friendship max

    023DC140 000000FF

    Kate's Friendship max

    023DBEC0 000000FF

    Marlin's Friendship max

    023DBF88 000000FF

    Mimi's Friendship max

    223DC258 000000FF

    Mukumuku's Friendship max

    223DC1E0 000000FF

    Murrey's Friendship max

    023DC190 000000FF

    Nina's Friendship max

    023DC050 000000FF

    Patrick's Friendship max

    023DC168 000000FF

    Rock's Friendship max

    023DBFD8 000000FF

    Romana's Friendship max

    023DBDD0 000000FF

    Ruby's Friendship max

    023DBFB0 000000FF

    Sebastian's Friendship max

    023DBDF8 000000FF

    Takakura's Friendship max

    023DC1B8 000000FF

    Van's Friendship max

    023DC118 000000FF

    Vesta Friendship max

    023DBF60 000000FF

    Wally's Friendship max

    023DBE48 000000FF

    Your Son's Friendship max

    223DBD30 000000FF

    Animal Codes

    All animals

    Best of everything, born

    Press select
    94000130 FFFB0000
    C0000000 0000001C
    223DC9A3 0000007F
    223DC9A7 000000FF
    023DC9A8 00FFFFFF
    DC000000 00000018
    D2000000 00000000

    Best of everything, purchased

    Press select
    94000130 FFFB0000
    C0000000 0000001C
    223DC9A3 0000007F
    223DC9A7 000000FF
    023DC9A8 01FFFFFF
    DC000000 00000018
    D2000000 00000000

    Animal 1

    Best of everything, born

    223DC9A3 0000007F
    223DC9A7 000000FF
    023DC9A8 00FFFFFF

    Best of everything, purchased

    223DC9A3 0000007F
    223DC9A7 000000FF
    023DC9A8 01FFFFFF

    Animal Related Codes

    Infinite Time Petting (All animals)

    123B36D4 0000FFF1

    Infinite Time Milking

    123B5AE4 0000FFF1

    Datel's ported

    Advance time (R+up)

    94000130 000002BF
    D3000000 023D6AF8
    D9000000 00000000
    D4000000 00000020
    D6000000 00000000
    D2000000 00000000

    Rewind time (R+Down)

    94000130 0000027F
    D3000000 023D6AF8
    D9000000 00000000
    D4000000 FFFFFFDF
    D6000000 00000000
    D2000000 00000000

    Max/infinite casino medals

    023D6B08 05F5E100

    bác test giùm với, tui chơi giả lập no$gba 2.6a, bản Hm hình như là.. quên rồi:D (chỉ nhớ lúc nhấn F2 để cheat thì có mấy cái cheat sẵn, gồm medals, money, và 3 cái nữa ko nhớ)
    ___________Auto Merge________________

    àh sặn tiện nếu bác test oki thì chỉ tui cái công thức cheat item với nhé, vd item ở lot 1 là axe cấp mã thì cheat làm sao????
  15. bamba003

    bamba003 Mr & Ms Pac-Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    eh! bác test chưa mà lâu wa vậy?? nếu ko test được thì đưa tui cái game+giả lập+cheat bác đang xài đi
  16. ~DarkCloud~

    ~DarkCloud~ Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    -Để mình trả lời hộ Luckystar123 cho!
    -Mình check sơ qua vài cái rùi! Xài dc đấy chứ! cheat bạn đưa ở trên là HM DS for boy (U) Ver 1.1 nên file *.nds của bạn cũng phải là ver 1.1 (U) thì mới dc! còn dây là link down bản đó! cứ down về rùi nhập cheat như bình thường là ok!
    -chỉ cần down đúng bản game là dc, ko cần giả lập đâu, vì cheat này dùng cho giả lập No$gba hay Desmume đều dc cả!

    xác định slot 1 trước như trên là 023D6B24 - slot 1
    axe max là 01070000 Mythic Axe
    vậy mã cần nhập là 023D6B24 01070000
    lưu ý giữa 2 cái code slot1 và code Item có 1 khoảng trắng (space) chứ ko có liền nhau! tương tự với các Item khác. Cheat fun! ^_^
  17. Karen

    Karen Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mineral Town
    Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands (NDS) - Slayer408

    Rate this FAQ to give the author some feedback on their work:

    AR Cheat codes Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands NDS Cheats

    NOTE: not all codes here has been tested so use it at your own risk...

    Game Id:YB3E aefcb055
    Cheats:Item Creation code [North America]

    94000130 FFFB0000
    120DC0E4 0000XXXX
    120DC0EA 000000YY
    D2000000 00000000

    XXXX=Item Code
    YY=Quantity (needs to be in HEX)

    0000 sickle
    0001 hoe
    0002 axe
    0003 hammer
    0004 watering can
    0005 brush
    0006 milker
    0007 clippers
    0008 fishing rod
    0009 bell

    000A animal medicine
    000B cow miracle potion
    000C sheep miracle potion

    000D turnip seeds (spring)
    000E potato seeds (spring)
    000F cucumber seeds
    0010 strawberry seeds
    0011 cabbage seeds
    0012 tomato seeds (summer)
    0013 corn seeds
    0014 onion seeds
    0015 pumpkin seeds
    0016 pineapple seeds
    0017 eggplant seeds (fall)
    0018 carrot seeds
    0019 yam seeds
    001A spinach seeds
    001B bell pepper seeds
    001C peach seeds (all seasons)
    001D banana seeds
    001E orange seeds
    001F apple seeds
    0020 grape seeds
    0021 grass seeds (all but winter)
    0022 rice seeds
    0023 wheat seeds
    0024 soybean seeds (sp, su, fa)
    0025 buckwheat seeds
    0026 sprite seeds (sp, su, fa) only grow in harvest sprite island

    0027 teleport stone

    0028 turnip
    0029 potato
    002A cucumber
    002B strawberry
    002C cabbage
    002D tomato
    002E corn
    002F onion
    0030 pumpkin
    0031 pineapple
    0032 eggplant
    0033 carrot
    0034 yam
    0035 spinach
    0036 bell pepper
    0037 peach
    0038 banana
    0039 orange
    003A apple
    003B grape
    003C mushroom
    003D mushroom cluster
    003E truffle
    003F poisonous mushroom
    0040 rice
    0041 wheat
    0042 soybeans
    0043 buckwheat
    0044 edamame?(from sprite seeds?)
    0045 seaweed
    0046 bamboo shoot
    0047 blueberry
    0048 chestnut
    0049 sea urchin
    004A gelatin
    004B rice flour
    004C wheat flour
    004D soybean flour
    004E buckwheat flour
    004F bread crumbs
    0050 sweet rice flour
    0051 egg
    0052 silkie egg
    0053 mayonnaise
    0054 superb mayonnaise
    0055 milk
    0056 jersey milk
    0057 cheese
    0058 superb cheese
    0059 yogurt
    005A superb yogurt
    005B butter
    005C supperb butter
    005D blue herb
    005E green herb
    005F red herb
    0060 yellow herb
    0061 orange herb
    0062 purple herb
    0063 indigo herb
    0064 black grass
    0065 white grass
    0066 twin herb
    0067 fish (s)
    0068 fish (m)
    0069 fish (l)
    006A rice candy
    006B oil
    006C curry powder
    006D chocolate

    006E salad
    006F pickled turnip
    0070 mashed potatoes
    0071 pickle
    0072 onion salad
    0073 boiled spinach
    0074 tomato salad
    0075 insalata di caprese
    0076 herb salad
    0077 spaghetti salad
    0078 elli leaves
    0079 vichyssoise
    007A gazpacho
    007B bouillabaisse
    007C corn soup
    007D onion soup
    007E pumpkin soup
    007F egg soup
    0080 soy milk
    0081 miso soup
    0082 herb soup
    0083 spaghetti soup
    0084 tomato juice
    0085 pineapple juice
    0086 peach juice
    0087 banana juice
    0088 orange juice
    0089 apple juice
    008A grape juice
    008B wine
    008C carrot juice
    008D blueberry juice
    008E lassi
    008F fruit juice
    0090 vegetable juice
    0091 mixed juice
    0092 fruit smoothie
    0093 vegetable smoothie
    0094 mixed smoothie
    0095 strawberry milk
    0096 relax tea
    0097 hot milk
    0098 hot chocolate
    0099 sangria
    009A souper soup
    009B steamed turnip
    009C french fries
    009D braised potato
    009E stuffed cabbage
    009F roasted corn
    00A0 popcorn
    00A1 corn cereal
    00A2 cooked pumpkin
    00A3 miso eggplant
    00A4 grilled eggplant
    00A5 baked yam
    00A6 boiled egg
    00A7 spa-boiled egg
    00A8 fried egg
    00A9 steamed egg custard
    00AA rolled omelet
    00AB sashimi
    00AC fish sticks
    00AD fish & chips
    00AE grilled mushrooms
    00AF foiled mushroom
    00B0 mountain stew
    00B1 stir-fried veggies
    00B2 chop suey
    00B3 sandwich
    00B4 fruit sandwich
    00B5 scone
    00B6 raisin bread
    00B7 jam bread
    00B8 curry bread
    00B9 toast
    00BA french toast
    00BB steamed bread
    00BC dinner roll
    00BD croquette
    00BE cream croquette
    00BF veggie dumpling
    00C0 curry bun
    00C1 pot sticker
    00C2 stew
    00C3 tempura
    00C4 buckwheat chips
    00C5 buckwheat ball
    00C6 steamed bun
    00C7 seaweed paste
    00C8 spring roll
    00C9 tofu
    00CA natto
    00CB okara
    00CC deep-fried tofu
    00CD fried tofu dumplings
    00CE freeze-dried tofu
    00CF boiled tofu
    00D0 cold tofu
    00D1 dried bean curd
    00D2 mixed natto
    00D3 fish natto
    00D4 dairy natto
    00D5 gem natto
    00D6 rice candy natto
    00D7 red flower mix natto
    00D8 chazuke
    00D9 omelet
    00DA omelet rice
    00DB fried egg over rice
    00DC egg over rice
    00DD milk soup
    00DE cheese fondue
    00DF vegetable gratin
    00E0 pizza
    00E1 sushi
    00E2 sashimi bowl
    00E3 grilled fish
    00E4 simmered fish
    00E5 fish meuniere
    00E6 carpaccio
    00E7 marinated fish
    00E8 rice ball
    00E9 bread
    00EA toasted rice ball
    00EB rice soup
    00EC porridge
    00ED fried rice
    00EE risotto
    00EF doria
    00F0 paella
    00F1 edamame rice
    00F2 yam rice
    00F3 mixed rice
    00F4 mushroom rice
    00F5 chestnut rice
    00F6 bamboo shoot rice
    00F7 tempura rice
    00F8 tofu sushi rice
    00F9 dry curry
    00FA curry rice
    00FB blue curry
    00FC green curry
    00FD red curry
    00FE yellow curry
    00FF orange curry
    0100 purple curry
    0101 indigo curry
    0102 black curry
    0103 white curry
    0104 rainbow curry
    0105 ultimate curry
    0106 finest curry
    0107 savory pancake
    0108 noodles
    0109 curry noodles
    010A tempura noodles
    010B fried thick noodles
    010C buckwheat noodles
    010D tempura soba
    010E fried noodles
    010F spaghetti
    0110 tofu steak
    0111 fried rice noodles
    0112 poseidon bowl
    0113 yam pudding
    0114 pumpkin pudding
    0115 baked banana
    0116 chocolate banana
    0117 candied yam
    0118 yam dumpling
    0119 baked apple
    011A apple pie
    011B pineapple pie
    011C strawberry candy
    011D sponge cake
    011E pudding
    011F cheesecake
    0120 pancake
    0121 donut
    0122 cookie
    0123 chocolate cookie
    0124 ice cream
    0125 trifle
    0126 baumkechen
    0127 churro
    0128 cake
    0129 steamed cake
    012A chocolate cake
    012B buckwheat dumpling
    012C roasted rice candy
    012D soybean rice candy
    012E green dumplings
    012F bamboo dumpling
    0130 fruit dumpling
    0131 chocolate fondue
    0132 yam gelatin
    0133 chestnut gelatin
    0134 chestnut bun
    0135 chestnut kinton
    0136 sweet and sunny
    0137 rice
    0138 strawberry jam
    0139 apple jam
    013A grape jam
    013B blueberry jam
    013C marmalade

    013D ketchup
    013E miso
    013F relax tea leaves

    0140 bodigizer
    0141 bodigizer xl
    0142 hungerizer
    0143 hungerizer xl

    0144 blue book
    0145 green book
    0146 red book
    0147 yellow book
    0148 orange book
    0149 purple book
    014A indigo book
    014B black book
    014C white book

    014D failed dish

    014E reaped rice
    014F reaped wheat
    0150 reaped buckwheat
    0151 reaped soybean

    0152 moondrop flower
    0153 pinkcat flower
    0154 blue magic flower
    0155 red magic flower
    0156 toyflower
    0157 firefly flower

    0158 wool
    0159 suffolk wool
    015A yarn
    015B superb yarn

    015C junk ore
    015D copper
    015E silver
    015F gold
    0160 mystrile
    0161 orichalcum
    0162 adamantite
    0163 moon stone
    0164 sand rose
    0165 pink diamond
    0166 alexandrite (red)
    0167 alexandrite (green)
    0168 mythic stone
    0169 diamond
    016A emerald
    016B ruby
    016C topaz
    016D peridot
    016E fluorite
    016F agate
    0170 amethyst

    0171 the spring sun (sets seasons in greenhouse)
    0172 the summer sun
    0173 the fall sun
    0174 the winter sun

    0175 weed (grass type)
    0176 weed (flower type)
    0177 stone
    0178 branch
    0179 lumber
    017A material stone
    017B gold lumber
    017C stone tablet
    017D botle
    017E pirate treasure
    017F fish fossil
    0180 empty can
    0181 boot
    0182 fish bone
    0183 fodder
    0184 chicken feed
    0185 pet food
    0186 mouse food
    0187 sparrow food
    0188 rabbit food
    0189 duck food
    018A badger food
    018B monkey food
    018C after leaving food (?)
    018D 10.000G ticket
    018E 1.000.000G ticket
    018F blue feather

    0190 blue wonderful
    0191 green wonderful
    0192 red wonderful
    0193 yellow wonderful
    0194 orange wonderful
    0195 purple wonderful
    0196 indogo wonderful
    0197 wonderful piece (collect 7 to make wondeful)

    0198 pedometer (counts steps)
    0199 godhand (pick items that far away)
    019A H. goddess earrings (restore sta (s)
    019B H. goddess earrings (restore sta (m)
    019C H. goddess earrings (restore sta (l)
    019D kappa earrings (restore ful (s))
    019E kappa earrings (restore ful (m)
    019F kappa earrings (restore ful (l)
    01A0 witch P. earrings (restore sta and full (s))
    01A1 witch P. earrings (restore sta and full (m)
    01A2 witch P. earrings (restore sta and full (l)
    01A3 friendship pedant (friendships easier to build (s)
    01A4 friendship pedant (friendships easier to build (m)
    01A5 friendship pedant (friendships easier to build (l)
    01A6 turbo shoes (inc move speed)
    01A7 time slowing ring
    01A8 time quickening ring
    01A9 H. goddess pendant (inc max sta (s))
    01AA H. goddess pendant (inc max sta (m)
    01AB H. goddess pendant (inc max sta (l)
    01AC kappa pendant (inc max ful (s)
    01AD kappa pendant (inc max ful (m)
    01AE kappa pendant (inc max ful (l)
    01AF witch P. pendant (inc sta and ful (s)
    01B0 witch P. pendant (inc sta and ful (m)
    01B1 witch P. pendant (inc sta and ful (l)
    other codes... [North America]

    Max Lumber
    020EC648 000003E7

    Max Stone
    020EC64E 000003E7

    Max Golden Lumber
    020EC654 000003E7

    Harvest Sprite Affection
    C0000000 00000027
    120E4A4E 0000FFFF
    DC000000 0000000C
    D2000000 00000000

    Max Sun Stones
    220EA23E 00000063

    [SELECT]Max Affection with Villagers
    94000130 FFFB0000
    C0000000 00000080
    120E48C2 0000FFFF
    DC000000 0000000C
    D2000000 00000000

    [SELECT]Max Affection with Wild Animals
    94000130 FFFB0000
    C0000000 00000005
    120E9FA8 000003E8
    220E9FAA 00000063
    DC000000 00000014
    D2000000 00000000

    Animal Affection Max After Skinship
    0205F9C4 EA000002

    WaterCan Never Decrease
    220579EC 00000000

    [SEL+Up On, SEL+Down Off]Time Never Increase
    94000130 FF7B0000
    0203537C E5C51015
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FFBB0000
    0203537C E1A00000
    D2000000 00000000

    [SELECT]All Foods for Animals
    94000130 FFFB0000
    120EC65A 0000270F
    120EC660 0000270F
    121EC666 0000270F
    D2000000 00000000

    [SELECT+Down]All Mineral Stones Info
    94000130 FF7B0000
    C0000000 00000015
    020EB91C 0001869F
    DC000000 00000004
    D2000000 00000000

    [SELECT]All Items in Fridge + S rank
    94000130 FFFB0000
    D5000000 C8C80028
    C0000000 00000046
    D6000000 020DC7BC
    D4000000 00000001
    DC000000 00000008
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FFFB0000
    C0000000 00000046
    020DC7C0 006300C8
    DC000000 0000000C
    D2000000 00000000

    Spring (Press L+R+Up):
    94000130 FCBF0000
    220DBE48 00000000
    D2000000 00000000

    Summer (Press L+R+Right):
    94000130 FCEF0000
    220DBE48 00000001
    D2000000 00000000

    Fall (Press L+R+Down):
    94000130 FC7F0000
    220DBE48 00000002
    D2000000 00000000

    Winter (Press L+R+Left)
    94000130 FCDF0000
    220DBE48 00000003
    D2000000 00000000
    Some basic codes [North America]

    Max Money
    020DBEA0 3B9AC9FF

    Max Stamina
    220DBE94 00000064
    223C0DBC 00000064

    Max Fullness
    220DBE98 00000064
    223C0DBE 00000064
    weather codes [North America]

    Very Sunny
    220DBE54 00000001

    220DBE54 00000002

    220DBE54 00000003

    Very Rainy
    220DBE54 00000004

    220DBE54 00000005

    220DBE54 00000006

    Vicious Storm
    220DBE54 00000007

    Vicious Snow Storm
    220DBE54 00000008

    cái này dùng sao vậy? :|
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 12/2/10
  18. XiaoYhun

    XiaoYhun Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cho mình hỏi cái cheat để thắng nhanh trong trò mini-game với con harvest goddess bản HM:FoMT với
  19. Rubin_Hot

    Rubin_Hot Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sao chổi
    Cậu nào có thể post lại cheat của HM BTN giúp mình được không vậy? Hướng dẫn cụ thể giùm mình cảm ơn nhé!
  20. NickLeo

    NickLeo Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ai có pec 1.2 cho K xin với, đọc hướng dẫn mún lòi mắt muh ko tìm thấy pec 1.2 làm sao cheat cho epsxe dc??:((

    K dùng cheat gameshack cho magic melody on visual ad gameboy muh làm hoài nó cũng chả dc:(

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