[MOD] Deus lo Vult (MED2)

Thảo luận trong 'Total War' bắt đầu bởi vietanh797, 21/9/08.

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  1. vietanh797

    vietanh797 †A Faithful Knight† Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Wibu Kingdom
    Deus lo Vult Kingdoms
    Deus lo Vult Kingdoms 5.0 is out + Patch 5.6 + Patch 5.73
    Only for Kingdoms !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​


    Kings Stuff:banner,..

    The Mod Deus lo Vult (DLV) 5.7 is an CIVlike enhancement for Medieval Total War II Kingdoms, giving the player the possibility to write his personal history and requiring a lot more strategic thinking during gameplay.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read:

    1. Many more factions (reskinned) playable on a very large campaign map: + ireland, armenia, lithuania, teutonic order, flanders, norway, kingdom of jerusalem
    2. More medieval + graphical elements (remember MTW I): Heraldic Titles, Civil War,...
    3. Roleplaying: Characters (Generals, Princes,...) have a more medieval based trait and ancillary system. The player should be more attached emotionally to his characters because he has to make a lot of decisions during the lifecycle: education, training, governor and military ranks, prison, retirement
    4. Many new ressourcedependent economical buildings as joiner_shop, sawmill, vineyard,... give the game a CIV like touch. Positive and negative economical events have repercussions on the effectivity of these buildings.
    5. Interactivity: The player has to make a lot of decisions regarding interactive events (economical, medieval as trade fairs, religious councils, Royal Hunt...) and collecting governmental\military points to achieve an advancement during his game.
    6. more logistical\strategic parameters than the standard ones (money): If you put your army into field you have to think of supply lines or they will become unmovable, population restrictions: you can't recruit armies in endless numbers because it is restricted by your actual settlement levels, high field costs for your troops in enemy land and during sieges does require to think about the best placement of your armies,...
    7. Advanced Battle and Campaign AI

    **Forum: Total War Center, Hosted Mods
    **Download DLV 5.0 Kingdoms: 614 (586) MB
    **Download Patch DLV 5.6 : 838 (799) MB
    **Download Patch DLV 5.73: 102 (98) MB

    Handbook english for DLV 5.0 Patch 5.73

    Installation: not save compatible to DLV 5.6, or 5.71
    5.0 + 5.6 + 5.73 =
    - install kingdoms patch 1.5 !!!!!
    - clean Install DLV 5.0 + 5.6 (no addons or...)
    - if you have already 5.72 then just put 5.73 over it
    - Execute file Deus_lo_Vult_Patch573_Install.exe and enter the correct path for the installation
    Example: C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War
    (For Germans change it to: C:\Programme\SEGA\Medieval II Total War !!!!)

    Patch 5.73 not savecompastibel to older betas
    -bugfixing anfd little changes
    - accelerated campaign turns
    - added penalties -10, -20 gov_points for offensive_to_nobles, inspire_civil_war traits of the factionleader
    - added boni +1 gov_point for ancillaries: ring, coin, key of the governors
    - fixed crashes: dungeon, sardinia, 100 gov points
    - some new Tokus Graphics
    - more historical decriptions: thanks to Hekk
    - more fire, explosions, dust,
    - included Real Horses 1.0: thanks to Argent Usher
    - 3 piece artillery: thanks to Furin
    - reduced cavalry spread
    - fixed 5.6 bugs: education, units thanks to Dave Scarface, names,...
    - Crimson Tide Bloodmud-mod 3.0 (partially): thanks to Magus
    - reduced unrest effects of jewish temple and requirement for merchants: 3,5,10,15,15 %
    - changed Campaign\Battle AI parameters
    - new pics for: well, synagogue
    - extracosts for besieging a fort in home territory: 1000 Fl.
    - new punishment buildings: dungeon->execution place->torture chamber (only in metropolis settlements)
    - refined hording: thanks to Furin
    - added fieldcosts for diplomats\princess: 300 p.turn in enemy land
    - 2 orthodox monk groups: Cenobitic Monasticism (=dominicans), Hesychast Monasticism (=Fransiscan) + buildings\traits
    - 2 islam priest groups: Sunni (=dominicans), Sufi (=Fransiscan) + buildings\traits
    - changed garrison script: faster, only player-AI not AI-AI, only every 10 turns possible
    - deleted vanilla custom campaign
    - included warhorn sounds from BBW Mod
    - reduced population requirement for huge cities
    - big stone castles for greek and middle_eastern: thanks to Agart
    - 2 rank point systems : governmental + military
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read:

    The player can collect government points (gov_points) and military points (mil_points) depending on his actions. Higher settlement levels can only be achieved by adequate point levels: No points no upgrading (even if the other population requirements are fullfilled) not only for the player but although for the AI (so player and AI stay on the same levels) :
    Point requirements:
    City upgrade:
    - Corn Exchange: gov_points > 10
    - Market: gov_points > 30
    - Fairground: gov_points > 60
    - Great Market: gov_points > 100
    Castle upgrade:
    - Garrison Quarters: mil_points > 10
    - Drill Square: mil_points > 30
    - Baracks: mil_points > 60
    - Armoury: mil_points > 100

    Dependent on your economical or political actions as a governor you can get or loose Governmental Points !
    - SettlementLoyaltyLevel: -1, for unhappy ones
    - CityRebels: -2
    - BecomesFactionLeader: -1
    - PopeAcceptsCrusadeTarget: +1
    - PopeRejectsCrusadeTarget: -1
    - CharacterMarriesPrincess: +1
    - PriestBecomesHeretic: -1
    - CardinalPromoted: +1
    - CardinalRemoved: -1
    - InquisitorAppointed: +1
    - SettlementUpgraded: +1
    - GuildUpgraded: +1
    - GuildDestroyed: -1
    - FactionNewCapital: -1
    - FactionAllianceDeclared: +1
    - FactionTradeAgreementMade: +1
    - VotedForPope: +1
    - FactionExcommunicated: -3
    - FactionBreakAlliance: -2
    - Treasury: < 0, > 30000, > 60000: -1,+1,+2
    - LeaderMissionSuccess, LeaderMissionFailed: +1, -1
    - MissionSucceeded: AssassinationMission, SpyMission, SabotageMission, DiplomacyMission: all +1
    - Events: Trade Fair +1, Royal_Justice +1, Money_Lender -1, War Draft -1 gov
    - Generals Disobedient: Disobeys His Liege -1, Rebels ! -2 each turn
    - Build wooden_wall, stone_wall, large_stone_wall, huge_stone_wall: -1, -2, -3, -4 each and once
    - every large_stone_wall, huge_stone_wall: -1, -2 each turn

    Dependent on your military actions as a general you can get or loose your Military Points !
    - LeaderMissionSuccess, LeaderMissionFailed: +1, -1
    - ArmyTakesCrusadeTarget: +1
    - UnitsDesertCrusade: -2
    - GeneralJoinCrusade: +1
    - GeneralAbandonCrusade: -1
    - GeneralArrivesCrusadeTargetRegion: +1
    - GeneralTakesCrusadeTarget: +3
    - GeneralCapture(loose)Settlement: +-1, +-2, +-3, +-4
    - SackSettlement: +1 (-1 gov)
    - ExterminatePopulation: +1 (-2 gov)
    - FactionWarDeclared: +1 (-1 gov)
    - LeaderDestroyedFaction: +5
    - Win, Loose Battle (Odds < 0.5, > 0.5, > 1): +-1, +-2, +-3
    - Events: War Draft +1, Tournament +1, Royal_hunt +1
    - Build wooden_castle, castle, fortress, citadel: -1, -2, -3, -4 each and only once
    - every fortress, citadel: -1, -2 each turn

    To get an overview regarding your actual point status click on the button “show faction ranking scroll” (click again if you see the normal ranking popup). You only get the 2 popups if you have more than 0 points.

    - added Dungeon event:
    Disobedient Generals can be thrown into dungeon or bribed into happiness
    Nobles that have the trait "Disobedient" must travel to the capitol to seek an audience with the King to receive a pardon. If they end their turn in the capitol with a building >= dungeon, and the King is present, then a window will popup “Royal Court”.
    Open the character overview panel and click on the disobedient character. A window will pop up “dungeon or royal pardon ?” and you have to decide:
    - throw the character into the dungeon (the disloyal Noble will receive the trait "Thrown in the Dungeon"...essentially immobile + other bad traits, until released (% chance of release each turn, with average stay in the Dungeon being 5 years (10 turns)).
    - Give the royal pardon and bribe him with 3000 Fl.

    - Retire old Generals:
    If Generals are getting over the age of 60 they are too old for the battlefield and you can retire them into governors.
    Nobles over the age of 60 must travel to the capitol to seek an audience with the King to receive a retirement decision . If they end their turn in the capitol with a building >= town_hall, and the King is present, then a window will popup “Retirering General”.
    Open the character overview panel and click on the retirement character. A window will pop up “Retire this general ?” and you have to decide:
    - Yes:
    This honorable general will be retired and continue to do his excellent work as a governor
    The retirement and governor inauguration procedure cost 1000 Fl.
    - No:
    We need your excellent capabilities on the battlefield. So your retirement wish will be refused!


    Patch 5.6
    - turntimes reduced by 50%
    - new unit skins\models on the campaign map: thanks to Isilendil
    - adapted settlement parameters
    - all field costs for armies + agents + the settlement maintenance costs are collected (in rounded up 500 steps) in a popup available through clicking on the finance screen (only 1x per turn)
    - the 2 population popups (Used Military Size, Maximum Possible Military Size ) are available through clicking on recruitement advice button on the recruitement screen
    - implemented +adapted Lithuania 1.3 + Teutonic Halbbruder: thanks to Isilendil and MadTao Team

    - flagbearer officer units: thanks to Isilendil and Niko's mod

    - many (> 200) permanent stone forts in all campaigns + moved some main events backwards in time: thanks to Furin

    - removed rankdependent recruitement of horseunits (not working since 5.4)
    - Refill Population factor: randomized with chance > 40%
    - added brewery building: needs grain
    - changed health techtree: well -> sewers -> public_baths -> aqueduct -> city_plumbing
    - new interactive event: royal justice
    - added 2 Catholic Orders: Dominicans (law and order) + Franciscans (spiritual) with 3 level-building tree and corresponding priest traits + event triggers
    - economic events: reduced spawning rate + higher costs and higher start buildings
    - added some map textures from Charge
    - adapting recruitement tree: thanks to Ivanhoex
    - added some Ivanhoex battle stuff: AI + Sinuhet AI Formations
    - implemented Music from kingdoms: thanks to Dave Scarface
    - civilian\military student careers need education buildings: scholarium (civil) in large towns or drillsquare (military) in castles
    - battle terrain smoother: thanks to Lusted

    Installation :
    DLV 5.0
    + DLV 5.6
    + DLV 5.7

    Installation 5.0: not save compatibel to 4.0...only works with kingdoms.exe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    - Install MTW II
    - Install Kingdoms + Patch 1.5
    · IMPORTANT: Make sure there is no old DLV_ext folder in your Medieval II Total War folder before attempting to install (Uninstall and Delete them !!!!!)
    . Delete any old DLV_ext folders or stuff !!!!
    · Not save compatible with DLV4.0 or earlier versions
    · Your original M2TW files will not be changed, DLV_5.0 creates a seperate installation path which includes nearly all changed files: except a necessary new small folder DLV_ext in the standard data path
    · Execute file Deus_lo_Vult_50_Kingdoms_Install.exe and enter the correct path for the installation
    Example: C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War
    (For Germans change it to: C:\Programme\SEGA\Medieval II Total War !!!!)
    · The automatic setup creates a desktop icon, a program icon and an uninstall option
    · To start the game doubleclick
    on the Deus lo Vult 5.0 desktop icon
    or the program icon
    or the Launch_DLV_ext.bat in the path C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War (default path...you may have changed this to your custom path during installation)

    Installation: Patch 5.6 not save compatible to DLV 5.0 or patch 5.5 or older stuff, any betas...
    - Install MTW II
    - Install Kingdoms + Patch 1.5
    - If you have older versions as 5.3 or 5.4 or hotfixes installed, then uninstall all old DLV versions + delete all DLV_ext folders (whole 5.0 +5.3 or 5.0 + 5.4 or hotfixes)
    in C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War
    in C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War\data
    - Install DLV 5.0
    - no DLV Addons installed
    · Execute file Deus_lo_Vult_Patch56_Install.exe and enter the correct path for the installation
    Example: C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War
    (For Germans change it to: C:\Programme\SEGA\Medieval II Total War !!!!)

    Installation 5.73: not save compatible to DLV 5.6, or 5.7
    5.0 + 5.6 + 5.73 =
    - install kingdoms patch 1.5 !!!!!
    - clean Install DLV 5.0 + 5.6 (no addons or...)
    - if you have already 5.72 then just put 5.73 over it
    - Execute file Deus_lo_Vult_Patch573_Install.exe and enter the correct path for the installation
    Example: C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War
    (For Germans change it to: C:\Programme\SEGA\Medieval II Total War !!!!)

    Ignore the warnings of write protected files !
    Important Language Versions !!!!
    During the Installation Process on the last page you are asked if you have an english or non- english (german, french,...) Version. For english people you have to unclick the Launch- nonenglish- Version Button, the other can continue. The program loads the correct language version files from the folders sound_english or sound_non-english and copies them into the path DlV_ext\data. During the next step the files events.dat, events.idx, Music.dat, Music.idx under the path DLV_ext\data\sounds are deleted and the game regenerates the correct language version + new music during the first game start. You can do it manually later by yourself if you have messed something during installation.

    Don't close the pop-up windows even if takes minutes to perform, wait until they close by themselves.
    If the game is not starting on the first turn then delete the bin files in the path C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War\DLV_ext\data\text !!
  2. archenemy

    archenemy C O N T R A GameOver Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    cạnh nhà hàng xóm
    Bị một lỗi như thế này khi cài mod DLV , vào twcenter hỏi :

    ivanhoex ( một thành viên trong nhóm mod ) trả lời :

    Như vậy chẳng lẽ cái đĩa tui mua ngoài đường có vấn đề sao ? đĩa này cho key là 1111-1111-1111-1111 , cài hết bình thường nhưng khi chạy DLV thì nó bị cái lỗi như trên , vậy ai mua cái đĩa giống tui chắc hết đường chơi DLV quá ?

    Hay là crack có vấn đề
  3. vietanh797

    vietanh797 †A Faithful Knight† Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Wibu Kingdom
    thông thường phải tìm crack tương thích với phiên bản game hoặc mod yêu cầu
    tôi từng phải tìm crack tương thích mới chạy được 1 vài mod
  4. archenemy

    archenemy C O N T R A GameOver Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    cạnh nhà hàng xóm
    Nhưng phải làm thế nào để biết crack nào thích hợp , thử từng cái ?
    vả lại tui cũng thấy trang gamecopyworld cung cấp không nhiều crack
  5. vietanh797

    vietanh797 †A Faithful Knight† Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Wibu Kingdom
    ráng thử thôi
    ít nhất LTC,SS,KGCM tôi chơi tốt khi dùng đúng crack
  6. archenemy

    archenemy C O N T R A GameOver Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    cạnh nhà hàng xóm
    chẳng hạn như KGC thì ông dùng crack có tên gì ? dung lượng bao nhiêu ?
  7. vietanh797

    vietanh797 †A Faithful Knight† Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Wibu Kingdom
    crack 1.5 cho bản mới nhất
    dung lượng 19MB thì phải
  8. acm_no1


    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Holy City of Jerusalem
    lên torrent-finder tìm crack cũng được đó :D
    seed ko phải là nhỏ, tốc độ down cũng chấp nhận được :wink:

    vãi chưởng, vừa nghịch cái Deus Lo Vult, quân Mông Cổ ko hề có bộ binh đánh cận :|, chỉ có đúng Peasant =)), còn lại 3 ông cung, ko có cả Dismounted Heavy archer luôn :o
    bù lại đội kỵ mạnh kinh khiếp, Khan's Guard thủ tận 28 8-}, thảo nào trên twcenter nó đánh giá bản này Khan's Guard def 100/100
  9. archenemy

    archenemy C O N T R A GameOver Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    cạnh nhà hàng xóm
    trời ơi sao ông chơi được DLV hay vậy , tui đang đau đầu với cái lỗi chết tiệt kia , xin chỉ bảo cho tui với , vì AC Milan muôn đời bất diệt .
  10. acm_no1


    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Holy City of Jerusalem
    tải cái này về nè :'>, down file này chạy vô tư lắm :)>-

    Các file đính kèm:

  11. mimi21

    mimi21 Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    nếu ổ cứng dư nhìu thì dùng cái fixed image ấy, khỏi cần crack chi cho mệt.
  12. Kronpas1997

    Kronpas1997 Baldur's Gate Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Làm cho một dãy mod mà ko biết cái nào hơn cái nào, cái nọ khác cái kia chỗ nào thì chết. Đồng chí vietanh cho mỗi một cái mô tả tổng hợp mod đi, chứ vào đọc từng cái thế này mà toàn tiếng Anh tớ sang bên forum chính cũng đc :|
  13. Ulf

    Ulf Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Somewhere out th
    Bác thiếu-mod dùng ngoại ngữ ghê quá :nailbit:, gà như em làm sao hiểu nổi :chicken:. Nhìn vào quáng cả mắt. Cứ như là 4rum twcenter "phẩy" ấy.
  14. vietanh797

    vietanh797 †A Faithful Knight† Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Wibu Kingdom
    các đại ca từ từ em đang chỉnh sửa hoàn tất nội dung thúc gì cũng phải từ từ chứ
    em lên mod khi bằng tuổi anh Kron hồi anh lên mod đấy =.=(trừ phi anh phải học lại rồi)
    p/s: anh xóa đâu mất cái topic gt tiếng việt GKCM bên box cũ nên em không copy được đành từ từ làm mới vậy
  15. pikid156

    pikid156 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    sao tôi up lên 1.5 cài nó báo lỗi là sao ? ko đúng phiên bản ???
  16. acm_no1


    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Holy City of Jerusalem
    phải up theo thứ tự chứ, cài kingdoms xong mới up lên 1.5 được
  17. vietanh797

    vietanh797 †A Faithful Knight† Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Wibu Kingdom
    game cậu cài tới đâu mà không đúng phiên bản
    nếu copy crack rồi thì không up patch được đâu
  18. pikid156

    pikid156 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    sax copy crack ko up dc à >.<" ùi cài lại nữa đang phiên bản 1.3 mà crack rùi >.<"
  19. archenemy

    archenemy C O N T R A GameOver Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    cạnh nhà hàng xóm
    Ầy chơi được rồi , cảm ơn các bạn nhiều lắm
    Chưa khám phá hết DLV nhưng thấy mod này có vẻ hấp dẫn , texture các unit được làm khá đẹp đến rất đẹp , có thêm một số hiệu ứng khói bụi rất thực . Có điều lỗi CTD vẫn còn phổ biến và hên xui lắm .
  20. vietanh797

    vietanh797 †A Faithful Knight† Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Wibu Kingdom
    thì đã nói mod stable nhất là GKCM mà
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