[PS3/Xbone] Metal Gear Solid V:The Phantom Pain [No Spoil]

Thảo luận trong 'Tin tức - Giới thiệu - Thảo luận chung về game' bắt đầu bởi F22Raptors, 16/9/13.

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  1. LilyTrinh

    LilyTrinh Superman là số một. DC bất diệt! GVN CHAMPION ♞ Blade Knight ♞ Lão Làng GVN

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    " vắt sữa game thủ " nghe thấy ghê quá , được bao nhiêu game thủ bỏ tiền ra mua game fullprice vậy ? Game làm đã tốn một đống tiền thì thôi , còn gặp game thủ pirate các kiểu doanh thu kiếm lại ko được bao nhiêu so với làm game mì ăn liền thì chẳng có cái lý do gì để thằng konami nó tiếp tục chi tiền làm game AAA hết. Tụi nó làm game cũng chỉ vì tiền , nói mẹ ra các chú ko có tư cách gì để chửi nó hết , muốn chửi thì đi chửi cái lũ làm game downgrade kìa.
    Indra and Tommy_VC like this.

    ILSATS Space Marine Doomguy

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    Nói mẹ ra là chú ko có tư cách gì để nói rằng trong này toàn pirate hết nhé :) Bao năm rồi ko vào box này vậy ?

    Thực ra vì các phần đan xen lẫn nhau nên nếu mới chơi thì bị ngợp thôi, chứ ko thì timeline cũng bình thường. Muốn hiểu được phần này có lẽ chỉ cần chơi MGS3, Portable Ops và Peace Walker.
  3. LilyTrinh

    LilyTrinh Superman là số một. DC bất diệt! GVN CHAMPION ♞ Blade Knight ♞ Lão Làng GVN

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    tôi nói ai trong đây pirate ? chỗ nào tôi khẳng định trong đây toàn pirate ? Đang tự cảm thấy nhột ? =)

    ILSATS Space Marine Doomguy

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    Trong trailer mới ở đoạn con Metal Gear xuất hiện có 1 bóng người bay phía trên đầu con này, chắc là Psycho Mantis ko nhầm lẫn vào đâu được. Chú này xuất hiện ở đây để chiếm con Metal Gear của Eli ? Hay thậm chí toàn bộ con Metal Gear này chỉ là ảo giác của Big Boss tạo ra bởi Psycho Mantis ?
  5. Tommy_VC

    Tommy_VC Battlefield Veteran

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    Mới có cái tin phải trả tiền để mua ở pvp mà đã la làng vắt sữa.
  6. JamesRyan

    JamesRyan Sony Giáo Chủ Lão Làng GVN

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    Cung Trăng
    Không nhất thiết phải chơi portáble ops vì Kojima nói nó không nằm trong timeline của game. Trailer mới nhất cũng ko có game đó bác à
  7. atlans89

    atlans89 The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Vụ microtransaction này thực ra có tin đồn cách đây mấy tháng rồi.

    Dân console mới ko thích thôi. Đã mất tiền plus/gold rồi còn thêm cái paywall để đc chơi multi. Khác xa thời old-gen.
  8. RyuK

    RyuK Chrono Trigger/Cross Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Khi bỏ 60$ ra mua đĩa MGSV bạn đã trả tiền cho tính năng multi trong game rồi, bây giờ còn phải bỏ tiền ra mua unlock để được chơi tính năng có sẵn trong game (chỉ bị nhà phát hành che đi) thì có phải là bị vắt sữa không? :6onion72:
  9. Tommy_VC

    Tommy_VC Battlefield Veteran

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  10. Vitod3

    Vitod3 Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Giờ vẫn còn lắm thằng ngu tin Konami, nó nói thể để tăng doanh số, lúc ra rồi để unlock ko phải trả phí thì cày lòi con mắt giống online f2p
  11. hungma147

    hungma147 Sora, Wielder of Keyblades Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Old-gen thì Xbox 360 vẫn đóng Gold bình thường mà bác. Nói chung bây giờ game thủ nhiều khi hay thế, nhạy cảm và luôn có cảm giác bị Dev lợi dụng=)) (ko nói mấy đồng chí xài thuốc)

    Nói chung là dòng MGS chưa bao giờ quan tâm là có MP hay ko, tinh tuý của nó vẫn đi ra từ SP nên có ko động vào MP thì giá trị cũng chẳng thay đổi bao nhiêu.
  12. Gantz89

    Gantz89 Marcus Fenix, savior of Sera Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Giáo hội PS
    Ơ mà lạ nhỉ con Paz ở phần GZ nổ tan xác rồi mà sao trong trailer lại thấy nhỉ, tóc dài ra nữa chứ :))
  13. hungma147

    hungma147 Sora, Wielder of Keyblades Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Clone chăng
  14. wubim

    wubim Cơ trưởng U60 Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Trc đọc ở đâu nói là game có twist cực lớn, giờ trailer show mỗi lần đi là Snake biến đổi, cuối cùng thành skullface, ko biết có phải kojima hé lộ ko? (vụ tưởng tượng thì chắc kiểu ám ảnh tiềm thức gì đó, kiểu gì dần dần bigboss cũng thành skullface thực sự chẳng hạn)
    btw, trailer mới đoạn 3:53 có comment: "cuối cùng metal gear cũng có trym" khiến giờ mình ko dứt hình ảnh đó ra đc :))
  15. RyuK

    RyuK Chrono Trigger/Cross Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Con Quiet phải thằng Chico chuyển giới không? Bác nào soi trailer kỹ confirm cái, coi điện thoại mờ quá :cuteonion3:
  16. Chronos

    Chronos Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Giả thuyết của mình Skull face là big boss ở future quay về quá khứ . Ở timeline 1 không có sự có mặt của skull face , skull face không thông não tư tưởng của big boss nên sau này big boss gặp ra biến cố gì đó -> cháy mặt thành skull face , sau này skull face develop time machine quay lại quá khứ thông não tư tưởng cho chính mình là big boss tạo ra timeline 2 chính là timeline chính của cả series .:))
  17. hungma147

    hungma147 Sora, Wielder of Keyblades Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đừng lo, chính thánh Kojima confirm ko phải là Chico rồi nhé, cứ yên tâm mà Fap=))
    Con lạy thánh.
    Cái giả thuyết Skull Face là kiểu sự méo mó tâm lý của Big Boss nghe hợp lý hơn.
    RyuK thích bài này.
  18. F22Raptors

    F22Raptors Thầy thích lái máy bay bà già ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

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    Area 51
    dm cái ending 1(hay là ending 2 nhỉ),đúng là mindfuck quá thể


    They have provided the following picture as proof of this:


    This picture is from Mission 46 and has not appeared previously to me posting it. I've also watermarked the image so no-one can claim that they uploaded it first.

    For more information on Mission 46, please go to the “Ishmael” section.


    Also, the official Italian version of the The Phantom Pain guide printed by Piggyback has been leaked and the other information comes from there.

    This information is from these pictures and Twitter conversations with PumaWarrior on the MGS Reddit (AKA Batmariafg), who owns the original manual.

    Videos proving the validity of the these pictures were also upload by PumaWarrior and can be seen here, where information has additionally been taken from.

    I am semi-fluent in Italian and have personally translated a lot of these points myself from the pictures that were provided.

    Other native Italian speakers have also verified the below points.

    Thanks to Crossing Eden, Sickboy007, DevilFox on here and Sangivstheworld and Damnfiddles over on the MGS Reddit for further translating and organising some of this information.


    • Avatar creation is for the online elements only.
    • The are 50 main missions.
    • There are 157 side missions.
    • The alternate name of the ST-84 Metal Gear is confirmed to be the Sahelathropus.
    • The ST-84's cockpit is so small that only a child can pilot it.
    • The ST-84 Metal Gear has 6 body parts. Every part has its own life bar and destroying each part gives different advantages.
    • My source has confirmed that Big Boss' motorbike is not rideable/driveable during the game.
    • My source has also confirmed that so far on their playthrough, neither David Hayter nor Solid Snake have appeared in the game.
    • There is a mission where you have to recover the AI mammal pod from Peace Walker.
    • Zero orders Dr. Strangelove, who now works for DARPA, to develop The Patriots' AI to keep his control over the world.
    • In the penultimate mission of the main story, you must make contact with and recover Code Talker. Code Talker is being guarded by The Skulls.
    • The final mission of the main story is against the Metal Gear, which is being controlled by "The Third Child".
    • The guide says it's safe to assume that Eli is Liquid Snake.
    • Eli's codename is White Mamba.
    • The map confirms there are three main locations; Afghanistan, Africa and Mother Base.
    • Most S Rank times for missions are around 10-15 minutes.
    • A Cyborg Ninja outfit can be unlocked.
    • There are 19 soldiers that will join Motherbase voluntarily if you have a Ground Zeroes save. The Eye and The Finger are two of these recruits and the other 17 join you you by Mission 12.
    • With a Ground Zeroes save and the Deja Vu mission from GZ completed, a Solid Snake outfit will be unlocked.

      • My source has confirmed that we play as the Medic from Ground Zeroes who is unwittingly serving as a double for Big Boss. He is referred to as Punished “Venom” Snake and Ahab thoughout the game and then “The Phantom” by the end.
      • In Metal Gear (the 1987 MSX game), Big Boss orders Solid Snake to Outer Heaven, but this is actually so Solid Snake can kill Punished “Venom” Snake/Ahab/The Phantom, who is still acting under the guise of Big Boss. This is revealed during the traditional scrolling timeline that features at the end of the Metal Gear Solid games, which my source has also proved an image of:

      • Punished “Venom” Snake/Ahab/The Phantom finds out the truth by listening to the tape labelled “From the Man Who Sold the World” that was shown in The Phantom Pain’s E3 2015 trailer.
      • The Medic was just an ordinary solider from Militaires Sans Frontières who got facial surgery to look like Big Boss. He is not Grey Fox, Decoy Octopus, Solidus Snake or any other previously established character.
      • The guide also strongly suggests through clues that the Medic from Ground Zeroes is the version of Big Boss who awakens from the coma in the hospital.
      • The guide notes that Big Boss and the Medic have similar voices, so he is a strong candidate for being the version of Big Boss/Ahab that awakens from the coma in hospital.
      • The guide continues by saying that in Ground Zeroes, the Medic is one of Big Boss' "most trusted men".
      • The guide also says that the Big Boss we see on the operating table in the "Don't you die on me dammit!" scene from the trailers does not have shrapnel in his head. The guide suggests that the Medic is the person to most likely have the shrapnel in his head, while also being the same hospital room, as he protected Big Boss from the Paz's bomb blast in the chopper in Ground Zeroes.
      • Huey is not sure of Big Boss/Ahab's identity when he first meets him.
      • The guide says that the version of Big Boss/Ahab that awakens from the coma in hospital has a DNA test done with Eli. Their DNA does not match. The guide goes on to state that since Eli is a clone of the real Big Boss, their DNA should match. The guides says this again gives a glue to Ahab's identity.
      • The guide notes that when Eli asks Ocelot where his father is, Ocelot replies that "Your father isn't here". This is despite the fact that Ahab is watching their conversation behind a two-way mirror.

      • My source has confirmed that the real Big Boss is Ishmael. He goes into hiding after the attack on Motherbase in Ground Zeroes, while Punished “Venom” Snake/The Medic/Ahab/The Phantom helps Big Boss spread his legend.
      • Big Boss is wearing a glass eye, this is why his right eye is intact.
      • It was Zero's idea to keep Big Boss and the Medic hidden, this is why they’re on a British Air Force in Cyprus. It was also his idea to create a body double for Big Boss, as a lot people want him dead.
      • The player realises this through a tape near the end of the game, where it is revealed that Zero wants to bury his grudge with Big Boss and help him while he still can. This is because Zero has been infected with a parasite by Skullface which is slowly making him go into a vegetive state.
      • Kaz and Ocelot are in on the ruse and are intentionally misleading Punished “Venom” Snake/The Medic/Ahab/The Phantom.
      • The real Big Boss, Kaz, Ocelot and Zero have also created another Big Boss because, as much at the world wants him dead, the world also still needs a legend such as Big Boss.
      • Big Boss continues to appear as Ishmael even after the hospital sequence. His face is still covered though in order to protect his identity.
      • The guide on the other hand, doesn't definitely say who Ishmeal is. Konami and Kojima Production asked Piggyback, the creators of the guide, not to reveal it. Ishmael's identity is revealed in an optional mission after the main story has ended.
      • The guide does however, go over some fan theories and gives clues towards the true identity of Ishmael.
      • The guide discusses the theory that Ishmael is imaginary. It says that this can't be the case as Quiet sees Ishmael when she comes to assassinate the version of Big Boss/Ahab that awakens from the coma in the hospital.
      • The guides further states that as Big Boss/Ahab is sat in the left-hand seat of the right-hand driven ambulance that's used to escape the hospital, Ishamel must be real.
      • However, Ishmael suddenly disappears when the ambulance crashes. Ocelot rescues Big Boss/Ahab from the ambulance after the crash. Big Boss/Ahab asks Ocelet who Ishmael was, but Ocelot deliberately ignores the question.
      • The guide says that the fact that there are "The Star of Bethlehem" lilies in the Ishmael's and Big Boss/Ahab's room is a strong clue to the real identity of Ishmael. The guide also states that these lilies hold a significance to The Boss.
      • When Ahab sees the ghost of Paz the first time at Mother Base, he has an hallucination where there are clearly two versions of Big Boss on the chopper.

      • The guide states that at the end of The Phantom Pain, the parasite that mutates peoples' vocal chords infects Mother Base. This forces Punished “Venom” Snake/Ahab/The Phantom, while still acting as body double as Big Boss, to exterminate his soldiers to prevent a global catastrophe.
      • The guide continues by saying that although Punished “Venom” Snake/Ahab/The Phantom takes on this responsibility without any apparent remorse, it's impossible from him to ignore the fact that he has contributed to these events. This causes him to unleash his "inner demon".
      • The guide states Punished “Venom” Snake/Ahab/The Phantom becomes the antagonist gradually, slowly consumed by what happens to him until all that is left is his obsession.
      • After these events, Punished “Venom” Snake/Ahab/The Phantom is more determined than ever to reinforce his troops, with the aim of forming a nation free from the governments' hegemony, a dream he will be on the verge of realising in the 1990's.
      • This leads to Punished “Venom” Snake/Ahab/The Phantom, while still under the guise of Big Boss, to create Outer Heaven.

      • My source has played Mission 46 and confirmed that by time you get around Mission 40, the “repeat” story missions at harder difficulties are unlocked, a few at a time. When you finish enough of these unlocked missions, Mission 46 becomes available.
      • Mission 46 is a replay of the hospital Prologue, but it reveals what actually happened to Ishmael/Big Boss. This is the mission that the source's supplied picture is taken from.
      • Mission 46 is missing from from the guide, as Konami asked Piggy Back to not to reveal how to unlock the mission or detail it's content. However, Piggy Back state that they will gradually supply information and updates online as they become available. The website will be www.piggyback.com/it/mgsv or the player can use a Quick Response code.

      • The guide states that Skullface is the main antagonist of Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain and that he was born in Hungary, where his parents worked in a secret weapons factory.
      • During the bombing of the weapons factory he was knocked down and trampled on by terrified crowds fleeing in search of safety. This caused Skullface very serious injuries.
      • Abandoned in critical condition and without any possibility of cure with conventional means, he survived thanks to a innovative therapy with parasites. However, this therapy also it caused his deformation and damage to his nervous system, meaning he can no longer feel pain.
      • He was then recruited in secret by Major Zero and his mandate with the XOF unit was to watch over Big Boss and make sure that his important missions didn't fail. This includes Operation Snake Eater from Metal Gear Solid 3.
      • Working for Zero and watching over Big Boss for many years led to him resenting the two of them, particularly Zero.
      • Skullface attacks Mother Base in 1975 during the events of Ground Zeroes and tries to kill Big Boss by implanting bombs inside Paz
      • When Skullface discovers that Zero and Strangelove are making The Partriot AI, he develops a parasite that infects peoples' voice boxes and stops them from speaking. This parasite is developed by Code Talker, who has the cure, but does want to share it.
      • The Cobra Unit from MGS3 were the begininning of Code Talker's experimentations with these parasites.
      • Because of the information supplied by Paz at the end of Ground Zeroes, Skullface finds Zero and infects him with the parasite. This causes Zero to slowly go into a vegetive state.
      • Skullface plans to spread the parasite using the ST-84 Metal Gear.
      • Skullface nearly completes his plan, but his overthrown by "The Third Child" after Mantis becomes enraged by Eli's presence in the XOF helicopter.
      • Skullface is crushed by the ST-84 Metal Gear and Miller and Big Boss decide to leave him to die, so he can suffer.
      • However, Huey ignores this idea and finally kills Skullface.

      • Quiet's hearing is ten times more sensitive than normal soldiers.
      • Her vision is unaffected by time of day, so there is no difference in her sight between night and day.
      • Quiet leaves you after mission 43 and to finish her story you will have to find her after the main story is over.
      • Quiet goes to the hospital to kill Big Boss at the start of the game and speaks while doing so. She specifically says "Not yet. The patient in the next bed saw my face" in regards to if she has assassinated Big Boss/Ahab.
      • Quiet is the carrier of the vocal cord parasites.
      • She was badly injured during the hospital attack in the Prologue, but her abilities were enhanced by these parasites.

      • Quiet doesn't talk out of respect for Big Boss.
      • After she leaves Diamond Dogs, Big Boss goes to find her in an optional mission. He succeeds but he's then bitten by a poisonous snake while escaping. Quiet must speak during this mission in order to save Big Boss.
      • At the end of this mission, Quiet disappears alone into the desert.
      • Water has a negative affect of Quiet's powers.
      • If you spray Quiet with water she will "writhe", because the parasites inside her are absorbing the water. She also reacts to rain.
      • The guide states that Big Boss' relation with Quiet is based on mutual respect and has no traditional romantic connotation. It goes on to say that this doesn't diminish the importance of their relationship or Quiet's sacrifice when saving Big Boss.
      • Quiet has an optional Sniper Wolf outfit that can be unlocked.

      • Dr. Strangelove is Octacon's mother.
      • Strangelove and Huey have a huge falling out after Huey's suggests using a young Octagon as a test subject for piloting the Sahelanthropous/ST-84 Metal Gear.
      • Dr. Strangelove dies after she accidentally gets stuck inside the mammal pod and Huey lets her suffocate inside.
      • Huey also somehow causes a parasite outbreak, at Motherbase (in addition to Quiet’s) and is banished afterward.
      • Huey goes on to live after being banished from Motherbase and meets Emma's mother.

      • The are three versions of The Skulls; A fog Version, an armoured version and a camouflage version.
      • All versions of The Skulls have health that slowly regenerates over time.
      • Like Quiet, they also have a negative reaction to water and rain.
      • You can fulton every type of Skull, leading to different rewards.
      • After being fultoned, The Skulls are kept on the quarantine strut of Motherbase.
      • Like Quiet, they have perfect vision during night time and you can them breathing if you listen aiming with one of thier sniper rifles.
      • Destroying the "fog version" Skulls' body parts rapidly reduce their health and resistance.
      • Fultoning the "armoured version" Skulls will reward with the player with parasite enhanced armour.
      • Fultoning the "camouflage version" Skulls leads to the creation of an item that grants the player 30 seconds on invisibility.
      • The "camouflage version"'s body parts can't be destroyed, so headshots are the most useful way to defeat these Skulls.

      • The "Man on Fire" is Volgin and he's being possessed by "The Third Child". You have to recover his body in Chapter 2.
      • Volgin is actually still alive at the end of MGS3, although he's in a coma and is clinically braindead.
      • His thirst for revenge against the real Big Boss is what kept him alive and this has literally turned him into a demon.
      • Russian doctors recover Volgin's body after the events of MGS3 and keep him alive for scientific preservation.
      • After Volgin's body is recovered in Chapter 2, his body is kept on the quarantine strut of Motherbase.
      • However, his body is eventually crushed by the ST-84 Metal Gear's loading platform.

      • THE SKULLS

        Fog Version - Missions 1 and 6.

        Armoured Version - Missions 16, 29 and (And 37, 42 on Extreme Difficulty Only).

        Camouflage Version - Missions 28 and 46.
      • QUIET

        Mission 11 (And 40 on Extreme Difficulty Only)
      • THE "MAN ON FIRE"

        Prologue and Mission 20
      • ELI

        Mission 23 (and Optional Mission 113).

        Missions 12 and 31 (And Mission 50 on Extreme Difficulty Only)

    The map from the guide also confirms that these are some of the music tapes that are collectable from different locations.

    These are in addition to some of the other music tapes that have already been confirmed:


  19. LilyTrinh

    LilyTrinh Superman là số một. DC bất diệt! GVN CHAMPION ♞ Blade Knight ♞ Lão Làng GVN

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    đang thắc mắc có khi nào kojima với del toro chơi thân với nhau là vì kojima xin del toro tư vấn để tạo con metal gear mới không , nhìn y chang con gypsy danger trong pacific rim X_X
  20. hungma147

    hungma147 Sora, Wielder of Keyblades Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cái đoạn dễ liên tưởng nhất là khúc con Metal Gear nó lôi cái kiếm ra quất 1 cái từ cong chuyển sang thẳng, y chang.
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